The Importance of Environmental Education for Children

Environmental issues are one of the major problems of today’s world. We’re living in an era where the Earth is jeopardized on different levels, and the efforts we’re putting in to change that don’t seem to be enough. We’re struggling with preserving our planet, and we need to address that issue over and over again. In addition, we need to be more active and involved in changing our behaviors in order to be environmentally conscious. Many people seem to forget that everything starts with an individual. You don’t have to be part of an environmental movement or organization in order … Continue reading

Top 15 High School Study Tips

The last thing you want to do when you get home is study. With the world waiting for you to log on and get the latest scoop and trend, it’s hard to take a break from the screen and focus on your homework. Experts caution that if you get in the habit of giving your screen most of your attention, you’ll most likely cram when it comes time for the exam. That’s never good, and you wind up getting behind. What if we told you that you have time to stay in the loop while getting your studying and homework … Continue reading

5 Reasons to Teach Children the Importance of Recycling

When you give children everything they want and need, it doesn’t take long for them to think resources are limitless. That the fuel for your car will always be available to take them to sports practice, and that even all those plastic containers they use don’t end up in the rubbish collection then the environment. Without education on finite resources and a suffering planet, children won’t make an effort to be more conscientious with how they live their life on this earth. As early as possible, it’s critical to start teaching children about the importance of recycling and living an … Continue reading

أفكار لمشاريع صديقة للبيئة لطلاب المدارس

كل يوم نقوم بقتل البيئة، ويلزم ان نرعاها وان نوقف قتلها. لهذا السبب تقوم بعض المدارس بتعليم الطلاب وتوعيتهم حول كيفية حماية طبيعتنا. هنالك العديد من المشاريع البيئية المبادرة لانقاذ الطبيعة، وهنا سنذكر عشرة أفكار لمشاريع صديقة للبيئة تستهدف طلاب المدارس ومن شأنها تعزيز مشاركتهم للإتجاه نحو  ” القطاع الأخضر”، وممكن أن يستفيد المعلمون من المعلومات الموجودة هاهنا لاستنباط بعض الافكار لنشاطاتهم. بداية نود أن نلفت انتباهكم لعوامل الخطر الرئيسية التي تؤثر بشكل سلبي على البيئة لنلقي نظرة على القائمة أدناه  – تغير المناخ الكوارث الطبيعية التلوث بجميع أشكاله إبادة الغطاء النباتي والحيواني إبادة الغابات القوانين والسياسات البيئية غير الفعالة … Continue reading

6 Ways Tutoring Can Help Your Child’s Confidence

When it comes to helping your child succeed in school, tutoring can be a huge help. But did you know that tutoring can also help boost your child’s confidence? In this blog post, we will discuss 8 ways that tutoring can help improve your child’s confidence. We will also provide some tips on how to choose the right tutor for your child! 1. When a child is struggling in school, it can be hard for them to feel confident School can be a tough place for kids who are struggling. They may feel like they’re not as smart as their … Continue reading

Top 7 Benefits of Environmental Education

Introducing environmental education to school going children is essential since it instills in them the values of conserving the environment. This enables them to make a difference both in their schools and in the communities around them. It also provides them with an opportunity to comprehensively understand the myriad of challenges facing the environment, with possible mitigation measures that could be employed to address them. There are numerous advantages of introducing environmental education into the learning systems in schools. Below are some of the key reasons why it is necessary to incorporate environmental education into the teaching curriculum: 1. Promotes … Continue reading

How Education Can Help in Tackling Global Warming?

Climate scientists are sure that humankind contributed to Global Warming. Increase in temperatures create a potential for rising sea level and reducing land surface on which people can live, undermining water and food security, ecosystems, infrastructure, and human health. Struggle for resources is likely to provoke armed conflicts and mass migration. Since this problem is aggravating very rapidly, actions should be taken to prevent or at least slow down further climate change and adapt to its effects. Local responses proved to be ineffective. Therefore, states should develop a complex of behavioral, institutional and technological approaches, mix different strategies, combine policies, … Continue reading

4 Ways For Students To Save The Environment

One of your jobs as a student is to be informed and updated with what’s happening in the world. One of the biggest issues the world has in the 21st century is pollution. Oceans are full of plastic. Because of global warming forests in Siberia and the Amazon are burning to ash. These are just a few signs that prove that the status of the environment is not a good one. The young generation has to protect what others could not. Fighting for a cleaner planet and a better world has never been so urgent like nowadays. If you’ve ever … Continue reading

Best Waste Reduction Programs for Students

It wouldn’t be a big of a surprise to tell that the waste reduction nowadays is more of a necessity rather than a voluntary facility. With a continuous rise of awareness over the need to reduce the amount of waste, students are expected to participate in the programs designed at their educational institutions. What’s clearly seen is that essay sources clearly underline the need in engaging students to become the parts of those green campaigns, aimed to make our plant a safer place for everyone. So, let’s review the following waste reduction programs for students, which have proven of being … Continue reading

10 Eco-Friendly Projects for School Students

We should take care of our ecology. We kill our nature every day and this tendency must be stopped. Many schools teach little schoolers on how to protect our nature. There are different ecological projects that are initiated to rescue nature. essay pro review has 10 eco-friendly project ideas for school students that will engage them in being “green”. Teachers may also find this information useful to generate more ideas. Firstly, we’d like to pay your attention to the main risk factors that negatively affect the environment. Take a look at the list below borrowed from online custom essay writing … Continue reading

الثقافة البديلة في التسوق: الاطفال يستجيبوب

الحملة الموجهة للارتقاء بثقافة التسوق وتحفيز المجتمع في تبني الثقافة البديلة في التسوق التي تبناها عدد من المجمعات التجارية ومؤسسات القطاع الخاص وبعض المؤسسات التجارية المعروفة دعما لجهود التحول الى الاكياس الصديقة للبيئة بعد القرار الذي صدر بمنع الاكياس غير القابلة للتحلل شدت اهتمام الاطفال ذلك ما لمسناه في مبادرة الطفلتين زينب وفاطمة علي عبدالحميد الشويخ بدفع والدهم شراء الاكياس الصديقة للبيئة. اهتمام الاطفال بالحملة مؤشر ايجابي وذلك ينبغي أخذه في الاعتبار وقراءة مؤثرات العوامل التي حفزت الاطفال في التفاعل مع مبادرة الثقافة البديلة في التسوق والتفكير في تبني الادوات التشويقية ذات الطابع الفني التي يمكن ان تساهم في تحفيز … Continue reading

Tips for Better Environmental Education

Education exists to prepare people for the world and for the future. Because of it, teaching students about the environment is essential for their personal development. We all depend on the environment, which makes it our obligation and our life purpose to sustain and improve it. This takes environmental education to a whole new level. This is why teachers bring nature into classrooms or teach their classes outdoor. Environmental education doesn’t cease when the classes end, but at least during formal education, it can be tailored to prepare and make students aware of the importance of environmental preservation. Benefits of … Continue reading