5 Top Benefits of Virtual Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is an essential part of life for many people but the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for them to find a physiotherapist clinic close to their homes. Some of the clinics are only seeing the urgent cases while other have closed their clinics either due to lockdown restrictions or the fear of spread of coronavirus. Virtual therapy has proven to be just as effective as an in-person physiotherapy session, thus becoming a blessing in disguise for millions of people suffering from chronic pain. During a digital therapy session, the therapist addresses the patient’s symptoms remotely through a video … Continue reading

Bridging the Gap: Empowering Farmers with Accessible Patented Technologies

Mixing cutting-edge technology with good old dirt-under-the-fingernails farming is one of the perfect ways to grow not just plants but the whole industry. We’re talking about bridging the big old gap between high-flying patented tech and the everyday heroes who feed us—our farmers. So, it is only natural for farm enthusiasts to look out for methods to sprinkle some innovation across those fields like it’s fertilizer for progress. The good news is that there are some super cool ways to implement tech upgrades in farming, and here are some of them. Sharing the Tech Wealth with Open Source Imagine if … Continue reading

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Sustainability

In recent years, the environmental issues have triggered debates, discussions, awareness programs and public outrage that have catapulted interest in new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence finds application in a wide array of environmental sectors, including natural resource conservation, wildlife protection, energy management, clean energy, waste management, pollution control and agriculture. Artificial Intelligence (also known as AI) is considered to be the biggest game-changer in the global economy. With its gradual increase in scope and application, it is estimated that by 2030, AI will contribute up to 15.7 trillion of the global economy which is more than the … Continue reading

Things You Should Know About Combined Heat and Power Systems

Combined Heat and Power (CHP), also know as cogeneration, is the simultaneous generation of multiple forms of useful energy (usually mechanical and thermal) in a single, integrated system. In conventional electricity generation systems, about 35% of the energy potential contained in the fuel is converted on average into electricity, whilst the rest is lost as waste heat. CHP systems uses both electricity and heat and therefore can achieve an efficiency of up to 90%, giving energy savings between 15-40% when compared with the separate production of electricity from conventional power stations and of heat from boilers. CHP systems consist of … Continue reading

Can Bitcoin Go Green One Day?

Many people who love to live off-grid or practice being self sufficient love the premise of cryptocurrency. It is perfectly aligned with the ethos of those who wish to unplug from the mainstream and do things their own way. Since cryptocurrency is decentralized and has no governing authority it seems like it should be a perfect fit for these types of people. Unfortunately, there is one glaring area which makes bitcoin and other cryptocurrency an anathema to those off-grid lifestylers. The price of Bitcoin is the key driver behind the environmental impact of the mining network. The mining of cryptocurrency … Continue reading

تبني الذكاء الاصطناعي من أجل مستقبل مستدام

يُتداول في الاونة الأخيرة مصطلح طنان بعالم التكنولوجيا، الا وهو الذكاء الاصطناعي AI ، وهو مصطلح يناقشه  الخبراء المؤيدين لاستخدامه ويؤكدون على أن الذكاء الاصطناعي سيلعب دوراً فعالاً للنهضة بالتنمية المستدامة والاستفادة في العديد من المجالات التي تسير نحو مفهوم الاستدامة إلى جانب الذكاء الاصطناعي. حيث سيعمل كلاهما على تعزيز الكفاءة وتحسين الموارد وتقليل الأخطاء البشرية. هدفنا بهذه المقالة هو إكتشاف التأثير المحتمل للذكاء الاصطناعي على التنمية المستدامة ومناقشة الطرق المختلفة التي يمكن للصناعات من خلالها الاستفادة من الحلول المعتمدة على الذكاء الاصطناعي. الزراعة الذكية يمكن للحلول المعتمدة على الذكاء الاصطناعي تحسّن السلوكات والممارسات الزراعية بشكل كبير،مما يؤدي إلى مستقبل … Continue reading

Embracing AI for a Sustainable Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword in the tech industry for quite some time now. Proponents argue that it has enormous potential to drive sustainable development while benefiting numerous industries in the process. The concept of sustainability goes hand in hand with AI, as both strive to enhance efficiency, optimize resources, and reduce human errors. This article aims to explore the potential impact of AI on sustainable development and discuss the various ways industries can benefit from AI-driven solutions. Smart Agriculture AI-driven solutions can significantly improve agricultural practices, leading to a more sustainable future for food production. These solutions … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Security Options for Your Entire Home

Exploring eco-friendly and sustainable security options for your home is more important than ever. As homeowners gradually move towards greener lifestyles, optimizing home security to align with these values becomes critical. Let’s delve into various eco-friendly ways to ensure your home remains safe and secure without putting a toll on the environment. Why Eco-Friendly? Switching to an eco-friendly home security system isn’t just about being environment-friendly. It also benefits you in several ways. For instance, many of these systems are significantly more energy-efficient, in turn reducing utility bills. Also, sustainable systems often use durable materials that offer longevity, meaning less … Continue reading

Ways to Improve EV Performance and Charging for Road Trips

Electric vehicles (EVs) are relatively new innovations that have taken off in the short time they’ve been around. They’re also having a major and ever-changing impact. They give off virtually no carbon emissions and offer a path for environmentalists and anyone concerned about energy policy and emissions to opt into. The battery of the vehicle is what makes these innovations possible. However, it’s important to properly address the charging and battery of the vehicle when driving long distances. Road trips, for instance, require the best planning to get the most out of an EV. The Right EV Performance When consumers … Continue reading

Waste-to-Energy Pathways

Waste-to-energy is the use of modern combustion and biological technologies to recover energy from urban wastes. The conversion of waste material to energy can proceed along three major pathways – thermochemical, biochemical and physicochemical. Thermochemical conversion, characterized by higher temperature and conversion rates, is best suited for lower moisture feedstock and is generally less selective for products. On the other hand, biochemical technologies are more suitable for wet wastes which are rich in organic matter. 1. Thermochemical Conversion of Waste The three principal methods of thermochemical conversion of MSW are combustion (in excess air), gasification (in reduced air), and pyrolysis (in … Continue reading

Saudi Arabia Biorefinery from Algae (SABA) Project

The King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology (KACST) is funding an innovative project called Saudi Arabia Biorefinery from Algae (SABA Project) to screen for lipid hyper-producers species in Saudi Arabia coastal waters. These species will be the basis for next-generation algal biofuel production. The goal of this project is to increase research and training in microalgae-based biofuel production as well algal biomass with an additional goal of using a biorefinery approach that could strongly enhance Saudi Arabia economy, society and environment within the next 10 years. The primary mission of the SABA project is to develop the Algae Based … Continue reading

The Significance of E-Waste Management

E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream, and its disposal is a major environmental concern in all parts of the world. More than 50 million tons of e-waste is generated every year with major fraction finding its way to landfills and dumpsites. E-waste comprises as much as 8% of the municipal solid waste stream in rich nations, such as those in GCC. Globally only 15 – 20 percent of e-waste is recycled while the rest is dumped into developing countries. However, in the Middle East, merely 5 percent of e-waste is sent to recycling facilities (which are located in Asia, … Continue reading