How Mindfulness Can Support Sustainability

Though the two may seem to lack connection, mindfulness and sustainability can actually go hand-in-hand. This may be especially true if you wish to adopt new sustainability practices or change various habits that affect the environment. So, how do they go together, and what can you do if you need help with mindfulness? About Mindfulness To understand how mindfulness can support sustainability, it may be helpful to first define mindfulness as a standalone concept. The American Psychological Association or APA dictionary describes and defines mindfulness as, “awareness of one’s internal states and surroundings.” Mindfulness is a common tool employed in … Continue reading

A Glance at Waste-Free Economy

Growth from trashing the planet was never a clever idea and linear economics has now reached the end of the line. The ‘more is better’ economy does not need to be stimulated to grow nor constrained from growing. It needs to be entirely replaced by ‘positive development’ in which markets work to automatically, systematically make things better both locally and globally. The folly of endless resources extraction, endlessly unmet human needs and endless waste dumping can end. Linear economics can be replaced by ‘circular economics’. Waste-Free Growth Model A switch towards waste-free economy would preserve and regenerate material value and … Continue reading

The Vital Role of the Environment in Inclusive Mental Health

Everyone in this world has a story. With diverse backgrounds and different privileges, we all have an abundance of factors that influence our well-being for better or for worse, and in both physical and mental wellness spaces, it’s important to keep these things in mind. One of those factors is the environment that we live in. So, how exactly does the environment play a role in inclusive mental health, and how can we bridge the gap for those disproportionately affected by environmental impacts? Defining Inclusivity First, let’s talk about inclusivity and discuss what it means for mental health. The definition … Continue reading

الفساد البيئي في نهج السلوك البشري والتنمية المستدامة

قصاصة ورقية عبارة عن مسودة معلومات تُوجز جوانب حدث بيئي مهم وتُبرز في مفاصل أحداثه جهود نشطاء البيئة في أحد بلداننا العربية يعود تاريخها إلى بداية عام 2001 وجدناها بين صفحات كتاب «الثروة الطبيعية للأمم» أثارت اهتمامنا إذ تضم بين سطورها معلومات قيّمة للنشاط الاجتماعي البيئي وتحدد محاور مهمة للبحث في قضية «الفساد البيئي» التي تعد من أكثر القضايا المهمة في علم البيئة الحديث لارتباطها بمشكلات استنزاف الثروات الطبيعية وتدهور المعالم الرئيسية للنظم البيئية. معلومات القصاصة الورقية تولي أهمية بالخبر الذي تداولته في ذلك التاريخ وكالات الأنباء العالمية بشأن إطلاق سراح مجموعة من المدافعين عن البيئة، حكم عليهم بالسجن لرفعهم شعار … Continue reading

Environmental Justice in the 21st Century: A Case Study

The world has changed a lot since the environmental justice movement first began, and while we’ve made progress in some areas, we still face many of the same struggles. The environmental justice movement asserts that everyone has the right to equal environmental protection. It also promotes equal access to the decision-making processes that affect having a healthy environment. While we’ve made some strides towards these goals, but certain groups, including people of color and low-income people, are still disproportionately affected by poor environmental conditions and hazards. Warren County’s Quest for Environmental Justice Warren County, North Carolina is often referred to … Continue reading

التسامح هدف سامي

تطوي البشرية ببزوغ فجر اليوم الاول من عام 2022 صفحة عام مليء بالمآسي، المآسي التي صنعتها النفوس الشريرة وعم بسببها الدمار في البقاع المختلفة من العالم وتدهور بفعلها النظام البيئي لكوكب الارض بيتنا المشترك، وخسرت البشرية بسببها مقوماتها الاقتصادية والمعيشية، وتوسعت قاعدة اللاجئين وجيش الفقراء والمعوزيين، ودفع ذلك الواقع العقول الحكيمة في رفع قامة دعوتها لتبني الحكمة كموروث انساني في معالجة الخلافات بين الجماعات والمجتمع البشري، وثقافة التسامح القيمة الانسانية التي يمكن الاحتكام الى قيمها وعقيدتها وهي القيمة الكفيلة في جعل المجتمعات تعيش في أمان وسكينة. التعايش بين المخلوقات صفة تتميز بها الكائنات الحية في محيطها الكوني، وهي أكثر رقيا … Continue reading

Muslims and the Environment: A Mischance

The detachment of the modern-day man from the environment can be attributed to the desacralization of nature, and the modernist destitution of the inner state of the soul which, according to the scholar Seyyed Hossein Nasr in ‘Man and Nature’, accounts for the phenomenon of the ‘prostitution of nature’: “For modern man, nature has become like a prostitute ─to be benefited from without any sense of obligation and responsibility toward her.” Eradication of Natural World Mankind has surrounded itself with square walls and barren concrete structures for the sake of creating this artificial industrial world. Its constant need to feed … Continue reading

Humanizing Architecture – Through the Eyes of Abeer Seikaly

Through the jasmine-scented roads of L’weibdeh (Jordan) I navigated my way to Abeer Seikaly’s studio, an old house that resembles Jordan’s genuine and inspiring identity. Abeer Seikaly is a young Jordanian architect who has been featured on several global and local media platforms because of her innovation “Weaving a Home” that was shortlisted for the 2012 Lexus Design Award. Influence of Education and Local Knowledge Top architecture schools in the Arab world are heavily influenced by international trends in built environment and sustainability, and unfortunately Arabic reference material is largely ignored in teaching. The emerging thinking around built environment and its relationship … Continue reading

Water Resource Management in GCC – Issues and Challenges

GCC countries are suffering from a huge deficit in their water resources reaching more than 20 billion cubic meter, being met mainly by an intensive over-drafting of renewable and non-renewable groundwater resources for the agricultural sector, and by the extensive installation of highly expensive desalination plants for the municipal sector, and by reusing a small percentage of treated wastewater in the agricultural and municipal sector. Furthermore, conflict between the agricultural and domestic sectors on the limited water resources in the region are rising, and as a result, groundwater over-exploitation and mining is expected to continue in order to meet growing … Continue reading

Environment as a Peace-Building Tool

The world is changing demographically, economically, politically and environmentally. The acquisition of natural resources, such as water, can be viewed as a threat to the international security. Severe environmental degradation can deepen regional divisions and trigger social conflicts for communities that depend on these resources for their livelihoods and fulfillment of basic needs. Moreover, the environment itself can be dramatically affected by such conflicts. The unprecedented demand for natural resources is fuelling ethnic conflicts, causing large-scale displacement and is a severe threat to the lands, livelihoods and the way of life of indigenous people. Infact, many of the bloodiest conflicts … Continue reading

The City of Nouakchott – Perspectives and Challenges

Nouakchott, capital city of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, is the biggest city in the Sahara region. Like other major cities worldwide, the city is plagued by environmental, social and economic challenges. Sewage disposal network, dating back to 1960’s is no longer sufficient for Nouakchott. The country is heavily dependent on fossil fuels and woody biomass for meeting energy requirements, though there is good potential of solar, wind and biomass energy. Solid waste management is becoming a major headache for city planners. Population is increasing at a tremendous pace which is putting tremendous strain on meager civic resources. Making of … Continue reading

Paris Agreement: Role of Effective Climate Governance Framework

While many consider that history was made as industrialized and developing countries jointly agreed on the same climate policy framework for the first time ever; others alert that the Paris Agreement is only as good as its implementation plans and review mechanisms. Nevertheless, the Paris Agreement and the process around it demonstrate an exemplary model for global climate governance and climate policy advocacy. The question now is whether such international governance breakthrough could trickle down to the national and local levels across the globe. Countries and regions are challenged to move forward with the implementation leveraging the high momentum and … Continue reading