الرسالة الإعلاميّة: الأداة المستدامة لِلتّغْيِيْر

الإعلام رسالة وينبغي أن تكون للرسالة الإعلامية كلمتها الصادقة، ومن الطبيعي أن تكون للكلمة الصادقة فعلها في التغيير المستدام للمشاريع التربوية والثقافية وبناء المسؤوليات والقيم الاجتماعية والسلوك الإنساني الرصين في معالجة القضايا بمختلف منحدراتها ومنعطفاتها وعلاقتها بواقع حياة المجتمع البشري على البسيطة. هنا يمكن الإشارة إلى أَنّ المعالجات الإعلامية التي يتولى صناعتها الإعلاميون الذين يتميزون بالكفاءة المهنية ويمتلكون الدراية المطلوبة للقضايا المعاصرة والذين يتميزون بكفاءة في توصيف واقع القضايا وانعكاساتها الاجتماعية ومتطلبات مخرجاتها التي تضع المؤشرات الإيجابية في معالجة القضايا بمختلف تجلياتها على واقع الحياة الاجتماعية وتقديم نموذج إيجابي يسهم في بناء المخرجات التي تؤسس لِوَاقِعٍ مستدام للحياة الاجتماعية ذلك … Continue reading

Key Drivers for a Greener Built Environment in the Middle East

The drivers for a greener built environment in the Middle East are essentially economic in nature. Green and energy-efficient buildings are getting traction in the region due to increasing energy prices and the need for energy efficient and affordable energy solutions and practices within the construction sector. Large real estate developers find in this a new marketing and PR tool that contributes to their bottom line and to demonstrating their commitment to sustainable development goals and environmental responsibility. From the supply side, suppliers and service providers find new business opportunities in this market transformation and this has become a driver … Continue reading

All You Need to Know About Sustainability in the Supply Chain

The sustainability industry, in recent years, has evolved to include almost all areas of business processes. Due to the dramatic strides sustainability has made and its holistic nature, it is understandable that the two most apparent areas, the environment and society, would receive much of our attention.  There has been a lack of concern for the area of the economy and alignment with business needs.  Moreover, it has not been used enough as a mechanism to enhance the supply chain or product value. Lately, business leaders are learning to see substantial benefits and profitability beyond “green initiatives” by giving back time … Continue reading

The Need for Sustainability Communication in the Middle East

Environmental and sustainability awareness has been around in the society for quite some time now; and buzzwords like ‘ecofriendly’, ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’ seem to be omnipresent. In spite of the proliferation of these eco-buzzwords, the state of sustainability communications remains poor and lacking in authenticity. This poor state of sustainable communication, aided by insufficient focus on authenticity, further allows unscrupulous organizations to ‘green wash’ their business or products. The ‘greenwashing’, coupled with a lack of environmental knowledge on the consumer side engenders confused consumers who either despise any of the green eco-buzzwords or blindly accept green-washing as true sustainability. Currently, sustainability … Continue reading

أحسن تدابير لتوفير الطاقة

الطلب المتزايد على الطاقة يضيف إلى الضغط على احتياطيات الطاقة المحدودة لكوكبنا. هذا يؤدي إلى استنزاف سريع لهذه الموارد ، مما يجعل المرء يفكر في مسألة خطيرة – إذا استمر هذا ، كيف سيكون مستقبلنا؟ ليس بالضرورة أن تكون الصورة قاتمة. على الرغم من صحة هذا ، إلا أنه لا يمكننا عكس الضرر الذي ألحق بالفعل ، ولكن يمكننا بالتأكيد اتخاذ موقف لتحسين الأمور. يمكنك توفير الطاقة إما عن طريق إجراء تعديلات صغيرة على عاداتك اليومية أو عن طريق إجراء تحسينات واسعة في بنية المنزل وفي داخله. في هذه العملية ، لن توفر الكثير من المال فحسب ، بل ستحمي … Continue reading

Climate Change Impacts in MENA

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is known for being one of the hottest places on Earth, and highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. In an IPCC special report on regional climate change, models projected that average temperatures in the region will increase by 1-2˚C by 2030-2050. Decision makers and citizens in all 21 countries realize that they are faced with an immediate need to reshape energy, agriculture, water and environmental policy to adapt to changing climate conditions. Steep Rise in Temperature Satellite data provided by Climate Engine from 1979 to present shows the mean max (average maximum) temperatures … Continue reading

A Message on World Water Day

Water is the major driving force of sustainable development. World Water Day aims to increase people’s awareness of the water’s importance in all aspects of life and focus on its judicious use and sustainable management. In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly designated 22 March as the first World Water Day (WWD). Since then the WWD is celebrated to draw wider public attention to the importance of water for mankind. Globally the day is celebrated to focus attention on water conservation, carrying out appropriate concrete measures and implementing the UN recommendations at individual, local and national level. WWD is a global day … Continue reading