The Significance of Domestic Water Conservation

The Middle East region is plagued by water scarcity and water management issues. Despite heavy investment in the water sector, water management remains a serious economic and environmental issue throughout the region. Overconsumption of water is a serious issue as per capita use of water in most of the Middle Eastern countries is several times more water than the global average. For example, on an average each UAE and Saudi Arabian resident consume 550 liters and 250 liters of water per day respectively. On the other hand, per capita water consumption in United Kingdom and Germany is 150 liters and … Continue reading

حماية البيئة هدف إستراتيجي في رؤية السعودية 2030

لعقود مضت وصمت أنماط الإستهلاك السائدة آنذاك بغير المستدامة (الإستهلاك المفرط في إنتاج وإستهلاك السلع والخدمات على حساب الإستنزاف الجائر للموارد الطبيعية و حقوق الأجيال القادمة)، فقد فرضت التحولات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية و البيئية ضغطا على الدول لإعتماد أنظمة تنموية وإقتصادية حديثة تراعي تحقيق التوازن بين الحفاظ على الموارد الطبيعية و تعزيز النمو الاقتصادي على نحو مستدام. ولذلك تعمل المملكة العربية السعودية في تشكيل سياساتها على النحو الذي يحمي ثروتها النفطية، ويحسن من كفاءة إستهلاكها للطاقة ويدعم إستخدم المزيج الأمثل للطاقة الذي يشمل الإستفادة من الموارد الطبيعية المتجددة (تذكر الرؤيا إمكانية السعودية في توليد الطاقة من الطاقة الشمسية وطاقة الرياح بحوالي … Continue reading

الفكر البيئي

قبل ان يعي الإنسان ضرورة حماية الموارد الطبيعية، ويدرك أهمية صونها للحفاظ على بقائه، تركت الظروف الطبيعية أثرها على الإنسان، وحفزته في التفكر والتأمل في واقع الظروف البيئية، وبدأ الانسان في مرحلة ما عرف بالعصر البدائي، يمعن التفكير في توفير متطلبات البقاء، وأدرك في سياق ذلك أهمية الموارد في تأمين إستمراية بقائه، ما يتحتم عليه ضرورة العمل على صون الموارد الطبيعية، وإعتبارها ثروة معيشية وحياتية، وإبتكار الوسائل التي تحكم علاقة الجماعات البشرية التي كانت تعيش ضمن محيط بيئي واحد، ومنطقة جغرافية محددة التي تقطنها تلك الجماعات، في تنظيم عملية إستغلال الموارد لضمان بقائها، هنا بدأت البوادر الأولية في تكون مرتكزات … Continue reading

Water Scarcity in MENA

The MENA region is the most water scarce region of the world. The region is home to 6.3 percent of world’s population but has access to measly 1.4 percent of the world’s renewable fresh water. The average water availability per person in other geographical regions is about 7,000 m3/year, whereas water availability is merely 1,200 m3/person/year in the MENA region. The region has the highest per capita rates of freshwater extraction in the world (804 m3/year) and currently exploits over 75 percent of its renewable water resources. Due to burgeoning population and rapid economic growth, the per capita water availability … Continue reading

Climate Change Mitigation in Tunisia: Challenges and Progress

Climate change has become a reality in Tunisia, which is struggling to cope with the problems of desertification, water scarcity and the degradation of natural resources. Despite its limited carbon footprint, the risks of climate change may be high. The fourth Arab country to have published its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, Tunisia has put climate change on the top of its political and economic agenda. It is also the first country in the region to include in its new Constitution recognition of climate change: “A sound and balanced environment while contributing to … Continue reading

Corporate Shared Value: Trends in the Corporate World

What if businesses could both make money and do good through the same actions? Businesses leaders who subscribe to the idea of corporate shared value believe they can. Many proponents even say it redefines and revitalizes capitalism. Michael Porter, a professor at Harvard Business School, and Mark Kramer, managing director of the global social impact consulting firm FSG, kicked off the corporate shared value trend in 2011 with an article in Harvard Business Review. Corporate Shared Value (or Shared Value) is a new generation business thinking which enhances the competitive position of the company while at the same time advances … Continue reading

How to Make Hunting Better for the Environment

Being environmentally-conscious and adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle is definitely a growing trend that is rapidly spreading across various layers of our society. A lot of the modern hunters are people who embrace an eco-friendly way of living just as much as they are interested in hunting. Therefore, it’s important to understand whether hunting can be eco-friendly and what steps need to be taken. The question of environmentally-conscious hunting is complex. On the one hand, it is about improving current regulations and making certain changes that will have a positive impact on nature and the future of our planet. On the … Continue reading

A Guide to Sustainable Engineering Practices

As humanity faces an array of environmental challenges, from climate change to resource depletion, sustainable engineering emerges as a pivotal field dedicated to devising solutions that meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. This discipline integrates principles of environmental science with engineering to develop efficient, durable, and economical solutions, minimizing the ecological footprint of human activities. Sustainable engineering addresses a broad spectrum of environmental challenges. It plays a crucial role in combating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in managing waste to prevent pollution, in conserving water and energy, and in protecting ecosystems … Continue reading

How To Maintain An Eco-Friendly Golf Course

Creating eco-friendly golf courses is not only a step towards preserving our planet but also a way to enhance the golfing experience by integrating the game with its natural surroundings.  As golf courses are known for their extensive use of land, water, and chemicals, the shift towards eco-friendly practices is essential for the sport’s sustainability. This comprehensive guide outlines the essentials of maintaining an eco-friendly golf course, drawing upon the latest insights and strategies from industry leaders. Golf Course Essentials The key to a successful eco-friendly golf course lies in understanding and implementing practices that minimize environmental impact while maintaining, … Continue reading

Flood Risk Assessment Report 101: Balancing Safety And Sustainability In Building Planning

Flood risk assessment reports (FRARs) are crucial—evaluating potential flood hazards to promote safety through informed mitigation strategies. However, these reports’ environmental impacts are often overlooked in the urgency to protect property and lives. This article explores integrating sustainability alongside safety within the FRAR framework by utilizing natural flood defenses, eco-conscious materials and design, and life-cycle impact analysis. A balanced approach allows communities to implement flood protection solutions while preserving the surrounding environment for generations. Understanding Flood Risk Before diving into the specifics of a flood risk assessment report, it’s essential to understand the various factors that contribute to flood risk. … Continue reading

Innovative Trends Increase Appeal Of Sustainable Housing

Over recent years, an increasing number of people have become interested in learning to live more sustainably. Although it is considerably more difficult for an individual to preserve the environment than it is for a large company, there are a number of ways in which a difference can be made. One of the most effective ways is through sustainable homeownership. While this most certainly does involve implementing sustainable practices on a daily basis, there are several sustainable home design trends that can boost the level of sustainability of a house even more. From implementing passive housing to sourcing building materials and … Continue reading

Sustainability Perspectives for Amman

Is Amman a sustainable city? No, it is not. That isn’t a very surprising statement if you’ve ever lived in or visited Amman. By all means, it’s a beautiful city, with plenty to offer visitors and residents alike. It is a diverse city with a wide range of experiences to offer between East and West Amman or Downtown to Abdoun. The fact remains however that it is not a very sustainable city. We as residents are not being kind to the city we call home. When I look at Amman I happen to see all the things I like, but also all … Continue reading