إدارة المخلفات الطبية في دول الشرق الأوسط

قطاع الرعاية الصحية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط ينمو بوتيرة سريعة جدا، الأمر الذي أدى بدوره إلى زيادة هائلة في كمية النفايات الطبية في المستشفيات والعيادات والمؤسسات الأخرى. وفقا للتقرير الصادر من وزارةا لشئون البيئة المصرية، مصر انتجت 28,300 طن من النفايات الطبية الخطرة في عام 2010. وفي منطقة الخليج، يتم انتاج أكثر من 150 طن من النفايات الطبية والمملكة العربية السعودية وحدها تنتج نصف هذة الكمية تقريبا. هذه الأرقام تدل على حجم المشكلة التي تواجهها السلطات البلدية في التعامل مع مشكلة التخلص من النفايات الطبية في جميع أنحاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط.

حجم المشكلة

الكمية المتزايدة من النفايات الطبية زادة من التحديات البيئية والصحية في المدن الرئيسية في المنطقة. وتفاقم الوضع لعدة أسباب منها استخدام طرق غير لائقة للتخلص من هذا النوع من النفايات، قلة في التكنولوجيا المستخدمة، وعدم وجود أبحاث في مجال إدارة النفايات الطبية. الإدارة غير السليمة للنفايات الطبية من المستشفيات والعيادات وغيرها من المرافق في منطقة الشرق الأوسط تؤدي لزيادة المخاطر في الصحة المهنية والعامة للمرضى والعاملين في القطاعات الصحية وإدارة النفايات الطبية وناقليها وعامة الناس. حتي انها قد تؤدي أيضا إلى تلوث الهواء والماء والتربة والتي قد تؤثر على جميع أشكال الحياة. والأهم من ذلك، إذا لم يتم التخلص من النفايات بشكل صحيح، قد تٌجمع المعدات الطبية (وخاصة الحقن) من قبل العابثين بالمخلفات وإعادة بيعها والذي قد يسبب في كثير من الأمراض الخطيرة.

طرق إدارة النفايات الطبية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط تقتصر على الحرق على نطاق صغير أو الدفن. ممارسة دفن النفايات الطبية هي مصدر قلق بالغ لأنه تشكل مخاطر كبيرة على الصحة العامة والموارد المائية وخصوبة التربة وكذلك جودة الهواء. في العديد من دول الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، يتم خلط النفايات الطبية مع النفايات البلدية الصلبة و / أو النفايات الصناعية التي تحول النفايات الطبية إلى مزيج من المواد الخطرة.

سياسة “من” المطروحة عام 2004 في تفاقية استكهولم، شددت على ضرورة النظر في المخاطر المرتبطة بحرق نفايات الرعاية الصحية لأنها تنتج كثير من الملوثات التي قد تشمل الجسيمات الصغيرة، والمعادن الثقيلة، والغازات الحمضية، أول أكسيد الكربون والمركبات العضوية. في بعض الأحيان الجراثيم قد توجد في المخلفات الصلبة وعوادم المحارق السيئة التصميم والمدارة بشكل سيء. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، المركبات العضوية القابلة للترشح، مثل الديوكسين ، وعادة ما تكون موجودة في بقايا الرماد السفلي. 
ونظرا لهذه العوامل، فإن العديد من البلدان الصناعية تتخلص تدريجيا من محارق الأدوات الطبية لاستكشاف التقنيات التي لا تنتج أي ديوكسين. ودول مثل الولايات المتحدة وايرلندا والبرتغال وكندا وألمانيا اغلقت بشكل كامل أو وضعت حظر على محارق النفايات الطبية

التقنيات الواعدة
التقنيات البديلة لمعالجة النفايات الطبية هي التعقيم بالبخار والتعقيم بالبخار المتقدم، والعلاج بالموجات الدقيقة(الميكرويف)، التعقيم الحراري الجاف، والتحلل القلوية، والمعالجة البيولوجية. في الوقت الحاضر، التعقيم بالبخار هو أسلوب العلاج البديل الأكثر شيوعا. أجهزة التعقيم المتقدمة أو تقنيات معالجة البخار المتقدمة تجمع بين التعقيم بالبخار مع الشفط، والخلط الداخلي أو الجزئي، التقطيع الداخلي، والتجفيف، والضغط مما يؤدي إلى تقليص الحجم الى 90٪..

العلاج الموجات الدقيقة هي تقنية واعدة حيث يكن ذلك عن طريق إدخال الحرارة الرطبة والبخار الناتج عن طاقة الميكروويف. العلاج القلوية هو عملية كيميائية فريدة حيث انها تستخدم مادة قلويه حارة لهضم الانسجة البشرية، والنفايات الجرثومية وقطع التشريح، العمليات البيولوجية المستخدمة في صناعة السماد يمكن أيضا أن تٌستخدم للتخلص من المواد العضوية في النفايات الطبية مثل مخلفات المشيمة.



صخر فهد الهذلي- مهندس كيميائي.  جدة، المملكه العربيه السعوديه

Living Room Furniture Options That Are Environmentally-Friendly

As of October 2017, the United States Green Building Council reported there were more than 370,000 green homes in the United States. Although green homes made up just five percent of all homes in 2005, the percentage significantly rose to 23% of all American residences in 2017. We’ve come a long way in going green in a short time.

However, there is much more that we can do to make our home more environmentally friendly. While green activists focus on issues such as solar energy and recycled plastic, we have an often overlooked additional opportunity to make our homes green. It is called living room furniture options that are environmentally-friendly. We are not talking about specific types of furniture, but how we can use living room furniture to enhance the environment.

Use What You Got

Sustainability is an eco-friendly term that is frequently misunderstood. In easy to understand terms, sustainability is minimizing the use of natural resources. No other living room strategy has more of a positive impact on sustainability that using other types of materials to design and construct new pieces of furniture. Here are some living room furniture sustainability ideas:

  • Use large jars to design lampshades
  • Build shelves with thick, sturdy cardboard
  • Construct a chair out of books
  • Make a gorgeous coffee table from old tree stump

The last idea offers a two for one benefit, as you use less wood for making a chair and you do not need wood to create a bookshelf. You have a large number of resources available online to help you come up with living room furniture sustainability ideas.

When Old is New

Purchasing new furniture can not only be expensive, it also produces a larger carbon footprint than if you decide to go with used furniture. The stigma of owning so-called hand me down furniture quickly fades when guests to your home understand you are making an eco-friendly statement for your living room furniture options. Here are a few sources of old furniture that you can turn into new living room furniture:

  • Parents
  • Friends
  • Siblings
  • Professional peers

When anyone you know chooses to downsize into a smaller home, the chances are good he or she does not need to move all of the current furniture to the new home. This means you not only might find a bargain; you might also benefit from receiving an older piece of furniture for free. There are also shops and boutiques offering used furniture at affordable prices.

Make Your Own Furniture

Anyone that has a background in woodworking-even a novice-can harness to together a piece of furniture from the oak, pine, cedar, or mahogany wood sitting unused nearby in a woods or a forest. Large furniture manufacturers waste a lot of resources because of the massive amount of materials the companies process to construct new furniture.

If your woodworking skills are not up to par, picking up a few tips online and/or from a couple of woodworking books should be enough information to help you get the ball rolling on an environmentally-friendly living room furniture design project.

Go Green with Coatings and Adhesives

It is not just the materials used to create furniture that determines the level of eco friendliness. You also have to consider the coatings and adhesives used to roll out the finished product.

The key is to avoid leeching harmful chemicals into the environment, which is the primary objective of an exterior coating service that finishes both walls and furniture. Moreover, an exterior coating service will make sure you do not have to repeatedly coat the same pieces of furniture.

Feng Shui the Living Room

Implementing the mindfulness philosophy of Feng Shui can change the energy flow of a room from overly hyperactive to a soothing ambiance that puts everyone at ease.

So, how does Feng Shui create furniture options that are environmentally-friendly? The answer is by using the same principle of mindfulness to create a less busy looking and feeling room.

Less is More

At the heart of Feng Shui and eco-friendly living room furniture options is the concept of clutter free. Many Feng Shui experts recommend addressing clutter in the mind, as well as clutter in the nearby living environment.

There is not a chance of achieving Feng Shui in a living room cluttered with unnecessary pieces of furniture. Use the term streamline or whatever term works best for you, but remember that a clutter free living room is an effective way to reduce your carbon footprint.

Let There Be Light!

Poor lighting is the biggest obstacle to achieving Feng Shui in the living room. Installing overhead and task lighting can turn a once stale looking living room into a vibrant place to entertain guests. A bright artificial lighting system can also make fewer of pieces of furniture shine.

With fewer pieces of furniture, you have addressed the important issue of depleting finite natural resources. In addition to artificial light sources, you can really make a room hum Feng Shui by opening up the shades and inviting the sun in for an extended stay. Sunlight produces an airy, welcoming ambiance in a room that requires fewer pieces of furniture to come together aesthetically.

Balance of Colors and Shapes

The more is not the merrier for living room furniture mantra comes into play when discussing the importance of establishing Feng Shui. By focusing on achieving design balance in colors and shapes, you quickly realize that a few pieces of furniture are no longer a good fit for the highest traffic area of your home.

For example, adding several pieces of blue furniture contrasts poorly with the look of all pink walls. Achieving the highest level of Feng Shui involves balancing the colors and shapes of every piece of living room furniture. The furniture that does not work for Feng Shui balance can be donated to an organization that gives furniture away to people that need it most.

One more thing about using living room furniture options that are environmentally friendly. Wood is not the only material that requires sustainability monitoring. You also have to consider the environmental impact of using furniture that is manufactured by processing precious metals.

Recommended Resource: Benefits of Using Eco-friendly Wood Products

5 Tips For Making Your Business Operations Sustainable

The Earth’s condition is getting much worse than in previous decades; weather patterns are changing, temperatures are rising, the ozone layer is depleting, and polar ice caps are melting. Thus, the call for sustainable operations has become a high-level priority for many businesses.

Implementing sustainability in business operations offers many benefits. Aside from having a good conscience from observing environmentally-friendly practices, many people may also appreciate the goodness you’re spreading by producing long-lasting, eco-friendly, and recyclable goods. They’ll support your business, purchase your products, and help your brand grow.

How to Make Your Business Operations Sustainable

On top of that, going sustainable also helps you minimize your carbon footprint, electricity consumption, and water usage. And with this, you’ll be able to save a significant amount of money that you can use for more essential business processes to reach your goals in no time.

To help you get started in transforming and making your business operations more sustainable and eco-friendlier, below are some tips and tricks you can consider:

1. Use Environmental Health Software

In today’s digital landscape, there’s a software application for almost everything you need, including an app that can help you grow your business sustainably.

An environmental health safety software, for instance. It’s an application designed to help organizations comply effectively with different rules and regulations for a sustainable operation. It’s cost-efficient, generally easy to set up, and has 24/7 customer support in case there are problems while using it.

Here are some important features you can use:

  • Measuring Sustainability: This feature allows you to check how sustainable your business is based on different key performance indicators. It provides insight that allows you to track your progress and identify unsustainable potholes in your system.
  • Industrial Hygiene Management: This feature focuses on preventing potential hazards that can put your employees at risk and mitigating them for a safe and healthy workplace.
  • Environmental Management: This feature can help you monitor water usage and waste production. Also, it can keep you on track with your sustainability metrics and ensure that you comply with different requirements.

Furthermore, the software is mobile-friendly. You can check the status of your program to see if you’re on top of your goals wherever you are.

2. Check Your HVAC Units

Are you having problems with your energy consumption? Does your bill increase constantly every month? If this is the case, you might want to checkup your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units. They might be the reason for your overwhelming electrical charges.

The first thing to do is evaluate the age of your HVAC system. If it’s been there with you for more than 15 years, it’d be best to replace it with a new one. Old HVAC units are known to consume more energy than new ones. Higher energy consumption means less sustainable operations.


Also, new HVAC models require less energy to operate. On top of that, they’re more efficient and quieter than the older models. So, don’t hesitate to replace your decade-old HVAC systems to achieve a more sustainable business environment.

3. Improve Your Lighting

Another simple trick to help reduce your energy consumption is to replace your light bulbs with newer and energy-efficient LED (light-emitting diode) types. Compared to traditional incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs, these light sources may help you significantly save energy.

While LED light bulbs are generally more expensive than non-LED types, they can help you save more in the long run. And with that, they’re still the better option when it comes to lighting fixtures.

On top of that, LED light bulbs also have a longer shelf life of up to ten years, based on normal usage. Therefore, switching to LED light bulbs may not only save you from costly energy consumption but also on maintenance fees.

4. Reduce Water Consumption

Water is an important resource for everyday use. However, the water supply across the world continues to become scarce. That’s why it’s crucial to do your part in saving water and reducing water waste in all aspects of your business operations.


Also, don’t forget to conduct different audits and routine checkups to determine any leakages under your pipelines. Check all the facilities where water runs, including toilet rooms and faucets. This can help you prevent wasting water unnecessarily and the drastic increase in your water bills.

Furthermore, if you have extra funds, you may build a small water treatment facility to treat and reuse wastewater and help the world preserve its natural water resources.

5. Go Paperless

Perhaps, this tip is one of the simplest and easiest ways to make your business operations sustainable. By implementing a paperless approach in the workplace, you can significantly help trim down paper usage and the need to purchase additional stacks of papers for business needs.

This tip is relatively easy, considering how most businesses are now shifting to digital platforms such as using email for faxing in the cloud when conducting transactions and sharing documents. You can also encourage your team members to skip printing documents for signatures, especially since there are various e-signature applications available today.

Final Words

Sustainable business operations are a top priority for most businesses. These allow them to save more on expenses and billings and help preserve the environment.

As a good starting point, you may embrace and implement the tips discussed above- conduct regular audits and check to identify potential problems in your HVAC system, upgrade your light bulbs into LEDs, reduce water consumption, and switch to paperless business transactions. Furthermore, use the environmental health safety software to help you keep track of your status regarding your sustainable practices and improve what needs to be improved.

Smart Ways To Dispose Of Rubbish In London

Lately, London streets are full of uncollected waste spilling over from bin bags wheelie bins and, plastic recycling containers. Removing waste from our homes can be complicated at times, so it helps to know the greatest way to dispose of it.  Waste clearance can be a timewasting and costly affair if not done right and apart from that is important to end this process in an eco-friendly manner. There are some ways to take this stress out of your life so we’re here to highpoint some of the best options available to you.

sustainable waste management for homeowners

Try to produce less waste

The best way to get rid of garbage is to try and produce less. By decreasing the amount of waste your produce will save a big pain later doubting what to do with it. Before you know where to reduce home waste, you will need to discover where it is coming from. There are some ways of doing this, but first, you must be aware of the different types of household waste. Some of the types of rubbish that homeowners produce include e-waste, hazardous material waste, organic waste, and chemical waste.

Recycle or Reuse

If it is possible to stop producing waste another smart way for proper rubbish removal is to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Try to recycle as many products as you can. Around 75% of all the waste is recyclable. People generally have no idea about which materials can be recycled and how to properly recycle those materials. Click here to know more about recyclable products.

Organize your waste

Another smart way for proper and eco-friendly rubbish removal is organizing your waste.  The reason why your waste should be separated is that different types of household waste need to be disposed of in different ways. The best way to organize waste is to separate the recyclable items and the non-recyclable items. To do that you can place two bins in your home and throw each waste in the right place.

Skip bins services

Skip bins are brought to your house and you load your rubbish into them yourself. They can be effective when a recognized quantity of non-toxic waste is produced and there are no forbidden items to dispose of. But, sometimes it is difficult to order the right size of the skip, and owners mix rubbish without considering the rules for toxic waste. With skip bins, stacking rubbish can be heavy work and you also have to clean up yourself after that. Besides, skip bins can irritate the neighbors.

ways to remove rubbish in London

Rubbish removal service

A rubbish removal service is one of the smartest ways for rubbish disposal. The company team will come to your house and remove all types of waste no matter how large, disordered, or poisonous they are, and make all the areas clean and tidy before they leave. They will always make sure that the garbage is recycled properly.

Understanding Carbon Footprint

With rising awareness of global warming and effects of emissions on the environment, corporates and individuals alike are rising to tackle environmental issues. Carbon footprinting, the first step to reduce carbon emissions, is the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused directly or indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product. The main reason for calculating a carbon footprint is to inform decisions on how to reduce the climate change impact of a company, service or product. Carbon footprints are measured by undertaking a greenhouse gas assessment. Once the size of a carbon footprint is known, a strategy can be devised to reduce it.

Why Carbon Footprint?

Growing public awareness about climate change and global warming has resulted in an increasing interest in ‘carbon footprinting’. The global community now recognizes the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate climate change. The most popular methods to reduce carbon footprint include use of alternative energy, reforestation, waste reduction and energy efficiency. Population, economic output, primary energy mix and carbon intensity are the major parameters in determining the carbon footprint of a particular country.

Carbon footprint is the foremost indicator of environmental responsibility and helps to identify climate impacts and lower them cost-effectively by strategic and operative planning, constructing a climate policy, environmental reporting etc. In addition, carbon footprint promotes positive, environmentally conscious company image and can boost the marketing of an organization and its products.

Types of Carbon Footprint

There are different types of carbon footprint, e.g. for organisations, individuals, products, services, and events.  Different types of carbon footprint have different methods and boundaries. The various approaches and types of greenhouse gas assessment are discussed below.

  • Product Carbon Footprint is suited for organizations which have distinct products and services. It delivers a view of GHG emissions specific to a single product or service. This can then be scaled up to the entire organization. Product Carbon Footprint can be assessed to capture either business-to-business view (cradle-to-gate) or business-to-consumer view (cradle-to-grave).
  • Corporate Carbon Footprint is suited for organisations wishing to take an overview of the carbon footprint of the entire organization. The process starts off by identifying the business goals for the GHG inventory, setting up suitable organizational boundaries, selecting an appropriate baseline period; data collection and finally preparing plan for data quality management.
  • Value-Chain Carbon Footprint includes activities associated with the product or services of an organization over entire value chain.  This accounts for emissions arising from raw material procurement to the end of product life. Value-chain carbon footprint provides an aggregate view of all the products and services of the company.

Carbon Footprint in the Middle East

The world’s dependence on Middle East energy resources has caused the region to have some of the largest carbon footprints per capita worldwide. Oil and gas industry, electricity production, transportation, industrial heating and air-conditioning are responsible for most of the carbon emissions from the region. Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia figure among the world’s top-10 per capita carbon emitters. Infact, carbon emissions from Qatar are approximately 50 tons per capita, which is more than double the US per capita footprint of 19 tons per year. 

القيم الرمضانية – السلوك البيئي محوراً

القيمة الأخلاقية للقيم الرمضانية في العلاقة مع النظم البيئية المحور الذي جرى تسليط الضوء على بعده في بناء الثقافة الرشيدة في المفاهيم البيئية للمجتمع، في المحاضرة التي قدمناها في مجلس سعيد تقي الرمضاني بتاريخ الثلاثاء 14 مايو 2019 ضمن برنامج المجالس الرمضانية البيئية الذي تنظمه بلدية المنطقة الشمالية.


السلوك كقيمة أخلاقية في منظومة القيم الرمضانية، من المحاور المهمة في المحاضرة، ويمثل موضوع حيوي يشير الى ثوابت الاخلاق كقيمة وضرورة في بناء مسؤولية الفرد والمجتمع في الالتزام بالممارسات السديدة والرشيدة مع ما يحيط بهما من معالم طبيعية ومع من يتقاسمون معهم خصوصية ذلك المحيط، ويدخل في هذا السياق الأحياء بمختلف انواعها، والمجتمع الذي يعيش في وسط ذلك المحيط، ويمثل الانسان العنصر الرئيس في هذه المنظومة الى جانب التنوع الاحيائي والنباتي المصدر الحيوي لمعيشة وحياة الانسان، هنا يمكن القول ان القيمة الاخلاقية للسلوك في جوهر القيم الرمضانية تنطلق من المقومات التي تؤكد ضرورة تجنب الممارسات المسيئة بمختلف اشكالها، والابتعاد عن الممارسات المؤذية وذات الأثر السلبي على المصالح في بعدها الشامل ،‏وتبني الثقافة المسؤولة في صون حقوق ومصالح الفئات التي تعيش في محيطك البيئي.

ان المرتكزات والمؤشرات المشار اليها تنقلنا الى واقع آخر وتؤكد على ضرورة مقاربة ذلك مع محددات مهمة لتبين واقعية القيم الرمضانية في الممارسة العملية للسلوك الفردي والاجتماعي وتتمثل في السلوك غير الرشيد في العلاقة مع النظم البيئية المتمثلة في الاسراف والتبذير في شراء الموارد، والبهرجة في تنظيم الولائم الرمضانية، والاستغلال غير الرشيد للموارد البيئية، وتدمير الموائل والثروات البحرية، ورمي المخلفات المنزلية في الطرقات وعلى السواحل وفي الامكان العامة، والتعدي على الحق البيئي للمجتمع، والتسبب في زيادة مستوى المخلفات العضوية الناجمة من المخلفات الغذائية الفائضة عن الحاجة، واطلاق الانبعاثات الضارة بالبيئة وصحة الانسان، وزيادة الاعباء المالية في عملية التخلص من المخلفات.

الآثار السلبية للسلوك غير الرشيد على الوقع البيئي والمعيشي والصحي للمجتمع ظاهرة ملموسة وتتمثل في تلويث المحيط البيئي للانسان، وتدهور الموارد البيئية المصدر الحيوي لمعيشة الانسان، و‏الاخلال بالتوازن البيئي والتسبب في الاخلال بالامن البيئي للانسان، والتسبب في الاضرار بالمصالح الصحية والمعيشية للمجتمع، وذلك في حاجة الى تبين القيمة الأخلاقية للسلوك الرشيد في معادلة صون معالم النظم البيئية، وتتمثل تلك القيمة في الالتزام بالقيم الرمضانية المرتكز على ثوابت المسؤولية التي تمثل جوهر القيم الاخلاقية وهي الضمانة الاكيدة في صون معالم النظم البيئية ويبرز ذلك في الجهود الموجهة لتحسين الممارسات البشرية في استغلال الموارد البيئية، و‏الانشطة الموجهة لتعديل المفاهيم غير الرشيد في العلاقة مع المعالم البيئية، و‏اعداد الدراسات المؤسسة علمياً المرتكزة على المعايير البيئية في تنفيد المشاريع التي تراعي وتصون المصالح البيئية للانسان.

ان معالجة الخلل في مفاهيم السلوك البيئي للمجتمع يتطلب بناء ثقافة السلوك الاخلاقي في العلاقة معالم النظام البيئي، ‏والانسان بطببعته يميل الى تبني المنهج الذي يوفر له الظروف الملائمة للمعيشة الآمنة، لذلك ينبذ الممارسات التي تتسبب في الاخلال بأمنه البيئي والحياتي، هنا يمكن الاشارة الى عنصران رئيسان مختلفان في مضمونهما وطبيعتهما ويمثلان مدخلاً لبناء ثقافة السلوك الاخلاقي في العلاقة مع معالم النظام البيئي وتتمثل تلك العناصر في المخاطر وحالات القلق التي يعيشها الانسان بفعل التدهور البيئي، ‏والمنافع التي يجنيها الانسان الصحية والمعيشية نتيجة الالتزام بقيم العلاقة الرشيدة مع معالم النظام البيئي.

زبدة القول تقويم السلوك الاجتماعي في العلاقة مع معالم النظام البيئي تشير الى ضرورة توفر الأدوات التي يمكن ان تساهم في تغيير مفاهيم العلاقة مع النظم البيئية ونرى انها تتمثل في المنبر الديني، والمنبر الاعلامي، والتربية المدرسية بالتوافق مع التربية الاسرية،     والمؤسسات الاهلية، والمسؤولية الادارية والقانونية، والرقابة وفرض المخالفات، وتلك الادوات تمثل منظومة متداخلة المهام والوظائف، وفي حالة إعتمادها والأخذ بها يمكن إحداث تحول نوعي في المفاهيم البيئية للمجتمع وتحسين السلوك الاجتماعي في العلاقة مع النظام البيئي.

Waste-to-Energy Potential in Saudi Arabia

WastetoEnergy-SaudiArabiaThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been grappling with the problem of solid waste in recent years. Around 15 million tons of municipal solid waste is generated in the country each year with per capita average of 1.4 kg per day. Depending on the population density and urban activities of that area, the major ingredients of Saudi Arabian MSW are food waste (40-51 %), paper (12-28 %), cardboard (7 %), plastics (5-17 %), glass (3-5 %), wood (2-8 %), textile (2-6 %), metals (2-8 %) etc.

Due to high population growth rate, (3.4% per annum), rapid urbanization (1.5% per annum) and fast economic development (3.5% yearly GDP rate), the generation rate of MSW is expected to reach 30 million tons per year by 2033. Waste management issues in Saudi Arabia are not only related to water, but also to land, air and the marine resources. The sustainable integrated solid waste management (ISWM) is still at the infancy level in the oil-rich kingdom

In Saudi Arabia, MSW is collected and sent to landfills or dumpsites after partial segregation and recycling. The major portion of collected waste is ends up in landfills untreated. Recycling of metals and cardboard is the main waste management practice in Saudi Arabia, which covers 10-15% of the total waste and usually carried out by the informal sector.

The landfill requirement in KSA is very high, about 28 million m3 per year. The problems of leachate, waste sludge, and methane and odor emissions are occurring in the landfills and its surrounding areas due to mostly non-sanitary or un-engineered landfills. However, in many cities the plans of new sanitary landfills are in place, or even they are being built by municipalities with capturing facilities of methane and leachate.

Waste-to-Energy provides the cost-effective and eco-friendly solutions to both energy demand and MSW disposal problems in Saudi Arabia. The choice of conversion technology depends on the type and quantity of waste (waste characterization), capital and operational cost, labor skill requirements, end-uses of products, geographical location and infrastructure.

Several waste to energy technologies such as pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion (AD), trans-esterification, fermentation, gasification, incineration, etc. have been developed. As per conservative estimates, electricity potential of 3 TWh per year can be generated, if all of the KSA food waste is utilized in biogas plants. Similarly, 1 and 1.6 TWh per year electricity can be generated if all the plastics and other mixed waste (i.e. paper, cardboard, wood, textile, leather, etc.) of KSA are processed in the pyrolysis, and refuse derived fuel (RDF) technologies respectively.

The current SWM activities of KSA require a sustainable and integrated approach with implementation of waste segregation at source, waste recycling, waste-to-energy and value-added product recovery. By 2032, Saudi government is aiming to generate about half of its energy requirements (about 72 GW) from renewable sources such as solar, nuclear, wind, geothermal and waste-to-energy systems.

Diaphragm Valve – Types, Functions and Applications

A diaphragm valve is a type of valve which uses a diaphragm component to control the flow of fluid. A diaphragm is a pressure-responsive component and it is used to provide forces need to open, close or regulate fluid flow. This valve is designed to use an elastic membrane to separate fluid flow from the closing part. Diaphragm valve manufacturer produce different varieties of diaphragm valves among other types of valves. Diaphragm valves are either automatic or manual valves.

what is a diaphragm valve

How does a diaphragm valve work?

Diaphragm valve employs the pinching method to control the flow of fluid through these valves. The diaphragm is connected to a compressor. The compressor is then connected to the valve stem. To increase fluid flow, the stem is moved upward. As such, the compressor moves further upwards and transmits its motion to the diaphragm. This makes the diaphragm move upwards. When the diaphragm moves up, it results in increased fluid flow. To close or lower fluid flow, the stem is rotated to move downwards. The downward movement of the stem transmits its motion to the compressor which then presses the diaphragm downwards and it then closes or reduces fluid flow as needed.

how does a diaphragm valve work

Types of diaphragm valves

1. Weir diaphragm valve

This is a diaphragm valve suitable for small and zero leakage fluid flow control. Diaphragm valve manufacturers produce this valve with an inclined body to enhance the self-draining feature. This type of valve is recommended for use in hazardous or corrosive fluids because the bonnet is designed to control leakage or diaphragm failure.

2. Straight-way diaphragm valve

This valve is also known as an in-line diaphragm valve. This valve is designed with a straight pathway, unlike the weir type valve. This is one of the main characteristics used to distinguish between straight-way and weir-type valves. The diaphragm used in this type of valve is more flexible. Due to the diaphragm being more flexible, the valve life service is shorter relative to that of weir type valve. This type of valve is used in different applications such as water sludge, viscous fluids, and other applications that are prone to clogging.

Other types of diaphragm valves are:

  • Process diaphragm valve.
  • Automatic diaphragm valve
  • Diaphragm solenoid valve.
  • Sanitary diaphragm valve.
  • Shut-off diaphragm valve.
  • Zero-static diaphragm valve.
  • Manually actuated diaphragm valve among others.

Factors to consider when purchasing or selecting a diaphragm valve

1. Type of media

There are different types of diaphragm valves based on material type, application, and size. Some of these valves are best suited for corrosive and abrasive media while others are best for non-abrasive media depending on the material used to make that valve. As such, it is good to consult valve experts or the diaphragm valve manufacturer to advise on the best type of valve for that application.

2. Actuation method

Diaphragm valves operate using either manual handwheel or actuators. There are different actuators used diaphragm valves. Each of these actuators has unique advantages and disadvantages. These actuators are electric, pneumatic, and hydraulic actuators.

3. Applications conditions

These valves are meant for different fluid flow rates, temperatures, and pressure. It is very important to know the conditions of the application to help the in selecting the most economical and effective diaphragm valve for the intended application.

Applications of NTGD diaphragm valves

  • These valves are used in water supply systems.
  • They are used in pharmaceutical applications.
  • Diaphragm valves are used in clean and dirty applications. Consult experts to know if that particular valve is suitable for the clean or dirty application.
  • They are suitable for use in corrosive media.
  • These valves are used in the food and beverages industries.

التصدي لأثار التغيرات المناخية بالمغرب

يبدو أن الرجوع إلى فترة ما قبل الثورة الصناعية سيصبح شيئا حتميا لا مناص منه ان نحن أردنا أن ننقذ أنفسنا و أرضنا من عواقب الأزمات البيئية بسبب ما يسمى بالتغيرات المناخية. و لقد فطنت و تيقنت العديد من الدول إلى هذا الخطر الداهم و من بينهم المغرب الذي انخرط في مساعي الحد من التأثيرات المناخية بشكل ملحوظ رسميا و فعليا من خلال عدة مشاريع وطنية كمخططات المغرب الأخضر للنهوض بالقطاع ألفلاحي و سياسات النجاعة الطاقية كمشاريع إنتاج الطاقات المتجددة.

و قد أصبح البلد بهذا رائدا في هذا المجال عربيا و إفريقيا. و تتجسد هذه الريادة كذلك من خلال استضافة مؤتمرات دولية كان آخرها مؤتمر قمة الأطراف كوب 22 . و لا يعتبر عزم المغرب على الخروج من التبعية الطاقية السبب الوحيد لإتباع سياسات النجاعة الطاقية و لكن لان المغرب كذلك مهدد بعواقب التغيرات المناخية السلبية كفترات الجفاف التي تضرب المناطق الجنوبية بالأخص مما يؤثر على محدودية المياه هناك و اجتياح الفيضانات لمناطق أخرى بسبب التساقطات المطرية و الثلجية المركزة في الزمان و المكان وصولا إلى تضرر بعض المناطق الأخرى كذلك من تسوناميات و أعاصير صغيرة كالتي ضربت الواجهة الأطلسية للمغرب في السنوات الأخيرة.

وناهيك عن الأضرار المادية و البشرية التي قد تسببها تأثيرات التغيرات المناخية فان عدم الاستقرار الاجتماعي و الأمني لبلد كالمغرب لا سمح الله به قد تؤدي عدم الاستقرار في مناطق أخرى خاصة أوروبا و كذلك الدول الإفريقية و العربية بتأثير اقل و من هنا إذن تبنى المغرب سياسة استباقية مستقبلية للتصدي للمشاكل التي قد نتعرض لها جميعا.

A solar-powered mosque in Tadmamet, a village south of Marrakesh.

إن ما قد يزيد من التوجه الرسمي للدولة المغربية إزاء محاولة التصدي لتأثيرات التغيرات المناخية و ترسيخ مخططات الطاقة النظيفة و المحافظة على البيئة هو ان ينخرط الأفراد أنفسهم لكي نرى هذه الرؤى و التوجهات مجسدة في الحياة اليومية و الفردية للمواطنين , وهو شيء يظهر انه مازال بعيد المنال لأني أرى اشخصا يتعاملون مع الموارد الطبيعية كالطاقة و الماء و كأنهم من عالم أخر لم يسمعوا فيه أبدا بالمحافظة على البيئة بل و نجد هذا حتى في أماكن المفروط أن تعلم هذه القيم كالمؤسسات التعليمية و المساجد التي لطالما رأيت العديد منها يضيع الكهرباء و الماء دون أي اكتراث لا بالوازع الأخلاقي و لا الديني.

قد تجد عائلة هنا أو هناك تستعمل الآلات الالكترونية طوال اليوم كان يبقى التلفاز مثلا مشغلا اليوم كله دون أن يكون متفرج واحد أمامه ا وان تقتصد عائلة أخرى على استعمال الكهرباء ليس بسبب إحساسها البيئي و إنما فقط لتخفيض الفاتورة. و يبقى إذن التحسيس و التربية البيئيتين أمرا ملحا  و ذو أولوية مهمة للتصدي الفعلي لمخاطر التغيرات المناخية بالمغرب.

How To Enjoy Luxurious Living Without Harming The Environment

They say that money cannot buy everything. However, it can buy quite a lot. It is suggested that all wealth is vanity; however, there is so much to admire about the lifestyle of the world’s billionaires and millionaires. From flying across the globe in expensive private jets, driving swanky cars, owning mansions all over the world, dining at the most luxurious hotels to wearing luxury brands; the rich people’s lifestyle is simply glamorous. It is the dream of many to afford that kind of lifestyle.

Here is an interesting fact: According to economic research, the eight richest individuals in the world control as much wealth as the bottom half of the world’s population. The amount of resources and assets they have accumulated over their lifetime can finance half of the entire world. So much are we engrossed about being super rich that we forget the impact of the rich luxurious life on the earth. On the flip side of all that glamour, luxurious living has dealt a heavy blow to our environment. The rich lifestyle is basically all about eating life on a big spoon.

However, the carbon footprint that results from extravagant living is extremely large. If everyone in the world was that rich, it means that mother nature would not be in be able to sustain the world’s population. Scientific studies have indicated that in the United States of America, the top 10% people have six times as much impact as the bottom half of the entire country’s population on the environment. That is just an indication of how the rich are enemies of mother nature. But how exactly is this possible?

Let us take a deeper look at it and see how the negative impact can be reduced.


The rich travel in private jets and own fleets of high fuel consumption vehicles. The amount of greenhouse gases such as carbon (iv) oxide emitted by such vehicles is simply too much. A private jet emits more than one hundred times as much waste carbon gas as one car.

If you come to think about it, it does not make sense for one individual to own hundreds of personal cars. They probably never even use some of them. All this does is increase the carbon footprint since a lot of natural resources are used to satisfy the demand of one individual. The worst part of it is that these resources go to waste since the individual does not fully utilize the manufactured products.

To curb this kind of wastage, the rich should embrace public means of transport. If they have to fly, they can fly first class instead of acquiring their own planes which simply contribute more to environmental degradation. It may not be that luxurious, but it does serve the purpose. There is no point of owning so many cars yet only a few are enough to suffice.


The rich are obsessed about owning mansions. Which is why billionaires own dozens of houses spread across states and counties. You wouldn’t be surprised if I told you that they probably haven’t spent a single night in some of those houses. You must be wondering how building houses is harmful to the environment. Well, construction is responsible for 41% of the total energy consumption in the world today. Almost three quarters of the electricity produced globally is used to run buildings, especially homes.

If you are a rich person who is just building a mansion for prestige, you are simply wasting a lot of energy that could have been put to better use. The process of extraction of building materials from their natural state is not environmental friendly. It involves excavation that destroys scenery and manufacturing processes whose emissions negatively impact the ecosystem. You don’t really have to own house that you barely utilize at your every travel destination.


For the love of the environment, sleep in a hotel prestigious enough to carter for your needs. You don’t have to overstretch the major natural resources in the environment. If you have to construct a house, engage environmental experts who will advice you on green construction designs. For example, you may use a wooden gate, instead of a metal gate to protect your residential property.

Also Read: How to Choose Eco-friendly Hotel Lighting


Most rich peoples homes are never complete without recreational amenities such as swimming pools, water porches and hot water tubs. Such amenities waste a lot of water and land. For most of them, you need a continuous flow of water in and out of the reservoir. Many rich people have no contingency on how to minimize water wastage by recycling because they simply don’t care.

Temporal water recreation facilities such as inflatable tubs are more economical and environmental friendly. According to Linton’s In The Garden, inflatable tubs are just as effective as the regular ceramic tubs but more eco-friendly. There are a few other rather absurd recreational activities that the rich take part in. A good example is game hunting. The idea of killing animals for the fun of it simply breaks my heart. It leads to decreased population of certain species and hence tipping the scales of ecological balance.

All this is not to turn a blind eye on the efforts some of the rich people put in positively impacting the society. It is worth acknowledging that a number of influential people have channeled funds to sponsor environmental conservation programs all over the world. This is definitely a positive gesture that should be appreciated.

It is, however, a wake up call that such environmental conservation efforts are completely worthless if our way of life is harmful to the environment. This can be likened to robbing with one hand and donating with the other. It would also be in bad faith to insinuate that the poor and the middle class people do not contribute to the degradation of the environment. Those little acts we do whether intentionally or subconsciously such as littering also aid in pollution.

With particular attention to the rich in the society, you should know that living happily does not necessarily include extravagance. By now you probably have a picture of the adverse effects of extravagance to the environment. It is important that billionaires also adopt ways of living; such that if everyone in the world lived in that way, the planet would still sustain us.

Knife Gate Valve – Types, Functions and Applications

This is a type of gate valve which uses a knife gate. This type of valve is suitable for use in slurries and viscous media since the knife gate can cut through such slurries or highly viscous fluids. The design of this valve helps to reduce contact between valve components. As such, there is minimal wear and tear between various components. Knife gate valve manufacturer design these valves for on and off fluid applications. These valves are not suitable for use in throttling applications. These valves can be automatic or they can be operated manually using the valve handwheel. Knife gate valve are made of different materials. The body is always made of strong metallic materials such as stainless steel, carbon steel, and ductile iron.

what is knife gate valve

How does a knife gate valve work?

A knife gate valve works by using a component known as gate. The work of the gate is to close and open fluid flow. The gate gets its power to close and open from the valve actuator or handwheel via the stem. The stem is connected to the valve actuator or the valve handwheel.

To open the valve, the handwheel is rotated in the anticlockwise direction. This rotation of the handwheel makes the stem also rotate in the same direction. The stem has threads that are used to enhance the rotary motion. As the stem rotates, it moves linearly upwards which causes the gate to move upwards leaving space for the fluid to flow through the valve. To close the valve, the handwheel is rotated in the clockwise direction.

As such, the stem rotates in the same direction as it moves downwards. This downward movement of the stem makes the gate also move down until it closes the valve completely.

working of knife gate valve

Types of knife gate valves

1. Through conduit knife gate valve

This is a valve that has high fugitive emissions. This type of valve is suitable for use in applications where there are scales that aid in preventing fluid leakage. This type of valve is designed with two seats and top and bottom gland packing.

2. Hopper shape knife gate valve

This is a valve that has a hopper component at the top. This valve is suitable for handling bulk media. Hopper shape knife gate valve manufacturers design this valve for use in applications such as mining, food, and chemical industries. This valve has the seat positioned in the reverse to prevent seat wear, and valve blockage as well as make it easy to close.

3. Rising stem knife gate valve

This is a knife gate valve in which the stem rises above the handwheel when the valve is being opened. When the valve is closed, the stem moves downwards. This type of valve is convenient to the valve operator as it is easy to know when the valve is closed or when it is opened. However, this type of valve occupies a lot of space and it is recommended for use in applications where space is not limited.

4. Non-rising stem knife gate valve

This is a knife gate valve in which the stem does not rise above the handwheel when the valve is opened. This type of valve is designed with an indicator that helps to know when the valve is closed or is opened. This valve is suitable for use where space is limited since it does not occupy a lot of space like the rising stem type.

Applications of knife gate valves

  • Mining applications.
  • Chemical industries.
  • Pharmaceuticals applications.
  • Foods and beverages.
  • Hydrocarbon applications.

Advantages of knife gate valves

  • These valves are versatile.
  • They are durable.
  • They have a low-pressure drop.
  • They are light in weight.
  • They are free from fluid leakage.

Disadvantages of knife gate valves

  • These valves do not close easily like a ball or globe valves.
  • They are not suitable for use in throttling fluid flow.

Non-Slam Check Valves – Types, Functions and Applications

Non-slam check valves are check valves used to prevent reverse fluid flow. Also, these valves are meant to eliminate or reduce water hammer and their associated effects. A water hammer is a high-pressure shock wave that happens when the fluid flow stops abruptly because of a pump or valve closing quickly in a piping system. When water hammer happens, the fluid flow reversal causes high stress on the piping system which endangers its structural integrity and may cause damage or rupture. Non-slam check valves are used to prevent water hammers and ensure fluid flows in one direction only. Non slam check valve manufacturer produce this valve without handle or actuator but it works mechanically to stop the fluid flow from reversing.

This type of valve uses pressure difference to close and open fluid flow. When the pressure is low, the valve disc closes automatically. When the inlet pressure is high, the disc opens fluid flow. This type of valve is very important in not only preventing water hammers but also preventing damage to the piping system such as pumps and boilers due to reverse flow. In addition, this valve prevents fluid contamination such as in fresh water applications.

what is non-slam check valve

How does a non-slam check valve work?

A non slam check valve works based on differential pressure. When the upstream pressure is high, it provides enough pressure energy that is used to open the valve disc. The disc is supported by the use of a spring. As such, the pressure energy compresses the disc to open. When the disc opens, fluid flows through the valve from the inlet to the outlet port and finally to the piping system. The valve closes when fluid pressure reduces.

The fluid pressure reduces for example, when the pump is closed. As such, fluid attempts to reverse flow direction because upstream pressure is lower than the downstream pressure. In the instance the fluid attempts to reverse, the valve disc closes immediately due to the low-pressure drop.

Types of non-slam check valve

1. Metallic seated non-slam check valve

This is a non-slam check valve that is meant for use in high-pressure and high-temperature applications. This type of check valve has its seat made of metallic materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel, ductile iron, brass, and bronze among other materials. These materials are used to make which makes it suitable for high temperature applications. In addition, metallic seats have high strength which helps to enhance high strength against high pressure. Such valves are resistant to corrosive products.

2. Soft-seated non-slam check valve

This is a check valve in which the seat is made of soft materials such as rubber or plastic. However, the valve body is made of strong metallic materials to ensure the valve is strong against high pressure and impact damage. These materials have low melting temperatures and thus are recommended for use in temperatures below 60oC. These materials have low strength and thus they can work well in medium and low-pressure applications. Also, soft seated non-slam check valves are used in corrosive applications because they are highly resistant to corrosion relative to their metallic seated counterparts.

working of non-slam check valve

Applications of non-slam check valves

  • Non-slam check valves are used in chemical industries.
  • These valves are used in the foods and beverages industries.
  • They are used in pharmaceutical applications.
  • These valves are used to prevent the backflow of water or steam in boiler applications.
  • They are used to prevent water contamination in the freshwater supply.
  • These valves are used in the oil and gas industries.
  • They are used in wastewater treatment.

Advantages of non-slam check valves

  • Non-slam check valves prevent water hammers from occurring.
  • These valves have a low-pressure drop.
  • These valves can maintain the required fluid pressure.
  • They do not allow reverse fluid flow.
  • These valves can be installed in vertical or horizontal orientation.
  • They are automatic valves.
  • These valves are cheaper relative to other valves.
  • They are versatile and durable.

Disadvantages of non-slam check valves

  • Non-slam check valves allow fluid flow in one direction only.
  • These valves cannot be inspected while in operation.