Hazardous Waste Management in Qatar: Progress and Challenges

A country with an abundance of raw materials, cheap labor, and a rising demand for energy, Qatar needed to diversify its industrial sector in the 1970s. From then onwards, the use of fertilizers, petrochemicals, and gas liquefaction plants have grown exponentially. The magnitude of hazardous waste and the pollution to be produced from different streams have not been thoroughly considered, but Qatar has taken serious steps to implement commitments for sustainable development by passing laws and treaties, such as law No.4 in 1981 issuing safeguards and providing requirements for the protection of the environment, and by signing onto treaties such as the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and Their Disposal.

The Growing Threat

A nation with one of the highest per capita generations of waste at 1.6 kg – four times that of Hong Kong – is a party to the Basel Convention. Qatar is mindful of the growing threat the increased generation of waste and complexity of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes pose to human health and the environment. At the moment, Qatar has not exported hazardous waste and manages hazardous waste within its boundaries through incineration, recycling, recovery, and storage at its respective Q-Chem facilities.

All waste generated in Qatar requires the approval of respective city authorities and the concurrence of the Ministry. As a result, both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are managed in accordance with appropriate environmental guidelines and industrial cleaning services operating with high-end safety and environmental standards.

Hazardous Wastes in Qatar

Hazardous waste is commonly associated with biomedical waste, but the national definition of hazardous waste in Qatar, in accordance with the Basel Convention, includes any waste that is harmful to human health or the environment. In other words, if waste exhibits characteristics as being explosive, flammable, toxic, or corrosive, it falls under the scope of hazardous waste. Hazardous waste is usually produced in small amounts in households and in comparatively larger amounts in commercial and industrial services when transforming raw materials into usable products. According to the Mesaieed Treatment Facility and the Ras Laffan Plant, for incineration or treatment, hazardous waste is most commonly generated at administrative buildings, fire stations, security buildings, and laboratories.

Hazardous Waste Management

Waste is first characterized as either hazardous, non-hazardous, or inert. Hazardous waste includes waste water treatment plant (WWTP) sludge, hydrocarbon filters, incinerator ash, contaminated soils, and chemicals etc. The waste is then collected in color coordinated drums where yellow drums indicate hazardous waste. They are later collected from the plant site and sent to an authorized waste treatment authority such as the Mesaieed Industrial City’s Treatment Facility, Boom Waste Treatment, or Al Haya, to be treated, stabilized, recycled, or incinerated. If not, the wastes are properly secured and stored in labelled containers until re-use, destruction or ultimate disposal.

According to the Ministry of Developmental Planning and Statistics, Qatar is currently disposing 50% of collected hazardous waste at landfills and recycling 34%, and the remaining 16% was used for other purposes such as restoring. The recycling process involves changing the characteristics of hazardous waste into a less dangerous waste for careful handling and interim storage.

Hazardous waste treatment facility at Ras Laffan

Although there is currently no specific procedure for identifying hazardous waste in Qatar, the Q-Chem facilities have adopted the Environmental Guidelines provided by the Ministry of Municipality and Environment in addition to following the United States’ Environmental Protection Agency procedures. Mandatory weekly inspections are conducted at all hazardous waste storage facilities and all findings are required to be documented and kept in records.

The process from the waste generation to the storage inventory are compiled monthly and reported on a quarterly basis. The summaries include records on the amounts of main waste types generated, incinerated, recycled, landfilled, and helps to identify changes in the classification of wastes or the generation of new types of waste.

Progress on the Ground

Qatar is currently working on banning the use of toxic chemicals where substitutes are present, inviting the monitoring of pesticide use to seek for room to cut down, and instituting a system of industrial inspection for the storage of hazardous waste chemicals in efforts to reduce the potential possibility of accidents. Efforts are being made on minimizing the generation of toxic wastes through engineering improvements and other techniques whilst also developing infrastructure for the disposal of expired chemicals and pesticides.

Qatar’s plans are consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 and the Qatar National Vision 2030 aiming to transform Qatar into a developed country of achieving sustainable development and providing a promising life for future generations. Qatar is working on developing plans to conduct job security analyses to minimize the manual handling of hazardous waste by laborers. Qatar is consistently working with the other GCC countries and United Nations agencies such as the International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC) in the exchange of knowledge on the use of toxic chemicals, their appropriate disposal and precautionary methods.

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems: Benefits and Opportunities

With changing weather patterns of frequent and intense rainfall, regions in the Middle East are struggling to cope with the influx of rain and stormwater runoff that often flood roads and residential areas. While a good network of surface drainage systems enforced with concrete, pipes and manholes may alleviate the situation, city planners can now adopt the use of more sustainable and environmentally beneficial methods to decrease urban flooding in the Middle East. This technique of utilising natural drainage systems to improve water management is also referred to as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).

Different types of SuDS: Detention ponds, green roofs, permeable pavements and trenches (clockwise from top left)

As seen in the above figure, SuDS involve varied forms of drainage systems, usually classified into four categories – storage, infiltration, conveyance systems and permeable surfaces. For instance, detention ponds and trenches are used to collect and store runoff and gradually infiltrate into the soil and groundwater.

Similarly, permeable pavements are used to decrease runoff by providing increased surface area for absorption and infiltration. Green roofs used atop commercial buildings store water through infiltration but also provides additional benefits such as cooling the building and increasing biodiversity of the area.


The benefits of implementing sustainable urban drainage systems can be categorised into water quantity, quality, amenity and biodiversity. Different types of SuDS are usually used in combination to take maximise the physical and ecological benefits.

In terms of water quantity, SuDS can be used in conjunction with current drainage systems to lower stormflow. This can be done through retrofitting which includes disconnection of roof water runoff to pipelines and instead connected to green roofs or other permeable surfaces.

SuDS have also been effective in tackling pollution from non-point sources, thus improving the water quality. For instance, studies suggest that the use of grass swales has been effective in absorbing pollutants such as PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) that have more affinity towards soil, and as such reduces the pollutant levels in stormwater runoff.

Furthermore, the implementation of green roofs not only helps mitigate stormwater flow but also encourages urban biodiversity through growing pollinator friendly flora. The use of permeable pavements and other infiltration surfaces help to recharge groundwater with clean stormwater that would have been naturally filtered as it passes through these gravel structures. Additional benefits of SUDS include improvement of air quality and increase in recreational spaces for communities.

Limitations and Opportunities for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

However, one of the major limitations for sustainable urban drainage systems is their need for large surface areas especially in cities where open space is an expensive and decreasing resource. As such, studies suggest combining both green and grey infrastructures such that the SUDS are retrofitted into the current urban structures. These not only reduce the overflow into receiving waters but also facilitate the use of sustainable systems within urban structures.

In addition, for regions in the Middle East with lower amounts of annual rainfall, it will be challenging and expensive to maintain these natural drainage systems, that will require water and land resources to keep it thriving.

Moreover, while the use of SuDS allows for pollutant absorption, the amount of these pollutants within soils could be detrimental to microorganisms and may also infiltrate into the groundwater causing drastic effects. As such, regions in the Middle East will have to conduct further research into the types of endemic vegetation for SuDS that can withstand both harsh climates and pollutants in the Middle East whilst also acting as storage units in case of sudden rainfall events.

Irrigation Systems in the United Arab Emirates

Driving down the streets of Dubai, one cannot ignore the large puddles of water that cover the side of the streets and sidewalks. These puddles, which are the result of attempted irrigation of green patches and plants, are a big waste. As a result, a very important question comes to mind: Does the UAE have that much water to spare?

Water in the UAE is in very short supply. The United Arab Emirates is one of the top 10 most water-scarce countries in the world, and has one of the highest per capita water usages globally. With 550 liters per person per day, a UAE resident consumes more than double the global national average of 250 liters per person per day.


Why do people use this wasteful method? Simple: it’s the cheapest and fastest way to irrigate the plants, or it may seem so. Although the upfront costs are cheaper, there’s a large hidden cost of water that underlies the use of conventional irrigation methods in United Arab Emirates. There are a number of problems concerning spray irrigation but the most important is its inefficiency.

When using spray irrigation (sprinkler systems) in a country as arid as the UAE, 60% of the water evaporates before it is absorbed by the plants. As a result, only 40% of the water intended for irrigation is used, which itself is not evenly distributed. This lack of uneven distribution coupled with the decrease in the amount of water used is detrimental to the plants’ health.

However, as awareness about water scarcity increases, more efficient methods are being used. Drip irrigation is one of the methods being used as an alternative to spray irrigation. Drip irrigation consists of perforated tubes placed along the floor, or buried near the roots of plants, which deposit water directly to the plant roots. The result is not only a drastic decrease in the amount of water evaporated, but also uses 25% less water than spray irrigation systems.

A second method being used in the UAE is an irrigation system consisting of gravel and pipes 60cm below the surface. Before anything is planted, the plot is excavated and lined with a water-proof tarp followed by layers of gravel and dirt placed around a half pipe. The pipe is drilled at strategic areas in order to let water flow through but sand and soil stay out. This method only requires 2.5 litres of water in order to maintain a plot which usually requires 10 to 12 litres.

Also Read: Can the UAE Implement a More Localised Food System


Drip irrigation is the most water-efficient method of irrigation for arid areas

Some are quite simple and you can take action immediately:

  1. Adjust sprinklers so only the grass and plants are watered and not the streets and side walks.
  2. Water during cooler times of the day such as in the morning or evening to avoid large amounts of evaporation.
  3. Coordinate irrigation with seasonal rains.
  4. Grow more drought-tolerant plants.

Other solutions could be more complicated such as transitioning to more efficient methods of irrigation (see above). Of course the government has a role to play in incentivizing the adoption of environmentally friendly behaviors. The government of the UAE can:

  • Subsidize the installation of more complex irrigation systems (e.g. drip irrigation).
  • Provide preferential loan and credit conditions for farmers that abide by environmentally friendly laws or standards.
  • Launch different campaigns across the the UAE that aim at educating farmers and residents about environmentally conscious water consumption.

With water scarcity continuing to reach an all time low, there isn’t enough water to be equally distributed between the people of the UAE, let alone water to waste. The time to act is now.

To learn more efficient irrigation and irrigation systems, please visit the blog on TWL irrigation.

المرأة مفتاح الأمن الغذائي

من المُسلَّم به أن الزراعة هي المُحرِّك الرئيسي للنمو في المجتمعات الريفية في جميع أرجاء العالم، وأن المرأة هي العمود الفقري للأسر خاصة الريفية منها  وغالبًا ما تعمل داخل المنزل وخارجه لتلبية احتياجات الاسرة .وعلى الرغم من أنهن يشاركن في عمل مدفوع الأجر –إلى حدّ أنهن يشكّلن، في المتوسط، أكثر من 40 % من القوى العاملة الزراعية في البلدان النامية،و حوالي  20 % في أمريكا اللاتينية  وحوالي 50 % أو أكثر في أجزاء من أفريقيا وآسيا – فانهن يتقاضين أجورًا أقل مقابل عملهن مقارنةً بالرجال.

role of women in food security

الجدير بالذكر ان معدل البطالة في الوطن العربي الذي بلغ نحو (11.5 %) في عام 2020 مقارنة بالمتوسط العالمي المقدربنحو (6.5 %). وقد ارتفع معدل البطالة على المستوى العربي لعام 2020 في (10) دول ٍ عربيةٍ، منها دول عربية ذات إمكانات موردية زراعية كبيرة مثل: السودان والصومال والعراق وتونس والجزائر واليمن(حسب تقارير المنظمة العربية للتنمية الزراعية|).

وسواءً كانت المراة الريفية تؤدي  عملًا مدفوع أو غير مدفوع الأجر، فإن إسهامات النساء ذات أهمية حاسمة للمجتمع . ومع ذلك تواجه المراة الريفية عقبات في الوصول إلى وسائل التنمية الزراعية مثل : التدريب وتوفير مدخلات الانتاج الزراعي وتوفر الاراضي الصالحة للزراعة وطرق التسويق السليمة والمتاحة والاقل تكلفة

ووفقًا لتصريحات منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة، فإنه إذا أتيحت للنساء نفس فرص الحصول على الموارد مثل الرجال، يمكن أن يزيد الإنتاج الزراعي بنسبة تصل إلى 20-30 %، مع إمكانية الحد من انعدام الأمن الغذائي لحوالي 100-150 مليون شخص على مستوى العالم.

تعتبر قضية الأمن الغذائي العربي من أهم القضايا التي تحظى باهتمام متزايد بالدول العربية، ولذلك تضعها المنظمة العربية للتنمية الزراعية في صدارة سلم أولويات عملها نسبة لأبعادها الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية. وتصدر المنظمة التقرير السنوي حول أوضاع الأمن الغذائي العربي متضمنا ً التطورات في إنتاج وتجارة، واستهلاك السلع الغذائية الرئيسية، والعوامل المرتبطة والمؤثرة عليها، والجهود المبذولة للتصدي لما يواجه جهود تعزيزالأمن الغذائي من محددات.

اما مفهوم الامن الغذائي فله عدة تعريفات وتوافقات لكن من اهمها هو توفير الغذاء لجميع افراد المجتمع بالكمية والنوعية اللازمتين للوفاء باحتياجاتهم بصورة مستمرة من اجل حياة صحية ونشطة. وقد يختلف هذا التعريف عن المفهوم التقليدي من الاكتفاء الذاتي ياعتماد الدولة  على مواردها وامكانياتها في انتاج احتياجاتها الغذائية محليا ولكن هذا اكثر شمولية وانسجاما مع التحولات الاقتصادية الحالية

وتعاني النساء أيضًا من انعدام الأمن الغذائي بمستويات أعلى من غيرهن، ففي العام 2020، ارتفع عدد الأشخاص الذين لم يتمكنوا من الحصول على الغذاء الكافي بنحو 20 %، ليصل عددهم إلى أكثر من 2.3 مليار شخص، ومن المؤسف أن معظمهم من النساء الريفيات.

ومن الجليّ أنه من المستحيل القضاء على الفقر والجوع دون تحقيق المساواة بين الجنسين وتمكين المرأة الريفية في المقام الأول.


ولضمان استدامة الأسر والمجتمعات الريفية وتحسين سبل المعيشة الريفية والرفاهية العامة. في الإنتاج الزارعي وإتاحة الأمن الغذائي وإدارة الأراضي والموارد الغذائية، وبناء القدرات مثل:

  1. مشروع توزيع الماعز (انتاج وتغذية الحيوان)
  2. مشروع الطاقة المتجددة صغيرة السعة
  3. مشروع تحسين انتاج الزيتون في الدول العربية (مشاريع مدرة للدخل)
  4. المشروع الاقليمي للامراض النباتية
  5. المشروع الاقليمي للامراض الحيوانية
  6. مشروع تربية العسل
  7. مشروع التصنيع والتسويق الزراعي
  8. مشروع تحسين سبل كسب العيش في الريف العربي
  9. شبكة المرأة العربية في المجتمعات الريفية والبدوية والساحلية
  10. مشروع تطوير نظم سلامة وجودة الغذاء

وقد غيرت التكنولوجيا طريقة تعامل المراة الريفية في الانتاج الزراعي سواء بالحصول على المعلومة او الاتصال والتواصل ولكن ما زال هناك الكثير ممن لا يستطعن التعامل مع هذة التكنولوجيا ومواكبة التطورات الرقمية لذلك يجب العمل على توفير كميات كبيرة من المعلومات المفيدة لهن  سهلة الوصول وتلبي احتياجات المجتمعات المحلية ،والعمل على ايجاد بيئة مريحة وامنة لتسهيل تبادل الخبرات ونقل المعرفة بالوسائل المتاحة ،والمساعدة في بناء الشراكات المحلية والاقليمية والدولية في مختلف الخدمات التوعوية والارشادية ذات قيمة نوعية وليست بالكمية ومع هذا كله يجب العمل على استدامة البنية التحتية والتواصل الرقمي لتصبح المراة قادرة على استخدام التكنولوجيا والاتصال كونها تمثل سنديانة التنمية الزراعية المستدامة وعملها كله يحقق الامن الغذائي وتحسين سبل العيش المستدام في كثر من الدول مما يحقق الرخاة للاجيال القادمة والدول

ولذلك فان المرأة قادرة على تحقيق اهداف التنمية المستدامة

المرأة قادرة على القضاء على الجوع

المرأة قادرة على الحد من الفقر والبطالة

المرأة قادرة على المحافظة على ديمومة القطاع الزراعي

المراة قادرة على تحقيق الشراكات المختلفة

ادعموا المرأة  …….بدون المرأة لا نستطيع تحقيق الامن الغذائي

The Impact of Natural Environment on Your Mental Health

Many of us spend our workdays indoors under fluorescent lights with little to no contact with the natural world. As nice as it sounds to get some fresh air or take a walk after work, the thought of it can be exhausting, particularly when the couch is beckoning you home after a long day. But spending too much time indoors is not good for your health, and a growing stack of research has revealed the numerous benefits that being in nature has for your physical and mental well-being.

Ramadan and climate change crisis


How your environment affects your mental health

In our Western and modern world, many people spend most of their time indoors. On top of that, we live in a time where many of us spend half our lives in the digital world, scrolling, swiping, and chatting with people online.

In our increasingly busy lives where we are cooped inside all day and our heads are glued to or distracted by screens, it’s easy to go a long period of time without spending a quality amount of time in nature, much less without our phones.

The thing is, humans need to have contact with natural light in order to reduce stress and blood pressure and boost the immune system. We are also naturally more inclined to be in natural settings than in man-made habitats. Given this, it’s no wonder that we feel mentally and physically drained after working inside all day.

Our tendencies to stay indoors may be one of the reasons why there is an increase in depression, anxiety, and stress which are, sadly, increasingly common mental health disorders. Feeling overwhelmed, a sense of disorientation, and a lack of motivation may also be symptoms of spending too much time in an artificial environment.

Why you should spend more time in nature

The good news is that an increasing body of evidence has revealed that spending quality time in nature can positively impact and improve your mental well-being and physical health.

When taking a walk through forests or woodland areas, physiological signs of stress are reduced and negative feelings such as anxiety, anger, and depression are relieved. This has been well researched in a concept called “shinrin-yoku,” the Japanese term for forest-bathing, and involves walking through a woodland area while engaging all your senses. As well as being calming and grounding, this practice has been proven to boost the immune system, balance and improve heart conditions, and reduce bowel disorders.

Nature has been found to have significant healing properties and provide immunization against diseases. A study found that patients who underwent gall bladder surgery recovered much faster when they had a view of a green, leafy environment from their windows rather than a brick wall. Exposure to green spaces has also been revealed to reduce the risk of such illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, premature death, and high blood pressure. Furthermore, it wards off mental illnesses, with one study revealing that seeing or hearing birds nearby reduces the risk for depression and anxiety.

In addition to all of this, there are spiritual advantages to being outdoors. Spending time in nature rejuvenates your mind and provides space for reflection. It is naturally restorative as there is no pressure to strive or be anyone other than yourself. Your perspective on yourself and the world around you shifts when you acknowledge the beauty of the world and how inextricably interconnected we are to one another. If you’re seeking guidance and tools on how to be yourself and embrace the spiritual benefits of nature, Wicca Academy is a great choice. With their comprehensive resources and courses, you can delve deeper into self-discovery, cultivate authenticity, and tap into the profound wisdom that nature offers.

As beneficial as immersing yourself in a natural environment is, it should not replace professional health care if you are struggling with a mental health disorder. Trusted counseling platforms like www.betterhelp.com provide licensed therapists who are dedicated to helping you heal and grow.

Ways to spend more time in nature

Spending time in nature does not have to be complicated. You can reap its benefits by taking a walk in a woodland area near your home, sitting by a body of water, driving down to your local beach, having a picnic in the park, or spending time in your garden. You can also go on a long hike during the weekends, either by yourself or with friends. Regardless, a restorative place in nature is anywhere you feel most relaxed and calm. The more frequently you visit these spaces and dedicate time to being in nature, the better.


However, if you are short on time, there is good news: even spending 5 minutes outside can boost your mood and looking out your window at a green space can lower your heart rate and make you feel instantly calmer. Take 10 minutes to go outside during your work break to soak up the sun—this alone can help your body generate vitamin D, boost your mood, and aid nutrient absorption. Better yet, exercise outside; studies have revealed that working out outdoors is linked to better health and improved mental well-being than exercising indoors.

While you do that, consider leaving your phone at home, in your car, or turned off. We all need a digital detox every now and again, and being in nature is a prime time to do it.

The takeaway

Humans are not meant to live detached from nature. The natural world has proven time and time again to have a restorative, healing, and calming effect on the mind, body, and soul. While it is no silver bullet when it comes to dealing with mental health issues, it is an excellent way to boost your physical and mental health and can intensify your overall happiness and well-being.

Eco-friendly Features Of Tankless Water Heaters

If you want to save on energy costs and help in efforts geared towards environmental conservation, then think about installing a tankless eco-friendly water heater. As gas and electricity costs continue to rise, most homeowners are looking for cost-effective alternative sources of energy savings. Tankless water heaters have become increasingly popular because of their energy efficiency. These heaters work by heating and delivering hot water on demand. As such, energy is only used to heat not to store and keep the water hot. Eco-friendly tankless heaters should possess the following features:

ecofriendly tankless heater

1. Efficiency

One of the main benefits of a tankless water heater is energy savings; therefore, it’s a factor you should be keen on when choosing the right unit for your needs. Bear in mind that as the household’s water needs increase, the savings and efficiency of the system is likely to decrease. Even still, a tankless water heater out-performs a traditional storage water tank heater in saving energy.

2. The right warranty

Warranties differ from one manufacturer to another. Some manufacturers may require you to register your tankless water heater after it’s professionally installed for you to be eligible for warranty coverage. Always compare warranties as you select a tankless system. Clear warranty time frames and procedures are an indication that the manufacturer has confidence in the quality and performance of the unit he is selling to you.

3. The right size

Always select the appropriate unit size to meet your needs. Manufacturers often size their units based on the temperature rise required to achieve a specific flow rate. Once these two factors have been calculated and determined, you’ll be able to select a system that best meets your family’s hot water needs. Finding the right unit size to serve the entire household is vital since there won’t be a storage tank to supplement any shortages during the peak seasons.

Adequate information is also required before making the decision to buy a tankless water heater. According to https://watertechadvice.com/tankless-water-heater-reviews/, most people lack adequate knowledge in choosing the right tankless water heaters. With their tankless water heaters buying guide and comparisons from top brands, they’re able to match your needs with the best option for your home.

4. The right fuel

This decision is critical because the size and energy of your unit will largely depend on the type of fuel you select and ultimately, it will determine your daily operating expenses. Deciding to switch fuel sources at some point can be a significant expense, so this is a decision that should be made if you’re building a new home. Fuel sources include electricity, propane, and natural gas.

Whichever fuel type you choose often depends on the fuel that’s available in your area. Always compare the tankless unit’s efficiency to the cost of each fuel before making your final decision. Though gas tankless water heaters cost more than electric units, they tend to perform better from an operating cost and energy savings standpoint.

Bottom Line

Eco-friendly tankless water heaters are fast replacing the traditional water heaters because they require less space and are very economical to operate. As such, the future is likely to see new home constructions adapting tankless water heaters. By then, technology will be better, and the systems will likely gain more popularity and fetch lower prices.

Effective Ways to Make Your Beach Trip Eco-friendly

Island nations have many opportunities to take action and look after our shoreline and help to protect our beaches from trash and waste accumulation. Yes, one can join a major beach clean-up. And this sort of activity is great. But this is action after the fact, after the accumulation of trash on the beach and other shorelines.  But we can also be pro-active when we arrive at the beach to enjoy a day in the sun.

The sooner one adopts these behavioral patterns, the easier it will be to really enjoy your leisure time at the beach. And to be able to encourage others who have not considered these actions. Stay focused and think “clean waters, clean beaches means a better fun day at the beach”. In this article, we will discuss a few tips to make your beach trip eco-friendly so keep reading:

how to make your beach outing eco-friendly

What do you need for a beach picnic? Plates and cups and cutlery, right. But not the plastic kind that you throw away after one use. Chose reusable and non- breakable plates and containers. Cloth napkins, stainless steel or bamboo straws. All reusable, all washable in a dish washer. And a great way to minimize the waste deposited at the beach in trash bins or across the sandy beaches themselves. Plastics especially things like drinking straws and food wraps can have dire impact on the marine ecosystem if carelessly tossed on the shoreline.

Don’t throw your food scraps and leftovers up in the air or out to sea. These can be harmful to marine life as often the waste is not a natural food source such as potato chips. Wrap them up and take them home to dispose of properly.  Think of the beach as another front lawn or garden area as you have at home.

Yes, others before you may have dropped the odd waste object such as a soda or water bottle. Instead of complaining, just bend down and pick it up. You know what to do with it. This brings up the idea of perhaps having a pair of rubber gloves for clean-up, perhaps even a small shovel or an extendable picker-upper. And place these collectables in your compostable plastic trash bag ready for taking home at the end of your fun day.

Talking of trash bags, plan and be prepared. Be sure to have one bag for recyclables and another separate bag for the trash. No one wants to have to handle trash twice, not deal with sorting it on returning back home after a fun day at the beach.

plastic ingestion by marine organisms

Often when we spend a day of leisure at the beach, we transport our plastic buckets and plastic beach toys as well as the children enjoy the beach just as mush as swimming in the ocean waves. So we need to be sure we collect all the children’s toys and plastic inflatables. Or today’s toys could all become more beach trash.

And if it is a birthday party celebration, no balloons. Lost balloons eventually deflate into a lose scraggle mass of rubber that is very harmful to both birdlife and marine life. There is a catching slogan, “Balloons blow, don’t let them go.” Better yet, select an alternative, be creative. Perhaps use environmentally friendly bubble solutions.

We go to beaches on hot, sunny days. That means we need to drink water so as to not get dehydrated. Instead of purchasing packs of one-use water bottles, prepare at home and fill up the refillable water bottles. This will really cut down on potential trash. That brings up the great attitude of “carry out what you carry in”  or in this case, onto the beach. Leave only your footprints in the sand.


فهناك المجموعات البيئية التي تتبنى الانشطة الموجهة في تنظيم حملات تنظيف البيئات الطبيعية في المناطق البرية والساحلية


Do our house pets, especially dogs, go to the beach with us?  Check the rules and regulations as to who is allowed on the beach. And as with exercising your house pets in community parks and green areas, same as at the beach, clean up after them. You know the routine. This is very important for health issues and water quality. And keep the pets away from entering into algal blooms. Those areas that look green and slimy.

Perhaps the beach is ideal for shoreline fishing. That is great. But again, be careful with the fish hooks and fishing lines. Both the lines and the hooks could be lethal for birdlife and marine species if left as trash on the shoreline. Again, be sure to collect all your belongings and take them away with you at the end of the day. Even smash the sand castles or water diversion channels one might make in the course of the fun day.

Follow these sustainable beach practices and leave nature as natural as possible after your fun day at the beach.

How Small Companies Can Influence Environment Protection

A business can have a tremendous impact on the environment despite its size. As a small business, you have a key role to play on how to decrease pollution and green your business. Depending on the size of your business you can change how goods are procured or manufactured. Moreover, technology can decrease the use of non-renewable sources of energy.

Every effort, no matter how small can have a positive impact on the environment. Nowadays, there are many sustainable ways of manufacturing goods. If this is incorporated into business ideas, it could have an immense impact on the environment.


Pollution is a global crisis. This is not only harmful to the earth but also for human beings. Pollution, be it of air, water or soil, causes a lot of problems for ecology. If left uncontrolled, it will leave the future generations without a place to call home.

Luckily, certain measures can be taken to reduce pollution. Statistics show that pollution has reduced in Europe over the last 26 years. This is a promising finding. As far as Middle East is concerned, more sustainability efforts are needed for better results.

Reasons To Protect the Environment

First, you need to understand why you need to protect the environment in the first place. This will then help you to make the necessary changes within your company. Many people are becoming concerned about the environment and climate change. This is another reason you should protect the environment as a company.

Here are other reasons why protecting the environment could be good for your company:

  • Sustainability,
  • Improving your brand image,
  • Decreasing wastage of resources,
  • Increasing customer conversion,
  • Staying competitive,
  • Attracting new talent.

So, How You View the Environment Protection?

A major problem that a business may face is waste disposal, especially, when it comes to equipment. To stay competitive, a company should try to use the latest equipment on the market. This means you have to discard old equipment like computers. Most of the times such equipment will be dumped in landfills. This build up old equipment ends up causing pollution to the environment.

Another source of greenhouse gas emissions is energy consumption in a company. Office building can consume a lot of electricity and energy. Not switching off lights is a practice that causes increased consumption of energy. Poor handling of waste materials in an office also harms the environment.

Many offices fail to use renewable materials. For example, the use of disposable plastic cups is a popular practice in the office. Also, a lot of paper is used to print out documents. This is unnecessary sometimes, especially, in the digital age.

Here are some of the ways you can try to protect the environment as a small company:

1. Have a favorable attitude towards environment

If you are going to take a step towards sustainability, then you have to start with a positive attitude. Understanding why you are doing this will keep you motivated throughout this journey. A favorable attitude will give you more inspiration.

2. Increase awareness

One of the best ways of protecting the environment is by educating others. Customer awareness can be a useful factor. Once more people know about environment protection, more changes can be made.

Share with customers information about your commitment stories. Inform customers of the progress you make and all the measures that you are taking. In this way, you will be attracting more customers. Awareness also improves the image of your brand. So, it is an advantage for your business as well.

3. Adopt new technologies

Educating people about sustainability is not enough. You have to lead by example. So, you should adopt new technologies that can be more effective for the environment. Recently, there has been a surge in technologies that increase sustainability. These technologies ensure the production of goods by using sustainable materials. Adopting such technologies can have a great impact on the environment.

4. Use recyclable materials

Using recyclable materials is the best way to maintain your sustainability plan. Your customers are looking to you to see what they can do to protect the earth. Think of replacing non-renewable materials with renewable ones.


Try to restrict the use of materials that are harmful to the environment. You don’t have to start of all a sudden. You can start with small steps. An example is replacing plastic cups with mugs.

5. Analyze internal processes

You need to focus on measures that will help you maximize resources. Knowing how to manage your resources will benefit your business. As you will be cutting expenses, you can save a lot of revenue.


The above tips will help you to expand your business, decrease the creation of waste materials while also minimizing expenses in your company. Other ways you can apply to reduce wastage of materials include:

  • Place recycle bins in your office,
  • Encourage the use of materials that can be recycled,
  • Turn lights off when they are not needed,
  • Use mugs instead of disposable plastic cups,
  • Decrease traveling so that less fuel is used,
  • Use bicycles instead of cars to get to the workplace,
  • Use a building made from renewable materials,
  • Turn off all devices when they are not being used,
  • Cut the use of paper in your office.

You can reduce the usage of paper by avoiding unnecessary printing. Any assignments within the topic can be completed by Australianwritings

6. Check your supply chain

Your sustainability practices do not only rely on the decisions that you take. You should also consider the source of materials and manufacturing of products. It is your duty to make sure that your supply chain is aware of these practices.

Your suppliers should also try to take measures that protect the environment. Supply chain means:

  • How you get material,
  • How goods are processed,
  • How goods are distributed.

If you try all the above measures, you will have a positive influence on the environment. Your company will be contributing a lot towards environment protection. Also, your manager or HR should conduct regular audits to make sure everyone observes the measures.



In conclusion, small businesses have a huge role to play in protecting the environment. The smallest effort can go a long way, and a business has a way of influencing others to protect the environment. This joint effort can lead to decreased pollution and safer and healthier planet earth.

A Message on Earth Day

plastic-wastesEarth Day has now grown into a global environmental tradition making it the largest civic observance in the world and is widely celebrated event in which over one billion people from over 190 countries will participate by taking suitable actions for saving our mother Earth.

The Earth Day was first organized in 1970 to promote respect for life on the planet and to encourage awareness on air, water and soil pollution. Each year a different theme or topic is selected. The theme of Earth Day 2018 is ‘End Plastic Pollution’. Plastic pollution is poisoning our oceans and lands, injuring marine life and affecting public health. Earth Day 2018 is dedicated to providing the information and inspiration needed to fundamentally change human attitude and behavior about plastics.

The Earth Day movement is continuing, to inspire, challenge ideas, ignite passion, and motivate people to action. Let us contribute by reducing our carbon footprint, plastic footprint and digital carbon footprint in all possible manners. This initiative will make a significant and measurable impact on the Earth and will serve as the foundation of a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable planet for all.

Plastic Pollution – A Real Menace

More than 8 million tons of plastic enters into the ocean each year, which is equal to dumping a garbage truck of plastic every minute. This dumped plastic impact marine wildlife, fisheries, tourism, navigation, affecting marine vessels and human health.

Over the last ten years we have produced more plastic than during the entire last century. 50% of the plastic we use is just once and later throw away. Enough plastic is thrown away each year to circle the earth four times. Unfortunately, we currently recover only 5% of the plastics we produce, which accounts for around 10% of the total waste we generate.

The production of plastic uses around 8% of the world’s oil production. Million tons of plastic can be found in swirling convergences in the oceans making up about 40% of the world’s ocean surfaces, while 80% of pollution enters the ocean from the land. According to estimates, at the rate we are dumping items such as plastic bottlesplastic bags and plastics cups after a single use, by 2050 oceans will carry more plastic than fish and an estimated 99% of seabirds will have ingested this uncontrolled plastic.

The Earth day is observed believing that nothing is more powerful than the collective action of a billion people. Earth Day’s message is to become more sustainable and reduce our carbon footprint and improving our quality of life. We need to plant trees and make our home, area and city as a livable place.

The earth is what we all have in common. We need to audit our actions and see what are we contributing towards our environment and community? Earth Day is about uniting voices around the globe in support of a healthy planet.

All Hands on Board

Earth Day is not limited to 22nd April only but can be celebrated at any day. As the slogan goes ‘Earth Day Every Day’. We need to be part of the biggest grass-root effort in history by at least planting a tree as a “give back” to Earth. We have been mercilessly polluting the natural surroundings and damaging the fragile resources of the earth.

Let us be a part of this green revolution, plan and participate in Earth Day activities moving from single-day actions, such as park cleanups and tree-planting parties to long-term actions and commitments and make our home, area and city, a healthier place to live.

There are many ways to celebrate the Earth Day. We can plant more trees, have indoor plants, plan an outdoor activity with nature, motivate people to reduce the use of unhealthy living practices, avoid littering and use of plastic bags, teach our children about the recycling and reuse of the old materials, promote energy savings and water conservation and tell people that every day of their life is earth day, so they should take care of the earth on daily basis.

Algae Biorefinery – Promise and Potential

High oil prices, competing demands between foods and other biofuel sources, and the world food crisis, have ignited interest in algaculture (farming of algae) for making vegetable oil, biodiesel, bioethanol, biogasoline, biomethanol, biobutanol and other biofuels. Algae can be efficienctly grown on land that is not suitable for agriculture and hold huge potential to provide a non-food, high-yield source of biodiesel, ethanol and hydrogen fuels. 

Several recent studies have pointed out that biofuel from microalgae has the potential to become a renewable, cost-effective alternative for fossil fuel with reduced impact on the environment and the world supply of staple foods, such as wheat, maize and sugar.

What are Algae?

Algae are unicellular microorganisms, capable of photosynthesis. They are one of the world’s oldest forms of life, and it is strongly believed that fossil oil was largely formed by ancient microalgae. Microalgae (or microscopic algae) are considered as a potential oleo-feedstock, as they produce lipids through photosynthesis, i.e. using only carbon , water, sunlight, phosphates, nitrates and other (oligo) elements that can be found in residual waters. Oils produced by diverse algae strains range in composition. For the most part are like vegetable oils, though some are chemically similar to the hydrocarbons in petroleum.

Advantages of Algae

Apart from lipids, algae also produce proteins, isoprenoids and polysaccharides. Some strains of algae ferment sugars to produce alcohols, under the right growing conditions. Their biomass can be processed to different sorts of chemicals and polymers (Polysaccharides, enzymes, pigments and minerals), biofuels (e.g. biodiesel, alkanes and alcohols), food and animal feed (PUFA, vitamins, etc.) as well as bioactive compounds (antibiotics, antioxidant and metabolites) through down-processing technology such as transesterification, pyrolysis and continuous catalysis using microspheres.

Algae can be grown on non-arable land (including deserts), most of them do not require fresh water, and their nutritional value is high. Extensive R&D underway on algae as raw material worldwide, especially in North America and Europe with a high number of start-up companies developing different options.

Most scientific literature suggests an oil production potential of around 25-50 ton per hectare per year for relevant algae species. Microalgae contain, amongst other biochemical, neutral lipids (tri-, di-, monoglycerides free fatty acids), polar lipids (glycolipids, phospholipids), wax esters, sterols and pigments. The total lipid content in microalgae varies from 1 to 90 % of dry weight, depending on species, strain and growth conditions.

Algae-based Biorefinery

In order to develop a more sustainable and economically feasible process, all biomass components (e.g. proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) should be used and therefore biorefining of microalgae is very important for the selective separation and use of the functional biomass components.

The term biorefinery was coined to describe the production of a wide range of chemicals and bio-fuels from biomasses by the integration of bio-processing and appropriate low environmental impact chemical technologies in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable. If biorefining of microalgae is applied, lipids should be fractionated into lipids for biodiesel, lipids as a feedstock for the chemical industry and essential fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates for food, feed and bulk chemicals, and the oxygen produced should be recovered also.

The potential for commercial algae production is expected to come from growth in translucent tubes or containers called photo bioreactors or in open systems (e.g. raceways) particularly for industrial mass cultivation or more recently through a hybrid approach combining closed-system precultivation with a subsequent open-system. Major advantages of a algal biorefinery include:

  • Use of industrial refusals as inputs ( CO2,wastewater and desalination plant rejects)
  • Large product basket with energy-derived (biodiesel, methane, ethanol and hydrogen) and non-energy derived (nutraceutical, fertilizers, animal feed and other bulk chemicals) products.
  • Not competing with food production (non-arable land and no freshwater requirements)
  • Better growth yield and lipid content than crops.

Indeed, after oil extraction the resulting algal biomass can be processed into ethanol, methane, livestock feed, used as organic fertilizer due to its high N:P ratio, or simply burned for energy cogeneration (electricity and heat). If, in addition, production of algae is done on residual nutrient feedstocks and CO2, and production of microalgae is done on large scale in order to lower production costs, production of bulk chemicals and fuels from microalgae will become economically, environmentally and ethically extremely attractive.

The Surprising Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles

March 2022 has seen the highest capacity of electric vehicle (EV) registrations than any other month in history – in fact, more were registered in that single month than over the entirety of the year 2019. As interest in EVs continues to rise at a rapid pace, questions about the long-term environmental impact of electric vehicles are coming forward.

Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles

More Resources, Reduced Carbon Emissions

One of the most notable and attractive features of the modern EV is its “zero emission” component. But while these streamlined vehicles can significantly decrease the volume of carbon emissions released into the environment, the resources needed to build them present some complications.

EVs are powered by their high-powered batteries, which are made using precious, highly rarified chemical resources like lithium and uranium. Mining these resources requires a huge amount of energy, water, and air pollution, counteracting the eco-friendly features of an EV.

A Green Manufacturing Issue

While the process of driving an EV does release zero carbon emissions, the other stages of the car’s lifespan do not. The manufacturing of an EV is more carbon emissive than regular gas-powered cars, and the process of degradation at the end of its life also has an adverse environmental impact.

Gas-powered cars still contribute disproportionately more greenhouse gas than EVs, but the way in which they’re produced is much more environmentally compatible than EVs. EVs still have the potential to be as green as everyone wants them to be, but presently their environmental track record could certainly use some assessment.

electric car

Are E-bikes A Sound Alternative?

Until engineers can find a more eco-friendly way to manufacture and dispose of EVs, there are other options to look into. Electric bikes (and regular bikes) both offer comparatively carbon emissive methods of transport, and use up far fewer resources than cars do, whether powered by gas or electricity.

Also known as e-bikes, electric bikes are a more accessible, environmentally compatible, and much more affordable alternative to EVs. Information on electric bike tips and tricks has been searched for millions of times online over the past year, and the growing interest around them can be perceived through their incredible 100% revenue growth in 2021 compared to 2020.

Whether two-wheeled or four-wheeled, it seems that electric transport is going to form a big part of the planet’s future. Let’s hope that improved methods of production are in the works and that carbon emissions can be reduced at every point, from manufacturing to use and eventual scrapping.

Eco-friendly Things To Know Before Buying Your First Home

As we humans continue to develop, we use more and more resources and put more and more toxins into the air. It’s our responsibility to do what we can help our earth. The first place to start is right at home. There are a number of things we can do in our households to make the world a little bit greener. Here are 10 eco-friendly things you can do at your house.

ecofriendly things to before buying a home

1. Use the right lights

The light bulbs you use in your home can make a big difference on your carbon imprint (and your wallet). While incandescent light bulbs are generally the cheapest kind you’ll find at the store, that doesn’t mean they are the best option. Instead of incandescent bulbs, it’s a good idea to go with either CFLs or LEDs. They last up to 25 times longer and use up to 80% less energy. While it may cost you a couple extra dollars up front, you save a lot more money in the long run.

2. Get energy star appliances

Every home needs to have a washer, dryer, dishwasher, and HVAC unit. These appliances are the cause of a lot of the energy and water used in the home. If you’re buying appliances for a new home, it’s important to buy appliances that will contribute to the environment. But how do you know which appliances to buy? Look for the Energy Star sticker! These products utilize up to 50% less energy than standard appliances.  If buying a home, check to see if the appliances are Energy Star appliances.

3. Use less water and use cold water

We waste more water throughout the day than you could imagine. Here are a number of ways that you and your family can reduce the amount of water you waste:

Don’t flush garbage

Every time you flush the toilet, it uses gallons of water. If you’re simply flushing a cigarette butt or a small tissue, it’s a huge waste of water! Make sure people throw garbage away properly. Also, you might want to consider low-flow toilets or toilets that use less water per flush.

Only wash full loads of laundry and dishes

Have you ever thrown one or two outfits in the laundry machine because you just needed to have them cleaned? Just do a full load. Running the washer requires a lot of water. Only run it and the dishwasher when they are full. Also, cold water requires significantly less energy than hot water, so use cold water when possible.

Shorter showers

Even though a long, warm shower can be relaxing, save those for when you really need that extra couple of minutes to yourself. Generally, try to take shorter, lukewarm showers. Encourage others to take shorter showers as well.

Turn the water off when you don’t need it on

Turn the water off when brushing your teeth and other daily activities. There’s no reason to leave the water running.

To learn more about living a healthier and sustainable life, check out the recent blog posts published by Public Goods. From healthy products to all natural oils, living a more informed life doesn’t have to be difficult.

4. Turn off gadgets

Be careful to turn off all electronics and lights when you leave the house. Leaving them on is a wasteful habit. Also, it’s a good idea to unplug items you are not using instead of leaving them on standby. When electronics are on standby, they are still using power. It doesn’t use as much, but the little amount of power it uses adds up.

5. Recycle

There are a number of items you throw out that can be recycled and reused. Plastic, glass, and aluminum all have the potential to be recycled. Designate specific bins for these items to make separating them easy. Get everyone in the household onboard, including children. If there isn’t a recycling program in your town already, take the initiative to support one in your local government.


6. Automatic Thermostats

Technology now gives us the opportunity to control many of the things in our home from anywhere with our smartphone. Many of these items can be set automatically as well. For example, the thermostat in your home can be changed every day when you and your family go to work and school. You don’t need to keep the home comfortable when no one is home. Creating this automatic setting helps you from forgetting before you leave in the morning. If you do need to change it, you can do so from work. The same can be said for your lights. If you think you left a light on, you can check with your automation tools on your smartphone.

7. Indoor Air Quality

Ensuring a healthy and eco-friendly home environment involves a critical step: checking indoor air quality. The impact of poor air quality on health and overall well-being cannot be overstated. For instance, radon, a colorless and odorless gas, has the potential to infiltrate homes, posing severe health risks such as lung cancer. So to create a safer living space, it becomes essential to hire home inspectors who can effectively monitor and address indoor air quality issues by employing professional radon testing device. This approach not only safeguards against potential health issues but also contributes to the creation of a safer and more sustainable home environment.

8. Solar Panels

Something becoming more and more popular, especially in areas with a lot of sun, solar panels help make your home self-sustaining by generating and storing its own energy. Instead of using energy from the electric company, your solar panels will supply the electricity for the items in your home. It also stores the energy for when there is no dun. While the initial cost may be expensive, it will greatly reduce the electric bills. It’s also a very attractive feature to the growing amount of homebuyers who want to buy a green home.


9. Buy with environment with mind

Every item in your home has a carbon footprint from the food you buy to the cleaning supplies you buy. The carbon footprint varies based on items used to make the product, packaging, and manufacturing practices. Look for items made from recyclable materials. Also, do research to learn what companies make decisions with the environment in mind and support those companies. Look for companies that avoid wasteful packaging. Finally, avoid items that are known to be bad for the environment, such as plastic straws.

10. Location

The location of your home will contribute to its carbon footprint in a variety of ways. When buying a home, Jeff Stewart from Homes in Meridian (https://www.homesinmeridian.com/) says that you should consider factors such as neighborhood amenities, the quality and size of the homes in the neighborhood, and statistics on nearby schools. Check to make sure you’re living in an environment that shares your environmental concerns.

Every person has a carbon footprint. You may not think your individual carbon footprint matters, but they add up to contribute to the pollution and lack of resources in the world. Make a difference by starting at home. Hopefully, you can teach younger generations good habits to take with them to their home as well.