About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder of EcoMENA, and an international consultant, advisor, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise in waste management, waste-to-energy, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. His geographical areas of focus include Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. Salman is the Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA, and is a professional environmental writer with more than 300 popular articles to his credit. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability in different parts of the world. Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org or salman@bioenergyconsult.com

Going Paperless With Automated Reminders For Your Business

With the environmental conservation advocacy going around the worlds, people are trying their best to do their part in preserving their surroundings. And it’s for this reason that most businesses and more so are going green. The benefits that this move provides are great. But that will be a heated discussion for another day. Today, we are going to share with you various ways of going paperless with automated reminders for your business. Sounds like something you want to know? Read through the end! Using An Automatic Digital Stock Management System Every business owner knows the importance of keeping track … Continue reading

Environmental and Health Impacts of Asbestos

Asbestos is an infamous building and construction material that gained popularity in the 20th century due to its fire-resistant properties. Asbestos’ first commercial mine was opened in 1879 in Quebec province, Canada. It took several years of production and consumption of this material in several parts of the world before its health and environmental hazards were discovered. Australia was one of the heaviest global consumers of asbestos in the 1980s with most of the materials being imported into the country from Canada and South Africa. The use of the material didn’t stop until a national ban was announced on December … Continue reading

5 Benefits of Lowering Your Home Temperature For Energy Savings

Everybody loves coming home to a comfortable temperature. Your personal definition of the perfect “room temperature” depends more than anything else on your personal preferences. Be aware, though, that that comfort can cost. Heating and cooling typically account for a full half of your home’s energy costs – they consume more electricity than lighting, appliances, and electronics all put together. This is why monitoring your temperature is important according to Temperaturesensei Wouldn’t you like to cut that expense without compromising on comfort? It’s easier than you think! Surveys show that over half of us use inefficient thermostat settings that waste … Continue reading

Biomass Energy and its Promise

Biomass is the material derived from plants that use sunlight to grow which include plant and animal material such as wood from forests, material left over from agricultural and forestry processes, and organic industrial, human and animal wastes. Biomass comes from a variety of sources including wood from natural forests, agricultural residues, agro-industrial wastes, animal manure, organic industrial wastes, municipal solid wastes, sewage sludge etc. When biomass is left lying around on the ground it breaks down over a long period of time, releasing carbon dioxide and its store of energy slowly. By burning biomass its store of energy is released … Continue reading

الإسلام و البيئة

تقدم المعتقدات، العادات، و القيم الإسلامية حلّا شاملا و فعالا  للتحديات البيئية الراهنة التي تواجه الجنس البشري. يمتلك الإسلام تقاليدا غنية تسلط الضوء على أهمية حماية البيئة والحفاظ على الموارد الطبيعية. وفقا للشريعة الإسلامية، فإن العناصر الأساسية للطبيعة – الأرض، المياه، النار، الغابات، والضوء –  هي حق لكافة الكائنات الحية، و ليست حكرا على البشر فقط.  إن القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية الشريفة عي بمثابة نور يوجه تعزيز التنمية المستدامة في البلدان الإسلامية و في جميع أنحاء العالم. و قد أمر الله سبحانه و تعالى البشر بالابتعاد عن سوء استخدام و هدر الموارد، لأن مثل هذه الأفعال قد تسهم في تدهور … Continue reading

How to Start Your Dream Greenhouse

Gardening is one of the most interesting hobbies, especially for those who have some time to get their hands dirty every once in a while. As a matter of fact, gardening doubles up as an activity that can both be a primary source of income and a side hassle, especially when done from a greenhouse. Additionally, it also provides you with the opportunity to grow your own food in your backyard or plot near your home. From veggies to citrus fruits and ornamental plants, there’s a wide variety of crops you can grow in your greenhouse or backyard garden despite … Continue reading

4 Must-Have Eco-friendly Tools for Every Home and Office

We’re finally gaining awareness and are trying to make conscious decisions when it comes to purchasing and using eco-friendly products. There are plenty of eco-friendly tools that we can find out there, so being cautious about what you invest in is no longer a problem. You can now find many tools that are purely made out of materials that are not unhealthy for the environment. Here are some must-have environmentally-friendly tools for homes and offices: 1. Lawn Trimmer Maintaining your garden and taking care of it is something to be admired, but if you’re using a lawn trimmer that uses … Continue reading

5 Things You Can Learn From Being An Eco-volunteer

There’s a saying that goes “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.” And yet, in such a materialistic world, you’ll be amazed to find out that the things that make you grow the most are anything but money. They are the experiences you build, the new opportunities you try out, the memories you make, the life you live, the change you make in the world. One of such life-changing experiences is eco-volunteering. Here are 5 awesome things you can learn from being an eco-volunteer: 1. How to Boost Your Skills Any volunteering job in general can help … Continue reading

Asbestos Waste Management in the MENA Countries

Each year countries from the Middle East and North Africa import large amount of asbestos for use in the construction industry. As per the last known statistics, the Middle East and Africa accounted for 20% of world demand for the material. Iran and the United Arab Emirates are among the biggest consumers of the material. Infact, the entire Middle East has been steadily increasing their asbestos imports, except for Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which are the only two countries that have placed bans on asbestos but with questionable effectiveness. Iran alone has been reported to order 30,000 tons of asbestos … Continue reading

How to Claim Car Insurance Post an Accident

When you hold a comprehensive car insurance policy, you may make a claim after you have had an accident. How to claim car insurance is not a puzzle, but does involve some groundwork on your part. How to Get Insurance Benefits You can undergo a car insurance claim process if your car insurance plan covers costs that result due to your car being involved in an accident. If you want to get the benefits that a car insurance policy offers you, you must make a claim with your insurer immediately following the accident. If the insurance company discovers that your … Continue reading

How Landscaping Adds Value to Your Property

There is no way of predicting what might happen in your life. Not to mention, the housing market is always prone to fluctuations. In other words, the option of selling property is always on the table. This is why if you’re a person who thinks ahead, you should always be looking for ways to add value to your property. While there are a lot of ways, a simple, foolproof, way to boost your property’s value is landscaping. A proper, well-maintained garden can easily add up over a thousand dollars to the value of your property because, as you probably know, … Continue reading

What are the Advantages of Solar Lighting?

Large companies and homeowners alike enjoy the many benefits that only solar lighting can provide. Solar lights are ideal for areas that are off-the-grid, where energy is costly or if the company is looking to showcase their eco-friendly approach to energy. Installing solar lighting is considered one of the most cost effective projects to date as they do not require trenched grid power and the actual costs of installation are minimal. There are many ways to take advantage of solar lighting solutions. Some are as small or simple as a singular LED bulb or a solar lantern, while others are … Continue reading