How Businesses Can Reduce Paper Use: 8 Effective Ways

As a business owner, ensure environmental friendliness in all aspects of your business dealings. And one aspect of that is the reduction of paper usage. Reducing paper usage is an effective way to promote sustainability and a healthy environment. Everyone would want to save money and the planet at the same time. With a paperless office yet to be achieved, there are ways you can use less paper in your business. Here are ways businesses can ensure less paper usage: 1. Using Email And Internet Faxing To reduce paper use, replace traditional paper communication with electronic communication. Instead of using … Continue reading

How to Use Your Whirlpool Bath More Sustainably

We all know that whirlpool baths are truly a luxurious addition to any home bathroom. They offer a relaxing and soothing experience – an experience we all need in our ever-hectic and demanding lives. However, we also know that whirlpool baths can be quite energy-intensive and, thus, can significantly impact the environment. But fortunately for you, if you’re concerned about your environmental impact but still want to enjoy your whirlpool bath, there are several ways to use it more sustainably and in a more eco-friendly manner. So how can you use your whirlpool bath in a more sustainable way? Let’s … Continue reading

4 Jobs that Make a Positive Impact on the Environment

The environment is a vital part of our planet, and it is crucial to keep it healthy. Thankfully, many people are taking great steps to ensure the environment gets the care it needs. One way individuals can positively impact the environment is by getting a job in one of these four areas. These jobs not only help improve the environment but also provide individuals with an opportunity to make a living while making a difference. Job #1: Renewable Energy Technician The demand for skilled technicians is rising as the world continues to shift towards renewable energy sources. If you want … Continue reading

التحديات البيئة لقطاع الطاقة في المملكة العربية السعودية

بالرغم من جهود المجتمع الدولي والعلماء المختصين بالبيئة في سبيل تقليل الاعتماد على الوقود الاحفوري كمصدر رئيسي للطاقة واستبداله بمصادر نظيفة ومنجددة للطاقة, الا ان الوقود الاحفوري والمتمثل بالنفط والغاز يبقى المصدر الرئيسي المعتمد والاكثر فاعلية. ونقلا عن فان الطلب العالمي على الوقود الاحفوري سيتزايد في المستقبل. ان معدل انتاج النفط والغاز قد تزايد تدريجيا منذ السبعينيات الى سنة 2020, وذالك تبعا للطلب المتزايد عليه. ان المشكل الرئيسي في الاعتماد على النفط والغاز كمصدر رئيسي للطاقة يكمن في نسبة التلوث البيئي الذي يخلفه هذا الوقود خلال انتاجه . على سبيل المثال, تطلق شركات النفط والغاز مايقارب 2000 طن من المواد … Continue reading

Tips for a Green Ramadan

Ramadan is quite different from other months in terms of activities, praying and eating habits. During this month, Muslims should abstain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset to boost physical and mental endurance and to understand the hardships faced by the poor and needy who do not have enough resources to satisfy their basic necessities. The true meaning of Ramadan is purifying ourselves, taking care of our body, soul, people, surrounding and ecosystems which is supporting us. The month of Ramadan is a golden opportunity to consider making a shift towards a ‘green lifestyle’ that is environmental-friendly, non-polluting, … Continue reading

Trends in Sustainable Housing

There has been large-scale proliferation in construction of buildings worldwide due to population growth, economic development, urbanization and migration. According to UN Habitat, there has been a migration of the world’s population from rural areas to cities or smaller urban areas. In fact, this trend is expected to continue and cities within the developed as well as developing nations are expected to grow in terms of population. As a result all forms of construction activities are expected to become more intense than ever in the years to come. Usually the development of urban areas suffers from weak process of planning … Continue reading

Polylactic Acid – An Emerging Bioplastic

During the last decade, the movement towards bio-based products has increased dramatically as a result of increasing environment awareness and high increase in fossil fuel prices. That is why companies like Polymer Chemistry Innovations must offer products based on new environmental trends. Polylactic Acid (PLA) is an eco-friendly bioplastic derived from lactic acid which can be produced by fermentation of renewable resources. It is a new type of biocompatible material produced from utilizing lactic acid as monomer. Since lactic acid is a non-toxic component, which exists in human metabolism, PLA is safe polyester for human-related applications. In comparison to traditional plastics, … Continue reading

فيروس كورونا: فرصة لإعادة النظر

لطالما اعتقدتُ أنّ ما من شيءٍ يحدثُ دون أن يحمل في طياته رسالة ما، إما أن تكون عامة لفئات كثيرة،  أو خاصة لأشخاصٍ معنيين بها، لعقودٍ طويلةٍ بقي الإنسانُ يؤدّي أعماله ومهامه بكفاءةٍ عالية، لكن هل فعلًا كان يبلي بلاءً حسنا في نهاية المطاف؟ بالرجوعِ للأثرِ البيئيّ لمختلفِ الممارسات التنمويّة في مختلفِ القطاعات نجدُ انتهاكًا كبيرًا للبيئة بوتيرة متسارعة، وعلى مر السنوات تكدّست كميات كبيرة من الملوّثات في بيئاتنا بكل مكوناتها، إضافة إلى استمرارنا غير المبرر في ظلّ هذا التطور الهائل الذي وصلنا إليه نكون قد وقّعنا وثيقة دمار كوكبنا بشكلٍ علنيّ وفي وقتٍ قريب جدًّا خاصة بعد التغيّر المناخيّ … Continue reading

التغير المناخي وقمة باريس: الإجماع البيئي العالمي

مما لا شك فيه أن قمة المناخ في باريس أظهرت جليا مدى قوة الخطاب البيئي ودبلوماسية البيئة  وقدرتها على توحيد الأمم وقادة العالم والمجتمع المدني لحماية الأمن الأنساني-البيئي.هذا الإتفاق يقتضي إالتزامات من كافة الدول مثل التكيف وتخفيف آثار التغير المناخي ودعم الدول النامية ونقل التقنية النظيفة للحد من حرارة الكوكب بما لا يزيد عن درجتين مئويتين أو أقل لغاية  (1.5  للعام 2050.  لكن هذا الإتفاق بحاجة إلى استثمار (100 بليون سنويا بحلول عام 2020) من دول الشمال الصناعي تجاه العالم النامي حيث أن ما نسبته عشرة بالمئة من الدول الصناعية تساهم بما قيمته خمسين بالمئة من إنبعاثات غاز ثاتي أكسيد … Continue reading

Environmental Challenges in Saudi Arabia’s Oil and Gas Industry

Despite the efforts of global society and scientists to reduce the dependency on oil and gas as a main source of energy and find new green and renewable energy sources, the oil remains the most effective one. The oil production rate has increased incrementally from the 1970s to the 2020s, which is driven by the demand for oil. A Global Problem The main problem with the dependence on oil and gas as a primary source of energy lies in the huge pollution caused by the industry. For example, oil enterprises and petroleum companies currently release about 2000 tons of chemicals … Continue reading

Food Waste, Ramadan and the Middle East

With the holy month of Ramadan already underway, huge food wastage in the Middle East is again hogging limelight. It is a widely accepted fact that almost half of the municipal solid waste stream in the Middle East is comprised of food wastes and associated matter. The increasing amount of food wastage in Ramadan urgently demands a strong and holistic food management strategy to ensure its minimization, ethical utilization and eco-friendly disposal.   Food Waste in Ramadan Middle Eastern nations are acknowledged as being the world’s top food wasters, and during Ramadan the situation takes a turn for the worse. In the … Continue reading

Ramadan: A Time to Respond to the Earth’s State of Emergency

This week marks the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan, a month which has been identified as a time to gain taqwa – God-consciousness. This month invites Muslims to attain nearness to Allah (SWT). يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ ٱلصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ ١٨٣ O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may attain taqwa, Qu’ran, 2:183 However, Ramadan is more than the individual forms of worship. Ramadan embodies a sense of community. A time of gathering in the mosque; of sharing … Continue reading