Fracking – A Risk Analysis

Recent events in the Europe and the United States have propelled fracking up the public and political agenda. Is the case for drilling full of holes? Despite apparent economic benefits, fracking has got entangled in a good deal of controversies with some countries outrightly banning or suspending it. Public health concerns, environmental issues, geomechanical risks, groundwater contamination, air pollution and waste management are some of the issues are coming under increasing public scrutiny.   No Sense of Well-being The oil and gas industry does not inspire huge public confidence, as attention focuses on major incidents like the Deepwater Horizon blowout, which have cost lives, caused … Continue reading

8 Signs That You’ll Need A Humidifier At Home

Weather is an important factor in determining our health and the quality of our daily lives. While this might sound quite obvious to some people, if you’re well traveled, then you must be knowing how a slight change in the weather patterns can affect not only the body and but also the immediate surroundings. After all, there must be a reason as to why human beings live in houses while other animals are out there, right? So what happens if your home becomes too dry as well? You will need a humidifier. But before that, you have to recognize the tell-signs … Continue reading

How COVID-19 Has Prompted an Overhaul of Building Cleanliness

The impact of COVID-19 is being felt in nearly every industry and country around the world. With people experiencing new anxieties about being in public spaces for short or extended periods, businesses have had to adapt to ensure workers, customers, and clients are comfortable. Below is an assessment of how the pandemic resulted in businesses in all sectors hiring contract cleaning professionals and making other changes to the way they prioritized building cleanliness. Thorough Surface Cleaning The spread of COVID-19 can occur through surfaces, as the virus can survive on surfaces for an extended period. When the pandemic first emerged, … Continue reading

How Loving the Environment Radiate a More Beautiful You?

Everyone is striving to exhibit beauty on the outside by donning expensive clothing, hairstyles, makeup, jewelry, and anything else that could add an extra touch of elegance. But, did you know that there is a deeper beauty than the external beauty we run after? Radiance is an aspect of beauty that resonates from the inside. It’s not about having a perfect face, body, or image. Radiance is more awe-inspiring than the regular beauty everyone is chasing after. It’s actually the light that shines from our hearts. So, how can one experience this magnificent form of beauty? Here are a few … Continue reading

The Role of Water Treatment in Environmental Sustainability

Water scarcity is one of the largest threats facing humanity today due to constant water shortages being experienced all over the world. Only a small percentage of the world’s water (about 3%) is fit for human consumption with two percent of this amount present in glaciers and ice caps. The United Nations has given water due prominence by making it one of its millennium development goals. Such is the importance of water that governments have started developing new technologies and projects to cushion its effects on the world population. These initiatives include desalination, rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment and water location … Continue reading

Why Eco-Friendly Cars Are Important?

The transport sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions for many countries. The biggest reason why is because of the conventional car, as vehicles account for over half of the emissions from the transportation sector. Your typical car emits carbon dioxide and many other harmful chemicals that are hurting the environment and human health. This makes driving the right vehicle more important than ever.   Driving an eco-friendly vehicle is a great way to help human health and the environment. A green vehicle releases less harmful chemicals into the air, as it emits low carbon compounds when running. … Continue reading

How Love for Nature is a Blessing for Mental Health Patients

A love for nature and outdoor activities is a common trait that people in the world bond over and share. We know that nature can be fun and freeing, and time spent with nature is something a lot of people look forward to, but can it support your mental health? The answer is “yes.” So, what are the mental health advantages of nature, and how can a love for nature support clients who are struggling with their mental health? Mental Health Advantages of Nature Here are some of the ways that nature can help mental health: 1. Reduced stress We … Continue reading

What is a Healthcare Reimbursement Plan – Explained

Healthcare Reimbursement Plan or HRA are reimbursements offered by an employer to their employee for health expenses claims. They are an alternative traditional group healthcare plan. Healthcare reimbursement plans are different because the employer covers health expenses by offering a certain allowance amount instead of choosing a “one-size-fits-all” group health insurance. A healthcare reimbursement plan can provide an employee with an allowance for medical expenses that includes insurance premiums. How Do They Work? Healthcare reimbursement plans require some legal documentation to be constituted as a formal arrangement.  They are also subject to complex federal regulations which need to be fulfilled … Continue reading

Can Nature Be A Tool For Those With Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are more common than one might expect. While we don’t have the exact number, statistics looking at the past-year prevalence of personality disorders among adults from 2001-2003 found that 9.1% of the population experienced a personality disorder when the data was taken. But, what exactly are personality disorders? How are they treated, and can nature be used as a tool for those who are struggling with personality disorders and other concerns? What Are Personality Disorders? To start, what are personality disorders? Personality disorders are characterized by ongoing patterns of maladaptive behavior, affect, and cognition. Every personality disorder has … Continue reading

The Health Impacts of Drinking Contaminated Water

Drinking dirty or contaminated water causes numerous health problems, all of which one should be aware of. The contamination of water sources can start from the main water sources such as city water supplies, rivers, streams, and lakes, or well water supplies. Moreover, the main water source such as groundwater might get contaminated from toxic chemicals found underground, such as fluoride or arsenic, if the water is not filtered properly. Furthermore, contamination can occur from something as dangerous as a badly designed hazardous waste site or industrial site, exposing the water to numerous dangerous chemicals. As previously mentioned, contaminated water … Continue reading

السلامة الإحيائية في تونس .. في انتظار صدور القانون

تخطط وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية، وفق تقرير صدر في نهاية فبراير 2017، إلى زيادة صادراتها من فول الصويا إلى تونس “لتلبية الطلب المتزايد منه في قطاع الصناعة”، وهو منتج في غالبيته العظمى معدل وراثيا. ونظرا لافتقاد تونس في الوقت الحالي لأي تشريع وطني بشأن الكائنات المعدلة وراثيا، فمن المتوقع أن تزداد واردات هذا المحصول حتى أفق عام 2025. وفي خضم النقاش الحاصل حول الهندسة الجينية لا يعلم التونسيون الكثير حولها، فقد كشفت دراسة شملت عينة من 2000 شخص من بينهم 16 شركة صناعية و94 فلاحا و100 شخصية فاعلة في عدة قطاعات و18 جمعية، وعرضت نتائجها خلال أيام التنوع البيولوجي سنة 2015 … Continue reading

Sand and Dust Storms: Impacts and Mitigation

Sand and dust storms cause significant negative impacts on society, economy and environment at local, regional and global scale.  There are three key factors responsible for the generation of sand and dust storms – strong wind, lack of vegetation and absence of rainfall. The environmental and health hazards of such storms cannot be reduced permanently, however its impact can be reduced by taking appropriate measures. As the dust cloud rises, it reduces the horizontal visibility which can impact human life in many ways. The fine suspended particles also contain contaminants, bacteria, pollens, which cause negative health impacts such as allergies and respiratory diseases. Dust also … Continue reading