Halobacterium – A Model of Life in the Dead Sea

Biodiversity is one of the Earth’s greatest treasures that spellbound biologists for centuries. It is widely agreed that biodiversity is essential to increase appreciation for the value of biodiversity, since the ecosystems services, through biodiversity, play a fundamental tile in maintaining and enhancing the well being of the world, it is well-known that human health, wealth, security and culture are affected by any changes in the ecosystem. Still, additional research is required to understand the relationship between the ecosystem and biodiversity. Microorganisms can exist even in the most inhospitable habitats with extreme conditions. Despite their size, these unicellular organisms have … Continue reading

Environmental Education: Key to a Better Future

Tomorrow’s leaders need to be equipped for tomorrow’s challenges, and we must adequately prepare our children for the future they will inherit. As climate change is being felt across the globe and its long term catastrophic impacts have never been so scientifically clear, environmental education is the key to a better future. In an era where more and more children are disconnected from nature, we should recognize the importance of making a real investment in environmental education and outdoor learning. Studies have shown environmental education engages students in learning, raising test scores, and encouraging youth to pursue career in environmental and … Continue reading

How Loving the Environment Radiate a More Beautiful You?

Everyone is striving to exhibit beauty on the outside by donning expensive clothing, hairstyles, makeup, jewelry, and anything else that could add an extra touch of elegance. But, did you know that there is a deeper beauty than the external beauty we run after? Radiance is an aspect of beauty that resonates from the inside. It’s not about having a perfect face, body, or image. Radiance is more awe-inspiring than the regular beauty everyone is chasing after. It’s actually the light that shines from our hearts. So, how can one experience this magnificent form of beauty? Here are a few … Continue reading

What Does The Quran Say About The Natural Environment

For a Muslim, caring for the environment is a part of faith. There are many verses (known as ‘ayahs’) about the natural environment. The Quran describes plants, animals, the elements of rain and wind as resources for use by people and animals. Some features of the natural environment, such as water, are mentioned several times as proof of God’s existence and power.   The Holy Quran asks the reader to ‘think, ponder and reflect’ on the natural signs in the world and contemplate their purpose. Read on to know more about the Quran and natural environment: On Rainwater Cycle ‘It … Continue reading

Catastrophic Impacts of Biological Warfare on Biodiversity

Biological weapons are considered the most dangerous of all known weapons of mass destruction. They are used to deliberately cause epidemics among humans; destroy the environmental components, including water, air, and soil; and target crops and livestock. Examples of diseases used in biological warfare include anthrax, smallpox, plague, cholera, and avian flu. In addition to the catastrophic effects of biological warfare on the biodiversity and the environment, their danger lies in their low cost and rapid spread, as well as their easy preparation, transport, and use. Unlike nuclear and chemical bombs, biological bombs are without odor or color and therefore … Continue reading

How Love for Nature is a Blessing for Mental Health Patients

A love for nature and outdoor activities is a common trait that people in the world bond over and share. We know that nature can be fun and freeing, and time spent with nature is something a lot of people look forward to, but can it support your mental health? The answer is “yes.” So, what are the mental health advantages of nature, and how can a love for nature support clients who are struggling with their mental health? Mental Health Advantages of Nature Here are some of the ways that nature can help mental health: 1. Reduced stress We … Continue reading

The Concept of Garden in Islamic Culture

The Arabic words Hadiqah, riyad, janna, raudah refer to the garden in its classical sense, with different nuances. The words bustan, munia, ruzafa, buhaira, ‘ars refer to the large agricultural or leisure estates generally located on the periphery of towns. These terms and others go to show the diversity of meaning in the concept of garden in the Islamic culture. In Islamic Culture, the garden is above all the essence of elements of Creation: Creation itself is a garden. This garden is at the heart of all the flowering Islamic civilization: beauty, mathematics, architecture, spirituality, poetry, botanic sensibility, hydraulics, biodiversity… … Continue reading

Can Nature Be A Tool For Those With Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are more common than one might expect. While we don’t have the exact number, statistics looking at the past-year prevalence of personality disorders among adults from 2001-2003 found that 9.1% of the population experienced a personality disorder when the data was taken. But, what exactly are personality disorders? How are they treated, and can nature be used as a tool for those who are struggling with personality disorders and other concerns? What Are Personality Disorders? To start, what are personality disorders? Personality disorders are characterized by ongoing patterns of maladaptive behavior, affect, and cognition. Every personality disorder has … Continue reading

التعليم البيئي والتربية البيئية

على العكس من الأنماط التقليدية للتعليم، يعتبر التعليم البيئي (التربية البيئية) عملية تعليمية شمولية تمتد مدى الحياة, وهي عملية موجهة نحو خلق أفراد مسؤولين لإستكشاف وتحديد القضايا والمشاكل البيئية القائمة والمشاركة في حلها وإتخاذ إجراءات فعالة لتحسين أوضاع البيئة, والعمل على الحيلولة دون حدوث مشكلات بيئية جديدة. ونتيجة لذلك، فإنه يمكن للأفراد تطوير وعي أعمق وفهم أوسع للقضايا البيئية, بل ويمكن لهم إكتساب مهارات فعالة تساعدهم على إتخاذ قرارات واعية ومسؤولة وغير منحازة تؤول إلى حل التحديات البيئية. لا يعتبر التعليم البيئي عملية إستشارات بيئية, ولكنه حقل متنوع يرتكز على العملية التعليمية والتي يجب أن تبقى محايدة من خلال تعليم … Continue reading