Future of Urban Transportation in Saudi Arabia

Transportation sector has played a prominent role in the socio-economic development of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. However, there are a wide range of current and future issues which should be tackled to ensure sustainable development in the country. More than 75% of the total population of Saudi Arabia lives in urban areas. Given the worldwide trends and statistics on urban population growth, many have regarded the 21st century as the urban century, understanding the prominence and importance urban areas have played and will continue to play in the future. Therefore, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must focus its attention in … Continue reading

Everything You Need to Know about Green AI. Is It an Answer to Climate Change?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making strides in various fields, and its application in addressing climate change has been gaining attention in recent years. Green AI is a branch of AI that has recently come to light and it aims to reduce the environmental impact of technology and mitigate climate change. We surely need this the most considering where the world is headed now. It is important to note in the very beginning that to enjoy the best use of Artificial Intelligence today, you do require reliable internet connectivity at all times, and what better way to go than Ziply … Continue reading

Cryptocurrency Mining in UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a growing hub for digital currency, with an increasing number of citizens and businesses investing in various digital currencies. As the popularity of virtual currency grows in the UAE, it has become an attractive destination for cryptocurrency miners to set up operations. This article will explore the history, regulations, and policies related to cryptocurrency mining in the UAE as well as discuss some of the opportunities and challenges for crypto miners in this region. Overview of Cryptocurrency and Crypto Mining in the UAE Cryptocurrency is a form of digital money that can be used … Continue reading

3 Apps for Students to Maintain Well-Being in College

Nothing is more important for a student than taking care of their mental health. With a big pile of homework, terrifying exams, and a lot of other responsibilities, life for a student can get overwhelming. As a college student, you need support, and one of the ways to get it is to download an application, which is an easy task to do. However, searching for the apps yourself can give you even more stress. First, you need the exact names and then time to test the application and figure out if it’s a good solution. Luckily, other people have already … Continue reading

9 Tools You Need to Thrive on Your Exams

According to studies, roughly 16-20% of students experience high levels of exam anxiety. Another 18% have it on a moderate level. But the truth is, whether it’s moderate or high, it still interferes with your ability to do your best during the test. The good news for all students is that there are many practices that help ease the stress before a test day. Moreover, if you complement these stress-management practices with the right tools, you will be able to nail any exam like a pro. In this guide, we will give you a list of essential exam prep tools … Continue reading

Drilling Waste Management and Cement Industry

During the exploration and production of oil, huge amounts of drilling wastes are produced in the form of mud and cuttings.  As per conservative estimates, around 0.37 kg of drilling wastes is generated for every barrel of oil produced. The American Petroleum Institute (API) has estimated that approximately 1.21 barrels of total drilling wastes are generated for every foot drilled. The Middle East oil and gas industry has made a lot of effort in order to reduce the environmental impact of their activities; modern drilling methods such as horizontal drilling, navigating the drill bits three dimensionally through the earth, contacting … Continue reading

The Promise of Equitable EdTech: Debunking Common EdTech Myths

Equitable EdTech or education supported by technology has become a debate topic for the entire world. Moreover, the pandemic has fueled talking about the pros and cons of incorporating education with technology. But if you really pay attention to the talks of the correct and learned people, you will realize that equitable EdTech is the future. It exists for a better future. It gains its name equitable EdTech because you need equal amounts of education and technology for a brighter future. If you ask ib extended essay writer or experts in journalism, they will give you a great perspective of … Continue reading

Everything You Should Know About Sustainable Software Development

As climate change concerns continue to increase, it is becoming mandatory to minimize carbon emissions and adopt sustainable practices to save the planet. The Information Technology field has the potential to cut carbon emissions and contribute to alleviating the current climate crisis. Since software plays a significant role in energy consumption, software engineers are going green and adopting sustainable ways of developing technologies with minimal negative environmental impact using closed and open-source databases. Here is everything you need to know about sustainable software development and tips for building an efficient and eco-friendly software. What is Sustainable Software Development? Sustainable software … Continue reading

How Easy Can Be To Store Data With A Data Environment

The term data environment means an environment where data is collected, stored, and analyzed using computer technology. This is quite different to a traditional office environment where people are hired to use their brains, rather than their fingers, to achieve results. In today’s information age, organizations increasingly need to find ways of collecting, storing and analyzing vast amounts of data. This environment can be created by setting up a specialized room, or space, in your company, such as a data center or an IT department. In addition to this, you should ensure that the appropriate software and hardware are available … Continue reading

Morocco Aims To Double Electric Vehicle Production In Two Years

Morocco aims to double its electric car production by 2024, Morocco World News reports. According to Ryad Mezzour, the Moroccan minister for trade and industry, the country is on track to start manufacturing as many as 100,000 electric cars per year within the next two to three years. Fortunately, Morocco’s existing industrial facilities alone are capable of reaching this lofty goal, although helpful international investment may also be on the table in coming years. The need for electric vehicle production Ramping up electric car production is becoming increasingly essential to maintain a competitive edge in a global market. Net zero carbon emission commitments, a … Continue reading

Prepaway – Microsoft 70-347 Exam: Preparation Tips and Tricks

Microsoft 70-347 is now retired, but passing this test led to the MCSA certification. Achieving this credential proves that you have the knowledge to install and manage Cloud-hosted applications with Office 365, including Skype, Exchange, and SharePoint for Business. The 70-347 exam demands your thorough preparation. Otherwise, attaining even the passing score can be very difficult. AZ-303 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Exam provides the candidates with useful preparation tips for passing this test. Why should you take the Microsoft 70-347 exam? There are so many good reasons why studying for the Microsoft 70-347 exam is worth one’s effort and time. Besides … Continue reading

The Environmental Benefits of a Smart Home

Smart home systems, with their extensive automation, sensing, and remote control capabilities, offer a lot of environmental benefits. If you’re not yet sure why this matters, consider that making your home more efficient will save you money as well as affect your carbon footprint. There are many ways to go about reducing your carbon footprint, and implementing smart tech in your home is a good place to start. Here are some of the ways you can use smart home devices to conserve energy and natural resources.   Temperature regulation Smart thermostats are programmable, but the most advanced ones go beyond … Continue reading