Waste Management Implications of 3D Printing

The rapid deployment of 3D printing is one of the most exciting developments since the appearance of the smart phone. This is technology with some serious potential to change how and where goods are manufactured, transforming supply chains. The New Scientist has gone so far as to herald 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, as ushering in a second industrial revolution. But is anyone thinking about how what this new development means for the waste sector? Whilst the technology is already being put to some dubious uses, the ability to manufacture pretty much anything wherever and whenever it’s needed is certainly appealing. Interest isn’t … Continue reading

The Environmental Impact Of Web3

Assessing the environmental impact of a broad ecosystem is not simple. When trying to measure the carbon footprint of the internet, one has to consider all the layers that are part of this system. Web3, like the traditional web, has layers, so the only way to analyze its sustainability is by segments. The motivation for the evaluation of web3 is obvious: if web3 represents an evolution of web2, it must also be more sustainable. In this article we will first define what web3.0 is and what its layers are. Then we will assess what its environmental impact is and if … Continue reading

How to Improve E-Waste Management

Arguably, e-waste is fast becoming the defining issue of our age. Sure, plastics are a huge problem, and the true impact of our plastic production and consumption is only now coming to light. However, recent shifts in attitudes towards single-use packaging and other forms of non-recyclable plastics seems to be making some traction, and across the globe people are beginning to wake up to the destructive consequences of our reliance on plastics of all types. The increase in electronic waste, however, shows no sign of slowing. Current estimates suggest that around two-thirds of the world population own a smartphone, with … Continue reading

Disposal of Waste Tires

Tens of millions of tires are discarded across the Middle East every year. Disposal of  waste tires is a challenging task because tires have a long life and are non-biodegradable. The traditional method of disposal of waste tires have been stockpiling or illegally dumping or landfilling, all of which are short-term solution. Menace of Waste Tires Stockpiled tires provide perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes, vermin and snakes. Accidental fires caused in tire dumps can rage for months releasing toxic fumes. For example, a massive fire broke out at Jahra dumpsite in Kuwait in April 2012 where more than 5 million … Continue reading

Going Paperless With Automated Reminders For Your Business

With the environmental conservation advocacy going around the worlds, people are trying their best to do their part in preserving their surroundings. And it’s for this reason that most businesses and more so are going green. The benefits that this move provides are great. But that will be a heated discussion for another day. Today, we are going to share with you various ways of going paperless with automated reminders for your business. Sounds like something you want to know? Read through the end! Using An Automatic Digital Stock Management System Every business owner knows the importance of keeping track … Continue reading

The Impact of IoT on Sustainable Development

The Internet of Things (IoT) is currently trending with its ever expanding eco-system of digital sensors, appliances and wearable smart devices. Like other sectors, the role of IoT in sustainable development and environment protection will be crucial in the coming years. Environmental degradation is occurring all over the world. Land degradation, deforestation and desertification pose a growing threat to food security and water availability. Widespread loss of biological diversity is undermining the productive capacity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This reduces access to essential environmental goods and services, including vital ecological processes such as water purification, nutrient cycling, control of … Continue reading

5 Unique and Advanced Solar Lights You Must Have

The world is turning to solar power due to depleting natural resources. Energy efficiency is something that everyone is thinking about at the current moment. It is due to the rising energy bill prices and the costs associated with alternative energy sources. The most viable option for people these days is to make use of the energy available for free. Despite the initial investment being higher, people are turning to unique and advanced solar lights. These advanced solar lights can perform multiple tasks, like being able to provide power for the CCTV to operate in different places, and more. Top … Continue reading

E-Waste Management: Perspectives from Egypt

As the person in charge of reducing my company’s environmental impact and maintaining our ISO 14K certification, I had to find a solution for the ever growing number of discarded mobile phones from our employees, partners and 30+ million customers! I explored almost every initiative related to e-waste management in Egypt. I participated in forums addressing the problem, attended meetings full of great ideas and intentions, met local and expat experts, participated in student competitions offering solutions and contacted overseas entities with great track record like Close The Gap, Umicore and Greencyc. Despite all of these resources, I couldn’t find … Continue reading

How Science Helped our Homes be Energy-Efficient

Technology is advancing every day and the need for more energy is also increasing. The linear progression of energy consumption is going to be bad for us all if not handled correctly, so energy efficiency has become a priority for every industry. The more advanced technology gets, the more energy sources are utilized. Homes nowadays use about double the energy homes in the 80s needed. Trying to conserve energy has been the sensible course of action; for the environment is mostly polluted by non-environmentally-friendly energy sources. Conserving energy also means conserving money, it may be expensive to get all the … Continue reading

8 Signs That You’ll Need A Humidifier At Home

Weather is an important factor in determining our health and the quality of our daily lives. While this might sound quite obvious to some people, if you’re well traveled, then you must be knowing how a slight change in the weather patterns can affect not only the body and but also the immediate surroundings. After all, there must be a reason as to why human beings live in houses while other animals are out there, right? So what happens if your home becomes too dry as well? You will need a humidifier. But before that, you have to recognize the tell-signs … Continue reading

Smart Home Solutions to Build a Better Tomorrow

Before homeowners knew how connected smart homes would start working successfully, the prototypes shown seemed complicated and far-fetched. Thankfully, building a futuristic smart home in the modern day isn’t as overwhelming or intimidating as it seemed in the yesteryears. It is important that you pick and choose features that match your needs and your budget. This, therefore, means that you do not have to view the project as an all-or-nothing situation. Here is a rundown of some of the most futuristic solutions you could implement in your dream home today. 1. Voice-Controlled Smart Speaker All smart speakers are powered by … Continue reading

5 Benefits of Remote Monitoring Systems

Remote monitoring systems are fueling the proliferation of industrial revolution 4.0, partly thanks to the advancement in the Internet of Things (IoT) and data logger technologies. These systems allow organizations to have a clear, continuous, and holistic view of their processes, personnel, and equipment, as well as monitor environmental conditions that may impact their products and occupational safety. In today’s highly competitive and regulated business environment, organizations must efficiently and consistently monitor conditions, assets and proactively detect problems. The ability to know when conditions are about to go out of range or to have early warning of a potential equipment … Continue reading