About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder of EcoMENA, and an international consultant, advisor, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise in waste management, waste-to-energy, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. His geographical areas of focus include Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. Salman is the Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA, and is a professional environmental writer with more than 300 popular articles to his credit. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability in different parts of the world. Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org or salman@bioenergyconsult.com

Smart Home Solutions to Build a Better Tomorrow

Before homeowners knew how connected smart homes would start working successfully, the prototypes shown seemed complicated and far-fetched. Thankfully, building a futuristic smart home in the modern day isn’t as overwhelming or intimidating as it seemed in the yesteryears. It is important that you pick and choose features that match your needs and your budget. This, therefore, means that you do not have to view the project as an all-or-nothing situation. Here is a rundown of some of the most futuristic solutions you could implement in your dream home today. 1. Voice-Controlled Smart Speaker All smart speakers are powered by … Continue reading

How To Score Deals When Shopping For Eco-Friendly Essentials

Shopping for green and sustainable products is a great initiative you can do to be a more responsible citizen. With so many products on the market today that harm the environment and deplete natural resources, the damage done to the planet is getting worse. However, while many individuals would want to do their part to minimize this damage, they might find it challenging to use green products. Organic materials and other natural products usually have higher price tags. This could be why many industries use unnatural ingredients, chemical compounds, and other more affordable materials that are unfriendly to the environment … Continue reading

Rooftop Solar Plant: Everything You Need to Know Before Installing Solar Rooftop Systems

Middle East is blessed with ample sunlight all throughout the year. In addition, most of our homes boast of spacious rooftops that bathe in sunlight during the day. These are ideal circumstances for harnessing the energy produced by the Sun and convert it into electricity for domestic use. This can be achieved by interfacing the energy with the help of an inverter. This inverter would convert the DC energy generated by a rooftop solar plant into AC energy and make it usable for our electrical appliances. But while rooftop solar plants are excellent for generating electricity from the sun, there … Continue reading

CDM Enhancing Africa’s Profile Among Investors

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is an extremely simple concept. Companies in developed economies can continue with their polluting ways so long as they pay for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere in the world. Substitute Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Zimbabwe and a string of other African countries for ‘elsewhere’. CDM may not figure highly on the financial radar screens of many entrepreneurs and business people across the globe. They’re probably much more exercised over the merits or otherwise of business banking services, But maybe they should be looking at CDM, not least because entrepreneurial activity and green make interesting bedfellows these days. … Continue reading

4 Negative Environmental Impacts Of Air Conditioners

In most seasons, air conditioners are extremely sought after. They can either cooled up a place or warm it up, but we have all heard of its side effects on our health. Air conditioners have detrimental health effects on our bodies, though that is not the only problem with air conditioners. It also has many negative impacts on the environment itself. Read on to know more about the negative environmental impacts of air conditioners: 1. CFCs/ HFCs Air conditioners are complex machines that are made up of many different parts which work in several ways. CFCs and HFCs are both … Continue reading

The Environmental Impact of Guitars

Since the guitar was invented in the 16th Century, Spain, it has been enjoyed by people all around the globe – with an estimate of at least 900 million guitars existing today. Although, many musicians do worry about the carbon footprint that their instruments leave behind. Guitars are made from rare woods and old growths. Over the years the manufacturing industry has had its fair share of issues, from illegal logging, scarcity in souring, and environmental regulations. In this article, we are going to be speaking in more detail about the impact guitars have on the environment. Do guitar factories … Continue reading

المخاطر البيئية لمرادم النفايات في دولة الكويت

دولة الكويت هي احدى دول الخليج العربي الغني بموارده الطبيعية, وهي كذلك من أعلى الدول نسبة في توليد النفايات الصلبة مقارنة بعدد السكان, حيث ينتج الفرد الواحد – في الكويت-  يوميا حوالي 1.4 كيلوغرام من النفايات. اضافة الى ذلك مازالت الطرق البدائية هي المستعملة في التخلص من النفايات الصلبة. و المدهش اكثر هو أنه على الرغم من صغر مساحة دولة الكويت الا انه يوجد عدد كبير من المرادم  المنتشرة بكثرة. هناك 18 عشرة موقعا لردم النفايات, 14 منها مغلقة, و 4 مواقع مازالت مستعملة. مرادم النفايات في الكويت هي خطر محدق بالبيئة وصحة المجتمع.  واضافة الى ان تكديس النفايات الصلبة يحمل … Continue reading

13 Ways to Minimize the Carbon Footprint of Your DIY Projects

Most of us take up DIY projects as a hobby. However, did you know that you can take up DIY projects to reduce the carbon footprint of your home? DIY projects offer you the perfect opportunity to reuse things. You can create things yourself. You can use eco-friendly materials and resources to do so. When you take these steps, it will be easy for you to reduce the carbon footprint of your home. You have to change how you do things. When you plan and use such resources, it will be easy to reduce the carbon footprint of your DIY … Continue reading

Clean Energy Resources in Jordan

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is heavily dependent on oil imports from neighbouring countries to meet its energy requirements. The huge cost associated with energy imports creates a financial burden on the national economy and Jordan had to spend almost 20% of its GDP on the purchase of energy in 2008. Electricity demand is growing rapidly, and the Jordanian government has been seeking ways to attract foreign investment to fund additional capacity. In 2008, the demand for electricity in Jordan was 2,260 MW, which is expected to rise to 5,770 MW by 2020. Therefore, provision of reliable and clean energy … Continue reading

How Loving the Environment Radiate a More Beautiful You?

Everyone is striving to exhibit beauty on the outside by donning expensive clothing, hairstyles, makeup, jewelry, and anything else that could add an extra touch of elegance. But, did you know that there is a deeper beauty than the external beauty we run after? Radiance is an aspect of beauty that resonates from the inside. It’s not about having a perfect face, body, or image. Radiance is more awe-inspiring than the regular beauty everyone is chasing after. It’s actually the light that shines from our hearts. So, how can one experience this magnificent form of beauty? Here are a few … Continue reading

The Role of Water Treatment in Environmental Sustainability

Water scarcity is one of the largest threats facing humanity today due to constant water shortages being experienced all over the world. Only a small percentage of the world’s water (about 3%) is fit for human consumption with two percent of this amount present in glaciers and ice caps. The United Nations has given water due prominence by making it one of its millennium development goals. Such is the importance of water that governments have started developing new technologies and projects to cushion its effects on the world population. These initiatives include desalination, rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment and water location … Continue reading

Eco-friendly Tips to Buy an AC

Many homeowners are now aware of the importance of conserving the environment and how they can contribute towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. They realize that through saving energy, they can not only save some money, but they can also play a part in making the world a better place. One appliance that definitely consumes a high amount of energy in most homes is the air conditioning unit. That is why it is so important that you look for the most eco-friendly brand when making your purchase. Fortunately, these brands are not too hard to find. In order to … Continue reading