The Relationship Between Climate Change and Natural Disasters

Many natural disasters are directly linked with the climate change including floods, hurricanes, heatwaves, droughts, wildfires and storms. Such disasters have claimed more than 600,000 lives in the past two decades. The frequency and magnitude of these disasters are increasing with time and is not going to subside even with the plans of reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and signing of climate change agreement at Paris.

sandstorm in kuwait

UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction recorded an average of 335 weather-related disasters between 2005 and 2014, an increase of 14% from 1995-2004, and almost twice the level recorded during 1985-1995. According to the report, 4.1 billion people were injured, left homeless or were in need of emergency assistance as a result of weather-related disasters between 1995 and 2015. About 332,000 deaths occurred and 3.7 billion people were affected in Asia alone. These figures are alarming and an eye opener to all of us to understand and to promptly react to this urgent problem based on our floods and storms accounted for the majority of deaths due to weather-related natural disasters.

As per data, floods accounted for 47% of all weather-related disasters from 1995-2015, affecting 2.3 billion people and killing 157,000. Storms were the deadliest type of weather-related disaster, accounting for 242,000 deaths or 40% of the global weather-related deaths, with 89% of these deaths occurring in lower income countries.

Extreme temperatures as a result of global warming caused deaths of about 164,000 people, of which 148,000 deaths, about 92%, were caused due to heat waves; 90% of the deaths from heat waves occurred in Europe alone. In Russia, more than 55,000 people died as a result of heat wave in 2010 and total deaths were 70,000 in 2003 in Europe.

According to the World Bank’s “Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis” report released in March 2015, more than 160 countries have more than a quarter of their populations in areas of high mortality risks from one or more natural disasters. The first decade of the 21st century saw 3,496 natural disasters from floods, storms, droughts and heat waves.

extreme weather events in iraq

As per the World Meteorological Organisation, the world is nearly five times as dangerous and disaster prone as it was in the 1970s, because of the increasing risks brought by climate change. The cost of disasters rose to $864bn in the last decade.

We need to understand that the climate changes are not uniformly spread around the world. The sea level rise is expected to be 10-15% higher in countries closer to the equator, low lying, coastal countries and small island states like Bahrain. The warming will bring more droughts, flooding, sea level rise, heat stress, more water consumption, more energy and cooling requirements and spread of waterborne diseases like cholera and diarrhoea. Thus, it will affect all of us irrespective of our location and status.

The time has come for every individual to adopt environmentally safe habits and caring attitude towards finite natural resources.

10 Eco-Friendly Projects for School Students

We should take care of our ecology. We kill our nature every day and this tendency must be stopped. Many schools teach little schoolers on how to protect our nature. There are different ecological projects that are initiated to rescue nature. essay pro review has 10 eco-friendly project ideas for school students that will engage them in being “green”. Teachers may also find this information useful to generate more ideas.


Firstly, we’d like to pay your attention to the main risk factors that negatively affect the environment. Take a look at the list below borrowed from online custom essay writing company and its team of reliable academic writers:

  • Climate change;
  • Natural catastrophes;
  • Pollution of all kinds;
  • Decrease of flora and fauna;
  • Deforestation;
  • Ineffective environmental law and policies;
  • Chemical effluents;
  • Technology and production, etc.

This list may be longer. Now, let’s review the top environmental project ideas ideas from writing essay help.

Project 1

The first go green project idea is to dig a vegetable plot. Devote some land on school grounds to grow organic vegetables. Mind that it can be used in the school cafeteria, as well as given to food banks to help starving people who don’t have enough money to buy food.

Schoolers will have to take care of this garden. They should plant, grow, and monitor their orchard. It’s a good time to give them information about every vegetable they plant. Thus, you combine work and education. Tell about the main qualities and health benefits of each green.

Tip: If there are no finances for this project, try to engage some local communities and centers.

Project 2

Engage children in recycling. Many people throw trash and other spoiled things right in the street. This also contributes to the destruction of nature. Teach kids that it’s a wrong action and they should use special containers for the proper kind of trash.

You may visit the local landfill or recycling facility. Let them see how the wastes get utilized. Thus, you’ll develop the habit to throw trash where it will be reused or recycled. You may provide some data about how long various items are decomposed, which are most toxic, how their recycling frees place and purifies the surrounding.

Tip: Organize the area for gathering garbage and sort it into proper containers to send it to the recycling facilities.

Project 3

Another important eco-friendly project is to plant trees. This is one of the favorite eco-projects that captivate merely all children. They are fond of planting trees and thus, can be easily taught about the usefulness of planting. It’s a perfect chance for teachers to tell how trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

Tip: In case, the school doesn’t have its own territory for tree planting agree on planting in local parks or backyards of every pupil. Choose fast-growing trees so that kids could quickly see the results of their efforts.

Project 4

Another great project-idea is to launch a “green competition”. Such a project will surely engage more pupils because it will plant a seed of healthy competition to win the award and praise. Schools will be more encouraged due to the sense of extra effort. A small tournament may be based on different projects – garden, tree planting, eco-essays and so on.

Tip: Children should be given freedom of choice to reveal their creativity and show that they really care.

Project 5

You can also offer children to recommend some eco-friendly cleaning systems. People use systems to clean products and clothes. Unfortunately, many of them are actually toxic and poisonous. Teachers may suggest their pupils think about alternative systems of cleaning, which are environmentally safe.

Tip: Ask children to offer at least one more safe system or program that can be used safely. For example, it may use of solar energy.

Project 6

You should also take care of the quality of the air. Thus, you can install air quality meters with your school students. It’s a good way to detect how clean the air is and whether one should undertake some measures to improve the situation. This is also a good chance to tell children about the main air pollutants and factors that pollute the environment via the air.

Tip: If you don’t have enough funds, ask school administration, parents and local organizations to aid.

Project 7

You may organize a food day. Students should bring natural and safe products. The project should take place regularly. Give awards to students who bring healthy products and lecture them about dangerous foods and products.

Tip: Contact local farms and restaurants to organize special food festivals and get some product support.

Project 8

Establish a green club. It should be a special student community that will take care of the environment on the campus. Thus, children will teach their peers to protect nature.


Tip: Encourage and organize different “green” activities.

Project 9

Install an energy meter. This project is similar to air meters. Explain to children why energy conservation is important and how to use it reasonably.

Tip: Enumerate possible alternative sources of energy that are safe for us.

Project 10

Initiate a water bottle campaign. Students should gather plastic bottles and send them to recycling facilities. Explain why plastic and other water containers are harmful to the surrounding.

Tip: Encourage children to use only eco-friendly containers.

Bottom Line

We believe that appropriate education of children will help them to understand that we must protect our nature. Teachers may use our concepts to “plant and grow” the seed of understanding.

العوائق والتحديات التي تواجه المؤسسات الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم العاملة في القطاعات الخضراء

مع انطلاق كلمة “البيئة” ككلمة رنانة على مستوى جميع الصناعات والقطاعات، فان اتساع مجال التحول الأخضر في قطاع الأعمال وتطوير مهارات العاملين فيه أصبح ذا أهمية على مستوى العالم، والشرق الاوسط ليس بمنأى عن هذا التطور.

إن المؤسسات الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم التي تعمل في قطاع التصميم البيئي ، العمارة الخضراء، الطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة استخدام الطاقة، والاستدامة بشكل عام كلها تعمل على توجيه الدفة نحو نحو التحول إلى الاقتصاد الأخضر في شتى القطاعات. إن قطاع المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة في المجال البيئي في الشرق الأوسط ينمو بشكل مطرد وإن كان بسرعة أقل من المتوقع.

الإطار التنظيمي

ان من أكبر العقبات في وجه تطور قطاع المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة في المجالات الخضراء هو ضعف الأنظمة والقوانين المنظمة لهذا القطاع. ووفقا لربى الزعبي، الخبيرة في مجال الاستدامة البيئية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا ” إن المؤسسات الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم هي التي يجب ان تقود التحول نحو الاقتصاد الأخضر في منطقة الشرق الأوسط. ويعد عدم توفر السياسات والممكنات التي توجه هذا القطاع أحد معيقات نمو وتنافسية هذه المؤسسات”.

إن القوانين التي تحكم السوق وقطاع الأعمال تشكل عائقا كبيرا أمام المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة في قطاع الطاقة المتجددة والبيئة والاستدامة. فعلى سبيل المثال فالشركات الحكومية في دول الخليج العربي تتمتع باحتكار شبه كامل فيما يتعلق بشبكات الصناعات التي لها تأثيرات بيئية كبيرة (مثل الكهرباء والطاقة) او تسيطر على خدمات بيئية استراتيجية (مثل إدارة المياه والمخلفات).

إعادة الهيكلة

إن إعادة هيكلة قطاع المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في الشرق الأوسط مهم جدا للسماح لتلك المؤسسات بالنمو والتطور وبالتالي لتحفيز انتقال المنطقة إلى اقتصاد أخضر. توفر المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة النسبة الأكبر من الوحدات الانتاجية والوظائف في مختلف أنحاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط، فعلى سبيل المثال المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة مسؤولة عن حوالي 60% من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وتجدر الإشارة إلى أهمية مشاركة المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في عملية التحول ألى اقتصاد منخفض الانبعاثات مما يمهد الطريق نحو قطاع أعمال أكثر استدامة ونحو تطوير المهارات في مجال البيئة ضمن شتى القطاعات.

إن المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم تحتاج الى دعم حكومي قوي والذي نفتقده للأسف في العديد من من دول الخليج العربي، وكما توضح ربى الزعبي “على الرغم من الفرصة الهائلة المتاحة للنمو في الشرق الأوسط والتي تعززها عدة عوامل اهمها التغير المناخي، شح المياه، الاعتماد على النفط إضافة إلى البصمة البيئية،إلا أن المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة العاملة في القطاعات الخضراء مهددة بالتحديات المتعددة وبالمنافسة المتزايدة”.

تحديات ملحة

تواجه منطقة الشرق الأوسط تحديات عدة فيما يخص نمو المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة العاملة في القطاعات البيئية، كما توضح ربى الزعبي “إن التحديات الاكثر إلحاحا هي: 1) الفجوة ما بين التعليم ومتطلبات سوق العمل، 2) التشتت في توجيه البحوث والتطوير نحو أولويات الصناعة. يتحتم على المؤسسات الحكومية، وجمعيات الأعمال والمنظمات غير الحكومية لعب دور أكبر لحشد التأييد ومواءمة أولويات النمو الأخضر في شتى القطاعات.”

تواجه المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة في القطاعات الخضراء معوقات كبيرة لدخول السوق على الرغم من دورها المهم في تطوير تكنولوجيا ملائمة للاحتياجات المحلية وفي تأسيس نماذج أعمال صديقة للبيئة.

مبادرات واعدة

اتخذت أبو ظبي خطوة كبيرة لتجميع المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة الخضراء عن طريق انشاء مدينة “مصدر” الحرة. كتجمع للأعمال، توفر مصدر للمؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة وكذلك للشركات الناشئة بيئة تلهم الابتكار، وتقدم فرصا لتطوير الأعمال، كما انها تعد مختبرا حيا وحاضنة اختبار للتكنولوجيا الحديثة. على الرغم من ذلك، فان ارتفاع إيجارات المكاتب يعد عائقا أمام المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة ذات الإمكانيات المحدودة. وكما أوضحت مستشارة التنمية المستدامة، سندانا سواين، والتي تعمل في دبي “إن ارتفاع إيجارت المكاتب في منطقة مصدر الحرة كان أحد الأسباب التي دفعت الشركات الصغيرة للابتعاد عن إنشاء أعمالها في تجمع الأعمال هذا”.


في عام 2007 قامت قطر ايضا بإطلاق مبادرة واعدة للترويج للأعمال الخضراء ودعمها وذلك بإنشاء واحة قطر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والتي تركز على مجالات الطاقة، والبيئة، وعلوم الصحة، وتكنولوجيا الاتصال والمعلومات. في بداياتها ركزت المؤسسة على تأسيس البنية التحتية وجذب شركات كبيرة، وفي المرحلة الثانية تنوي الواحة استهداف المؤسسات الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم وتزويدها بالدعم في الجوانب القانونية والتمويل والإرشاد وتخطيط الأعمال.

التوجهات المستقبلية

هناك حاجة ملحة للتداخلات العاجلة على مستوى السياسات لدعم المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة في القطاعات الخضراء في الشرق الأوسط لمساعدتها على تجاوز المعوقات المختلفة من خلال: تبادل الخبرات والمعرفة، رفع مستوى الوعي البيئي،  تحسين الدعم المالي، دعم بناء وتطوير المهارات، تحسين الوصول إلى الأسواق، وفرض الضرائب البيئية.

في العقود الماضية، شهد قطاع الريادة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط تسارعا ملحوظا، مما يستوجب توجيه الريادة نحو معالجة قضايا المياه، والبيئة، و إدارة المخلفات بحيث تساهم في تحويل التحديات البيئية الى فرص اقتصادية.

ترجمة: فرح الشيشاني

تعمل فرح في مجال تقديم الاستشارات في الاعمال واستحداث المحتوى الرقمي بما يشمل الترجمة. يسبق ذلك عملها على مدى ست سنوات في مجال تطوير الأعمال وإدارة المشاريع في قطاعات عدة منها التصميم والانشاءات والطيران. تقوم حاليا بتقديم استشارات خاصة للمؤسسات والشركات الناشئة فيما يختص بالنواحي الرقمية وبناء استراتيجية اتصال الى جانب تطوير المحتوى والهوية المؤسسية.

MBBR Technology in Wastewater Treatment

Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) is a biological technology used for wastewater treatment process suitable for municipal and industrial application. Another common name is moving bed film reactor. It was invented in the 1980s. MBBR offer an economical solution for wastewater treatment. STP MBBR technology is the use of a moving bed biofilm reactor in sewage treatment plants.

MBBR wastewater treatment system enables efficient results of the disposal using low energy. The technology is used to separate organic substances, nitrification and denitrification. MBBR design is made of an activated sludge aeration system. The sludge is collected on the plastic carriers which have a large internal surface area. The surface area in the carriers optimizes the contact of water, air, and the bacteria.

MBBR activated sludge is the application of MBBR media to an overloaded treatment plant when upgrading.

MBBR is applicable to the different quality of wastewater treatment. The application is determined by the desired results and regulations controlling discharge. The system can be of more than one stage depending on specific needs. The stages are made of individual tanks separated by screens to ensure that bacteria remain in their specific tank.

MBBR Media Used in Wastewater Treatment

Aeration tank: The tank is similar to an activated sludge tank. The aeration is used to keep in motion the activated sludge and carriers. The MBBR system separates the excess bacteria and sludge which are directed to the final separator.

Special plastic carriers: They provide a surface for biofilm growth. Carrier materials are made of materials with a density close to that of water (1g/cm3) an example is high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with a density of 0.9g/cm3. These carriers are moved in the tank through the aeration system. This ensures good contact between the wastewater and the biomass on the carriers.

Benefits of MBBR Technology

  • Saving of space due to its compactness
  • Easy to maintain
  • Good for a high volume of load
  • Extension and expanding are easy. This made possible by increasing the filling degree of carriers.
  • Lower discharge costs
  • MBBR is not affected by toxic shock
  • Independent process performance because there is no return line for sludge; the MBBR eliminates the return activated sludge (RAS)
  • It has high effectiveness of sludge retention time (SRT) which enhances the nitrification process
  • Production of sludge is lower
  • It does not need recycling of the sludge-like activated sludge system
  • MBBR media is installed to retrofit existing activated sludge tanks in order to increase its capacity

Design of MBBR Systems

It uses a combination of activated sludge process i.e. suspended growth and biofilter i.e. attached growth.  It uses the entire tank volume for biomass growth by implementing the carriers for attached growth of biofilm. Movement of carriers is enabled by air bubbles through agitation.

The reactor can be in any shape and support different load depending on carrier filling. MBBR design of reactor depended on the actual wastewater characteristics and locality.  The plants come either with vertical or horizontal mounted rectangular mesh sieves. The reactor can also be fitted with cylindrical bar sieves.

MBBR carriers are cylinders having a cross inside and fins outside to increase the surface area. The standard used is below 70% of carriers in an area of not more than 465m2 per m3. MBBR is used together with a septic tank or a pre-coagulation step for pre-treatment. MBBR technology can be designed with additional non-mechanical or mechanical system to enhance phosphorus and fecal coliform reduction.

Application of MBBR

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) removal – It requires only one wastewater tank with the MBBR and clarification.

Nitrification – It uses two tanks one for BOD removal and the other for nitrification.

Denitrification – It uses four aeration tanks in this order before emptying in the clarification with pre denitrification, BOD reduction, nitrification and post denitrification.

MBBR technology is applicable in industries, marine and for municipal wastewater treatment.

Operation and Maintenance of MBBR

MBBR which is in constant use does not require backwashing or return sludge flows. Wastewater treatment tank operation is at low cost because of the coarse-bubble aeration in the aeration zone. The agitation constantly moves the carriers over the service eliminating clogging.

Maintenance of the MBBR system is mainly done in the form of screening, sludge handling, influent equalization and it also involve maintaining the integrated control system and clarifier system. The MBBR requires skilled personnel for the routine monitoring of pump and blower operation. MBBR technology has a self-maintenance mechanism for the level of biofilm.


Membrane bioreactor is based on a combination of conventional activated sludge and biofilm media. Comparison between MBR and MBB can be done using the following key criteria:

  • Capital investment of MBR is higher than of MBBR
  • MBR requirement for screening is higher than that of MBBR technology
  • MBBR system does not require chemicals in its operation like MBR system
  • MBR system is difficult to operate as compared MBBR
  • MBR requires recirculation pump and air scouring blowers which are not applicable in MBBR
  • Both systems require aeration blowers
  • In case of power shutdown, MBR can last up to 24 hours while MBBR lasts up to 10 hours after which the bacteria forms bio-cakes.
  • MBR is better in shifting of complex or toxic substances than MBBR
  • MBR effluent water quality is superior but MBBR`s is suitable for irrigation purpose only
  • Both are susceptible to oil and grease for MBR membrane can be cleaned well or replaced but for MBBR technology the carriers need to be changed and the plant will require a ten-day restarting time.


The quantity of biomass plays a big role in the removal efficiency of the MBBR system, it can be increased through the volume of carriers per unit. The carrier’s performance needs to be proven for specific wastewater treatment for application of different cases. Design of a water treatment plant should not be based on assumption or estimation but the correct material should be used for the carrier and the volume required calibrated.

MBBR technology is effective for wastewater treatment if the regulation concerning the effluent water discharge. The system is flexible in its application and can easily be relocated. Wastewater treatment as required for ecological reasons can be done using the MBBR.

Eco-Friendly Solutions To The Homelessness Crisis

As the long-term impact of COVID-19 on the global economy is becoming more clear, many people around the world are at particular risk of homelessness. The spiraling inflation and growing unemployment are making life very difficult for people as prices of basic food items and utility bills are getting out of the reach of poor people. On the other hand, people are losing jobs or finding it hard to enter into labour market due to multiple social and economic reasons. With the result, there is a steady rise in homelessness which is going to increase in coming years.

As per a report published in June in the Guardian, a leading British newspaper, the number of people without a home in England is going to increase by a third by 2024 (1). There are complex factors fuelling homelessness in Western countries like the UK and the US like cuts to social security, rising food and energy prices as well as the end of COVID-related eviction bans. In the UK, it is expected that, “more than 66,000 more people will be homeless by 2024 (1).

Similarly, homelessness is also a significant problem in the poorer countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. According to a recent UNICEF analysis covering 11 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, poverty continues to impact at least 29 million children – one in four children in the region (2).

refugee camp in syria

Personally, I believe that due to the close relationship between capitalism and the housing crisis, finding an eco-friendly solution to homelessness is imperative especially as a result of Climate Change which is something that new housing must be designed to respond to. This idea links with how the solution to reducing homelessness involves, “federally mandated policies designed to increase the supply of available affordable housing units to those needing dependable shelter” as proposed by Athullya Gopi who works for the Institute for New Economic Thinking in New York (3).

The importance of environmentally friendly housing solutions in tackling the homelessness crisis cannot be overstated. According to Ms Gopi, a quick-fix housing solution will only increase carbon emissions and energy consumption and an eco-friendly solution is more desirable considering Climate Change (3).

The need for the state to intervene and ensure housing for the homeless links with my personal beliefs as well as my support for state subsidized housing for the homeless. This is important as state subsidized housing for the homeless could adopt eco-friendly design.

For instance, the EcoHood development in South Central Los Angeles has created micro homes with solar power and energy performance features which secure housing for those in need as cheaply and quickly as possible while keeping the environment in mind (4). Furthermore, “the goal of the pilot project is to provide a template for how to… reduce L.A.’s homeless population at a fraction of cost of traditional construction without harming the planet” (4).

green solutions to homelessness crisis

In the UK, net-zero carbon homes are a development which demonstrate a practical but eco-friendly solution to homelessness. Net-zero carbon homes designed for the homeless were put on display at the COP26 conference in Glasgow in a bid to offer green housing solutions (5). I appreciate how the viability of net-zero carbon homes are highlighted by net-zero carbon homes.

Net-zero carbon homes are, “erected on stilts above an existing public car park and are fitted with low-energy heating systems, rooftop solar panels and other green technologies to drive down carbon output” (5). Therefore, net-zero carbon homes provide a rationale for tackling homelessness and addressing the Climate Crisis through green construction. However, the predominantly urban nature of the homelessness crisis means that, “special emphasis needs to be made on urban as opposed to rural areas” and construction of accommodation for the homeless should keep in mind the overall carbon footprint of such a project (3). I think that net-zero carbon homes are specifically tailored to address homelessness in a sustainable manner.

Net-zero carbon homes do not produce a carbon footprint and they do not contribute to global warming through the emission of carbon dioxide during construction.  Moreover, net-zero carbon homes are easily adaptable and can be constructed in the MENA region with support and government funding.

Another eco-friendly solution to the homelessness crisis is the tiny house movement. Tiny homes are no more than 400 square feet in size (6). Tiny homes provide an eco-friendly solution to homelessness as they are an affordable and sustainable alternative to public housing. This is as, “one of the main environmental benefits of tiny homes is that they require fewer materials to build, and less energy to power, heat and cool compared to traditional single-family houses” (7).

green housing for homeless

The ability of the tiny house movement to not just address homelessness but Climate Change is convincing. Maria Saxton, a PhD Candidate at Virginia Tech, “spent a year studying the environmental impact of people who moved into tiny homes, and she found that most tiny home dwellers reduced their energy consumption by 45 percent upon downsizing” (8). So, it seems fair to assume that if homeless people are accommodated in tiny homes rather than public housing, it would mean that their overall ecological footprint would decrease through the adoption an ecological lifestyle with lower levels of energy consumption than in public housing (9).

On a personal level, I believe that the tiny house movement is also the perfect eco-friendly solution to the homelessness crisis as occupiers of tiny homes, “adopt more environmentally conscious eating habits, such as eating more locally and growing more of their own food” (9). I think that the tiny house movement effectively ensures that people who move into tiny homes will adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle. Therefore, in my opinion, tiny homes help solve both homelessness and the Climate Crisis and can be implemented all over the world, from the West to the Middle East.

To conclude, I strongly believe that both net-zero carbon homes and tiny homes provide a practical solution to the homeless crisis which is both affordable and sustainable in the long-term. As net-zero carbon homes and tiny homes employ flexible building materials and are easy to transport, they can be implemented throughout the world. Net-zero carbon homes and tiny homes are the global solution to the homelessness crisis as they are adaptable and flexible. In the long-term, net-zero carbon homes and tiny homes are connected to the global transition to eco-friendly construction and housing during the Climate Crisis.


  1. Booth R. Homelessness set to soar in England amid cost of living crisis [Internet]. the Guardian. 2022 [cited 29 June 2022]. Available from:
  2. At least one in four children live in poverty in the Middle East and North Africa [Internet]. 2017 [cited 29 June 2022]. Available from:
  3. Gopi A. Tackling Urban Homelessness the Green Way [Internet]. 2019 [cited 29 June 2022]. Available from:
  4. EcoHood Sustainable Housing [Internet]. 2020 [cited 6 July 2022]. Available from:
  5. Geraghty L. These zero-carbon homes for homeless people offer a future for green housing – The Big Issue [Internet]. The Big Issue. 2021 [cited 29 June 2022]. Available from:
  6. Carrizosa P. Could tiny homes be the adorable, affordable and sustainable housing that our planet needs? [Internet]. 2021 [cited 29 June 2022]. Available from:
  7. Krosofsky A. Why Tiny Homes Are Eco-Friendly — And Why They Sometimes Aren’t [Internet]. Green Matters. 2020 [cited 29 June 2022]. Available from:
  8. Stinson L. Just how eco-friendly are tiny homes? Very, according to new research [Internet]. Curbed. 2019 [cited 29 June 2022]. Available from:
  9. Saxton M. Do tiny home owners actually live more sustainably? Now we know [Internet]. Fast Company. 2019 [cited 29 June 2022]. Available from:

The Importance of an Environmentally-Friendly Hajj

Despite the spiritual perfection of the rites of the Hajj pilgrimage, there are some deep issues with its practical implementation. In a journey where one is meant to recalibrate one’s consciousness of the one true Creator, it seems paradoxical that such an excursion should lead to environmental harm (or destruction). Why is it then that I walk the street of the Haram (sacred land) and find them littered with boxes of chicken and rice, strewn on the curb in front of beggars who offer to pray for you in exchange of spare change?

A Deluge of Waste

In 7:31, the Holy Qur’an says,

O children of Adam! … eat and drink: but waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters.”

The Quran has so many verses extolling the environment and natural wonders. Yet ironically, the pinnacle of a Muslim’s spiritual journey, known as Hajj, has become plastered with waste, something which Saudi Arabia has become somewhat notorious for. Much of this also comes from the luxurious European and American tents who really should be bringing with them better codes of conduct as they belong to the so-called developed world.


What about the millions of plastic bottles, essential for hydrating Hajj pilgrims, but surely ending up polluting landfills and oceans, destroying countless habitats in Makkah, Madina and surrounding areas? Surely a country with the financial arsenal that Saudi boasts could arrange for sophisticated recycling facilities at least.

In fact, the current sovereign has shown glimpses of visionary marvel, with an expansion project of the Sacred Mosque that will increase its capacity from 1 million worshippers to 3 million – this is happening AMIDST mass congregations every day! I suppose one might argue that throwing $11 billion at a problem is prone to producing miraculous engineering feats. Challenge accepted, I say, let’s green up the Hajj!

For a Mosque buzzing day and night all year around, it is disappointing to see the thousands of fans, bulbs, chandeliers and air conditioners in use practically all the time. Anyone who has even stepped foot in this region could probably point to a pretty abundant source of power – the SUN! That majestic ball of gas has chosen the Gulf as its lover to whom it imparts more magnificent rays than anywhere else.

Yet in a country where oil is cheaper than water, whose got time for solar panels? If the sun’s energy were to be harnessed for the Mecca Metro, surely the smog filled air, congestion, and indefinite waiting times could be avoided in addition to the tons of carbon reduced each year!

Time to Act, now!

With the threat of Climate Change intensifying and an official Islamic Declaration on Climate Change in place, the need for countries to reduce their carbon footprints is becoming imperative. The role of faith groups in opposing environmental degradation cannot be understated, as the recent Papal Encyclical and Islamic Declaration has demonstrated.

Organisations like ARC and GO2015 have come together to produce a Green Guide for Hajj in various languages. We have seen more campaigns mobilizing faith communities on this issue by groups like Islamic Relief, MADE, Christian Aid, and CAFOD.


A vast majority of Hajj pilgrims are not aware of the innate nature of environmentalism within Islam.

Strong Message of Environmental Leadership

By ensuring scrupulous sustainability along every step of the most sacred journey in a Muslim’s life, we are not simply reducing its carbon footprint – we are sending a strong message of leadership to 1.6 billion Muslims that environmental stewardship is an essential aspect of our faith.

The ripple effect an environmentally-friendly Hajj could have on people’s personal lives could change the way the entire Muslim community views the issue.

The pilgrims annually retrace the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him); the same man who forbade the excessive use of water even at a riverbank, prohibited the cutting of trees in the sacred lands, and commanded environmental custodianship as a strong tenet of the faith.

It is about time that the Saudi government (and the entire Muslim Ummah) takes a stronger stand towards externalizing the inner spirituality of the Hajj by making it a journey of environmental care, contemplation and benefit.

8 Steps To Writing The Perfect College Essay As A Student

How do you write an essay that will help you get into the college of your dreams? This can be a daunting task especially without an essay writer, and one that you’ll have to complete many times over as you go through school, from college admissions essays to scholarship applications to grad school applications. You want your essay to stand out from the crowd, and make sure that the reader knows that you’re just the type of student they want in their program.

Here are eight steps that will help you write the perfect college essay as a student!

how to write the perfect college essay

1. Know What You Want to Get Out of College

Do you want to go into business? Do you want to become an engineer? Do you want to become a teacher? Regardless of what your career goals are, you should know what they are. Before taking on any essay-writing assignment, it’s important that you fully understand why exactly your college essay is important. For example, if you have no idea what you want to get out of college, then how can anyone else expect to understand your essay? It might seem like common sense, but most students don’t think about their essays in terms of results—they just write them. And when those essays don’t get them into their first choice school or program, they wonder why.

2. Write About an Experience That Defines You

Start with your most recent experience (preferably something that happened in high school or very recently) and go backward from there. What you write about should be something that changed your life or caused you to mature/grow. To write about an experience that defines you, you’ll need to dig deep into what makes you who you are today. For instance, did something happen where you were forced out of your comfort zone?

3. Show, Don’t Tell

In essays of all varieties, show, don’t tell is an axiom that holds true—especially when it comes to describing your own personality. One way to do so is through your extracurricular activities: Did you run for student council? Volunteer at a food bank? Lead up-and-coming bands at talent shows? If you did any of these things, explain how it taught you leadership skills or otherwise shaped your character. Be sure to write about your experiences in detail!

4. Develop Your Voice and Style

Your essay isn’t just your chance to talk about yourself—it’s also an opportunity for you to develop your voice and style. Focus on connecting with readers by showcasing your personality. Describe how your past has influenced who you are today and what goals you have for yourself. And, of course, don’t forget all those dos and don’ts from English class: Be clear and concise, check your grammar, proofread!

5. Practice Writing Essays for Other Subjects

It’s easy to get comfortable writing about your personal life and your day-to-day activities. But if you want to stand out in college admissions, make sure you expand your essay beyond that scope. Look into opportunities in high school for essay competitions that are not geared toward personal topics. Write essays on topics outside of yourself—maybe start with an analysis of current events or an argumentative paper on an important historical topic. Remember: It’s not just what you write, but how you write it!

how to write better essays in college

6. Edit and Revise Before Proofreading

It may seem counterintuitive, but it’s best to edit and revise your essay before you proofread it. By doing so, you’ll be able to identify your grammatical and spelling errors. You don’t want your readers focusing on typos rather than what you have to say. Once you finish editing and revising, then it’s time for proofreading. While proofreading, think about clarity—make sure every sentence is precise and easy to understand.

7. Avoid Plagiarism

Don’t plagiarize your essay. If you do, even by accident, you will be penalized. And no one wants that kind of thing on their permanent record. The best way to avoid plagiarism is simple: don’t copy from someone else’s work word for word or get help from Paraphrase what other people have written, and write your own words in place of theirs wherever possible.

8. Stay Organized

You may have heard that writing an essay takes hard work and effort, but you might not realize just how much. Before you even think about picking up your pen or opening a blank Word document, make sure you’re ready. In order to write that essay from start to finish in one sitting, it helps to stay organized with a structure as stated here throughout every step of the process.

Countries Driving Solar Surge in MENA

gcc-solarThe countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are known for their abundance of fossil fuels, yet they also have another energy resource at their fingertips – solar power. Some countries such as Saudi Arabia, which have great solar resources, are transitioning to utility scale solar energy production.  This allows them to export more of their fossil fuel instead of using it to produce power domestically. However, the decision to switch to solar power isn’t just to preserve oil resources for export.

The countries in the MENA region are also experiencing increased demand for electricity due to rising populations and economic growth, and many are turning to their abundant solar resources to meet that demand. In addition, many of these regions face water scarcity issues, driving widespread adoption of energy-intensive desalination operations – again, creating an ideal opportunity to deploy utility scale solar operations, lowering the opportunity costs of using oil-powered generation.

Key Drivers

What is unique about the MENA countries adopting solar power is that the driving force is not based on subsidies or policy incentives like other countries. Instead, the market is driving adoption because solar has become so cost effective in these regions. Solar energy in the Middle East is now a cheaper source of electricity than burning fossil fuels.  The International Renewable Energy Agency has reported the price of solar in this region has fallen by almost three quarters in the past eight years, and is expected to decrease a further 50% by 2020.

Countries to Watch

One of the largest oil consuming countries in the world, Saudi Arabia has been burning close to a quarter of the oil they produce. A report published by Chatham House (a British think tank) warned that if Saudi Arabia continued this massive consumption of their oil, they could end up having to import oil by 2038.  Luckily, Saudi Arabia has some of the highest solar insolation levels in the world. This means they receive very intense sunlight, plus they have undeveloped desert, which makes this an amazing region for developing solar power. In 2017 alone, Saudi Arabia announced plans for a 300 MW solar plant, and installing 400 MW of wind energy. Saudi Arabia is planning on installing 9.5 gW of clean energy by 2023 and expects renewables to be generating at least 10% of the power on its grid at that point.

Not to be outdone, the UAE is aiming to hit 44% energy of their energy produced from renewables by 2050. They are currently working on the installation of the world’s largest single location solar plant, the Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, which will produce 1,000 MW by 2020, and increase its’ output to 5,000 MW by 2030. If this solar park reaches their goal of 5,000 MW, it will contribute 25% of the total energy production in Dubai. In addition, Dubai has created the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 goals, which aim to make Dubai a center for renewable energy, green economy and to have the world’s lowest carbon emissions by 2050.

Egypt benefits from being a high solar insolation region, receiving between 9 and 11 hours of sunlight every day. Egypt’s renewable energy goal is 20% of it’s energy by 2022, with 2.2% contributed from solar power. Their current plan is to install 3.5GW by 2027, comprised of 2.8GW from photovoltaics and 700 MW from concentrated solar power.

Among MENA countries, Morocco has emerged as a role model for the entire region. The government’s target of 2GW of solar and 2GW of wind power by 2020 is progressing smoothly with the commissioning of the landmark Nour-1 solar power project.


While solar is beginning to take off in MENA, it’s interesting to note the major differences with solar adoption in these countries. The driving force behind much of this renewable energy growth is pure market forces, since solar energy production there is so cheap – this is different from many other countries, where changes in subsidies, policies and industry disputes can whipsaw solar adoption.

However, even though the economics make sense there are still other hurdles to cross such as technical issues, dust and sandstorms (which can greatly impact solar panels’ energy output) and current fossil fuel subsidies in these countries. Major changes to infrastructure don’t happen overnight, but these changes are all promising steps in the right direction for the MENA countries to eventually reap lower electricity costs and a smaller resulting carbon footprint.

8 Tips to Help You Write Better Essays in College

Writing in college can seem impossible at times, especially when you have no idea where to start and you’re afraid you won’t be able to finish your essays on time or without doing research that’s plagiarized from the Internet. Don’t worry, though—you can develop the skills you need to write better essays and get the grades you want in the process! Here are eight tips I use to write my essay till I got better in college

how to write better essays in college

1. Start early

Most of us have heard at some point that it’s good to start early on a writing assignment, especially an essay. When it comes down to it, though, you really should follow up on your professors’ advice and aim for completion at least a day or two before your essay is due. The sooner you get started with your writing, the more time you’ll have to edit and revise if necessary—and trust me when I say there will likely be some revising involved! Also, nowadays more popular become homework assignment help, which saves time.

2. Use an Outline

By outlining your essay before you start writing, you can make sure that every paragraph is based off a logical progression of thoughts. When writing an outline, ask yourself three questions: Why am I writing? What am I going to say? How am I going to say it? With each topic sentence, make sure it is directly related back to your thesis statement. If a point is weak or unrelated, think about how you can make it stronger or more relevant.

3. Proofread – check your grammar and spelling

A quick proofread before you hit publish is crucial. Even if you’re a confident writer like professionals in, it never hurts to double-check your spelling and grammar just to be safe. After all, there’s nothing worse than submitting an essay with silly mistakes that make you look unprofessional and unprepared. Your readers will judge you based on how well written your content is, so make sure they can focus on your ideas instead of fixating on typos.

4. Keep Paragraphs Short

In a world of information overload, your essay has a limited amount of time and space to grab and hold a reader’s attention. Make sure your paragraphs are concise and easy to follow by keeping them short. Paragraphs consisting of five sentences or less are best, but if you have something more complex that needs explanation, try breaking it up into multiple sections with their own subheadings. For example: Using proper formatting will make writing essays easier than ever before!

5. Include a Title with Every Paragraph

If you want to write better essays, you need to master a basic but important technique. Every paragraph should start with a title. When writing an essay, it’s not enough just put your ideas on paper; they need structure and organization. A good way to organize your thoughts is by using titles for each paragraph. A well-constructed essay will have at least three paragraphs, but sometimes four or five are necessary. The first sentence of each paragraph should be a topic sentence that summarizes what you’re going to say about that point later in that paragraph.

6. Explain Concepts with Definitions and Examples

If your professor has assigned you an essay, you may be wondering how you can possibly fit a 15-page paper into one single essay. The answer is simple: Use examples. Define terms and concepts using your own words and then provide a few relevant examples to back up those definitions. Let’s look at an example of what we mean by defining a concept using its definition and providing an example or two that illustrate said definition.

how to write a great college essay

7. Put Your Key Points in the First Paragraphs

The first paragraph should serve a dual purpose—it should grab readers’ attention, while also summarizing your overall essay. Plus, if you put your thesis here, it’ll make your paper easier to read and digest. For example: In today’s society, sexual consent is a topic that gets discussed a lot—but not enough. People often seem unable or unwilling to define what consent means when it comes to sex, and we can see its effects all around us.

8. Take Breaks Between Writing Sessions

If you try to write an essay all at once, you’re more likely to get writer’s block or run out of steam. Instead, work on your paper in manageable chunks. Even if you don’t feel like it at first, take a break from your project and come back later refreshed and ready for more writing. Before you know it, you’ll have a complete essay!

This might seem daunting. You are not dull for not knowing how to do this, it’s normal. If you are still unsure, how to write a good essay, check out this article.

How To Write A Great College Essay: 7 Step-By-Step Guide

Whether you’re applying to an Ivy League school or just trying to get into a state university, you need to write an essay that will impress the admission officers enough to accept you in their college or university. Of course, you may prefer to buy essay papers to write a paper effectively and explore more information on the necessary subject with writing experts. If you want to increase your chances of getting accepted, follow these simple 7 steps in writing your college essay without papers writing help – they will help you make your application stand out and get accepted! Best of luck! After reading, you can check this link

how to write a great college essay


1. Before starting to write your essay, read the prompt

The prompt is a summary of what your professor wants you to do in your essay. The point of doing so is not only to make sure that you understand exactly what it is that you’re supposed to be writing about, but also to get an idea of what kind of information she or he is looking for. As such, if you don’t know how to write a great college essay because something is unclear, ask your professor before starting.

2. Come up with a thesis

Before you start writing without using masterpapers, it’s important to formulate a thesis. Not sure what that is? The simplest way to think of a thesis is as your main point or argument about a topic—essentially, an overall takeaway message for your readers. When you have an idea for your paper, write it down in one sentence, no more than two.

3. Research, Research, Research

If you’re like most college students, you’ve probably spent more time researching how to write a great college essay than writing it. That’s because there are so many different ways to tackle a college admissions essay and you don’t want to do anything that might jeopardize your chances of getting accepted. Before you start brainstorming ideas for your essay, spend some time reading up on what makes a great college application essay. There are plenty of resources online that will give you tips on what schools look for in an applicant—and even better, there are plenty of examples written by successful applicants who have been through it all before.

4. Develop an Outline

Knowing where you’re going to go with your essay before you start writing it is a good idea. One way to do that is by developing an outline, which will make sure you stay on track and don’t lose sight of your larger goals for the paper. After finishing your outline, consider writing an introduction and conclusion so you have these sections ready to go once you start writing up a draft of your essay.

5. Edit Your Writing. Twice

If you’re going to be submitting an essay for college, chances are it will be read by a professional editor at some point—and good editors will not only look for grammatical errors but also help you improve your writing and make your words say exactly what you want them to.  So before sending off that final draft, take a second pass through your paper with a critical eye. This is especially important if English isn’t your first language; in addition to grammar mistakes, poor word choice can really detract from your message. And no matter how skilled you may be as a writer, everyone makes mistakes! The best thing you can do is plan ahead for them and then give yourself plenty of time to edit so that any last-minute changes don’t throw off all of your hard work.

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6. Revise

The problem with paper writing help is that most people don’t think about making a revision. They simply send their papers to be edited and hope that everything will go well. However, as we all know, if you want to get high grades on your college essays, they must be revised.

7. Proofread Again

The most common mistake college students make when writing essays is not proofreading. Sometimes they’re so eager to turn in their essay that they forget a few grammar and spelling errors. So, don’t let yourself go unedited and check your essay carefully before you turn it in. Take time to reread your essay and correct any mistakes you notice. Whether you have a friend or family member read over your work or hire an experienced editor, correcting errors will help guarantee that your grades remain high!

A Comprehensive Guide for Operating and Maintaining Butterfly Valves

A butterfly valve is a flowing regulated device which includes a rotational disk to operate the flowing liquid in a process. On a perpendicular location of the butterfly valve, there is a metal-based disc which operates the closing technique of the fluid flowing. The operation of closing off of this valve is quite same as that of a ball valve. The advantages of using it over a floating ball valve are:

  • It is light weight; hence it don’t require much support
  • It is less costly as compared to other similar valves with different designs.

Parts Of A Butterfly Valve

A rotatable actuator helps to operate the disc sideways or sometimes in a perpendicular position to the flow. Whereas in the ball valve, the disc is located within the flow which generates a pressure fall, even when it is open. One of the best options is the XHVAL butterfly valve which works excellent in many types of industries.

Image Source:

A butterfly valve consists of 4 main parts- the body, the valve, seat, and a disk.

1. Body

The body is in between 2 pipe edges. There can generally be two designs based on which butterfly valves are made up of – Lug and Wafer.

Lug butterfly valves, as the name suggests, contains extended lugs which can join the valves. These valves are again attached to the edges of the pipes at the end. This helps easy replacing and removing the process of the pipe length.

A Wafer body doesn’t contain any extendable lugs. The wafer body is placed centrally between the pipe edges, and the bolt surrounds the whole body.

2. Seat

The seat of the strong seated butterfly valve works as an interference between the disk rim and the seat. The material of the seats can be of polymers or varied elastomers. The seat can either be joined or pressed or locked inside the body.

For high performance, the shut off can work as an interference -fit seat design or a line seat design. This is to increase the pressure in the pipeline and at the border of the disc. Because of different compatibility and temperature variations, the seat material used is mainly polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Metal-based seats are also great for high performance of the butterfly valves.

3. Disk

A disk is designed to stop the fluid flow. There are variations in the designs of the disks depending on the operation and improvement of the flow.

4. Valve

The valve is designed to get safe protection from the media. It also allows a well-organized selection of materials. The valve can be either one-piece design or two (spilled) designs.

Operation of Butterfly Valve

 The disc of the butterfly is centrally positioned, and a rod infiltrates through the disc. The disc is again attached to a regulator known as an actuator, situated at the outer surface of the valve. To begin with the operational feature, we have to understand the pre-installation and installation of the butterfly valve to get a clear picture of it.

Installation Of Butterfly Valve

There are a few installation key points and a checklist to follow:

  1. Be assured about the working conditions, i.e., temperature and pressure within the designated capacity of the product getting installed.
  2. The construction material of the valve should be compatible with the chemicals of the media/fluid flowing through the pipeline.
  3. The valve ends, pipelines should be clean and defect-free. This should be investigated well.
  4. The sufficient clearance for installing the value is an important thing. For that, check the distance between the pipeline edges.
  5. To lift the larger valves, the material of the butterfly valve should be complete and appropriate.
  6. The pipe sizes should match with the inlet and outlet size measurements and dimensions of the unit which is getting installed. Important note: If you notice any strain in the pipelines (which happens due to the weight) then add extra support to it.
  7. A six diameter from the upper end and about four diameters from the lower end of a butterfly valve is advised for safe installation.

How to Install Butterfly Valve

  1. For manually operated valves, you need to install a lever and use a hand-wheel technique for a geared system valve.
  2. After fitting the lever/hand wheel accordingly, you have to rotate the valve clockwise to make sure it is airtight. The alignment of the disc should be done parallel to the ends.
  3. If you find the disc alignments are not parallel then follow the steps-

For Lever Mechanism

  •   Release the top plate slightly.
  •   Open the two bolts loose.
  •   Then you can rotate the lever clockwise.
  •   Check the alignment of the disc parallel to the ends.
  •   Fit it.
  •   Then you can tighten the top plate again.

For Geared Valve 

  •   Simply adjust and bolt the nuts situated on the gearbox.
  •   Open it completely.
  •   Then close the disc again and do it a couple of times.
  •   Until the alignment is done perfectly parallel to the end, repeat the process.
  1. Install the valve into the pipe. For wafer style butterfly valve, place it directly at the center in-between the flanges at the two ends of the pipe. Secure it with bolts to pass through the fluid. For Lug Butterfly valve install at the center of the flanges just like the wafer style but secure the screws at both inlet and outlet sides of the valves.
  2. Remove the foreign particles if found obstructing the pipe flanges.
  3. Please ensure that the technique is properly done and then tighten the bolts placed on the flanges.
  4. You can apply pressure the pipe towards the valve to check if there is any leakage or no. If leakage persists, then you have to again clean and tighten the bolts by using the criss-cross method. Make sure that the bolts are lubrication-free and dirt free.

Maintenance of Butterfly Valves

To take precaution against rusting and grease the butterfly valves should be maintained well.

  1. At the top of the valve, there is grease fitting. This may not be observed at the arrival of the valve. Make sure to apply grease at an interval to the neck of the valve till the excess grease flows out.
  2. At the gearbox, you can apply lithium based grease for its maintenance.
  3. You can clean all the parts of the valve easily by using any silicon-based product/lubricant.
  4. Try rotating or cycling the butter valve once a month if it’s not used regularly.


A butterfly valve is a reliable, tight fit, the bi-directional valve which is used in various industries like food, ship, etc. Fitting a butterfly valve is absolutely a cost-effective way as compared to other valves. Butterfly valves also serve the purpose of directing the flow and shutting off the liquid/gas brilliantly by closing the valve disc.

6 Industrial Hazards to Ethernet Cables You Should Know About

Industrial environments are not the safest of places. Chemicals, heavy machinery, hazardous processes, and the like are fairly common. There’s a very good reason that safety protocols in factories and other industrial sites are very strict and are enforced to the last detail. However, it isn’t just people that are under physical risk in an industrial environment.

The cables that allow smart factory technology to function are also at risk in these places. There are many hazards and even the most toughened, protected cables might still get damaged. This is true for older, “legacy” factories and more modern ones, which makes planning and accounting for these hazards very important. With that in mind, let’s look at just what the common dangers are for an OTS LAN cable in the middle of a factory.

Image Source:

Differences in Cables

First, let’s take a look at a few important details. The average home or office LAN cable is a different animal from an industrial one when it comes to crucial physical aspects. These are part of what helps them better survive these difficult environments.

The lock-in mechanisms are much more robust in industrial OTS LAN cables, to further reduce the odds of them being yanked out accidentally. Various jackets are available for a number of environments. For instance, any factory that can expect to put their cables in extremely hot conditions will be needing ones with jackets designed to take it. You might also see some cables that are fire-resistant, again as a precaution in certain environments.

Fulfilling the Same Basic Need

Industrial networks are built on the same basic components. Copper, fiber, and occasionally wireless are all functionally the same. The transmission of data is the same, though certain standards are higher to account for the needs of industrial networks. All the cables also hardened.

In general, an industrial environment does not require a long warranty for the cables. No 20-year warranties, like what you might find for office or home environments. Instead, the emphasis is on reliability and consistency. You want to remove all downtime if possible because that could cause disasters. Even just a brief shut-down of a crucial control system can cause an entire plant to grind to a screeching halt and cause losses in the thousands of dollars for each minute it continues.

The Vibration Hazard

Vibration on the factory floor is among the most concerning elements for ethernet cables. Vibrating environments can wear down some of the more delicate components of the wiring, causing loss of signal or failure to function. Industrial cables, in general, have jackets designed to withstand these forces, though it’s still advisable to keep them away from direct sources if possible.


Water and humid conditions are also potential dangers. The obvious issue here is that water can cause sensitive machinery to short out, including any electronic components that the cables are attached to. Water can also potentially disrupt the electrical signals used by the cables to transmit data, though this should only be a problem if the connectors are exposed to it or if the cable’s internal wires are left exposed.

Temperature Extremes

High temperatures and low ones alike can cause serious damage to your networking infrastructure. Electronics are not built to survive temperature extremes. Extreme heat can exacerbate the already prevalent heating problems of the systems, as well as possibly melt jacketing and components. Extreme cold slows performance while also causing permanent damage if left unchecked.

Physical Damage

Physical conditions on the factory floor should be accounted for when purchasing the cables. Machines might cut, crush, abrase, burn, or even tear at these by accident. It is generally advisable that they are laid far away from these potential hazards, or at least not directly in the path of any machinery that does this.

Signal Interference

Some equipment may also generate a great deal of electromagnetic interference, which is a problem if you’re using copper wires. Shielded cables can help, though not if the interference is great enough. Another way to avoid this is to ensure the ethernet runs perpendicular, not parallel, to the electrical wires.

Industrial Chemicals

Finally, chemicals in a liquid state might cause damage. Some of it might be on its own, such as acidic substances that could eat right through the jacket. Others might be due to the conditions of their use, such as chemicals that are super-heated before being mixed together. A third potential hazard is if the liquids spill onto the connectors or ports, risking disruption.

Some Precautions

To minimize risk, there are things you can do other than getting the right cables. Small switches, specifically hardened for industrial environments, are available. Routers with a lower number of ports can be bolted to critical areas, reducing the number of necessary connections. Keep any patch cables short. These all make the wiring closet much smaller and reduces the overall risks.


Industrial environments are difficult places. There are all sorts of ways you can break almost anything in there, including network equipment and cables. Keeping these hazards in mind as you purchase and lay out your new networking equipment is essential to getting it right the first time.