صحوة بيئية

الخطر الذي يهدد الامن الصحي والبيئي للمجتمع المحلي في بيروت دفع المجتمع المدني البيئي لإعلان مواجهة إجراءات التخلص من النفايات عن طريق الحرق، ومن المعروف ان هذا الإجراء له مخاطره الصحية على الإنسان والبيئة، وسبق وكان للمجتمع المدني البيئي في البحرين موقفه المعارض لاعتماد هذا النظام الذي وجد إستجابة من الجهات العليا والمختصة في الشأن البيئي. التحرك المدني البيئي في بيروت يمثل توجه مهم للتنوير البيئي وتعزيز الصحوة البيئية للمجتمع في مواجهة المشاريع المضرة بصحة الانسان ومحيطه البيئي، لذلك وجدنا ضرورة تسليط الضوء على التحرك البيئي في بيروت. ان توجهنا في تسليط الضوء على التحرك البيئي جاء بناء على التعاون … Continue reading

The Concept of Garden in Islamic Culture

The Arabic words Hadiqah, riyad, janna, raudah refer to the garden in its classical sense, with different nuances. The words bustan, munia, ruzafa, buhaira, ‘ars refer to the large agricultural or leisure estates generally located on the periphery of towns. These terms and others go to show the diversity of meaning in the concept of garden in the Islamic culture. In Islamic Culture, the garden is above all the essence of elements of Creation: Creation itself is a garden. This garden is at the heart of all the flowering Islamic civilization: beauty, mathematics, architecture, spirituality, poetry, botanic sensibility, hydraulics, biodiversity… … Continue reading

Environmental Sustainability in Islam

Islamic beliefs, traditions and values provide an effective and comprehensive solution to the current environmental challenges faced by the human race. Islam has a rich tradition of highlighting the importance of environmental protection and conservation of natural resources. According to Islamic law, the basic elements of nature – land, water, fire, forest, and light – belong to all living things, not just human beings. The Holy Qur’an and Sunnah are a guiding light to promote sustainable development in Islamic countries as well as around the world. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) commands human beings to avoid doing mischief and wasting resources … Continue reading

3 DIY Ideas to Spruce Up Your Old Boat

Sailing a boat has a load of benefits that some of us may not even be aware of. You know that it gives you a sense of freedom, being out in open waters. You may enjoy fishing or love sailing and relaxing after a long week of work; what better way is there than getting in your boat and forgetting about the everyday stress and just taking in the fresh air and loving every minute of it. Your boat may also be like a second home to you, a place to enjoy quality time with your loved ones or have … Continue reading

القيمة المشتركة للشركات: الاتجاهات في عالم الشركات

ماذا لو قامت الشركات بعمل جيد وكسبت المال في الآن نفسه ؟ يعتقد رواد الأعمال الذين يتبعون فكرة القيمة المشتركة للشركات أن بإمكانهم تحقيق ذلك. ويقول العديد من مؤيدي الفكرة  أنها ستعيد تعريف الرأسمالية وإحياءها . في هذا الإطار،  قام  كل من  الاستاذ بكلية الأعمال في جامعة هارفرد مايكل بورتر و المدير الإداري لشركة الاستشارات الاجتماعية للأثر الاجتماعي مارك كارمر بدراسة اتجاه القيمة المشتركة للشركات عام 2011 من خلال مقال بحثي بجامعة هارفرد، وتم خلاله تعريف القيمة المشتركة على أنها: جيل جديد من التفكير التجاري الذي يعزز الوضع التنافسي للشركة وتطوير المجتمع الذي يعمل فيه في آن واحد. حملت المقالة … Continue reading

The Importance of Ecological Education in Schools

How important is the environment in our everyday life and what impact we have on it and what can you do as a student? There is no need to mention how radical our lives have changed in the last decades due to the ignorance we gave to the eco-friendly aspects. How bad things are? The environmental status of each year is increasingly worrying: the forested spaces are reduced, the deserts are spreading, the agricultural soils are degraded, the degree of pollution is higher, and the ozone layer is thinner, the greenhouse effect is accentuated, and many plant and animal species … Continue reading

Ten Tips for Green Living

Green living is an attempt to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the Earth’s natural resources by altering methods of transportation, energy consumption, water usage etc. Green living aims to meet present ecological, societal, and economical needs without compromising these factors for coming generations. Also Read: How to Start Off-the-Grid Living Reduction in the size of ecological or carbon footprint is the natural outcome of sustainable living. Water pollution, soil contamination, air pollution, waste disposal, resource conservation, wildlife protection are the major environment challenges facing the mankind. When it comes to sustainability, every individual has a role to play. … Continue reading

4 Things Every Muslim Should Do For The Planet

When it comes to our responsibilities as Muslims in protecting the planet, there are no blurred lines. As citizens of this planet, it is our obligation to do our part, both as individuals and as a community. This means, that we look environmental sustainability in the eye – that we begin to introspect our lifestyles, and make choices that are compatible with the well being of our home and the teachings of our faith. If you’re new to this conversation, then here’s my invitation for you: continue reading. Here are some of my top tips to help every Muslim embark … Continue reading

اتفاق باريس وأهمية الحوكمة في التصدي بفاعلية لتغيرالمناخ

افتتحت قبل أيام مراسم التوقيع على اتفاق باريس بشأن تغير المناخ والذي تم الاجماع عليه العام الماضي في باريس من قبل 195 دولة ضمن مؤتمر الاطراف الواحد والعشرون وسيبقى باب التوقيع مفتوحا لغاية نيسان 2017.بينما يرى الكثيرون أن الاتفاق يعتبر تاريخياً من حيث إجماع كل من الدول الصناعية والدول النامية لأول مرة على سياسة إطارية موحدة بشأن تغير المناخ، ينذر البعض الآخر أن نجاح الاتفاق مقترن بخطط التنفيذ وآليات المراجعة الخاصة به. وعلى كل الاحوال فإن الاتفاق والعملية التي صاحبت تحضيره يعتبر انموذجا يحتذى به في الحوكمة الدولية وفي حشد التأييد على مستوى السياسات. والقضية المهمة حالياً متعلقة بمدى قدرة … Continue reading

The Menace of Single-Use Plastic Bags

Single-use plastic bags are one of the most objectionable types of litter in urban areas. The sheer volume of plastic waste generated, coupled with energy and material resources required for production, as well as emissions resulting from these processes, paint a grim picture of the environmental havoc created by plastic bags. These single-use plastic bags are causing extensive negative effects to the environment because of how simply they can be used in one’s daily life. There are candy wrappers, takeout containers, and other packaging that should’ve otherwise been avoided. Single-use plastic bags are a huge threat to the environment as … Continue reading

Waste Awareness in Qatar: A Survey

Waste awareness in Qatar has gained traction in recent years, but more efforts are required to make the masses aware about the consequences of reckless waste generation and disposal, and how sustainable living practices and recycling can help in making Qatar a truly sustainable nation. Below is the outcome of an interesting survey on waste awareness which was conducted among Qataris and non-Qataris (expatriates). Plastic is the most common waste generated in a typical household in Qatar. One-third of overall respondents say that of all products, the volume of the plastic waste generated is higher, followed by food waste (19%) … Continue reading

4 Tips for Creating An Ecofriendly Home

If you want to make your home greener, there are simple modifications that won’t require much effort at all. Making your home ecofriendly is as simple as changing a light bulb or investing in a dish towel that won’t require you to work very hard, but together they will help to create a complete eco-friendly home remodeling. Below are 4 important guidelines for creating a cozy, eco-friendly home. 1. Save light It is known to all of you that LEDs are better for the ecosystem as compared to incandescent bulbs, but have you ever thought they can reduce your energy bill … Continue reading