10 Greenest Ways of Traveling

From plastic waste to carbon emissions, travel isn’t the most environmentally friendly activity. However, the benefits of venturing far from home to experience other cultures are priceless. Many millennials see travel as necessary. Fortunately, there are ways you can make your trips more eco-friendly! 1. BYOE (Bring Your Own Everything) Coffee cups, water bottles, utensils, take-out containers, napkins, and so much more can be brought in your personal item and used throughout your trip. By replacing single-use items with reusable ones, you drastically cut down on the waste you produce while traveling. Also, be sure to bring a reusable grocery … Continue reading

Rediscovering the Natural World – The Islamic Approach

Today more than half the world’s population live in cities. Our increasingly urban lives have ensured an almost total disconnection from the natural world to the extent that it is not uncommon to meet children who believe that milk originates in plastic supermarket cartons. It is as well to be conscious of this as much is left out in their education, both religious and secular, to the extent that we are continuing to cause irreparable harm to the Earth. Muslims are no exception to this, having also adopted urban lifestyles and modern modes of living that reveal an almost complete … Continue reading

Catastrophic Impacts of Biological Warfare on Biodiversity

Biological weapons are considered the most dangerous of all known weapons of mass destruction. They are used to deliberately cause epidemics among humans; destroy the environmental components, including water, air, and soil; and target crops and livestock. Examples of diseases used in biological warfare include anthrax, smallpox, plague, cholera, and avian flu. In addition to the catastrophic effects of biological warfare on the biodiversity and the environment, their danger lies in their low cost and rapid spread, as well as their easy preparation, transport, and use. Unlike nuclear and chemical bombs, biological bombs are without odor or color and therefore … Continue reading

Important Environmental Metrics Worth Tracking

For companies that are focused on ESG (environmental, social, governance) sustainability reporting, one of the most important things is the metrics. They help demonstrate that the report is accurate and stakeholders can use it to make the right decisions, whether for investment or buying targeted products. With the right metrics, it is also easy for companies to evaluate their progress and track goals that demonstrate their operation efficiency and impacts. There are four main areas of sustainability that companies focus on: human, economic, social, and environmental, and each comes with its own metrics. In this post, we will look at … Continue reading

Top 3 Trends in Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability occupies an increasingly important position on the corporate agenda around the world. The major ingredients of environmental sustainability are elimination of waste and emissions, maximizing energy efficiency and productivity and minimizing practices that may adversely affect utilization of natural resources by coming generations. More and more companies are realizing the importance of environmental initiatives in business development and brand promotion. Decrease in energy and raw material usage combined with reduced emissions and waste generation can tackle a host of environmental challenges facing the world. Leading IT companies, like Microsoft, Adobe, Apple and Google, are investing in renewable sources of … Continue reading

The Menace of Plastic Water Bottles

Plastic water bottles are a common feature in urban life. The availability of water bottles is common and the cost is affordable by all sections of the society due to which its use and misuse has increased manifolds with time. People also provide it for free in mosques and other public locations. It is because of its easy availability that people misuse this resource considering it free, taking a bottle, sipping it, consuming partly and leaving it at the venue or throwing it in garbage bins. Empty and partially consumed plastic water bottles are collected and thrown away in municipal … Continue reading

Environmental Legislations in Bahrain

The Kingdom of Bahrain has been responding to the massive industrial and commercial development taking place in the country and understood that economic development and sound environmental management are complimentary aspects of the same agenda and without adequate environmental protection, development will be undermined. With this aim, the Legislative Decree-law No.21 of 1996 was enacted to establish the Environmental Affairs Agency under the Ministry of Housing, Municipalities and Environment in 1996. The process of making and enforcing environmental legislation in Bahrain started when the Government formed the Environmental Protection Committee (EPC) in 1983 which was later upgraded to a full-fledged … Continue reading

القضايا البيئية الكبرى في منطقة شمال أفريقيا

هي منطقة جغرافية تقع في أقصى الجزء الشمالي من قارة إفريقيا، و تمتد من مصر شرقا إلى المغرب غربا، إنها شمال أفريقيا. تضم المنطقة مجموعة من الدول وهي السودان، مصر، ليبيا، تونس، الجزائر، والمغرب. تقدر المساحة الإجمالية لمجموع هذه البلدان ب ٧١٩١٥١٢ كم مربع، كما يقدر عدد سكانها بما يناهز ٢٢١٧٦٣٠٢٦ مليون نسمة. يحيط بمنطقة شمال أفريقيا العديد من المسطحات المائية، حيث يحدها شرقا البحر الأحمر وشمالا البحر الأبيض المتوسط، أما غربا فنجد  المحيط الأطلسي والذي يعد ثاني محيطات العالم مساحة بعد المحيط الهادي حيث يغطي حوالي ٢٠%  من مساحة الكرة الأرضية وتقريبا  ٢٦% مساحة المياه الكلية للأرض. يسود هذه … Continue reading

Dealing with Polystyrene Wastes

Polystyrene (also known as EPS Foam or Styrofoam) is a highly popular plastic packaging material which finds wide application in packaging of food items, electronic goods, electrical appliances, furniture etc due to its excellent insulating and protective properties. Polystyrene is also used to make useful products such as disposable cups, trays, cutlery, cartons, cases etc. Despite the attractiveness of polystyrene, municipalities and organisations are facing a growing problem in disposal of polystyrene packaging and products. Being large and bulky, polystyrene take up significant space in rubbish bins which means that bins becomes full more quickly and therefore needs to be emptied … Continue reading

Earth Day 2014 – Focus on Green Cities

Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22, marks the birth of modern environmental movement. Earth Day has now grown into a global tradition making it the largest civic observance in the world and is one of the widely celebrated events in which over one billion people from over 190 countries participate by taking suitable actions for saving our mother Earth. The Earth Day was first organised in 1970 to promote respect for life on the planet and to encourage awareness on air, water and soil pollution. Each year a different theme or topic is selected. Earth Day 2014 Earth Day 2014 … Continue reading

Looking For Love While Environmentally Conscious? Here’s How to Meet People Who Share Your Passion

Are you looking for love but having trouble finding people who share your environmental values? If so, there’s good news – there are a lot of people out there in the world, and most likely, there are others out there who want the same things you do. The question is, how do you find those people? How To Meet People Who Share Your Passion and Values Here are some steps to take to meet people who share your passion and values related to the environment, lifestyle, relationships as a whole, and more: 1. Know your needs and wants First, you’ve … Continue reading

صحوة بيئية

الخطر الذي يهدد الامن الصحي والبيئي للمجتمع المحلي في بيروت دفع المجتمع المدني البيئي لإعلان مواجهة إجراءات التخلص من النفايات عن طريق الحرق، ومن المعروف ان هذا الإجراء له مخاطره الصحية على الإنسان والبيئة، وسبق وكان للمجتمع المدني البيئي في البحرين موقفه المعارض لاعتماد هذا النظام الذي وجد إستجابة من الجهات العليا والمختصة في الشأن البيئي. التحرك المدني البيئي في بيروت يمثل توجه مهم للتنوير البيئي وتعزيز الصحوة البيئية للمجتمع في مواجهة المشاريع المضرة بصحة الانسان ومحيطه البيئي، لذلك وجدنا ضرورة تسليط الضوء على التحرك البيئي في بيروت. ان توجهنا في تسليط الضوء على التحرك البيئي جاء بناء على التعاون … Continue reading