Search Results for: qatar

Ecotourism Industry in the Middle East

Ecotourism is one of the fastest growing segments in the global tourism industry and the Middle East is no exception. The ecotourism industry, catalyzed by advancements in transportation and information technology, has brought hitherto unknown geographical landscapes into public limelight, thus bringing tourists to pristine natural locations across the Middle East. Middle East has also been witnessing growing popularity of ecotourism among native and expatriate populations. Some of the Middle East nations popular with ecotourists include Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt, Oman and Tunisia. Due to its sunny climate, unique landscape, distinct culture and rich history, the region offers wealth of … Continue reading

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Sustainability

In recent years, the environmental issues have triggered debates, discussions, awareness programs and public outrage that have catapulted interest in new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence finds application in a wide array of environmental sectors, including natural resource conservation, wildlife protection, energy management, clean energy, waste management, pollution control and agriculture. Artificial Intelligence (also known as AI) is considered to be the biggest game-changer in the global economy. With its gradual increase in scope and application, it is estimated that by 2030, AI will contribute up to 15.7 trillion of the global economy which is more than the … Continue reading

Environmental Research in Arab World: Perspectives

The Arab world is facing many environmental pressures ranging from challenges in resource management and water scarcity to air pollution and climate change, which all require serious scientific environmental research. Arab nations contribute 1.7 percent of the total value of budgets embarked for environmental research worldwide. Leaders in Environmental Research Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Tunisia are the most active research countries in general science and environmental research. Scientific research has increased in the last ten years, with Egypt leading the Arab world, followed by Saudi Arabia for both the number and rate of publications produced. Egypt has contributed at … Continue reading

Environmental Best Practices in the Cement Industry

Worldwide, cement production  has almost tripled during the last 15 years, mainly on account of high population growth rate, rapid urbanization, increasing industrialization and large-scale infrastructural development. The growth of cement industry in MENA is marked by factors that are directly connected with sustainability, energy efficiency and raw material supply. Although the factors differ from country to country and cannot be generalized, there are major concerns regarding shortage of raw materials, GHG emissions, dependence on fossil fuels and lack of investment in technological innovations. For the cement sector, key points for an environment-friendly industry are use of alternative raw materials … Continue reading

Environmental Initiatives in Middle East – Challenges and Remedies

Environmental protection has become an increasingly important item on the social and economic policy agenda of Middle East nations. As I read last week’s piece titled “Environmental Impacts of Plastic Bags” I was struck by the succinct summary of the main problems with the ongoing use of plastic bags and how their effects can be felt in many ways, some widely publicized and others not. The article prompted a series of reflections upon other environmental initiatives emerging in the Middle East and North Africa, especially in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. In this article, I wish to share my … Continue reading

Why Cities in the Middle East Need More Trees?

In 2016, The Nature Conservancy, one of the largest environmental NGOs in the United States, released a report entitled “Planting Healthy Air” that examines the role planting trees in urban areas plays in reducing pollution and extreme heat. As the report indicates, the population of city dwellers globally is increasing, as is the number of deaths associated with exposure to pollution and intense heat waves. The authors of the report argue that urban forestation projects are one of the most cost effective means to reduce particulate matter in the air and cool temperatures in the world’s largest cities. Urban forestation … Continue reading

Green Building Trends in the Middle East

The Middle East region faces a unique set of environmental and socio-economic challenges in the form of water scarcity, harsh climatic conditions, ecological degradation and abundance of fossil fuels. Commercial and residential buildings in the Middle East consume more energy than those in other parts of the world, mainly on account of extremely hot weather, rampant use of glass exteriors and heavy reliance on air-conditioning. The Middle East building industry, in recent years, is actively trying to make widespread use of eco-friendly architecture, traditional building methods and sustainable construction practices. Some of the other drivers for the progress of green buildings sector … Continue reading

UAE and Indonesia’s Mangrove Alliance: A Global Climate Change Solution

Mangroves dominate the entire Arabian Peninsula’s coastal vegetation. Once regarded as a swampy wasteland, mangroves are now the magic bullet for regions susceptible to the adverse impacts of climate change. The swampy marshes’ unique ability to mitigate the damage caused by waves, severe storms, and soil erosion, acting as a cushion, protecting coastal communities from flooding and the effect of sea level rise – makes it an “ecosystem engineer”. A nature-based solution Mangroves are integral part the coastal ecosystem. It hold the potential to act as a carbon sink, taking in the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converting it … Continue reading

Sustainability in the Middle East: Complications and Opportunities

The Middle East region is facing a unique set of natural, operational, political, economic and social challenges in efforts to adopt sustainability. The rapid development and increasing population in these countries have led to an increased consumption of fossil fuels, water, and other non-renewable natural resources, taking a toll on the environment. Though the Middle East countries have significantly contributed to the carbon emissions, over the past decade they have taken positive steps towards addressing the core environmental issues and improving sustainability situation in their respective countries. This article aims at sharing the common challenges and opportunities faced by the … Continue reading

Environmental Therapy as an Emerging Therapeutic Method

Environmental therapy is a therapeutic tool aimed at treating both physical health and mental health issues by detoxifying the body. The basic idea behind environmental therapy, also known as ecotherapy, is that the human beings are connected to the natural environment and are influenced by the changes taking place in the external environment due to the presence of environmental toxins. Detoxification of the body through outdoor activities is the mainstay of environmental therapy. The Rationale for Environmental Therapy In the past few decades, the deterioration of the environment has not only wreaked havoc for natural ecosystems but also led to … Continue reading

Tips to Effectively Take Care of Your Backyard Trees

There is a lot of yard work that is required when you own and live in a house with a backyard. If you own trees or are even considering planting new ones, there are a few things that you need to know in order to effectively take care of backyard trees. 1. Watering Your Trees According to the tree specialists at LemonCitrusTree, the most important aspect of caring for your trees is watering your trees. This is especially crucial for smaller, growing trees that have yet to fill out their plot. Watering in the early stages would vary, depending on the … Continue reading

الاستثمار المؤثر والاستدامة – المستقبل هنا

تتعلق التنمية المستدامة بإيجاد طرق أفضل للقيام بالأعمال مهما كانت طبيعتها، سواء في المستقبل أو في الوقت الحاضر. تتطلب تحديات اليوم وطوحات الغد تغييرًا جذريًا في كيفية قيامنا جميعًا بأعمالنا وإدارة مواردنا. والاستثمار ليس بعيدًا عن كل هذا. فقد بدأ التحول في طريقة تفكير المستثمر في العام 2007 بدخول مفهوم الاستثمار المؤثر (Impact Investing) لأول مرة. ومع نهاية العام 2018، يدير أكثر من 1300 مستثمر مؤثر 502 مليار دولار أمريكي بهدف إحداث تغيير اجتماعي و / أو بيئي إيجابي، بحسب تقرير .(GIIN – Sizing the Impact Investing Market, 2019) اليوم، يواجه عالمنا العديد من التحديات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والبيئية والتي تضخمت … Continue reading