Hydrogen Economy for Arab Countries: Perspectives

Arab world is facing major sustainability challenges in achieving social, economic and environmental goals. Hydrogen economy can help Arab governments, companies, and citizens to save billions of dollars each year from reduced energy bills and sustainable waste management, while at the same time reducing carbon footprints – a win-win solution.

Extremely arid climate, acute water scarcity, high energy consumption and polluting oil and gas industry present a unique challenge in Arab countries. Almost one-fifth of the Arab population is dependent on non-commercial fuels for different energy uses. All sectors of the economy — residential, commercial, transport, service and agriculture — demands modern energy services.

hydrogen economy

Gaseous emissions from the exploration and burning of fossil fuels is heavily polluting the atmosphere in the Arab world. Waste management has emerged as a major environmental issue with mountains of wastes accumulating in big cities across the Arab world. Compared to other countries, Arab countries are experiencing higher emissions of oxides of nitrogen, sulphur dioxide and volatile organic compounds.

Hydrogen is the Future

Hydrogen can be produced efficiently and may be used as a source of electricity, heat, transportation fuel, specialty chemicals, industrial production and even for drinking water production. Green hydrogen has tremendous potential to generate clean energy which can be off-grid and decentralized or can fed directly into the existing utility grid.

The surplus heat is a by-product in fuel cells during electricity production, and which can be used for industrial application or district heating. Water is an invaluable product of hydrogen production process in fuel cells and can act as a game-changer for arid countries of the Arab world which are facing severe water shortages.

The energy future of the world lies in hydrogen, fuel cells and batteries for electric mobility on the road, on rails, in the air, and on the water. Climate change is taking a threatening and menacing turn and urgent steps are needed to tackle it. New and innovative transportation solutions are required to fight the climate change in the form of electric vehicles.

The Promise of Hydrogen-Powered Vehicles

Electric engines in any vehicle are powered by electricity from batteries or fuel cells, produced by conversion of clean and environmental-friendly hydrogen (and oxygen from the air) in fuel cells, directly onboard the vehicle. After approximately 500 km and more, the hydrogen tank is filled up at a hydrogen filling station, and the journey can be continued. There are significant advantages over the charging time of battery-powered electric vehicles (cars, lorries, buses, trains, boats, ships, or aircrafts). Even batteries can be charged at home or at charging stations in the city within hours.

Urban electric transportation solutions will help to avoid air pollution, in addition to conservation of fast-depleting fossil fuels. In the coming years, we urgently need to set-up the course for the introduction and market launch of different electric vehicles, and as the pre-requisite, the infrastructure in form of hydrogen filling stations for clean and affordable hydrogen gas, or electric charger stations, all over the Arab world.

The fight against climate change

How to escape the climate disaster and how to build a clean and affordable energy infrastructure? The solution is mass deployment of clean energies, CO²-free and low-carbon fuels, especially hydrogen and fuel cells.

Today the world is more active in climate protection than ever before. Air, water and soil, must be protected, any resource consumption should significantly be reduced, and all type of wastes should be reutilized. People need clean, affordable energy worldwide, and Arab world is no exception.

More than 40 percent of the Arab population in rural and urban poor areas do not have adequate access to energy services. It is also noted that almost one-fifth of the Arab population relies on non-commercial fuels for different energy uses.

A Glance at Basic Principles

  1. Water is life, energy and a fuel
  2. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen
  3. Water changes its state into hydrogen and oxygen and then back to water
  4. Nothing is lost in the world. Everything only changes its status and can be used over and over again: from the solid to the liquid state to the gaseous state This is the hydrologic and hydrogen circle.
  5. Our energy is utilized in the form of oil, gas, coal, or wood; all are hydro-carbon elements and compounds.
  6. Take away the carbon and use only the hydrogen as C02-free energy for universal use

Sustainable urban development

Clean energy, urban transport, urban planning and clean air solutions are important component of climate change mitigation. If these sectors work together, plan at an early stage and develop themselves on the basis of hydrogen and fuel cells, we will see the emergence of sustainable communities in cities of the Arab world.

The architecture of buildings will change significantly, and construction will be simplified with decentralized fuel cells in buildings producing on-site electricity and heat to meet the energy requirements. Thus, buildings will no longer depend on large centralized power plants for their power and heating requirements.

New transport concepts, based on electric vehicles, will make life easier for us, in the form of good health, fast mobility, clean air, less noise pollution and conservation of natural resources. We will experience clean air, no noise and absence of vibration from a car’s internal combustion engine or diesel generators which generate electricity in addition to many buildings.

Futuristic waste management

The production of hydrogen via gasification technologies, by means of the steam refurbishment of all biomass waste, will completely solve the major problem of waste disposal in the Middle East which are currently struggling to manage municipal and industrial wastes. Municipal waste, industrial waste and other wastes are subjected to an advanced thermal conversion process resulting in the production of high calorific value synthesis gas and valuable mineral.


The people of the Arab world should know about the latest solutions and innovations to make a smooth transition to low-carbon economy and hydrogen-based economy.

Note: The full report on Hydrogen Economy for Arab Countries can be obtained by sending an email to info@clean-energy-bonn.org

The Wisest Green Decisions You Can Make For Your Home

When you own a home, it’s up to you to make decisions about everything from maintenance to furniture. With so many competing issues, it can be difficult to figure out how where to focus your energy — not to mention your dollars. By making thoughtful and wise green decisions for your home, you can keep it in top shape for decades besides protecting the environment and conserving natural resources. Environmental psychology may also play a key role in strengthening the relationship between between you and your surroundings.

Read on for the wisest green decision you can make for your home:

1. Do Frequent Deep Cleans

Don’t like deep cleaning? You’re not alone. It’s not exactly a dream to get down on your knees and scrub at the dust behind the toilet. However, if you own a home, frequent deep cleanings are one of the best things you can do. Each time you clean thoroughly, you remove germs, dust, bacteria, and skin cells. This reduces the chance of sickness and allergies. It also helps you notice and track small problems that can turn into huge structural problems down the line, such as leaks or cracks.

At a minimum, you should do a deep cleaning once per month. This includes the refrigerator, carpets, microwaves, bathrooms, and beds. Clean around the baseboards, sweep under appliances, and clear out your dryer vents. Don’t forget about your refrigerator coils; if they get too dusty, it can make your fridge die faster. Too busy? Hate cleaning? Hire a cleaning service to make your home neat and clean; it’s a little bit of a splurge, but it can help you head off bigger, more expensive issues in the future. Check out the Spring Cleaning Checklist.

Don’t forget to check out the top eco-friendly ways for cleaning your home.

2. Buy High-Quality Furniture

One of the best things you can do for your home is to invest in high-quality furniture. Sure, they’re more expensive than pieces from IKEA or Target, but the higher price tag comes with some serious benefits. High-quality furniture uses top-of-the-line materials and excellent construction, which means that it looks better and lasts longer.

Of course, it’s not always easy to shell out thousands of dollars for furniture. When that’s the case, it’s a good idea to prioritize. What items do you use daily? What pieces are most visible? For many people, the highest-priority items are the sofa, bed, dining table, and TV stand. You use them every day, so it’s worth your money to buy pieces that will be comfortable and sturdy for years to come.

The TV stand, on the other hand, is the focal point of your living area. It also needs to support your TV, which is one of the more expensive appliances in your home. In the article “Modern TV Stand Guide: 12 Consoles You’ll Covet!”, Kevin Sykes says that a TV stand is not a purchase you’ll want to skimp on. A TV stand is usually something people plan on having for a long time, so investing in a quality stand will save you the hassle of replacing it earlier than you planned.

Once you’ve invested in these high-quality priority pieces, you can move on to the rest of the furniture in your house, including:

  • Dressers
  • Kitchen cabinets
  • Fixtures like toilets, towers, and tubs

3. Take Care of Crucial Home Maintenance

Home maintenance is easy to forget about, especially if you’re not mechanically minded. If you ignore these tasks, however, they can lead to shorter lifetimes for your expensive equipment and structures. Some of the most important tasks to tackle are:

  • Drain your water heater each year to remove sediment
  • Remove leaves from the gutters
  • Keep window wells clean and dry
  • Balance and clean your garage door opener
  • Remove insect and mice nests
  • Inspect HVAC filters
  • Check water pressure

4. Install Ceiling Fans

A humble ceiling fan can have big benefits for your house — and your heating bills. Fans increase the air circulation in the house, which means that the hot or cool air from your heaters or AC units is dispersed more effectively. As a result, you can usually set your thermostat a little lower in the winter and use less AC in the summer.

Why does a couple of degrees matter? Over time, the use of fans can add up to big cost savings, especially if you live in an area with extreme temperature swings. Plus, you’ll reduce the environmental footprint of your home and enjoy a more comfortable atmosphere.

Chances are, you’re planning to live in your home for many years. By making these wise green decisions, you can save money and head off expensive repairs.

السلامة الإحيائية في تونس .. في انتظار صدور القانون

تخطط وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية، وفق تقرير صدر في نهاية فبراير 2017، إلى زيادة صادراتها من فول الصويا إلى تونس “لتلبية الطلب المتزايد منه في قطاع الصناعة”، وهو منتج في غالبيته العظمى معدل وراثيا. ونظرا لافتقاد تونس في الوقت الحالي لأي تشريع وطني بشأن الكائنات المعدلة وراثيا، فمن المتوقع أن تزداد واردات هذا المحصول حتى أفق عام 2025.

وفي خضم النقاش الحاصل حول الهندسة الجينية لا يعلم التونسيون الكثير حولها، فقد كشفت دراسة شملت عينة من 2000 شخص من بينهم 16 شركة صناعية و94 فلاحا و100 شخصية فاعلة في عدة قطاعات و18 جمعية، وعرضت نتائجها خلال أيام التنوع البيولوجي سنة 2015 أن 89 بالمائة من التونسيين لا يمتلكون معارف حول الكائنات المعدلة جينيا.

biosafety in tunisia

ولا تبدو المعلومات حول الكائنات المحورة جينيا في تونس واضحة أو دقيقة وإلى حين المصادقة على مشروع قانون يتعلق بالسلامة الإحيائية، فإن هذا القطاع يشهد إلى حد الآن فراغا قانونيا يفسر حالة الضبابية التي تلف المعلومات حوله. فنحن لا نعرف حتى هل أن المنتجات التي تحتوي، أو مستخلصة، من الكائنات المحورة جينيا عرفت طريقها إلى بلادنا وهل دخلت إلى أسواقنا أو تسللت إلى حقولنا بعد؟

قد لا يمكن الحسم في هذا التساؤل، لكن إمكانية حصول ذلك واردة جدا. فبالنظر إلى تبعية بلادنا إلى الخارج، فإن تونس تستورد النسبة الأكبر من البذور، على غرار بذور الخضار التي تستورد 95 بالمائة منها. وأغلب هذه البذور مصدرها شركة مونسانتو العالمية التي تشتغل في تونس، والتي تسوق حسب ما ثبت المنتجات التي تحتوي على الكائنات المحورة وراثيا، ما يعني أنه من المحتمل إن لم يكن من المؤكد أن هذه المنتجات قد دخلت بلادنا خاصة وأن ممارسات المافيا التي كانت سائدة في قطاع الاستيراد قبل عام 2011 لم تسمح بأي معلومات حول هذا الموضوع.

ولا تزال مسألة السلامة الإحيائية في تونس تشكو من فراغ قانوني، فمشروع القانون الوطني الأول من نوعه والوحيد المتعلق بالسلامة الإحيائية والذي شرع في إعداده منذ سنة 2005 لم ير النور بعد ولم تتم إلى غاية اليوم إحالته على مجلس نواب الشعب التونسي للمصادقة عليه. وتبرز أهمية مشروع هذا القانون في توفير إطار وطني فعال للتعامل مع القضايا والالتزامات الدولية للسلامة الإحيائية،  المتمثلة أساسا في بروتوكول قرطاجنة التابع لاتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي، وهو اتفاق دولي، كانت قد صادقت عليه تونس عام 2002، يهدف إلى حماية التنوع البيولوجي من المخاطر المحتملة التي تشكلها الكائنات الحية المعدلة وراثيا الناتجة عن التكنولوجيا الحيوية الحديثة.

وتقر وزارة البيئة بوجود فراغ قانوني في مجال نظام السلامة الإحيائية وتعترف بغياب التنظيم وهيكلة الخدمات المختلفة التي يمكن أن تساهم في التحكم في سلسلة الكائنات المحورة جينيا.

ويشير تقرير لدائرة المحاسبات حول منظومة البذور والشتلات، كان قد صدر في منتصف الشهر الثاني من سنة 2016، إلى الفراغ الحاصل على مستوى الإطار التشريعي والقانوني، حيث لاحظ غياب هذا الإطار القانوني لإنتاج البذور والشتلات المحورة جينيا والتي يتطلب استغلالها الأخذ بعين الاعتبار جملة من المحاذير بهدف اجتناب المخاطر المحتملة على المستوى الصحي والبيئي. كما لاحظ أيضا غياب إطار تشريعي خاص بالبذور والشتلات البيولوجية.

ماهي الكائنات الحية المعدلة وراثيا / المحورة جينيا، وما هي استعمالاتها ؟

يعرف نك فاندرغراف، رئيس دائرة وقاية المزروعات في منظمة الأغذية والزراعة وسكرتير الاتفاقية الدولية لوقاية المزروعات، الكائنات الحية المعدلة وراثيا بأنها “كائنات حية فيها تركيبة جديدة من المواد الوراثية التي تم الحصول عليها جراء استخدام الهندسة الوراثية، فهي إذن عبارة عن مجموعة فرعية انبثقت عن الكائنات المعدلة وراثيا.

وتستعمل تقنيات التكنولوجيا الحيوية في مجالات عديدة كالصيدلة والطب، إلا أن ما أثار الجدل في العالم فعلا هو استخدامها في الأغذية والزراعة. فالبذور المحورة وراثيا وشتلات النباتات والأنسجة المزروعة هي بمثابة أجزاء حية من النباتات، ولذلك تُعرف باسم الكائنات الحية المعدلة وراثيا.

إذ بالنسبة للزراعة، استهدفت المحاصيل المحورة جينيا أولا فول الصويا والذرة والقطن وبذور اللفت ثم انتشرت في جميع الخضروات والفاكهة. وقد تم تسجيل ما يقرب من 300 حالة من الإفراج المتعمد للكائنات المعدلة وراثيا في البيئة في الاتحاد الأوروبي، بين عامي 1991 و1994.

وقد بدأ بيع الأغذية المعدلة وراثيا في الأسواق عام 1994 عندما قام مونسانتو بتسويق نوع من الطماطم المتأخر النضج. كما تركز أغلب التعديلات الوراثية خاصة على المحاصيل ذات الطلب العالي من المزارعين مثل فول الصويا، والذرة، وزيت بذور القطن.

ينقسم الباحثون والعلماء إلى مؤيد ومعارض للمنتجات المعدلة جينيا. فهي وإن أثبتت عدة فوائد أبرزها حسب المؤيدين زيادة الإنتاجية والقضاء على الجوع، فقد برزت مخاوف بشأن انعكاساتها على البيئة وإلحاقها الضرر بالتنوع البيولوجي.

مونسانتو والخطر الداهم

قد لا يبالغ الباحث الأميركي وليام انغداهل حين شبه البذور المعدلة وراثيا بأسلحة الدمار الشامل واعتبرها نوعا من الأسلحة البيولوجية التي تستخدمها الولايات المتحدة الأميركية ضمن خططها الجيوسياسية للسيطرة على موارد الطاقة في العالم. فشركة مونسانتو الأمريكية والتي تحتكر نحو 70 بالمائة من صناعة الحبوب تسيطر على سوق البذور العالمية وبالتالي في الإنتاج الزراعي للبلدان التي تتعامل معها.

هذه الشركة وهي واحدة من الشركات المتعددة الجنسيات التي تعمل في مجال التكنولوجيا الحيوية الزراعية، إذ أنها أكبر منتج للبذور،العادية والمعدلة جينيا، يطلق عليها الناشطون للمنتجات الزراعية المعدلة وراثيا لقب “الشيطان”.

ففي أكتوبر من عام 2016 بدأ ناشطون محاكمة شعبية وفقا لصحيفة “ديلي ميل” لشركة مونسانتو، متهمين شركة البذور الأمريكية العملاقة بانتهاك حقوق الإنسان، وارتكاب جريمة “إبادة بيئية”. إلا أنها استطاعت الحصول على حماية قانونية من الكونجرس الأمريكي يسمح لها، وللشركات المماثلة، بزراعة منتجاتها وبيعها حتى وإن كانت تواجه قضايا قانونية تتعلق بأضرار هذه المنتجات صحيا وبيئيا.

وقد ثارت ضدها احتجاجات في ماي 2013 في أكثر من خمسين بلدا في أنحاء متفرّقة من العالم احتجاجا على منتجاتها من الكيماويات والبذور الزراعية المعدلة وراثيا، لاعتقادهم بأنها تضر بصحة الإنسان والبيئة. لاقت الدعوات إلى الاحتجاج استجابة في مصر أيضا، التي تستورد منها الذرة. كما رفضت الكويت شحنة من هذا المنتج للاشتباه لاحتوائه على الكائنات المعدلة وراثيا. وفي البيرو التي تقع في أمريكا اللاتينية تم منع استيراد كافة المحاصيل المعدلة وراثيا لمدة عقد كامل حتى تتضح أضرارها على السلامة، كما قامت المجر بحرق ألف فدان من المحاصيل التي ثبت أنها ملوثة بالحبوب المعدلة وراثيا الخاصة بمونساتو.

وقد انخرطت في انتقادها منظمات بيئية مثل منظمة السلام الأخضر (غرينبيس) وبحسب ما صرحت به المنظمة أن المعلومات الحالية عن الكائنات المعدلة وراثيا هي فقط معلومات سطحية وما خفي كان أعظم. لا يمكن لأحد  في الوقت الراهن أن يقدر حجم التأثيرات الناتجة تجاه الطبيعة والحيوانات على المدى الطويل، حيث يمكنها أن تؤدي إلى حدوث طفرات جينية ومن الممكن أن يكون لها آثار جسيمة على التنوع البيولوجي. وسيظل تنوع النباتات والحيوانات رهين بعض الشركات الكبيرة التي تنتج وتوزع المحاصيل المعدلة وراثيا.

الزراعة البيولوجية أو العضوية والمستدامة … جزء من الحل رغم محدوديتها

يعرف البعض الزراعة البيولوجية باسم الزراعة العضوية أيضا، فالمصطلحين يمكن أن يؤديا إلى المعنى نفسه، حيث إن الأخير يشير إلى نظام زراعي خال من الأسمدة الكيمائية والمواد الضارة بالصحة العامة، بالإضافة إلى عدم وجود أي استخدام للسلالات المعدلة وراثيا.

وتثمن منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة الفوائد البيئية من الزراعة العضوية وتعتبرها بمثابة نظام يعتمد على إدارة النظام الايكولوجي بدلا من المدخلات الزراعية الخارجية. كما تعتبر المنظمة أن التنوع البيولوجي عنصرا أساسيا وضروريا للأمن الغذائي والتغذية، حيث تشكل الآلاف من الأنواع المترابطة فيما بينها شبكة حيوية من التنوع البيولوجي داخل النظم الإيكولوجية التي يعتمد عليها إنتاج العالم من الأغذية.

وعليه فإنه لا شك بأن الزراعة تعتبر من أكثر الأنشطة الإنسانية المعتمدة على البيئة، ومن هنا فإن استدامة الزراعة هو أمر ضروري بالنظر إلى علاقته المباشرة بحماية البيئة والحفاظ على توازنها. ولعل هذا ما تسعى بعض الجمعيات في تونس إلى نشر الوعي حوله. إذ يؤكد عضو بالجمعية التونسية للزراعة المستدامة عبد الحميد عمامي “أنه لا يمكن بناء نظم بيئية مستدامة بالاعتماد على البذور الهجينة أو المعدلة وراثيا .

ويؤكد قائلا “إن البحث عن بذورنا المحلية الأصيلة بذور الآباء والأجداد في مواجهة طوفان البذور المعدلة وراثيا والمهجنة هي أولوية”. وقد أطلقت الجمعية” قافلة البذور”للبحث عن هاته البذور في ربوع البلاد بغية المحافظة عليها ومحاولة إكثارها،  فحسب رأيه “إن المحافظة على هاته البذور هي قضية على قدر كبير من الأهمية بالنسبة للفلاحين وللتنوع البيولوجي وللصحة وسلامة أرضنا، خاصة بالنظر إلى خطر التغيرات المناخية الكبيرة القادمة التي تهدد بلادنا”.

هذا ما تفطن إليه كذلك أنور البوبكري، وهو صاحب مجمع فلاحي عائلي أطلق عليه إسم “الصحراء الخضراء” من منطقة منزل الحبيب من ولاية قابس بالجنوب الشرقي التونسي، كان قد تم تكريم مشروعه خلال حضوره محادثات الأمم المتحدة حول المناخ في مراكش بالمغرب سنة 2016، حيث بين أن حرصه على استعمال البذور والشتلات المحلية الأصيلة يعود إلى وعيه بقدرتها على تحمل آثار التغيرات المناخية والتأقلم معها.

ويضيف قوله بأن “استعمال البذور الأصلية هي أسلم لي ولحقلي ولا أثق في البذور المستوردة مهما كان مأتاها” وفي سؤاله من أين يحصل على البذور الأصلية التي يستعملها، قال “إن عائلته تتوارثها جيلا بعد جيل من خلال محافظتهم على عادة تميز الفلاحين هناك وهي أن يأكل الفلاح ثلث محصوله ويبيع ثلثه، ويعيد استثمار الثلث الأخير في أرضه”.

ورغم أهميتها لا تبدو الاجتهادات الفردية أو مجهودات المجتمع المدني كافية، ويبقى للدولة الدور الأبرز في إيجاد الحلول اللازمة وفي مقدمتها ضبط الإطار القانوني الذي يسهم في الحفاظ على البيئة واستدامة سلامتها.

قانون السلامة الإحيائية في تونس، الحل الذي لم يكتمل بعد  

يستخدم مصطلح السلامة الإحيائية لوصف تلك الجهود التي تهدف لتقليل وإزالة الأخطار المحتملة والناتجة عن التكنولوجيا الحيوية ومنتجاتها، المتمثلة خاصة في الكائنات المعدلة وراثيا. إلا أنه وفي مشروع القانون المتعلق بالسلامة الإحيائية في تونس، تشير هزار بلي، رئيسة مصلحة بإدارة الإدارة  العامة  للبيئة وجودة الحياة بوزارة البيئة والشؤون المحلية، إلى أنه تمت إضافة الأنواع الغازية الدخيلة والأنواع المرضية إلى جانب الكائنات المحورة جينيا حتى يكون القانون أشمل ويعنى بالعناصر التي تحمل مخاطر على صحة الإنسان وصحة البيئة.

وفي مسودة مشروع القانون التي نشرت على بوابة غرفة تبادل المعلومات حول السلامة الإحيائية، تم تعريف الكائن المرضي بأنه “كل كائن أو أيضه أو نفاياته قادر على أن يسبب المرض للإنسان أو الحيوان أو النبات”.

كما يعرف الأصناف الدخيلة الغازية بوصفها “تلك الأنواع الدخيلة التي تهدد النظام الايكولوجي ومواطن الأنواع الأصلية وتسبب آثارا اقتصادية وإيكولوجية و/أو صحية سلبية”.

هذا وتعرف أطر السلامة الإحيائية الوطنية بأنها نظام يشتمل على آليات قانونية وفنية وإدارية يتم وضعها للتأكد من السلامة في الأبحاث والتطوير واستخدام واستيراد أو تسويق الكائنات المعدلة وراثيا. ولذلك يبين حاتم بن بلقاسم، رئيس مصلحة بإدارة الإدارة العامة للبيئة وجودة الحياة بوزارة البيئة والشؤون المحلية، أن الإطار القانوني ضروري حتى تشتغل باقي المنظومة مبرزا ضرورة توفر الإجراءات المصاحبة لضمان تطبيق القانون وهي عبارة عن تهيئة أرضية اشتغاله المتمثلة أساسا في التأكد من توفر القدرات التقنية والبشرية.

وبخصوص المرحلة التي وصل إليها إعداد مشروع هذا القانون، يفيد حاتم بن بلقاسم أن المشروع قد خرج من الإطار الفني على مستوى وزارة البيئة والآن بصدد طرح استشارة حوله لجمع الآراء من قبل الوزارات الأخرى ذات العلاقة، حتى يتم فيما بعد إحالته إلى مجلس نواب الشعب للمصادقة عليه.

وفي حالة إرساله إلى المجلس، فلا أحد يملك فكرة كم من الوقت سيستغرق البت فيه والمصادقة عليه، فذلك يعتمد على ترتيبه على سلم أولويات البرلمان التونسي خاصة أن الملف البيئي ككل لا يشكل أولوية لدى النخبة السياسية في تونس وفي البرامج الانتخابية للأحزاب السياسية عند تنافسها في الانتخابات البرلمانية وحتى الرئاسية، فلئن اتفقت على العموميات كضرورة الحفاظ على محيط صحي ونظيف، فهي تقريبا لا تغوص كفاية في تفاصيل تنفيذ برامجها البيئية والتي تتمحور غالبا حول المواضيع التي لها علاقة بإشكاليات التلوث والنفايات. أما فيما يخص السلامة الإحيائية، فلا نلاحظ نقاشا عاما بالقدر الكافي حوله رغم أن الموضوع ليس جديدا. فقد بين حاتم بن بلقاسم أن فكرة السلامة الإحيائية في تونس تعود إلى سنة 1993 الذي يمثل تاريخ مصادقة تونس على اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي.

وتجدر الإشارة إلى أنه في ظل غياب الإطار القانوني فلا يوجد تقارير عن تقييم المخاطر أو ما شابه، كما لا تتوفر قاعدة بيانات مفتوحة تحتوي معطيات دقيقة في هذا المجال.

رغم تقدم الإعداد لمشروع القانون المتعلق بالسلامة الإحيائية، فهو يسير ببطئ وسط تزايد التهديدات المختلفة على البيئة في بلادنا ومن بينها التغيرات المناخية. ومع انشغال الطبقة السياسية في المشاكل الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي تطغو على الساحة منذ 2011، فإن البيئة والمسائل التي تتعلق بها تبدو على الأرجح مؤجلة، في حين أن إقرار هذا القانون وتفعيله قد يحمي تونس من آفات بيئية عديدة كان التدخل للوقاية منها غير متاح لمجرد عدم وجود تشريع ينظم المجال.

Working Towards a Greener Eid Al-Adha Qurbani

In Islam, there are many basic acts that are expected by devout Muslims, also known as the Five Pillars of Islam. These include declaring your faith (Shahadah), performing daily ritual prayers (Salat), paying forward charity to those in need (Zakat), fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm) and undertaking the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). With each of these responsibilities, Muslims can feel closer to Allah and feel satisfied that they are living a responsible and good life according to the expectations of Islam.

By taking part in these acts and showing their generosity, there are certain special occasions that Muslims get to enjoy, particularly the two festivals of Eid, Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. During these festivals, communities come together to enjoy good food and celebrations, giving small gifts to children and paying forward their Zakat to those less fortunate so others can take part in the festivities as well.

What is Qurbani?

As part of Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam and the obligatory journey to Mecca includes the rite of Qurbani, in which an animal must be sacrificed in the name of Allah. Qurbani is based on the story of the Prophet Ibrahim, who willingly put forward his son Ismail for sacrifice in the name of Allah proving his dedication to the Almighty, who in turn replaced Ismail with a ram at the moment of sacrifice in reward for the Prophet Ibrahim’s devotion.

When Qurbani is performed, the animal is divided up into shares, of which a certain amount goes towards the family that paid for that animal and the remainder is sent to families who are struggling and unable to pay their own Qurbani. While different charities and Islamic organisations package and distribute their Qurbani shares in different ways, there are ways that could make the process cleaner and eco-friendlier for all. Follow the link for more information on the rules of Qurbani.

How to Have a Greener Qurbani?

For animal sacrifices to be made during Eidul Adha, livestock needs to be kept and cared for prior to the Qurbani taking place. Not only does this require plenty of resource in order to ensure the well-being and health of the animals to be sacrificed, but it can require a lot of space to provide comfortable habitats for the animals. While there isn’t much that can be done to reduce the amount of resource to keep a healthy livestock animal, there are methods that make the process greener.


For example, cows are one of the worst methane producers on the planet, this large amount of methane production affects our atmosphere, thickening the ozone layer and contributing to climate change. Keeping animals that produce less waste materials such as sheep, goats and camels can ensure the process is already less harmful to the surrounding areas and friendly to our earth.

Another process of Qurbani that can be quite harmful to the environment is how the meat is packaged for distribution. Traditionally meat was packed in large plastic bags that are then sealed for delivery. As plastic is another material that is extremely harmful on the environment, with large amounts ending up in the ocean, Qurbani organisations would do better to use recycled materials or biodegradable plastic that will naturally breakdown over time.

Finally, another way to enjoy a greener, eco-friendlier Qurbani is to use less resources during your own celebrations. Consider reusing the previous years’ decorations or give gifts that have use in day to day life like clothing or educational resources, rather than a trinket that will be thrown away. If every Muslim family around the world who can afford to contribute their Qurbani share were a little more conscientious about the resources they use and the waste they create, we can make a greener, happier world for all.

Biofuels in Jordan: Perspectives

Jordan has good biofuels production potential in the form of crop residues, agro-industrial wastes and urban wastes. Biomass energy sector in Jordan is slowly, but steadily, developing. As per a recent World Bank report, the country is currently generating 3.5MW of power from biomass resources which represent 0.1% of the total energy demand in the country. However there is no available data on the amount of biofuels produced in Jordan. Jordan produces significant amount of biofuel feedstock in the form of lignocellulosic biomass, used cooking oil, animal tallow, agro-industrial wastes, industrial effluents etc. 

In Jordan, transportation sector alone is responsible of 51% of final energy consumption (MEMR, 2013) which makes it imperative on policy-makers to find alternative and renewable transportation fuels in the form of biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas, algae fuels etc. However, allocation, development and implementation of alternative fuels go hand in hand with the preparation of adequate policies and targets by the local government. Some of the major driving forces for development of biofuel sector in Jordan include reduced climate change impacts and decreased reliance on imported fossil fuels.

Biofuels and Jordan's Renewable Energy Law

The Jordanian Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REEE) law no. 13 of the year 2012 announced bioenergy as a renewable source of energy and only focused on using biomass feedstock in the production of electricity without mentioning production of biofuels from these sources. In addition the directive on Regulating the Activity of Industrial Fuel from Waste announced two definitions namely biofuel and industrial fuel. Biofuel is defined as a hydrocarbon material produced from all kinds of vegetable oil and/or animal fats and/or used vegetable oils or any other resources, whereas industrial fuel is defined as a liquid or gaseous hydrocarbon materials produced from industrial waste, domestic waste, plastic materials, medical waste, used tires and other high carbonaceous materials. These wastes are considered to be a non-renewable source and the produced oil or gas a non-renewable fuel, regardless of the technology used in its production.

Thus, the current Jordanian energy policy underline biofuels produced from waste resources as a non-renewable source of energy which in the result deprives biofuel sector from being able to benefit from the renewable energy law and tax redemption bylaw No. 13 for the year 2015. In addition bylaw No.13 for the year 2015 only mention exemptions on biomass energy systems which produce electricity, specifically biomethane to electricity and direct combustion of waste to electricity which completely contradicts the definition of the industrial fuel as biomethane can be produced from solid waste using anaerobic digestion process. In addition despite defining biodiesel as a renewable energy source its production systems and production inputs were not added under the exemption by law No. 13 for the year of 2015.

To conclude, policy-makers and urban planners are strongly urged to take these important points into consideration to harness the untapped biofuel potential thus catalyzing the development of biomass energy sector in Jordan. In addition, Jordan can explore the development of commercial energy crop plantations like Jatropha, Pongamia, sweet sorghum, algae farms etc on marginalized lands to spur the growth of biofuels sector.


  1. http://www.memr.gov.jo/
  2. The Little Green Data Book (2014), World Bank.
  3. The Regional Solid Waste Exchange of Information and Experience Network in Mashreq and Maghreb Countries – Sweep Net (2013). Country Report on Solid Waste Management in Jordan.
  4. Ahmad Al-Rousan, Anas Zyadin, Salah Azzam, Mohammed Hiary (2013) “Prospects of Synthetic Biodiesel Production from Various Bio-Wastes in Jordan” Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems, 3, pp 217-223

Role of Indigenous Knowledge & Innovation in Water Management

Our ancestors have created astounding water management systems and applications that helped them combat the harsh climate and scarce natural resources in many parts of this universe. Read on to know how ancient civilizations used indigenous knowledge in water management, and how innovation and entrepreneurship can ward off the water crisis facing the entire MENA region.

The Golden Past

Within MENA and since the 4th century BCE, the strongest civilizations made it through arid and semis arid conditions mainly due to their robust water technologies and hydraulic engineering. In the 14th century, the deliberations of the great Tunis-born social scientist and scholar Ibn Khaldun indicated that resilient dynasties were supported by the establishment of cities. He also highlighted the provision of freshwater as one of the few critical requirements for anchoring cities and sustaining civilizations.

The Nabataeans

Petra, a 2,000-year-old capital of the Nabatean Kingdom (South of Jordan nowadays), contains invaluable evidence of such indigenous innovations. Using sophisticated water technology, the Nabataeans were able to ensure a continuous water supply throughout the year and simultaneously mitigate the dangerous effects of flashfloods. They focused on the deep understanding of all sources of water available and on adopting techniques to best monitor, harness, maintain, and utilize those resources. They balanced their reservoir water storage capacity with their pipeline system and utilized particle-settling basins to purify water for drinking purposes.


The Nabataeans’ extensive understanding of their constraints and strengths allowed them to create a system that maximized water flow rates while minimizing leakage and supported a prosperous life for many years later.


Innovation is not about engineering and science only; water markets and decentralized management of water resources are important aspects in times when regulatory bodies and water user associations struggle to master. Oman enjoys one of the most ancient community-based water management schemes that was based on water rights, institutions, and markets.

Water prices were adjusted to respond to changes in demand and supply. Well established water rights, transparent management and allowing for water trading were major contributors to improved management of irrigation water back then.

The Future is Here

While the potential to innovate in the water sector is limitless, it is still under exploited in the MENA region. Information technology, data management, telecommunication, artificial intelligence, and many other tools create opportunities to innovate and contribute to robust water management solutions and to socioeconomic development.

In the MENA region, innovation and entrepreneurship have never been as central to development plans as they are today. Creating an enabling environment for tech startups that would attract investment, create jobs, and boost socioeconomic development is a common goal across the region.  As far as water is concerned, and despite the strategic significance of the sector, water innovations that could enter the market and find their way within and beyond the region are very few.

Most recently, the trending concepts of green growth and climate-smart solutions are reigniting the spark for more locally anchored water innovations to help alleviate both the economic and social stresses associated with water scarcity and poor management systems. In parallel, impact investing is becoming more popular, and today’s investors are searching for companies with a strong environment, social and governance (ESG) framework to invest in.


If one is to find a positive side for the COVID-19 pandemic, it would be the refocus it brought to local production and self-dependence. Whether in food, energy, or water; availability and affordability cannot be jeopardized. Since 2019, programs targeting innovations and startups in the food security and agri-tech domain have been expanding. Special innovation hubs, accelerators, incubators, and competitions were launched to support the water, energy, and food nexus with a strong link to climate change and social inclusion.

One example is the WE4F MENA Regional Innovation Hub which supports innovators with proven solutions tackling water and/or energy issues in urban or rural food production to scale up through multiple financial and non-financial tools. As such efforts gain more momentum, local needs started to emerge including up-skilling and knowledge management. Young graduates carry a relatively enough theoretical information about a single topic/specialty, yet most of those engineering, science and business graduates lack the practical skills and understanding of the nexus and the interconnectivity between water, food, energy, society, and environment. This led to the design of several upskilling and training programs to bridge the knowledge gap and introduce the young generation to the future.

A promising example of such upskilling modules is the one implemented through a partnership between The Sahara Forest Project and Al Hussein Technical University (HTU) in Jordan. This Upskilling Program for Female Engineers in Agritech and Food Security is being piloted on 30 young females from various Jordanian governorates that got selected based on an open application and preset criteria. The participating trainees are exposed to field training at The Sahara Forest Project in Aqaba, technical lectures and seminars by practitioners, mentorship by female leaders, and inspirational talks by market experts.

sahara forest project

The objective of such programs should not be to only help the unemployed youth find jobs but rather to widen their perspective to be able to create opportunities for themselves and for their peers and local communities. Re-anchoring the value of agriculture, water, energy, and nature is by itself a trigger for transformation in the future of work in the MENA region.

Algae-Powered Buildings: A Futuristic Invention

In an environment where the carbon footprint is becoming increasingly large, we need to start developing sustainable solutions which can keep greenhouse gases at bay. It is estimated that the building industry contributes to almost 40% of all of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions! To put this into perspective, this consists to a whopping 90 megatons of emissions that are emitted annually in constructing new buildings and maintaining the infrastructure of pre-developed ones.

It is time for us to take action!

At EcoMENA, we believe in creating a sustainable future so that the building industry can thrive and support our future generations. For this to occur, innovation is key and algae is the solution to significantly reduce the carbon footprint.

algae powered buildings

How is Algae Helpful?

Not only is algae one of the fastest growing organic materials, but if utilized within the building industry, it has a huge impact on reducing the carbon footprint

  • Is a powerful tool that can be used to improve air quality through absorbing CO2
  • Buildings will be able to power itself as it can be used to produce algae biofuel as a byproduct

Let us have a look at three innovative algae-powered inventions:

Algae-Powered Buildings

Algae Powered Buildings is an exciting invention to help you reduce your heating bills to a startling zero! As sunlight hits your building, the algae multiplies generating biomass and heat.

This is stored within the management center that can be used to reduce your electricity and power requirements, thereby reducing the greenhouse gases that are usually released.

Algae-Powered Breathing Pavilions

Air quality is a challenge that many industrialized cities face currently. To eliminate this significant issue, breathing pavilions are to be created in order to produce breathable oxygen.

This powerful invention by Adam Miklosi – oxygen bars – is used to help make our ecosystem sustainable and environmentally friendly!

Algae-Covered Buildings

To create biofuel on a larger scale, Algae Buildings can filter air in its vicinity and improve its quality in surrounding areas. As outlined by the 2009 report released by The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the recommendation of the cultivation of algae on the sides of existing buildings has been made. They say it is one of the most promising methods to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations.

The BIQ House in Hamburg is the first algae-powered building in the world

Currently, our building sector is focused on designing structures that are contemporary and technologically advanced. However, we need to redirect our focus towards creating innovating plans that are sustainable and will reduce our environmental footprint as well as eliminate sickness of buildings.

At Certified Energy, we deliver to this mission. Constantly aspiring to find renewable materials that will help make our environment more ecological, we are experts in ESD consulting.

Water Scarcity in Jordan: An Overview

Being one of the most arid countries in the Middle East, Jordan is facing severe water shortages. The current per capita water supply in the country is 200 cubic meters per year which is almost one-third of the global average. To make matters worse, it is projected that Jordan’s population (currently at 6 million) will reach 9 million by 2025 causing a drastic decline in per capita water availability to measly 91 cubic meters. Read on to know more about water scarcity in Jordan:

Water scarcity in Jordan

State of the Affairs

Groundwater resources account for 54% of Jordan’s total water supply, and are being threatened by pollution due to over-pumping of aquifers, seepage from landfill sites, and improper disposal of dangerous chemicals. Agricultural sector is responsible for about two-third of Jordan’s total water consumption.

Jordan is currently ranked among the top five countries most threatened by water shortages. More than 75 percent of the population lives in cities which are often located away from water bodies.

Management of water resources is therefore a big challenge for the Jordanian government which has been trying to reduce the rising demand for water through public awareness campaigns. A large fraction of freshwater supplies is contributed by aquifers which are threatened by overpumping and pollution. Managing the supply as well as the demand end of water resources has assumed tremendous importance in the country.

Future Strategy

The government may start water supply management initiative by enforcing regulation on water extraction from groundwater aquifers. The absence of strict laws is leading to illegal well drilling, reckless use of water and unsustainable extraction of water from aquifers. Aquifers in Jordan are being used at twice the recharge rate which is hampering natural replenishment process and may eventually lead to drying up.

The Jordanian government may also take initiative in renovating old and rusted water pipes that supply private homes with domestic water supplies. For example, in the United States alone, water leaks are responsible for wastage of 1 trillion gallons of water every year, which is equivalent to the annual water usage of Los Angeles, Chicago, and Miami combined.

Furthermore, rusted pipes can cause a change in the color and taste of the water, triggering additional water loss through the disposal of dirty water. Therefore, repairing old water pipes, and replacing them after 2-3 decades is very important.

A key component of water supply management is utilizing alternative sources of water such as wastewater treatment plants, which allow reuse of wastewater. This not only creates an additional water supply source, but also reduces the reliance on the natural water supplies, such as ground water, giving aquifers more time to replenish and recharge. Importantly, wastewater treatment is a potential source of energy, through harnessing the methane/biogas produced by municipal and industrial sewage.

wastewater treatment plant

Furthermore, wastewater treatment plants reduce environmental pollution by extracting wastewater that is usually disposed off into rivers and aquifers in the form of runoffs. The government has been planning to build wastewater treatment plants across Jordan, such as the Amman-Zarqa wastewater treatment plant. However, these plants have yet to be built, and Jordan has yet to use wastewater treatment to its full potential.


Water shortage has significantly increased stress on water resources in Jordan. Aquifers have reached historically low levels, water demand is rising exponentially, water pollution is rising and mismanagement of water resources continues unabated. Water scarcity is a big threat to Jordan’s industrial development, economic growth, food production and overall well-being of its population.

Jordan has already been forced to tap into non-renewable water resources from fossilized deep-water aquifers. The government and citizens should work together to find plausible solutions to tackle the water scarcity plaguing the country.

Water Shortages in MENA: A Trigger for Resilience & Innovation

Water has been – and will continue to be – a key shaper of life on earth. It is a major driver for the rise, dismantle, and displacement of civilizations. History has shown that water could be a cause of peace and conflict among nations.  From a more practical perspective, water is at the heart of socioeconomic and environmental development agendas. The MENA region is the most water-scarce region in the world, a situation being magnified by climate change and political instability. While the impacts of such amplified water challenge are becoming more visible, the indirect and unmeasured impacts on security and stability are expected to increase dramatically and rapidly in the coming years.

Most of the water resources existing in the Middle East are transboundary, a comprehensive and integrated water cooperation on the regional level seems like a far-fetched dream. Moreover, internal (state level) water hotspots that continue to grow and expand at an alarming rate are anticipated to trigger social unrest and migration challenges.

Some examples of countries and areas where internal water hotspots have been magnifying political, human and development challenges include Yemen, Jordan, Palestinian Territory, and the southern part of Iraq.

Global and Local Water Partnership

Water is essential for our survival

Water in MENA – A Factsheet

  • Almost 4.5 % of the world’s population lives in the Middle East but they have only 1% of the global water resource availability.
  • 60% of the population lives in areas affected by water shortages and 71% of GDP is produced in these areas.
  • 12 out of the 17 most water-stressed countries in the World are in MENA.
  • 18 out of 22 Arab States stand below the renewable water resources scarcity annual threshold of 1,000 m3 per capita, and 13 below the absolute water scarcity threshold of 500 m3 per capita per year.
  • 60% of its population lives currently in areas of high-water stress, compared to the global average of 35%.
water scarcity in mena

MENA is world’s most stressed region

The Positive Side to Water Scarcity

When the concept of water diplomacy is put on the table, the MENA region forms a perfect multi-dimensional platform to bring such concept to practice as it embraces several examples of jointly held water resources. Water cooperation can bring countries together, build bridges between people, and avoid conflicts.

A positive side to severe water shortages in MENA is the endless potential for more innovation and cooperation for resilience and adaptation within the various water using sectors. The MENA region is acknowledging the water, energy, and food nexus as a key determining factor for the region’s wellbeing and prosperity. The COVID-19 pandemic is only confirming that and expediting action on a more synergetic approach for tackling energy, water, and food insecurities.

A resource that was once considered sacred by ancient civilizations is back in the scene with more emphasis on its value as a human right, economic enabler, and peace maker. Unlike many other development goals that may vary between oil-producing and non-oil producing countries, water security seems to be the common factor across the MENA region.


Undoubtedly, such potential for innovation and adaptation demands several enablers to be in place, including streamlined policy reforms, data and knowledge management, capacity development, infrastructure investments, private sector engagement, and community participation. Amidst all this, science remains a solid base that would fuel all enablers and ignite action, assuming that a multi-disciplinary and inter-connected approach is followed and optimized.

Paper Bag Boy’s Message to the World

Abdul Muqeet, also known as the Paper Bag Boy, has risen from being just another ordinary student to an extra-ordinary environmentalist. Ten-year old Abdul Muqeet has demonstrated remarkable commitment to saving the environment in the United Arab Emirates and elsewhere, and has been a poster-boy for environmental campaigns in the Middle East. Here he shares his views on environment, recycling and public awareness.

It is said that you should break your goals down into small steps which you can accomplish each day. Set a goal, and approach it in a simple and basic manner. When I started my environmental campaign couple of years back, I had no idea that within a short span of time I would be invited to UNEP Tunza Conference in Indonesia or a film featuring myself will be run at CoP18 in Doha.

My endeavor began with collection of old newspapers and then making simple shopping bags out of it. My main objective was to spread environmental awareness and educate people about the harmful effects of plastic bags. Public awareness is essential to the success of any waste management program as people will start caring for the environment only on realizing ecological and health impacts of their day-to-day activities. Industrial pollution, environmental degradation, water scarcity, climate change are some of the burning issues nowadays which, if not tackled, will have serious effects on the coming generations.

Plastic wastes, as you may be aware, as one of the biggest source of pollution nowadays. We must not use it for our convenience; rather have the commitment to avoid the usage of plastic. Let us discuss some of the major harmful effects of Plastic. The decomposition of plastic takes a very long time, running into hundreds of years.  When we throw plastics all around, animals like camels and cows eat these plastics which choke their digestive systems ultimately leading to a painful death. Our drainage system is also blocked by accumulation of plastic wastes thus making our city dirty.

Another important issue in that of global warming, i.e. emission of harmful gases like carbon dioxide, methane and carbon monoxide. The safe limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 350 parts per million (ppm), but it is rapidly increasing day by day, and has reached high level of 392 ppm. A tough time is in store for humans if the carbon dioxide concentration reaches 400 ppm as the resulting temperature rise will aggravate melting of glaciers.

I would like to share few basic tips that may help us in reducing plastic consumption in our daily time. First of all, say NO to plastic, use eco-friendly bags for your shopping. Shopkeepers can start charging for plastic bags so customer will re-use bags again and again. Many companies use lot of plastic packaging to attract customers which could be avoided by implementing more creative ideas of marketing. Many supermarkets and packers unnecessarily use excessive amount of packaging which should be discouraged.

Any small action to save our Mother Earth would make a big difference to humanity. I believe that we all shouldn’t think about how I as a single person can save the earth, rather we should all believe that each one of us can make a difference by doing our part towards the environment. As our president, Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan said “Saving Climate, is not the responsibility of the government alone, it is the responsibility of each and every person, every citizen to save the environment.

We all should realize our duties and responsibilities towards conservation of natural resources. A small step in our day-to-day life can make a big difference for the environment. It is our sole responsibility to care for Planet Earth and make it a better place to live for the present and future generations. 

I humbly request you to join my campaign to stop use of plastic bags. Say NO to Plastic, and insist on eco-friendly bags. You can also give me more ideas how we can work together for a better future. Our late Baba Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (may his soul rest in peace) was very keen to save environment and trees. He changed this land from desert to a lush green place which we enjoy today. He once said that man has to be kind not only to humans but also to animal and plants, as God bestows kindness on those who show kindness to others. Hence, we all should follow his footsteps and make sure do our best to save environment.

My concluding message to all of you is

  • Plant more tree
  • Use less water,
  • Do more recycling
  • Avoid use of plastics.

Last but not the least, I would like to remind one and all that Everything on Earth can be Recycled but not Time. So please dont waste time, act as fast as possible to save the Environment.

5 Simple Ways You Can Help Stop Wildlife Poaching

Poaching is defined as the unlawful capture, shooting, and killing of wildlife. It has already been performed for a variety of purposes, including seizing the territory for human benefit, but more frequently, this has been done for a variety of ludicrous reasons, such as the desire for rare species items like ivory, wool, body parts, leather, skeleton, or teeth. However, many wildlife organizations around the globe are creating Anti poaching laws and techniques, to help to save rare species.

Many creatures are added to the brink of extinction list each year as a result of poaching and international wildlife violations. Tigers, rhinos, and elephants are some of the world’s most severely endangered animals, and they are all attacked by formidable wildlife poaching organizations.


Wildlife trade is a serious conservation problem worldwide

As a result of increased public pressure for tighter rules and procedures, governments worldwide have focused on conserving these magnificent species in recent decades. You may show care for these rare species in need all over the world by doing a variety of activities without putting in a lot of effort. There are also choices for you if you are a highly responsible individual!

If you are looking for some motivation to discover ways for helping conserve these rare animals, here is all you need to know for playing your part in stopping the poaching of wildlife.

1. Purchase Only Certified Goods

Unexpected products, such as paper and furniture, may lead to dangerous wildlife activities. Goods with the Forest Stewardship Council certification guarantee that all trees in the area that are being cut are replaced or allowed to re-grow naturally. Also, it implies that those areas of the original forest must be left unharmed, native folk’s rights are protected, and that local employees are paid fairly.

2. Buy Eco-Friendly Pets

Pets that are good for humans, animals, and the ecosystem are listed in the Eco Health Alliance collection. Many species are stolen from their native environments and supplied in pet markets in great quantities. This could cause damage to the wild species, and also cause distress for the living creatures themselves.


3. Petition For Restriction Of Legal Ivory Selling

The United States imposed new, rigorous controls on the local ivory trade in 2016, prohibiting the trade of ivory over national borders and restricting ivory trophy purchases to two per hunter annually. Unauthorized ivory is frequently sold as historic, circumventing federal regulations.

California, Nevada, New Jersey, Hawaii, New York, Washington, and Oregon have ivory restrictions by the federal legislation. Push your regional legislators to focus more attention on both legal and criminal Ivory Trades By Contacting Them.

4. Report Unlawful Trading Of Wild Species

The Internet has highly reduced the wideness of the world in terms of communication. So, now it is simpler and easier to uncover illicit wildlife marketing whenever you see it. Wild leeks are an organization that was created by the Elephant Action League, which enables everyone to submit a complaint of wildlife violations anywhere in the world anonymously.

help stop wildlife poaching

5. Sustainable Seafood

Many marine animals are pushed to the edge of extinction because of overfishing. Despite the fact that some of the rare marine species are now illegal to be fished, many of them are still legally sold in markets. You should always look for sustainable seafood items through the Marine Stewardship Council before buying any seafood.

The Rapid Degradation of Wadi Gaza

In recent years, environmental crisis has worsened in the Palestine, Gaza Strip in particular, with solid waste, sewage and air pollution being the major issues. The key reason for environmental degradation in the Gaza Strip has been the difficult economic situation and an unending Israeli blockade. Wadi Gaza (or the Gaza Valley) which is located in the middle of Gaza Strip has been transformed from being the most substantial natural ecosystems in Palestine to the most deteriorated regions.

Wadi Gaza can be described as one of the largest natural wetlands in Palestine with a length of 105 km. This area has been represented as a natural habitat, encompassing a wide variety of fauna and flora species. Such eco-region is aiming at preserving the wetland ecosystem as well as minimizing the deterioration of its natural resources.

wadi gaza

Due to its significance as a natural region, Wadi Gaza was declared as a natural reserve in June 2000. However, Wadi Gaza and its wetland ecosystem are degrading at an alarming pace with each passing day with major threats posed by the discharge of large amounts of wastewater and municipal solid waste along its bed.

Wastewater comes as an effluent from two sources around Wadi Gaza; wastewater treatment plants and sewer systems. When those two effluents combine, they form a river of wastewater, more than 5 km long, before its discharge into the Mediterranean Sea. Besides wastewater, Wadi Gaza is being used as a landfill for disposing huge amounts of solid waste and construction debris. The leachate generated from accumulated solid wastes has high contaminant concentrations which makes the situation more dangerous.

The worsening pollution in Wadi Gaza is having devastating impacts on the ecology, wildlife as well as the public health of the communities around the valley. The widespread use of pesticides, due to increase in agriculture in Wadi Gaza, is posing serious threats to wildlife and biodiversity. Poaching activities are also affecting many species, causing them to become extinct

In terms of potential solutions, governments and many organizations have tried to solve the problems as much as possible or at least alleviate the effects. Despite the delay of its establishment due to the political and economic situation in Gaza Strip, interim central wastewater treatment plant can be considered as one of the most efficient solutions to Wadi Gaza and Gaza city as it aims at improving the environmental situation.

Moreover, the importance of this project lies on restoring the stream of the Gaza Valley to its normal nature reserve to receive rainwater only as well as reducing the pollution of seawater. The project also includes planting the area which is surrounded by the plant and setting-up an irrigation network in order to maintain Wadi Gaza as a natural reserve. However, the plant is facing serious issues in its operation, such as the shortage of electricity and diesel due to decade-long Israeli blockade of Gaza strip.

Environmental awareness can be an important tool in protecting ecological havens like Wadi Gaza. Environmental awareness is an effective educational method which may help Palestinians to realize the importance of conservation of Wadi Gaza as well as teaching them various techniques to understand the consequences of activities which can affect adversely to the valley.

One of these programs which relied on that concept is to research the history of Wadi Gaza to connect the outcome with the environmental strategies of the valley from different perspectives. This program has stimulated more interest among Palestinian people to enhance ecotourism as well as demonstrate the significance of Wadi Gaza through using public awareness techniques.

A good example is conducting youth tracks for the first time in Gaza Strip, Wadi Gaza in particular, under the umbrella of the Palestinian Sport and the Environment Committee and Palestine Wildlife Society – Beit Sahour (West Bank), by the Arab Youth Climate Movement “AYCM” – Gaza, Palestine, which is a part of the Arab Youth Climate Movement (AYCM). Such bodies aim to create a generation of educated youth who can recognize and deal with threats from climate changes which threatening nature.

  • The first environmental track in Wadi Gaza which is regarded as one of the most remarkable projects in environmental awareness programs in the strip, have had several advantages for the Palestinian environment as it aimed at emphasizing on the need for urgent procedures to preserve the natural reserves, including Wadi Gaza as well as maintaining the unique biodiversity available in such ecosystems. Beside these advantages, the participants on this track recognized at the first time the natural environment with watching the manifestations of biodiversity in the region. Consequently, some protective approaches have been proposed after understanding deeply the concept of the wildlife conservation. Thereby, such programs would be a perfect vehicle towards conserving the natural reserves as well as promoting ecotourism in that area.

  • The second environmental track in Wadi Gaza. This track had been implemented as a second phase in order to complete the first one as well as fulfill the core purpose of such tracks; namely, emphasis on the need for urgent action to preserve the Wadi Gaza and maintaining the unique biodiversity available in this area.
  • The Environmental exhibition entitled: “Protecting biodiversity and developing ecotourism in Palestine”. The program has been accomplished through environmental exhibition, which was held on May 19, 2016 and took place at the Gaza Zoo. The activity consisted of two parts. The first was carried out through a discussion among the participants about the impact of climate change on biodiversity as well as distribution brochures in order to inform the participants of the types of animals and plants which live in Palestine. The second part was showing a collection of photographs and information for the plants and animals and some photos of the recent environmental tracks. The participants concluded the activity with a tour in the zoo in order to recognize the animals more, especially those living in the Palestinian environment.


Wadi Gaza, one of the most significant nature reserves in Palestine, is witnessing rapid degradation due to anthropogenic activities including but not limited to discharge of municipal sewage, dumping of solid wastes, rampant use of pesticides and illegal poaching. Although many projects have been initiated to safeguard Wadi Gaza, some have not worked appropriately, the others have been closed for one reason or the other.

Consequently, urgent steps by responsible parties are needed to protect the reserve in a sustainable way. Effective environmental laws and legislation should be imposed to protect Wadi Gaza and other natural habitats in the Palestine. Last but not the least, Palestinians must be directly involved in Wadi Gaza conservation initiatives in order the handle the prevalent issues holistically.