Everything You Should Know About Desertification

As the global population crosses 7 billion, the pressure on land has increased exponentially in recent decades. Food security, habitat and livelihood are the buzz words these days. The paradox is that despite ever-increasing demand for land, more than 10 million hectares of arable land turns into desert every year. The major factors responsible for desertification are deforestation, over-grazing, unsustainable cultivation methods and poor irrigation practices, apart from climate change.

According to Mr. Luc Gnacadja, executive secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, “Land degradation is a global phenomenon, with 78 percent of the degrading land taking place in non-drylands.” The inevitable outcome of desertification is the loss of invaluable agricultural lands, destruction of vegetation cover and hydrologic imbalance in drylands.

how to combat desertification

Gravity of the Situation

Desertification is a worldwide phenomenon afflicting countries all over the world. China is experiencing desertification at an alarming rate – as much as 1,300 square miles each year. Sub-Saharan Africa is drying up, as are regions of Turkey that were once rich agricultural lands. The desert is making a comeback in the Middle East, with fertile lands turning into barren lands. According to United Nation’s Development Program’s 2009 Arab Human Development Report, desertification is threatening around one-fifth of the MENA region.

Around 48.6 per cent of the land area in the Mashreq, 28.6 per cent in the Nile Valley and the Horn of Africa, 16.5 per cent in North Africa and 9 per cent in the Arabian Peninsula is endangered on account of desertification. Among MENA countries, the countries facing the greatest dangers are Libya, Egypt and Jordan. In the Arabian Peninsula, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and the UAE are the most affected countries.

How to Combat Desertification?

The United Nations announced the decade starting 2012 as one for achieving zero net land degradation neutrality. In the Middle East region, the answer to this lies in combating desertification. We must take steps to stop the encroachment of deserts into the sparse fertile lands that we have.

fight against desertification

Desertification is a worldwide phenomenon affecting people all over the world.

There needs to be an imminent focus on the retention of the water table and stopping soil erosion. Ecosystems such as mangroves help to maintain the delicate biodiversity of our region and it is imperative that efforts are taken to prevent their destruction.

The American ecologist Aldo Leopold rightly said that “We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect”. Our ancestors got it right when they said “Whatever is affixed to the soil belongs to the soil”, thereby ensuring that trees remained where they were.

The problem of desertification is to an extent self-created and our current lack of concern is only serving to exacerbate the issue. The solutions are quite simple, but it requires high degree of social responsibility and behavioral change.

Partnership is a binding principle in the fight against desertification. The major stakeholders are individuals and governments, authorities and companies, parliaments and NGOs. Schools and colleges can also play an important role in dissemination of information and developing skills and techniques to combat desertification.

Greening the drylands has to be the key initiative in combating desertification. This is a simple and effective procedure and needs to be implemented by involving all sections of the civil society. Trees not only absorb carbon dioxide but also help in preventing soil erosion. Trees have a positive impact on climate change and help in influencing weather patterns favorably over a period of time. I humbly implore you to take that first step, plant your first tree and green the horizon before it is too late.

What Type of Waste Can Be Converted into Renewable Energy?

There is, no doubt, an obvious need to reduce, reuse and recycle wastes but recovery of energy from wastes is also gaining ground as a vital method for managing wastes and Middle East should not be an exception.

Wastes can be transformed into clean and efficient energy and fuel by a variety of technologies, ranging from conventional combustion process to state-of-the-art plasma gasification technology. Besides recovery of energy, such technologies leads to substantial reduction in the overall waste quantities requiring final disposal.

Waste-to-energy projects provide major business opportunities, environmental benefits, and energy security.  There are many types of waste that can be converted into renewable energy including municipal solid wastes, crop residues and agro-industrial wastes.


Let us explore some of major types of wastes that can be converted into energy in the MENA region:

1. Municipal Solid Wastes

Atleast 150 million tons of solid wastes are collected each year in the MENA region with the vast majority disposed of in open fields and dumpsites. The major energy resource in municipal solid waste is made up of food residuals, paper, fruits, vegetables, plastics etc. which make up as much as 75 – 80 percent of the total MSW collected.

Municipal wastes can be converted into energy by thermochemical or biological technologies. At the landfill sites the gas produced by the natural decomposition of MSW (called landfill gas) can be collected, scrubbed and cleaned before feeding into internal combustion engines or gas turbines to generate heat and power.

waste to energy feedstock

The organic fraction of MSW can be biochemically stabilized in an anaerobic digester to obtain biogas (for heat and power) as well as fertilizer. Sewage sludge is a big nuisance for municipalities and general public but it is a very good source of biogas, which can efficiency produced at sewage treatment plants.

2. Agricultural Wastes

Agricultural wastes includes encompasses all kind of crop residues such as bagasse, straw, stem, stalk, leaves, husk, shell, peel, pulp, stubble, etc. Large quantities of crop residues are produced annually in the MENA region, and are vastly underutilised.

Dates, wheat and barley are the major staple crops grown in the Middle East region. In addition, significant quantities of rice, maize, lentils, chickpeas, vegetables and fruits are produced throughout the region, mainly in Egypt, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Jordan.


Current farming practice is usually to plough these residues back into the soil, or they are burnt, left to decompose, or grazed by cattle. Agricultural residues are characterized by seasonal availability and have characteristics that differ from other solid fuels such as wood, charcoal, char briquette. Crop wastes can be used to produce biofuels, biogas as well as heat and power through a wide range of well-proven technologies.

3. Animal Wastes

The MENA countries have strong animal population. The livestock sector, in particular sheep, goats and camels, plays an important role in the national economy of respective countries. Many millions of live ruminants are imported each year from around the world. In addition, the region has witnessed very rapid growth in the poultry sector.

animal waste in MENA

The biogas potential of animal manure can be harnessed both at small- and community-scale. In the past, this waste was recovered and sold as a fertilizer or simply spread onto agricultural land, but the introduction of tighter environmental controls on odour and water pollution means that some form of waste management is now required, which provides further incentives for waste-to-energy conversion. The most attractive method of converting these waste materials to useful form is anaerobic digestion.

4. Wood Wastes

Wood processing industries primarily include sawmilling, plywood, wood panel, furniture, building component, flooring, particle board, moulding, jointing and craft industries. Wood wastes generally are concentrated at the processing factories, e.g. plywood mills and sawmills. In general, processing of 1,000 kg of wood in the furniture industries will lead to waste generation of almost half (45 %), i.e. 450 kg of wood.

Similarly, when processing 1,000 kg of wood in sawmill, the waste will amount to more than half (52 %), i.e. 520 kg wood. Wood wastes has high calorific value and can be efficiency converted into energy by thermal technologies like combustion and gasification.

5. Industrial Wastes

The food processing industry in MENA produces a large number of organic wastes and by-products that can be used as biomass energy sources. These waste materials are generated from all sectors of the food industry with everything from meat production to confectionery producing waste that can be utilised as an energy source. In recent decades, the fast-growing food and beverage industry has remarkably increased in importance in major countries of the region.


Since the early 1990s, the increased agricultural output stimulated an increase in fruit and vegetable canning as well as juice, beverage, and oil processing in countries like Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Wastewater from food processing industries contains sugars, starches and other dissolved and solid organic matter. A huge potential exists for these industrial wastes to be biochemically digested to produce biogas, or fermented to produce ethanol, and several commercial examples of waste-to-energy conversion already exist around the world.


An environmentally sound and techno-economically viable methodology to treat wastes is highly crucial for the sustainability of modern societies. The MENA region is well-poised for waste-to-energy development, with plentiful availability of waste-to-energy feedstock in the form of municipal solid waste, crop residues and agro-industrial waste.

The implementation of advanced waste-to-energy conversion technologies as a method for safe disposal of solid and liquid wastes, and as an attractive option to generate heat, power and fuels, can greatly reduce the environmental impacts of wastes in MENA countries.

Islamic Framework on Integrated Water Resources Management

The Islamic perspective on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) framework provides a holistic approach to look at the entire spectrum of water management components, i.e, water resources, uses, treatment and resue. Islam provides policies and principles that address all elements of the framework for

. At the resource level, Islam teaches that the Universe and humans are created by God. And the source of water is from God, the creator, however, Islam believes in the rational and pragmatic explanations of science.

The first verse in Quran is “Read” and there are many references in Quran that urge humans to think and contemplate about the universe, nature and the creation of God. Islam teaches that “everything is created from water” and that water at the global level is finite “bekadar” and is in balance and “mawzoon”.

water resource management in islam

Harmony between Human and Nature

The key characteristic of Islam is the belief in one God (Allah) and the belief in the Day of Judgment (Hereafter). These are the core of the social and environmental responsibility for both individuals and the corporate sector.

The relationship between the Human and Nature is based on harmony, since all creatures obey the laws (sunan) of God.  Harmonization of human’s will with the teachings of Islam leads to responsible, balanced and good life (Hayat Tayebah).  Being mindful of the purpose and meaning of every single human endeavor, every human activity is given a transcendent dimension; it becomes meaningful, of value, and goal-centered.

The Islamic worldview is based on an eco-cosmic understanding of the harmony between human and nature and the value of nurturing the aesthetic and natural intelligence of humans as trustees. The Islamic notion of Zohd which means living lightly on earth and having low ecological footprints is a key for securing a healthy planet. All forms of environmental problems like pollution and global warming and climate change according to the Islamic interpretation is attributed to human mis-conduct or mischief (Fassad).

Islamic Integrated Water Resources Management Framework

At the water uses level, Islam believes that water should be allocated to different uses with priority to water for drinking (Haqo Al-shafa). Besides, Islam recognizes the right for environment. The emphasis on balance, conservation and harmony is key to the Islamic view of water uses.

water resource management in islam

For wastewater, greywater and saline water, Islam instructs the mind that regardless of the quality of water whether it is fresh “Athb” or saline water “Milh Ujaj” but still it can of use and value for many purposes like a source for food from sea, a source for jewelry “diamonds” and a means for shipping, trade and transport.

By interpretation and using the notion of  public interest “Maslaha”, it is safe to say that greywater and wastewater can be of use and value for human use if treated with proper processes. This was confirmed by a judgment and ruling “Fatwa” by scholars from different disciplines who confirmed that wastewater can be used for human used if treated properly.  The Fatwa issued in 1978 by the Council of Leading Islamic Scholars (CLIS) in Saudi Arabia postulated that:

Impure wastewater can be considered as pure water and similar to the original pure water, if its treatment using advanced technical procedures is capable of removing impurities with regard to taste, colour and smell, as witnessed by honest, specialized and knowledgeable experts. Then it can be used to remove body impurities and for purifying, even for drinking.

For wastewater reuse, it was evident from the above Fatwa that wastewater can be used for other purposes. Hence, the Islamic model of IWRM adopted a closed loop of  IWRM framework. Islam does not allow waste among even lifeless things, to the extent that it disapproves the wasteful use of water, even if there is no scarcity of water.  It teaches to avoid waste in every conceivable form and to make the best use of all resources.

Islam reforms the notion of  “waste” and enlighten the human mind to re-think the concept of waste by learning from nature and the ecological processes. The analogy of human life is being made with the ecology and its transformations (the four seasons and the process of renewal and growth using natural energy and resources). Moreover, the Fatwa made scholars in Saudi Arabia paved the way to make wastewater reuse possible and to have a closed water loop in IWRM model.


Islam is not limited to the confined domain of a religion and spirituality (relation between man and God) but rather it is a way of life. Islam offers a holistic framework for looking at the cosmos, nature and the purpose and the role of the human being.  Besides, Islam nowadays has contextualized a number of economic institutions (Islamic banking and Waqf funds) and social institutions (health care, education).

It would be of value to develop a new framework and contextualize for Islamic integrated water resources management (IWRM) framework. This means that IWRM will not only be informed by culture and local knowledge but also reformed and transformed by Islam through a process of re-construction of knowledge and the revival of the human consciousness.

الرسالة الإعلاميّة: الأداة المستدامة لِلتّغْيِيْر

الإعلام رسالة وينبغي أن تكون للرسالة الإعلامية كلمتها الصادقة، ومن الطبيعي أن تكون للكلمة الصادقة فعلها في التغيير المستدام للمشاريع التربوية والثقافية وبناء المسؤوليات والقيم الاجتماعية والسلوك الإنساني الرصين في معالجة القضايا بمختلف منحدراتها ومنعطفاتها وعلاقتها بواقع حياة المجتمع البشري على البسيطة.

media and sustainable development

هنا يمكن الإشارة إلى أَنّ المعالجات الإعلامية التي يتولى صناعتها الإعلاميون الذين يتميزون بالكفاءة المهنية ويمتلكون الدراية المطلوبة للقضايا المعاصرة والذين يتميزون بكفاءة في توصيف واقع القضايا وانعكاساتها الاجتماعية ومتطلبات مخرجاتها التي تضع المؤشرات الإيجابية في معالجة القضايا بمختلف تجلياتها على واقع الحياة الاجتماعية وتقديم نموذج إيجابي يسهم في بناء المخرجات التي تؤسس لِوَاقِعٍ مستدام للحياة الاجتماعية ذلك هو النوع من حملة الرسالة الإعلامية الذين يتميزون بالمواقف الصادقة التي نحن بحاجة إلى وجودهم لتحقيق قفزة نوعية في بناء الإعلام المفيد في التّغيير والارتقاء بمشاريعنا الحيوية للمصالح الاجتماعية.

لذلك فَإِنّ الرسالة الإعلامية الصادقة والنزيهة عن مختلف أنواع العصبيات والمؤثرات السلبية التي يتميز بها حملة الأقلام النظيفة والمسؤولة في مواقفها تؤكد ضرورة الحاجة الى وجودها وفعلها لتمكين المشاريع التنموية بمختلف اتجاهاتها في واقع الحياة الاجتماعية والإنسانية سَعْياً لتحقيق فعلها المستدام للتغيير وتحقيق الأهداف الوطنية والعالمية للتنمية المستدامة بحلول عام 2030م.

Debunking 4 Most Common Solar Panel System Myths

Solar panel systems’ sales have increased over the last few years. But there are still many who are yet to make the transition. One of the reasons for people resisting the change is the myths surrounding solar panel systems. And the sad part is that people believe these myths without even checking with a solar expert or reading about solar panel systems from a relevant source. So to clear the air, in this post, we talk about some of the most common solar panel myths and the facts behind them. Come let’s find out.

clean energy investment

Myth 1 – They are way too expensive

Unfortunately, it is because of this myth that many people do not consider installing a solar panel system. Most of them have this preconceived notion and they don’t even read up or talk to a solar expert to find out how much solar panel systems actually cost.

Fact – One of the reasons people fall for this myth is that they only consider the initial investment cost and do not take into account the savings that one makes after installing a solar panel system. The fact is that on average people are able to recover their investment cost within the first 4 to 5 years itself. And whatever savings that one makes after having recovered the investment cost is the returns that one makes on their investment. Also, many people are unaware of the huge subsidies that the Government of India offers on the purchase of a solar panel system.

Myth 2 – They don’t generate power during rainy and winter season

Another most common myth about solar power systems is that solar panel systems do not generate any power during the colder months. People think that solar panels work only on a warm sunny day.

Fact – The output of solar panels does get impacted during a cloudy day or during the winter season (as winter days are shorter as compared to summer days), but the fact is that solar panel systems still generate a significant amount of energy during these days too. On the other hand, the efficiency of a solar panel decreases when the temperature is very high. Also, there are highly efficient solar panels available in the market that ensure there’s minimal effect of seasonality on a solar panel’s efficiency.

Myth 3 – They are high maintenance

One of the reasons people believe that solar panels require high maintenance is because they are installed in the open. People are also skeptical about solar panels being damaged by external environmental factors such as strong winds, heavy rains, hailstorms. But this is a myth and now let us find out what the reality is.


Fact – Solar panels are highly durable and are designed keeping all the external environmental factors in mind. Also, since they do not have any moving parts they hardly require any repair or replacement. As far as cleaning of solar panels is concerned, during the rainy season the dirt, dust and debris gets washed away with the rain. Besides that you only need to clean them around 1 to 2 times annually.

Myth 4 – They do not power your home during a power outage

You must have heard the age old saying “Half knowledge is a dangerous thing.” Well, the saying holds true about the myth around solar panel systems according to which solar panels stop functioning during a power outage or a power failure from the local grid’s end.

Fact – As you would be aware that on-grid (or grid tied) solar panel systems draw power from the local grid whenever there’s deficiency of power and similarly they supply surplus power to the local grid whenever there’s excess energy produced. And therefore, whenever there’s a power outage the solar panel systems do shut down to prevent any flow of surplus power from the solar panel systems to the local grid. It does so to protect the utility company workers fixing the lines during the power outage. But that doesn’t mean there would be no power available to run the home appliances during the power outage. Solar panel systems with batteries have enough power stored in the battery to provide the required backup during a power outage.

Yet to take the plunge?

If you weren’t sure of going solar just because you believed in one or more of the above listed myths, we hope we have been able to clear them and you would now consider switching to a solar panel system.

Key Drivers for a Greener Built Environment in the Middle East

The drivers for a greener built environment in the Middle East are essentially economic in nature. Green and energy-efficient buildings are getting traction in the region due to increasing energy prices and the need for energy efficient and affordable energy solutions and practices within the construction sector. Large real estate developers find in this a new marketing and PR tool that contributes to their bottom line and to demonstrating their commitment to sustainable development goals and environmental responsibility. From the supply side, suppliers and service providers find new business opportunities in this market transformation and this has become a driver for new services and materials.

green built environment middle east

Key Drivers

Transformation in the built environment requires change on the demand side that triggers change on the supply side. Consumer behavior and preferences are the key driver in the market. Understanding what shapes the various consumers’ preferences in various communities and countries would help make the green change more sustainable. The data on buildings performance and the social, economic and environmental impact of such performance is hardly available.

Deploying ICT solutions to enable monitoring and verification is another market enabler and opportunity for local businesses and professionals. Finally, establishing a local green buildings industry is what would sustain the green movement. Leveraging local resources and guiding local innovation towards green building solutions should be the focus of the future.

green building

Vital Ingredients

Awareness raising is usually the long-term investment in behavioral change. When it comes to greening the real estate sector, there are several target groups across the supply chain that require different forms of awareness raising. Starting from architects, designers and developers and passing by electro-mechanical and construction engineers, towards contractors, material suppliers and consultants, click here for more information.

Each of those has a different need and mindset and would require creative messages and tools to join the green movement. The financial implications on short and long terms are usually important to include in addition to other factors like health, comfort, and environmental stewardship. Communicators need to work with green professionals in order to design awareness campaigns that can lead to behavior change.

Situation in Jordan

Jordan is one of the non-oil-producing countries and is striving to achieve ambitious energy efficiency and renewable energy targets to overcome its energy challenges. In addition, it is one of the world’s most water-scarce countries. Green buildings are one of the key enablers for green jobs, energy savings and cleantech innovation.

Today, Jordan is the home for 19 LEED registered buildings of which 7 are already LEED Certified Buildings (4 Gold, 1 Platinum and 2 Sliver). The sector is attracting many professionals to get certified and penetrate local and regional markets as LEED professionals. To date, 164 LEED Green Associates and 53 LEED APs exist along with a Jordanian USGBC Faculty member; many of which are working on projects in the region.


Communicators need to work with green professionals to facilitate behavioral change.

The government as well as private sector and NGOs have strong appetite to enable this sector through advocating for greener building codes and effective enforcement of codes and regulations as well as building capacity and raising awareness among various target groups. Donors and international agencies are supporting these efforts especially within the energy sector support programmes through technical assistance and pilot projects.

While cities like Amman embarked into green buildings as part of their sustainability strategies and adopted some incentive schemes to promote green building practices; the country still needs to move towards greening other cities and anchoring such direction within various municipalities.

Everything You Should Know About Hydroponic Farming

Locally grown vegetables and salad greens are becoming increasingly common in the market places of Bahrain, thanks to modern agricultural practices such as hydroponic farming. Bahrain is now taking definite steps towards being self-sustaining with certain food items that frequent our dinner table. By adopting the alternative agricultural practices, Bahrain is actively tackling the issue of food security.

Commercial hydroponic farming facilities are well established in Bahrain with a highly promising and very green future. Hydroponic farms are successfully operating in Bahrain even in the summer months when the daytime temperatures are 40-50oC and nighttime temperatures are 30-35oC outside of the greenhouses.

One such successful operation occupies a land area of 180,000 sq m and is aiming to produce in excess of 5,000 tons of fresh foods annually.  The operational polythene greenhouse covers 40,000 sq m with production increasing from the initial 250kg per day to 1,500kg per day.

hydroponic farming

Hydroponic farming has a lot of plus factors especially when practiced in an arid environment, such as Bahrain. It is the solution for growing plants where soil nutrient quality, salinity and water scarcity are limiting issues. It is also a perfect solution in countries or regions where the amount of arable land is very limited, apart from being an ideal solution in regions where  there is ample light, even if it is also enhanced by artificial lighting.

In Bahrain, the total amount of arable land is only 11% of the total land area (according to the 2014 AFED Annual Report, Food Security in Arab Countries). The soil on the island has high salinity content, with poor water retention ability and limited nutrients so the managed environment of hydroponic farming is an ideal alternative.

What is Hydroponic Farming

The hydroponic gardener or horticulturalist, regulates the composition of nutrients in the liquid solution used to water the plants. He also regulates the frequency of supplying the nutrients to the plants. Simply, the hydroponic gardener controls the growing environment of the plants. The system is highly automated of course but still requires to be well managed. Therefore, hydroponics is a viable, large-scale farming technique.

As stated above, the process is managed, not simply controlled. Therefore, it is water efficient and nutrient efficient, both of which are delivered directly to the plant’s root structure. Because the levels of water and nutrients are monitored, these elements are supplied as and when needed at the required levels.

Together, water and nutrients contribute to the success of and rate of growth. The lighting factor is also critical in crop production. This is achieved by planting out in vertical structures where lighting is maximized while plant density, crowding and shading are minimized. Present day hydroponic farming embrace the 3-D approach and are grown vertically in multilevel growing beds.

So now we have ideal growing conditions in terms of nutrients, water and light, plus the ability to grow in the vertical. This adds significantly to the yield per unit area as the growing area is no longer 2-dimensional (2-D) but has become a 3-D concept and design.  This maximizes the actual growing area and uses what could have been unutilized areas in enclosed gardening environments.

With a multi-level bedding structure that is movable, plants can now be exposed to ideal lighting at all times throughout the growing period. This controlled and managed growing environment also has significant advantages over traditional farming techniques.

Advantages of Hydroponic Farming

A well designed hydroponic system is characterized by less wastage of water and nutrients than soil-based farms. Both water and nutrients are feed directly to the root structure of the plants and recycled through the hydroponic system. This also eliminates the typical land and water pollution possibilities due to overland flow and runoff, respectively. This all means the system uses less water and less nutrient supplies. Both of these aspects provide great economic benefits by lowering the ongoing costs of cultivation. This is of key importance in regions ranked as having extreme scarcity of water, such as Middle East nations.

benefits of hydroponic farming

In the absence of the soil medium, the likelihood of disease is largely reduced. This is another plus factor. Traditional farming methods are soil based. The work intensity if soil-based farming is very different to hydroponic method. Traditional farming involves the tilling and cultivation of the soil. Both  of these activities are time consuming and labour intensive prior to the actually growing season. Other plus factors of hydroponic farming are due to the management of the density of plants and the humidity of the growing environment.

As these factors are all managed,  there is no need for fumigation of the plant crop nor for weeding. There are no microorganisms as there is no soil stratum. There are no leaf eating predators because of the managed enclosures. Therefore, hydroponics is becoming the agrarian farmer’s dream. In short, the nature of the farming work load is greatly reduced in comparison to the traditional farming practices.

The physical hydroponic growing environment is akin to the concept of greenhouse gardening but on a much larger scale with automatic rotation of the beds for maximum light exposure at all times, as well as the loading and unloading of vertical growing beds in highly controlled growing environments.  The traditional greenhouse, also known as a hothouse or glasshouse, concentrated solar heating while ventilation was manually operated by opening and closing window panels,  and lighting was natural and diurnal.

The planting medium was soil so the usual plant-soil issues were present and water was supplied often in over abundance. Humidity and condensation were ongoing issues that needed to be addressed but were not totally managed in a greenhouse as such. The conventional style of greenhouse is now supplanted by the vertical A-frame growing systems. Lighting is no longer solely dependent on natural light sources but uses LED and sulpha plasma lighting systems.

The challenges are still present and very real. The biggest challenge is related to the ambient temperatures surrounding the greenhouse. Controlling the internal temperatures of the greenhouses has required elaborate and advanced ventilation and cooling techniques. The technology of the whole enterprise is not just a local initiative but has required international cooperation and partnering with expertise from the UK, Japan, the Netherlands and many other parts of the globe.

In addition to new and improved technology and modern agricultural practices, the level of staffing is also modernized with highly trained and conscientious workers who understand the production system and the challenges of working in a laboratory style environment.

Growing greens in the desert climate of Bahrain is not a fantasy but a reality. 

Growing foods in the desert of Bahrain is a reality with a sustainable future.

4 Sustainable Ways To Decorate Your Home

Quality décor can make even a manufactured home seem like a unique oasis from the world. That’s what any home should be; but often people get bogged down in the details when it comes to decoration. They’re either too detailed, or too spartan. There’s always a happy medium—a balance to achieve.

Here, we’ll explore a number of ways you can cost-effectively and sustainably decorate your home. The approaches explored will bridge the gap between minimalism and maximalism—after all, just because you’re living minimalist doesn’t mean you’re sustainable. Similarly, just because you’re going the maximal route doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not.

While minimalism tends to suggest sustainability, it can be done in ways that are unnecessarily expensive. With maximalism, overt acquisition done strategically enhances value, and can lead to a variety of liquidations that increase on associated investments. Antique purveyors often take a maximal approach in a way that’s profitable.

Profitability is sustainable, and if you can fund decoration through careful purchase and sale of varying furniture items, or other things enhancing a home’s value, why not do so? At any rate, here we’ll explore a few options from either side of the divide. In all cases, sustainability is the aim.

sustainable ways of home decoration

1. A House Of Mirrors

Especially when it comes to small spaces, mirrors are very recommendable. Mirrors reflect light in a way that seems to expand how much illumination is inside a given room. Their reflections also give the subconscious a hint at more to see or discover. Accordingly, tiny rooms feel much larger.

Mirrored walls and ceilings reduce lighting costs and décor costs simultaneously. You can also find all sorts of mirrors for sale at flea markets or thrift stores. They’re relatively cost-effective when acquired cheaply at stores like Walmart as well. A bunch of “cheap” mirrors can be made into a larger reflective arrangement.

Maybe you put mirrors behind wardrobes in a room so it appears there’s more space as you walk by. Many creative things can be done which expand the sense of space, reduce electricity costs, and may even enhance home value. Installing larger, framed mirrors in a permanent way can make a home feel very qualitative to potential buyers.

2. Foliage Refreshment

A vine has a central point from which it grows. As it sends out tendrils, you can use them as décor in the corners of a room; or wherever you’d like to use them as an aesthetic enhancement. You don’t have to get a vine, though. There are all manner of house plants out there, and they grow as you water them.

The seeds, potting soil, pot, and water are an investment. However, keep a plant alive for a few years, and in terms of air quality, aesthetic augmentation, and sometimes even fruit yield, it’s worth that investment. Get some decent plants, hang them around the house, and get into the habit of watering them daily.

how to decorate your home in a sustainable way

3. Family Pictures And Thrift Store Paintings

A really sustainable and smart decorative option is making the house you live in your home through memorabilia. Art projects your children have done, diplomas you’ve achieved, family photo albums—what sort of things has your family produced in an organic way? What things were you going to just…make anyway?

Family pictures, paintings, sculptures, and framed achievements are likely going to be in your house to begin with, so you might as well lean into their decorative potential. A photo album can be a fine piece of decoration for the living room, in the center coffee table, as a focal point between chairs.

A collage of schoolwork from your young ones might occupy a wall of the family room. Perhaps you use that wall to frame a variety of family photos, and intersperse similarly-sized paintings as accents. You can find some astonishingly beautiful prints at thrift stores across the country, and in flea markets.

You’ll find good things new in stores like Target or Hobby Lobby, but you’ll often pay three to a hundred times more for something that feels mass-produced to begin with. Going the thrift store route, you get more original pieces that bring about the same level of aesthetic enhancement. Mixed with family photos, there’s ample decorative opportunity.

4. Get Away From Carpet Flooring, Embrace Rugs

Carpets will get stained, and if they don’t get stained, they’ll get bogged down like the filter in a fish pond over time as dust particulates settle into the carpet fibers. They’ll become heavy, overladen with microscopic parasites, and could eventually even have a smell to them. If you can, replace carpets with tile, LVP, or wood flooring; whatever’s most feasible on your budget.

Have Your House, And Decorate It, Too!

Hard flooring, using things you would produce anyway as décor, indoor plants, and mirrors represent some notably cost-effective and sustainable decoration options for most homes. Large or small, with good décor, your home will be an oasis from the world. Tend that oasis properly, and its value will expand collaterally.

Also Read: Environmental Benefits of Interior Vinyl Wrapping

7 Unique Eco-Friendly Gifts For Your Loved Ones

For environmentally-conscious individuals, buying gifts that will either harm the environment or go to waste is cringe-worthy. The waste from overdone wrapping paper, excess packaging, and ribbons or bows can be highly harmful to the environment if not correctly disposed of. By skipping the wrapping paper, avoiding single-use plastic, and reducing food waste, you can better take care of the environment.

Buying gifts for family, friends, colleagues or significant others is how most people celebrate special occasions. This spirit of kindness and generosity makes those occasions even more special. When finding a unique gift for your loved ones, there are several options to consider that are both unique and eco-friendly.

For instance, you can decide to get something beautiful and simple like a bouquet from a bouquet deal of the week offer. Nevertheless, there are plenty of other eco-friendly products that are readily available and a lot less expensive than one might think.

green gift for loved ones

What Eco-Friendly Gifts Would Be Perfect for Your Loved Ones

1. Growable Gifts

Plants and flowers are beautiful and valuable gifts that many people love, and they come at a very affordable price. A potted plant is an excellent eco-friendly gift for a loved one on any given occasion. Nevertheless, when choosing a potted plant, be sure to select a practical plant that comes in an attractive pot and can be used as a home decoration.

2. Coffee Cups

Drinking coffee is a culture that has taken root in the recent past. Although traditional single-use coffee cups are predominantly made from paper, they contain plastic lamination and have plastic lids that can not be composted.

Switching to reusable coffee cups is a great way to cut your plastic footprint. There is a wide range of reusable coffee cup materials such as ceramic cups, stainless steel, and tempered glass for you to choose from. Recycling of used coffee grounds is also a great way to show your concern towards environmental sustainability.


3. Food Gifts

If you are thinking about getting a gift for someone who is culinary-minded or just loves cooking, you might want to get them homemade jams, a cooking recipe book, a food and fruit basket, a tea kit, or a culinary kit as gifts.

Such gifts would be considered unique since they express your appreciation for something your loved one is passionate about and that you put in the effort and thought into finding a suitable gift.

4. A Zero-Waste Travel Kit

Traveling is a significant part of most people’s lives; therefore, getting your loved one a zero-waste travel kit would come in handy. Making a DIY zero-waste travel kit is easier than you might think. After pulling together a few essential items such as lip butter, soap, a bamboo toothbrush, a handkerchief, and a foldable tote, all that’s left is assembling them in a box or small drawstring.


Choosing to make a zero-waste kit for your loved one is a unique gifting idea that would contribute to a healthier environment and reduce plastic waste.

5. Handmade Gifts

If you are a crafty person, you can decide to make your loved ones handmade accessories and decorative items instead of getting them expensive gifts. You can make these gift items from cheap raw materials or by recycling used items around the house. Some handmade gift suggestions include handmade jewelry, jute crafts, homemade candles, among others.

6. Plant-Based Candles

Everyone would love to experience the sophisticated fragrance of their favorite scented candles or just enjoy the flickering lights. Still, all that color, candle wax, and perfume dissolve into the air you breathe and end up affecting you. Conventional candles such as tea lights and standard taper candles are either made from paraffin or animal fats, which are harmful to you and the environment.

plant based candles as gift

On the other hand, plant-based candles have a longer burn time and are cleaner and safer for your home environment. Plant-based candles are a great eco-friendly gift that your loved one is bound to appreciate.

7. Organic Soaps

When buying gifts for your environmentally conscious loved one, you have to ensure you go for an item that’s devoid of chemicals and is naturally grown. A gift whose ingredients will complement the recipient’s skin is one of the gifts that would be delightfully accepted. An organic soap that works well for different pore types and different skin types is an excellent example of such a gift.

Organic soaps are suitable for ensuring that your skin stays smooth, firm, and rejuvenated, and they contain additional healing properties for skin conditions such as sunburn, eczema, and acne. On the plus side, organic soaps come in a wide variety of scents. Since they are made from natural ingredients, organic soaps are not only good for your loved one’s skin but also completely eco-friendly.

Find a Unique Eco-Friendly Gift for Your Loved One Today

Eco-friendly gifts are both unique and exclusive and can also save you a lot of money while still helping you preserve the environment. By getting your loved one a gift that helps reduce the level of carbon in the environment, you are also encouraging them to develop more eco-friendly habits and preferences.

Consider the list of eco-friendly gift ideas outlined above to get a little inspiration on gifts that can make your loved ones pleased while contributing to a healthier environment.

Environmental Sustainability in Qatar: Perspectives

qatar-ghg-emissionsIn recent years, the concept of environmental sustainability is slowly, but steadily, getting prominence, both in the public and private sectors in Qatar. Mounting environmental pressure has led to the development of new initiatives in several state-owned and private companies. As a major fossil exporter and one of the wealthiest countries, Qatar should do its fair share in reducing domestic greenhouse gas emissions and developing strong climate adaptation plans.

Many companies are investing heavily in replacing old turbines, boilers, and furnaces, minimizing GHG and non-GHG emissions, and wastewater discharge. The new companies that were set up in last decade are adopting the best available technologies, and they are on a par of excellence with the global environmental standards. Because of national targets to minimize flaring emissions, all of the oil and gas companies have been marshaled under the national initiative by setting goals, allocating investment and monitoring the yearly changes. So far, this initiative has been remarkably successful. For example, the direct benefit of flaring reduction resulted in savings of natural gas and emissions.

The government should hasten its steps in developing a comprehensive climate policy framework addressing all sectors, with a special focus on energy-intensive industries. The industrial sector is the major contributor to country’s economy and will continue to retain this status for the next several decades. Therefore, the government and the industrial sector must prepare a comprehensive roadmap and strategic framework under the broader climate policy framework, such as “Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy”. The strategy must assess all possibilities of decarbonising the industry and set ambitious goals to minimize GHG emissions for the short and long-term.

In addition, the framework should focus on potential structural changes in the global market, technological dynamics or deployment of disruptive technologies, domestic institutional reforms, and relevant policies that can support decarbonization. The policy should foster the development and implementation of wide-ranging innovative low-carbon technologies, processes, standards, norms and legislations that enable decarbonisation of the sector by 2050. The legislative instruments should include emission caps, internalizing social and environmental costs and taxation on emissions for the industrial sector. This is also echoed in the first Natural Resource Management Strategy.

The government should press ahead with this proposition; expediting the creation of new regulations, developing a strong support system for large and small/medium sized industries and ensuring transparency and accountability. Methane is the second major source of emission from natural gas production and processing facilities. Many companies fail to measure/monitor methane emissions from their facilities. I suggest that the Ministry of Environment undertake a Methane Monitoring Initiative to measure methane emissions from extraction to delivery and also to prepare a standardization method for estimating and reporting emissions from different sources.

The Ministry must create an effective, well-functioning, transparent and less bureaucratic support mechanism for companies (medium/small scale industries or SMEs) that lack technical and financial capacity. There are several piecemeal initiatives started by different companies that are already helping in this direction. However, they are fragmented, lack coherence, monitoring, and reporting. It is important to compile all of the initiatives and develop key performance indicators and analyse the trend. So far, there is only one project accredited under the Clean Development Mechanism (Al Shaheen Oil Field Gas Recovery and Utilization Project, started in 2007). The government should exploit all possible opportunities with regard to reducing emissions and increasing economic savings. These are remarkable achievements and these companies must be recognized for their activities. Likewise, policymakers should capitalize on these efforts and raise the bar and set definitive goals and strict timelines for implementation.

Al Shaheen Oil Field Gas Recovery and Utilization Project is the sole CDM project in Qatar

Al Shaheen Oil Field Gas Recovery and Utilization Project is the sole CDM project in Qatar

According to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 15 of 2011, the respective agencies must propose policies and action plans to reduce GHG emissions and set up a database within the requirements of the UNFCCC convention and Kyoto protocol. Unfortunately, there was no tangible response to this Resolution. So far, Qatar has published only one national communication. Under the initiative of Qatar Petroleum HSE, many companies started to publish their emission data in their annual sustainability report, however, some companies continue to withhold the data. Since it is a voluntary process, there is no incentive for companies to report.

It is strongly recommended that the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME) and Ministry of Energy and Industry (MoEI) issue a joint decree for a mandatory GHG and non-GHG pollution monitoring and disclosure framework. The disclosure framework must include a well-designed surveillance system to ensure transparency and accountability. Additionally, the disclosure framework will be useful in documenting the trend of overall emissions and how the new policies, regulations and technological replacements are shifting the trend. As a result of documenting emission trends, one can notice the effectiveness of energy management initiatives, which provides opportunities and encourage other companies to learn from best practices. Companies that emit more than 25,000 tonnes CO2eq should quantify, verify and publish in a single-window system that can be accessed by other ministries and the public alike.

منهاج النظام التربوي البيئي في المملكة العربية السعودية

تمت مناقشة المادة السادسة ضمن الإتفاقية الإطارية للأمم المتحدة بشأن تغير المناخ, و التي تُعنى بالتعليم البيئي و بالأمور المناخية ,في مؤتمر بون المناخي2013 و التحضيري لمؤتمر الأعضاء في نسخته التاسعة عشر ببولندا. تنص هذه المادة على نشر ثقافة التصدي لآثار التغييرات المناخية بين الشعوب عبر إدراج مواد مخصصة في المناهج التعليمية و إشراك الطلاب في إيجاد خطط و حلول للتعامل مع هذه العوامل المناخية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك يتم عقد ورشات عمل و ندوات لتنمية المعاهد و المدارس المعنية بهذا المفهوم من حيث تبادل الخبرات, و في تسهيل مهمة إيصال المعلومات و نشرها بين شرائح المجتمع.

يقتصر دور التوعية البيئية في المملكة على جهة حكومية واحدة ألاوهي الرئاسة العامة للأرصاد و حماية البيئة, و في عدة جمعيات متعددة غير حكومية-غير ربحية. و التي .لها أثر فعال .في نشر ثقافة الإستدامة البيئية و كيفية المحافظة على الموارد الطبيعية في المجتمع السعودي.

الرئاسة العامة للأرصاد وحماية البيئة

تولي المملكة حاليآ إهتمامآ شديدآ في مجال حماية البيئة. ويأتي ذلك في لائحة النظام العام و اللائحة التنفيذية الصادرة من الرئاسة العامة للإرصاد و حماية البيئة. تأسست هذه الرئاسة في هيكلها الحالي في عام 1401 هجري, و هي تحت رعاية سمو الأمير تركي بن ناصر بن عبدالعزيز. و يندرج في قوائم عملها أجندة تحمي موارد البيئة, أي من مهامها الترويج لطرق حماية البيئة لجميع القطاعات الخاصة و الحكومية. كوضع لوائح خاصة للتخلص من المخلفات الصناعية و البناء بطرق صديقة للبيئة. فلذلك شكلت الرئاسة العامة ما يسمى بالنظام العام بالإضافة إلى اللائحة التنفيذية. تنص هذه اللائحة على أنظمة تحث على حماية الموارد الطبيعية في المملكة و أيضآ تطبيق خطوات بيئية للقطاعات العاملة مع رفع المستوى البيئي في المجتمع و الذي من شأنه تحقيق مبدآ التنمية المستدامة في المملكة. من جهة أخرى تمثل الرئاسة العامة المملكة في المحافل الدولية المختصة في تطبيق مفهوم التنمية المستدامة.

جمعية البيئة السعودية

تأسست هذه الجمعية الغير ربحية في عام 1427 هجري. و تركز كل جودها في تنمية البيئة السعودية والعمل على تحسين أوضاع سكان المناطق والمحافظات التي تعاني مشاكل بيئية وكذلك في إيجاد برامج تنمية مستدامة. إضافة إلى العمل على تنمية العمل التطوعي وذلك بإيجاد قاعدة عريضة من المتطوعين والمساهمة في تعزيز دور القطاع الخاص لخدمة قضايا بيئية في مجالات المحافظة على الموارد الطبيعية والحياة الفطرية.

الجمعية السعودية للعلوم البيئية

و تأسست هذه الجمعية في عام 1427 هجري. بمبادرة خاصة من الأمير تركي بن ناصر مع جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز. و تهدف هذه الجمعية  إلى الرقي بالعلوم البيئية وتنمية الفكر العلمي في مجالات علوم البيئة ، والعمل على نشر الوعي البيئي وتمهيد سبل الاتصال وتبادل الخبرات بين المختصين والمهتمين ، وتقديم المشورة العلمية والنظرية والتطبيقية في هذا مجال لعديد من مجالات التنمية في المملكة.

دور القطاع التعليمي في نشر الإستدامة البيئية

لا شك أن في إدراج مناهج أو مواد في النظام التعليمي عن أهمية المحافظة على الموارد البيئية, بالإضافة إلى وضع أسس قائمة على بناء أساس جوهري بآثار تغييرات المناخ بين الطلاب قد يساهم و بشكل كبير في زيادة الوعي المعرفي بأهمية الحفاظ على البيئة. ناهيك عن التصدي للتحديات الحالية و المستقبلية في ما يخص بمجال تغيرات المناخ و الطاقة في السعودية. و الجدير بالذكر أن أحد الأمثلة الحالية و الواعدة في المجال التربوي هو برنامج مدارس الحس البيئي في المملكة والذي نفذته جمعية البيئة السعودية بالتعاون مع وزارة التربية والتعليم.

ادارة النفايات الصلبه في سلطنه عٌمان

تعتبر اداره النفايات لسلطنه عٌمان قضيه تحدي  بسبب اثارها السلبيه على البيئه والصحه العامه. مع تعداد سكاني يقارب 3 ملايين نسمه فان البلاد انتجت ما مقداره 1.6 مليون طن من النفايات الصلبه في عام 2010.  و يتعدى نصيب الفرد من انتاج النفايات  عن 1.5 كغم يوميا من بين اعلى المعدلات في جميع انحاء العالم. تتميز النفايات الصلبه في عُمان بان نسبه عاليه منها قابله لاعاده التدوير , يعد الورق بالمقام الاول  ويشكل ما نسبته 26% , بلاستيك 12%, معادن 11% و زجاج 5%. و مع ذلك فان عُمان لم تدرك بعد  الامكانيه العاليه لاعاده تدوير نفاياتها. معظم النفايات  الصلبه ترسل  الى مكبات  مرخصه وغير مرخصه لتدفن فيها مما يخلق قضايا بيئيه و صحيه. هنالك العديد من المكبات  التي تقع في وسط الاماكن السكنيه  او بالقرب من  اماكن تجميع المياه  الخاصه بمياه الشرب.

يتميز سيناريو اداره النفايات الصلبه في عُمان  بنقص في مرفق جمع النفايات و التخلص منها . النفايات الصلبه,النفايات الصناعيه , النفايات الالكترونيه وغيرها  تدفن في عشرات المكبات  المنتشره  في جميع انحاء البلاد. تضم عُمان حوالي 350 مكب/مدفن و التي تدار من قبل البلديات. بالاضافه الى ذلك هناك العديد من المكبات غير المصرح بها حيث يتم تفريغ جميع انواع النفايات فيها بشكل مستهتر.

يعد مكب العامرات اول مكب صحي  مصمم هندسيا في عُمان والذي بدأ عمله في اوائل 2011. موقع المكب يمتد على مساحه 9.6 هكتار, ويتكون من 5 خلايه و سعة اجماليه 10 مليون متر مكعب من النفايات الصلبه. كل خليه لديها 16 عمود لرعايه العصاره . كل الاعمده  متصله مع بعضها من اجل تسهيل  حركة العصاره الى مضخة الراشح. هذا المشروع هو جزء من مبادرات الحكومه لمعالجة النفايات الصلبه بطريقه علميه وصديقة للبيئه. كونها الاولى في نوعها, من المتوقع ان يكون مكب العامرات مثالا لمشاريع ادارة النفايات الصلبه المستقبليه في البلاد.


التخطيط للمستقبل

إدارة النفايات الصلبة هي من بين أولويات الحكومة العُمانية التي وضعت استراتيجية متينه لحل مشكلة إدارة النفايات في السلطنة. تسعى  البلاد جاهدة لإقامة 16  مكبا" صحيا" ومصمما" هندسيا، و 65 محطه تحويل النفايات و 4 محطات معالجة النفايات في أجزاء مختلفة من البلاد بحلول عام 2015.

العديد من مرافق إدارة النفايات الصلبة الحديثة يجري تخطيطها  في العديد من ولاية السلطنه ، وخاصة مسقط وصلالة. هذه المكبات الجديدة  سوف تمهد في نهاية المطاف الطريق لإغلاق مكبات النفايات المصرح  وغير المصرح بها في جميع أنحاء البلاد. غير ان استثمارات ما مجموعه 2.5 بليون ريال عماني مطلوبه  لوضع هذه الاستراتيجية لإدارة النفايات في مكانها.

بدأت  مؤخرا الشركة المملوكة للدولة عُمان لخدمات البيئه القابضة  (OESHCO)، وهي المسؤولة عن مشاريع إدارة النفايات في عُمان، عملية طرح العطاءات لثمانية مشاريع مهمة. وقد دعت  OESHCO مقدميي العطاءات من الشركات المتخصصة لتنفيذ مرافق المكبات الصحيه المصصمه هندسيا في بركاء، و الخدمات الاستشارية ل 29 محطه نقل و دعوة اثنين من مقدميي العطاءات  لخدمات إدارة النفايات في المنطقة الاقتصادية الخاصة القادمة (المنطقة الاقتصادية الخاصة) في الدقم، وغيرها.

ومن بين الأولويات العليا تطوير مكب  بركاء كموقع قائم  للتخلص من النفايات والتي تخدم ولاية بأكملها وولايات أخرى مجاورة في محافظة جنوب الباطنة، و التي تعاني من قضايا البيئة والصحة العامة.