أحسن تدابير لتوفير الطاقة

الطلب المتزايد على الطاقة يضيف إلى الضغط على احتياطيات الطاقة المحدودة لكوكبنا. هذا يؤدي إلى استنزاف سريع لهذه الموارد ، مما يجعل المرء يفكر في مسألة خطيرة – إذا استمر هذا ، كيف سيكون مستقبلنا؟ ليس بالضرورة أن تكون الصورة قاتمة. على الرغم من صحة هذا ، إلا أنه لا يمكننا عكس الضرر الذي ألحق بالفعل ، ولكن يمكننا بالتأكيد اتخاذ موقف لتحسين الأمور.

energy conservation guide

يمكنك توفير الطاقة إما عن طريق إجراء تعديلات صغيرة على عاداتك اليومية أو عن طريق إجراء تحسينات واسعة في بنية المنزل وفي داخله. في هذه العملية ، لن توفر الكثير من المال فحسب ، بل ستحمي البيئة بشكل كبير. دعونا نلقي نظرة على عشر طرق عملية للحفاظ على الطاقة.

  1. إجراء تغييرات صغيرة في عاداتك اليومية

نعم ، من خلال إجراء تغييرات طفيفة في عاداتك المنزلية اليومية ، يمكنك المساعدة في توفير الكثير من الطاقة. على سبيل المثال ، فصل أجهزة الشحن الخاصة بك بعد الاستخدام ، وإيقاف تشغيل المراوح / الأضواء والأجهزة الأخرى عند عدم الاستخدام ، وتجفيف الأطباق والملابس الخاصة بك ، وما إلى ذلك. هذه التغييرات تقطع شوطا طويلا في تقليل استهلاك الطاقة الإجمالي.

  1. أدخل الأجهزة الموفرة للطاقة إلى منزلك

قد تكون مغرمًا جدًا بتلك المروحة المألوفة في غرفة الرسم التي كانت معك منذ زمن بعيد. ولكن هل تعلم أنها أحد المساهمين الأساسيين في تكاليف الكهرباء المرتفعة؟ وينطبق الشيء نفسه على المصابيح الكهربائية المتوهجة. إنها نهمة للطاقة. قم بتبديلها بالمصابيح الكهربائية الموفرة للطاقة مثل المصابيح الفلورية المتضامة  CFLs ومصابيح LED . واليوم ، هناك أنواع مختلفة موفرة للطاقة في كل الأجهزة المنزلية تقريبًا مثل المراوح والمبردات وأجهزة التكييف والثلاجات وأجهزة التلفزيون ، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر. تستهلك هذه الأجهزة طاقة أقل بكثير مقارنة بنظيراتها التقليدية ، وبالتالي توفر الكثير من الطاقة.

  1. اختيار النوافذ الموفرة للطاقة

ما لا يعرفه معظمنا هو أن النوافذ هي أحد المصادر الرئيسية لفقدان الطاقة ويمكن أن تصل إلى حوالي 10 إلى 25٪ من تكاليف التدفئة. يمكنك تقليل فقدان الحرارة أثناء فصل الشتاء عن طريق تثبيت إطارات مزدوجة. كذلك ، يساعد التجريف والكشط حول النوافذ والأبواب والفتحات بشكل كبير في منع فقدان الحرارة ، وبالتالي الحفاظ على دفئ منزلك.

  1. النظر في ترقية نظام التكييف الخاص بك

يتكون نظام HVAC من التدفئة والتهوية وتكييف الهواء. يمكن أن يؤدي استبدال نظام HVAC القديم بطرازات موفرة للطاقة إلى تقليل إجمالي استهلاك الطاقة لنظام HVAC وخفض فواتير الخدمات العامة بشكل كبير. تعتبر معدات التكييف المعتمدة من Energy Star هي الخيار الأفضل.


  1. تثبيت ترموستات مبرمجة

يمكن ضبط منظمات الحرارة القابلة للبرمجة لإيقاف التشغيل تلقائيًا وحتى لتقليل درجة الحرارة / التبريد عند النوم. تساعد هذه الميزات على تقليل الفاقد في الطاقة دون الحاجة إلى التنازل عن راحتك. تشير التقديرات إلى أن منظم الحرارة القابل للبرمجة يمكن أن يساعدك على توفير حوالي 11،000 روبية سنوياً!

  1. تقليل تكاليف تسخين المياه

تشكل تكاليف تسخين المياه جزءًا كبيرًا من إجمالي فاتورة المرافق. لمواجهة هذا ، أولا ، اختيار سخانات المياه الموفرة للطاقة. وبصرف النظر عن ذلك ، فإن ترموستات سخان الماء عند درجة حرارة منخفضة وعزل سخان المياه وكذلك أنابيب المياه الساخنة والباردة سوف يقلل من فقدان الحرارة ويساعدك على توفير الكثير من المال. يمكنك القيام بذلك عن طريق لف البطانيات العازلة حول سخان المياه التي من شأنها أن تقلل فقدان الحرارة بنسبة 25ــ45 ٪.

  1. تقليل وقت الاستحمام

تعود على الاستحمام القصير. يخرج رأس دش حوالي 2.5 جالون من الماء / دقيقة في المتوسط. وبالتالي ، من خلال تقليل وقت الاستحمام ، فإنك لا تساعد فقط في الحفاظ على الماء ولكن أيضًا تقليل تكاليف تشغيل المضخات كثيرًا.

  1. استخدم أدوات المطبخ بحكمة وكفاءة

تسخين بقايا الطعام في الميكروويف يستخدم طاقة أقل مقارنة بذلك في الأفران الكهربائية التقليدية. عند الطهي على موقد ، تأكد من إغلاق أغطية أواني الطهي. هذا يقلل من وقت الطهي من الطعام. استخدم غسالة الصحون فقط عندما تضطر إلى غسل حمولة كاملة من الأطباق. حاول تجفيف الأطباق الخاصة بك. إذا قمت بغسل الصحون ليلاً وإبقائها جافة في العراء ، فستستيقظ على الأطباق الجافة في الصباح ، دون استهلاك أي طاقة!

  1. اغسل الملابس في الماء البارد

يضمن غسل حمولة كاملة من الملابس مرة أو مرتين في الأسبوع أن الغسالة تعمل على إمكاناتها المثلى. استخدام الماء البارد لغسل الملابس يساعدك على خفض تكاليف تسخين المياه.

  1. غرس الكثير والكثير من الأشجار

إن زرع الأشجار حول منزلك يوفر الظل وبالتالي يبقي على الأجزاء الداخلية من المنزل باردة خلال فصل الصيف. لذلك ، لا تحتاج إلى تشغيل التيار المتردد في كل مرة ، وحتى إذا قمت بذلك ، يمكنك الحفاظ على درجة حرارة أقل. هذا سوف يقلل من تكاليف التبريد إلى حد كبير.

من خلال اعتماد هذه التغييرات البسيطة في نمط حياتك اليومي ، يمكنك المساعدة في الحفاظ على الطاقة. إذا قام كل فرد بدوره في توفير الطاقة ، تخيل فقط مقدار الطاقة التي يمكن أن ينقذها العالم سنوياً!

تذكر ، يبدأ التغيير منك ، لذا ابدأ الآن!

ترجمه للعربية يوسف بنغزواني

يوسف بنغزواني:  خريج المعهد العالي للتجارة وإدارة المقاولات بالمغرب. حاصل على البكالوريا في الاقتصاد  وعلى ماجستير في إدارة الأعمال (MBA) من كندا. هو ايضا متخصص في إدارة المشاريع معتمد  من قبل معهد إدارة المشاريع (PMI) في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

الطحالب – معمل وقود حيوي

اتجهت أبحاث الخبراء والمتخصصين فى الفترة الأخيرة إلى التركيز علي إنتاج الوقود الحيوى من الطحالب الخضراء، خاصة بعد إقرار بدء مرحلة نضوب النفط فى فترة زمنية قريبة، وأنه سينضب أكثر من 95% من مصادر البترول الموجودة على سطح الأرض وايضا مشكله الغذاء المحتمل حدوثها في حاله استخدام المنتجات الزراعيه او مخلفاتها في الوقود الحيوي لانتاج منتجات الوقود مثل وقود الديزل الحيوي, الايثانول, الجازولين الحيوي و غيرهم من منتجات الوقود الحيوي.

وقد اشارت االعديد من الدراسات الحديثه الي ان الطحالب الخضراء كمصدر للوقود تندرج تحت لواء مصادر الطاقه المتجددة وخاصا بعد التزايد المستمر في سعر الوقود الاحفوري. فهي تنمو بسرعة ولها أثر محدود على البيئة ولا تؤثر علي الاحتياج العالمي للغذاء مثل القمح والذرة والسكر.

ما هي الطحالب؟

الطحالب هي كائنات دقيقة وحيدة الخلية ولها قدرة علي التمثيل الضوئي. تتميز بمعدل نمو سريع. تعتبرمن اقدم انواع الحياه علي وجه الارض. حيث يعتقد ان الوقود الاحفوري تكون من الطحالب في العصر القديم. وتتتم عملية البناء الضوئي في ظل استخدام الكربون والمياه في وجود اشعه الشمس و نسب بسيطة من الفوسفات والنترات والتي ممكن الحصول عليها من مياه الصرف. وفي ظل وجود الظروف الجيدة للنمو , تضاعف الطحالب نموها خلال 24ساعة. باضافة الى ذلك, الطحالب تحتوى على محتوى زيت يزداد عن 50% من محتواها الكتلي في بعض انواع الطحالب لذا تم استغلال هذه النسبة لانتاج الوقود. وتنتج سلالات متنوعه تترواح في تركيبها باشكال تتشابهه كميائيا لسلسله الهيدروكربونات البترولية.

مميزات الطحالب

بخلاف ان الطحالب تنتج الدهون, تقوم ايضا بانتاج البروتين ومركبات الكربون والسكريات. وبعض سلالات الطحالب تقوم بتكسير مركبات السكريات لانتاج الكحول في ظل توافر الظروف المناسبة للتفاعل.

والكتله الحيوية للطحالب يمكنها التشكل لانواع مختلفة من المواد الكميائية والبوليمرات, (السكريات، والإنزيمات، أصباغ ومعادن). او الوقود الحيوي (مثل وقود الديزل الحيوي, مواد قلويه, كحول). غذاء وعلف ( مثل الاحماض الدهنية غير المشبعه, فيتامينات وغيرها) و ايضا المركبات النشطة بيولوجيا (مثل المضادات الحيويه, مضادات الاكسدة والتمثيل الغذائي) من خلال تقنيات المعالجة والمحفزات المجهرية والتحلل الحراري.

كما أن الوقود الحيوي المشتق من الطحالب لا يشارك الإيثانول في بعض الصفات غير المرغوب فيها، حيث إنه يمكن تحويل الطحالب إلى شكل مصنع من أشكال وقود البنزين، الديزل أو وقود الطائرات، أو إلى مادة خام مثل النفط يمكن معالجتها في المصافي التقليدية. لكن إنتاج الوقود الحيوي من الطحالب يجابه في الوقت الحاضر تحديا كبيرا جدا يتمثل في ارتفاع تكاليف الإنتاج بصورة كبيرة.

من اهم ما يميز استخدام الطحالب كبديل للوقود انها لا تحتاج الي اراضي صالحة للزراعه فمن الممكن زراعتها في الصحاري, كما انها لا تتطلب مياه عذبة وقيمتها الغذائية عالية. هناك الكثير من الابحاث المركزة علي الطحالب الخضراء في جميع انحاء العالم, وبالاخص في امريكا الشمالية واروبا مع عدد كبير من الشركات التي خصصت مبالغ مالية كبير لتطوير الابحاث المنعقدة علي الطحالب الخضراء كمصدر بديل للوقود الاحفوري.

وفى إنتاج الوقود السائل من الطحالب يتم بطريقة كيميائية بسيطة؛ إذ يجرى تحويل الزيوت المستخلصة إلى ديزل حيوى، وإن هناك نوعين من الطحالب يستخدمان فى هذه العملية: الأعشاب البحرية التى يوجد بها كمية كبيرة من الزيت يتم درسها ثم استخلاص الزيوت منها لتحويلها إلى وقود، والثانى الطحالب الدقيقة التى تُزرع داخل المعمل؛ حيث تُعرف نسبة الزيت الموجودة داخل الخلية ثم يبدأ التغيير فى الوسط الغذائى لها، وكلما كانت نسبة الدهون أعلى كان أفضل.

 وتشير معظم الدراسات العلمية الي امكانية انتاج الزيوت من حوالي 25-50 طن للهكتار الواحد سنويا من الطحالب الخضراء. وتحتوي الطحالب الدقيقة, من بين بعض المركبات البيوكيميائية الاخري علي الدهون المحايدة( ثلاثي, ثنائي, احادي الجلسريد احماض دهنية حره), والدهون القطبية (الدهون السكرية, الدهون الفوسفاتية) و استرات الشمع.  

يختلف المحتوي الدهني للطحالب المجهريه 1-90% من الوزن الجاف ويوقف علي نوع وسلاله الطحالب وظروف الانتاج. أن عملية إنتاج الوقود من الطحالب تمر بعدة مراحل؛ ففى البداية لا بد من تأكد جودة الزيت الموجود داخل الخلايا ثم استخلاصه، وفى النهاية، وبمعادلة كيميائية، يتم تحويل الزيوت إلى بيوديزل.

واستخدام الطحالب كسماد اثبت كفاءة عالية للانتاج,فأى محصول زراعى يحتاج إلى عناصر غذائية معينة، كوحدات البوتاسيوم والأوكسجين ووحدات الفوسفور، ومن ثم فهى تحتاج إلى أى مركب يحتوى على هذه العناصر والطحالب غنية بها.

مرحلة الانتاج والتكرير

من اجل تطوير مستدام والحصول علي المردود الاقتصادي المطلوب من استخدام الطحالب, فان استخدام الكتله الحيوية( بروتين, دهون وكربوهيدات) لابد ان يتم الانتفاع بها. ومن هنا يتضح اهمية التكرير للطحالب المجهرية ليتم فصل و تحديد الكتله الحيوية المطلوب الحصول عليها. ان مصطلح التكرير يوصف تحليل وتجزئة العديد من السلاسل الكميائية بواسطة التكامل بين العمليات الحيوية في ضوء الاستدامة وخفض التكلفة مع التركيز علي الكفاءة البيئة.

عند تطبيق التكرير البيولوجي للطحالب, فان الدهون تنقسم الي نوعين: دهون صالحة للوقود الحيوي ودهون صالحة كمادة اوليه للمنتجات الكميائية في الصناعة و الاحماض الدهنية الضرورية لذلك. البروتين والكربوهيدرات الناتجة تكون صالحة للغذاء والاعلاف وبعض المنتجات الكميائية. اما بالنسبة للاكسجين الناتج فيتم تجميعه وحفظه في الحاويات المخصصه لذلك.  

الانتاج التجاري للطحالب الخضراء قائم علي استخدم تقنيات مختلفة للانتاج: استخدام الانابيب الشفافة او حاويات تسمي المفاعلات الحيوية او النظام المفتوح (مثل استخدام المجاري المائية) والاخيره تختص للانتاج الصناعي الكبير. وفي الاونة الاخيرة اصبح متبع النظام الجامع ما بين النظمين المغلق في المرحلة الاولي ثم النظام المفتوح لاحقا به.

وتعد مزارع انتاج الطحالب ذات منافع متعددة وتشمل:

استخدام المخلفات الصناعية كمدخلات انتاج ( مخلفات الحرق مثل ثاني اكسيد الكربون, مخلفات المياه الصناعية وايضا مخلفات محطات التحلية).

تنوع المخرجات الناتجة. ف.هناك مخرجات لانتاج طاقة حرارية ( ديزل حيوي, ميثان, ايثانول و هيدروجين). منتجات غير حرارية ( غذاء, اسمدة, اعلاف حيوانية وغيرها من المواد الكميائية).

ليس لها اي تاثير علي انتاج الغذاء ( فهي لا تستخدم اراضي زراعية ولا مياه نفية).

انتاج مواد دهنية تفوق الانتاج من المحاصيل الزراعية.

بعد مرحلة استخلاص الزيوت من الطحالب ، يمكن الاستفادة منها كاعلاف غنية بالبروتين وصالحة للاستخدام فى تغذية الحيوان والدواجن والأسماك. كما انها تدخل في صناعه الايثانول والميثان والسماد العضوي, وذلك نظرا لارتفاع نسبة الامينات الموجبة الي الفوسفات السالبة N:P ratio)), و حرق المتبقيات الناتجة تستخدم لتوليد الطاقه ( حرارية و كهربية).

ويتم انتاج الطحالب الخضراء حاليا كبديل للوقود علي نطاق واسع من اجل خفض تكاليف الانتاج. ايضا انتاج الغذاء الكميائي والوقود من الطحالب سوف يخضع للكثير من التحسينات والتطورات اللازمة حتي تصبح ذات مردود اقتصادي وبيئي مناسب.



هبة احمد مسلم- دكتور الهندسة البيئية. باحث في الشئون البيئية. معهد الدراسات والبحوث البيئيةجامعه عين شمس.

مدرس بالاكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري-  مصر.

التحكم في البيئة والطاقه داخل المباني.

هندسة الميكانيكة- وكيل محرك دويتس الالماني بمصر. 

للتواصل عبر hebamosalam2000@gmail.com


Why Laminate Flooring is the Perfect Option for Your Office?

The task of choosing an office flooring needs utmost care. You have to pick the one which is durable and perfect according to the interiors of your office. The options are plenty. Choosing one among them is not easy. The task of choosing a suitable flooring for your office is a once in a blue moon task. Owing to this reason, you might not know the exact factors which you should consider while selecting the one. We will make it easy for you. Laminate flooring scores in all aspects. It is one of the best office flooring options. There are many benefits of laminate flooring which most of the other flooring options do not possess.

We will highlight a few reasons why laminate flooring is the perfect option for your office.

1. Affordable

When you’re looking for a flooring option for your office, you would, of course, need an affordable one. Options like marble are often pretty expensive. Moreover, you need the one which is suitable according to the interiors of your office. Laminate fits in the requirement entirely.

When you compare the cost of laminate flooring with other flooring options, you will realize that it is not only long-lasting, but it is also pretty affordable. As a result, you will be able to install it and forget it. You will not be forced to think about a new flooring option at least for a decade.

2. Durable

Laminate flooring is highly durable as compared to other options. It can handle stains, scratches, dents and even fading. Most of the laminate flooring option consists of aluminum oxide top coating. As a result, the flooring retains its look over a more extended period.

You will not have to opt for any maintenance or polishing once you install it, you will not need to devote any more time to the laminate flooring. As a result, it is not only durable but also cost-effective in the longer term. The advantage of laminate flooring is that even when you shift workspace or desk in your office, it can handle the scratches without any problem. The additional layer ensures that the tile below is not impacted at all. Thus, when you’re looking for a flooring option for heavy duty of office usage, it is one of the perfect choices.

3. Aesthetically pleasing

It is essential to choose a flooring option which matches the decor of your office. Laminate comes in a wide variety of options. It is printed using a high definition printer. You can opt for different designs as per your requirement. The color options available are plenty. You can even choose the textured look. Thus, every design aspect which you might need in laminate flooring is available.

The advantage is that with the help of HD printer, you can print intricate designs on the laminate flooring. Thus, there is no shortage of tile designs when it comes to laminate flooring. You can make different types of office floorings with the help of laminate flooring.

Some of the options include:

  • Hardwood flooring
  • Tile flooring

The construction will be of laminate flooring, but the look will be of the mimicked flooring. As a result, with the help of laminate flooring, you will be able to get the aesthetically pleasing designs which you require. Thus, it is much more versatile as compared to any other type of flooring option.

4. Ease of installation

Most of the laminate flooring options these days comes with the proper locking mechanism. The advantage of the locking mechanism is that it is easy to install. In many of the cases, you will find contractors who can fix it at affordable rates.

Typically, the contractors charge you on a per square foot basis for installation. Thus, even a small saving per square foot can result in a significant amount of saving for your office. Most of the offices have a vast area. Thus, when you look at it on a net basis, you will be able to save a significant amount of money.

Moreover, since the installation is hassle-free, it will be done quicker. As a result, your office will be ready soon enough. You will not have to interrupt the work in your office for an extended period. You can get it installed in a shorter period which will allow you to resume work with minimal disruption.

5. Eco-friendly

Most of the businesses and offices these days opt for eco-friendly resources. When you’re searching for flooring option, you might think that there are no eco-friendly alternatives. However, this is not true. Laminate flooring is eco-friendly as compared to the other options.

You need to understand that the maintenance of laminate flooring is on the lower side. Also, the cleaning mechanism is simple to follow. You will not have to use harsh chemicals for the polishing. Thus, the harmful resources used to maintain your laminate flooring is on the lower side.

The laminate flooring reduces the carbon footprint of your office. You can even clean it with the help of vinegar and water solution. You will not have to opt for a chemical-based cleansing agent. Thus, over a more extended period, you can reduce the use of harmful chemicals to maintain your flooring.

6. Less Maintenance

The office is a high traffic area. When you select office flooring, it is essential to choose one which requires less maintenance. Laminate flooring fits the requirement perfectly. You can either opt for vacuuming it or sweeping it. The choice is entirely yours.

In case, it suffers from any stains; you can use a damp mop to remove the stain. You can also use a simple cleaning solution like mixing water and vinegar to clean the floor entirely. The amount of time required to maintain the laminate flooring is on the lower side. Moreover, with the help of a vacuum cleaner, you will be able to clean the entire office floor without any problem. Thus, you can save a significant amount of money by not having to hire extra cleaning staff.

7. Warranty

When it comes to office flooring, you need an option which is sturdy and which can last for an extended period. In case, there is any problem it would be a good idea to get it fixed through warranty. When you look at the warranty of laminate flooring, you will realize that it is minimum for one year.

You can also get an extended warranty since you will be buying the flooring option in bulk for your office. With proper warranty, you can protect your investment in laminate flooring. If there are any defects with the product, you can directly get them replaced. Thus, the amount of money which you spend on laminate flooring is entirely secure.

8. Usable as subflooring

Many times, when you want to opt for concrete flooring or vinyl flooring, it might not be compatible with your subfloor. If the sub-flooring is not suitable, you might have to opt for a different flooring option which goes well with your subfloor. If you want to opt for the same flooring nevertheless, you might have to get the subflooring redone. The renovation of the subfloor can be a pretty expensive proposition. When you multiply the extra cost with the entirety of the office, it can cost you thousands of dollars.

You have a simple solution in the form of laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is so versatile that you can use it as a subfloor. It will allow you to create a sturdy subfloor on which, you can install your preferred flooring option. The cost of laminate flooring is so low that it will not increase your budget by a significant amount. Thus, you can get the exact flooring option which you prefer.

9. Hypoallergenic

Laminate flooring is hypoallergenic. It does not trap any dust or any other contaminants. Moreover, it is easy to clean which will allow you to eliminate the pathogens from your office. Also, it acts as a moisture barrier. The water will not seep into the subflooring. As laminate flooring can not absorb moisture, mold or any other bacteria does not grow in laminate flooring.

Since it does not support any organic matter, it is hypoallergenic. It does not harbor dust and contaminants which further reduces the probability of allergies. Irrespective of the allergies which you suffer from, you can easily install laminate flooring without any problem. Hundreds of individuals frequent the office. Thus, you have to go for laminate flooring which will help you avoid any indoor air quality issues. In the longer term, it can also help you avoid any liabilities arising out of infections at the workplace. It can minimize your liability and save you thousands of dollars in the longer run.

10. Variety of different styles

The versatility of the laminate flooring is its best feature. Irrespective of the decor of your office, you can find a suitable option. Most of the designs are available at affordable rate. You can visit https://www.woodfloorwarehouse.co.uk to check the different design options.

Not only, can it mimic any other type of flooring but when it comes to texture, style, and colors, it can maximize your flooring options. Some of the factors which can vary from one design to another include:

  • Finishing: With the help of different finishing options, you can easily mimic the decor of your office. The finishing of the laminate flooring can last for a lifetime.
  • Surface treatment: The surface treatment allows you to get a slip-resistant tile. It will help you move around the office quite quickly. If you are looking for a slip-resistant tile, pick one of the many textured options.
  • Thickness: The thicker the flooring, the more durable it will be. When you’re looking for a sustainable laminate flooring option, you can go for the one which is thicker.
  • Plank style: The style of the plank will determine the direction of the grain of the laminate flooring. You can go with the one which you like the most.
  • Colors: as we stated above, the upper surface of the laminate flooring is printed using HD printer. Thus, the color options can vary. There are numerous color and design options to compare.

When you compare the color and style options of laminate flooring, you will realize that it is the most versatile and innovative flooring option which you can get. It will allow you to pick the one precisely as per your requirement. You can go for the formal look or the semi-formal look or even the casual look. The choice is entirely yours.

11. Versatile

Not every office is the same. Some of them might consist of a work floor along with an office space whereas some others might consist of only the office space. In some cases, you might need a flooring option for the attached washroom in addition to the office space. There is no need to opt for different flooring options for every one of these spaces.

The laminate flooring will not only look good enough in your main office space but also on the work floor. You can opt for the slip-resistant variant which will allow you to minimize accidents on the work floor. Similarly, you can also use it in the washroom as well as the common area. The problem with opting different flooring options is that the cost can get out of hand. Moreover, you will need to change the installation procedure.

On the other hand, when you are opting for laminate flooring, you might have to change the design if required. The base flooring will remain the same. The installation cost will stay the same. The difference in the price of laminate flooring as per the design will be negligible. Thus, all the disadvantages of choosing different flooring options for different areas of your office are minimized. You need not deal with any of these problems when you choose laminate flooring for your office.

Final Thoughts

So, if you are not able to choose the flooring option which you should opt for your office, laminate flooring is the perfect solution. With the help of laminate flooring, you have to pick a single design, and you will be able to install the flooring in your entire office. Moreover, with low labor cost, you can save a lot of money. When you add to it the low cost of maintenance, over a while, you can easily save hundreds if not thousands of dollars. The advantages of laminate flooring are numerous as compared to the other flooring options.

How Are Energy Alternatives All Over The World

A lot of fuss is going around fossil fuels and other non-renewable sources of energy, it seems that the focus was suddenly shifted towards renewables sources of energy. This could be explained by the eminent danger of running out of these sources while the whole world is still depending on them, not to mention the effect of global warming as well. The shift of attention towards environmental awareness all around the world led the industries to start adopting new approaches in the research and development of energy alternatives. We’ll be giving you a brief review of how the world views energy alternatives, especially the United States.


Alternative Energy Supply and Demand in USA

United States have seen remarkable growth of alternative energy resources in the past few years. It has the second biggest wind energy capacity in the world, in addition to the biggest solar capacity in the world. While being one of the world’s biggest producers of alternative energy, they are also one of the biggest consumers of energy.

The Energy Market in Ohio

The Ohio Environmental Council is doing its best to steer the state of Ohio from using fossil fuels towards greener alternative energy sources. The sharp decrease of the cost of being able to use these resources enabled attracting foot-traffic to the scene.

Prices differ according to the area, you can get a clear comparison of apples to apples Ohio, gathering information about these installations is going to save you some money in the long run. The council is trying to lessen the impact of climate change; one of their main focus points is electrifying the transportation service, since it’s one of the main pollutants.

Nuclear Power in France and Russia

After some tragic incidents in the past, people became wary of nuclear energy dangers. This is why a lot of regulatory institutions are now in place to make sure nothing goes wrong, and thanks to that, nuclear energy is picking up from where it left off. France is relying heavily on nuclear power, producing over 75% of the total electricity, while Russia is picking up the slack with 18%.

Solar Power in China and Honduras

Solar power is the most popular form of alternative energy, thanks to the huge investment put by a lot of countries and institutions to develop it further. It’s been used in single homes today, with easy installation and great prices. It may face some problems in extreme climates, but there is some development being done to circumvent around this.

China is known to have the largest solar panel capacity in the world, with over 70% of the world’s installed capacity. Honduras is able to supply 12.5% of its electricity consumption using solar power alone.


The alternative energy emphasis worldwide is now being pushed further for economic and political reasons. There are tens of worldwide clean energy conventions, as this is now one of the main focal points being discussed around the world. More and more organizations around the world are taking the concept of having a better future for our planet more seriously, and this starts with implementing creative and environmentally friendly energy alternatives.

8 Easy Tips For Heating Your Home Naturally

Providing heat in your home is extremely important, especially during the colder seasons. The human body is only able to take so much of the cold before it begins to show signs of incapacitation. It is for this reason that each and every household and business establishment in the country is equipped with its own heating system. Most of the home heating systems are currently being powered by electricity. With the price of electricity constantly on the rise, many people are looking for alternative methods to provide heat to their homes. People also are constantly looking to cut back on their monthly electricity bill.

Therefore, to save yourself money, it’s well worth looking at alternative heating solutions to the traditional gas central heating system or electric radiators. The following are 8 easy tips on how to heat your home naturally.

1. An Open Fire

Having an open fire installed in the living room not only ensures your living room is lovely and cozy it can also help to heat the whole house, but especially the rooms the chimney flue also runs through.

An open fire is a natural way of heating your home, but it’s also a more cost-efficient method with just the wood to burn and matches required to get it going. You could even plant your own trees to cut down on fuel and save on trips to the shop to pick up logs in the future.

If you are considering an open fire just remember that they are a potential fire hazard, hot sparks can shoot out and onto your floor so it’s a good idea to use a fire guard if you aren’t going to be in the room at all times. You should also ensure your chimney is swept annually to avoid any soot build up, which can become a fire hazard.

2. Air Source Heat Pump

Air source heat pumps can be used to heat radiators, hot water in your home and even underfloor heating. Air source heat pumps actually work best with wet underfloor heating, a system that is a natural energy efficient anyway, and work at a lower temperature than a standard boiler would.

If you are considering pairing an underfloor heating system with an air source heat pump, it’s a good idea to speak to a reputable floor heating company to discern what work is required. You’ll need to consider finding room outside as well, as air source heat pumps are fitted either on a wall or on the ground and work by extracting heat from the outside air, even at temperatures as low as -15°C.

3. Geothermal Heat Pump Systems

Heat Pump Systems (Geothermal) have turned out pretty popular as an amazing method to heat businesses and homes alike. They function by depending on the comparatively uniform earth’s temperature 3-5 feet beneath the surface. Though the upfront costs may be daunting, it’s plausible to recover your expense in as little as 5 years & to decrease your energy usage by 44-72%.

ground source heat pump

4. Using Solar Energy

The sun is a viable source that allows life to continue to thrive on our planet. It is for this reason that organizations looking for alternative sources of energy to provide heat and electricity have begun tapping into the sun’s energy. Since it is a natural source of heat and energy, using solar energy to heat up your home will not cause any damage to the environment.

By using solar energy, you are able to make a small contribution to conserving the environment. Using solar energy as an alternative means to provide heat to your home and can also greatly reduce your monthly electric bills, allowing you to eventually save up and use these funds on other personal needs.

How to Heat Your Home with Solar Power

There’re a number of methods which you can exploit from the sun’s energy and heat up your residence. Here’re some tips on how to heat your home naturally using solar power.

1. Installation of solar panels

One way for you to tap into the sun’s energy to heat your home is to install solar panels. These solar panels provide an alternative source of electricity that you can direct to certain electrical appliances in your home. If you have an electrical heating system in your home, you can use the electricity generated by the solar panels to provide heat throughout the area.


2. Work on your windows

If you are currently in the process of looking for a new home, choose one that has a lot of glass windows and doors. This will allow the heat and warmth coming from the sun to enter your home, providing natural heat in your living space. If you are prone to getting headaches from the glare of light, you can easily have a tint placed on the glass windows and doors. This tint will still allow the heat and warmth from the sun to pass through while minimizing the glare at the same time.

Another thing to do is to install window Shuttercraft and louvers which serve to help you cut the heat in hot, sultry summer as well as reduce the heat loss in the thick of winter. A few of them additionally have insulation characteristics built within them & they suit well upon the frame, assisting like an air boundary within it & the window. On the other hand, the louvers help to enhance ventilation and also help natural sun & light inside.

3. Opt for solar water heating systems

Solar water heating systems tap into the heat generated by the sun and heat up the water that you use in your house. Instead of using electricity, solar water heating systems use a series of pipes that transfer the heat they absorb from the sun to the water that passes through these pipes. This water is then collected and stored in an insulated water tank in order to prevent the heated water from cooling down.

5. Pellet Stoves and Boilers

Boilers and Wood-Pellet-Stoves are machines which can consume biomass to give out space heating during the cold season. It’s an advancement of the age-old technology of open stoves, open fires or fireplaces. Biomass like firewood has been swarming previously and even in the present, a good quantity is accessible. Unlike in the past, it’s not possible presently to cut down trees or boughs whenever you require fuel to light up your stoves.

Make use of biomass fuel

An answer has been found in the fuel crises when it hit the seventies in wood pellet, a pelletized waste product of timber and furniture manufacture. The hitherto piled up wood chips, shavings, and sawdust that created a disposal problem to the industrialist, at last, found a way to clear the sawmill or the factory dump yard.


Biomass wastes can be transformed into efficient heating fuel

Presently, you would discover completely automated pellet-boilers that you would set up and forget, thus to speak. A thermostat would notice your house’s heating requirement, supply wood pellets into the burner by an auger, control the heat production, and stop when not required. All you would have to become involved in is to remove what is left after combustion – ash.

What are wood pellets?

Wood pellets are compressed industrial waste of wood. The biomass wood is a good source of energy easily undergoing combustion and releasing huge amounts of heat energy within a stove or a boiler of a centralized hydronic system.

Each wood pellet is about 15-20 mm in length and has a diameter of about 6 – 8 mm. It is extremely dense due to high compaction at manufacture. So much so that unlike wood it would not float in water but sink to the bottom as soon as it hits the water.

The fuel pellet is extremely dry and generally, the moisture content is less than 10% at the manufacturer. However, it is highly hygroscopic and unless properly stored under strictly monitored conditions, will be soggy like a crispy biscuit left exposed. This, unfortunately, renders the costly product useless.

The evolution of pellet stove

The device, which was a very business-like simple steel box when it was invented in the 1930s, has changed face with an attractive piece of decoration in your living room or wherever you intend to keep it for heating a comfortable interior. The pellet stove may be either freestanding or placed as a fireplace insert that vents into an existing chimney.

The construction material is steel or massive cast iron that radiate and conduct heat out of them. The control arrangement, electronic elements & exhaust functioning parts are encased within stainless steel.

Similarly, just like the decorative stove pellet boilers and furnaces too are available depending on your requirements. The boiler used in hydronic systems has the useful property to store heat energy generated by combustion. These are mainly applied in retrofits with minimum changes to the ducting, plumbing, venting etc. of the existing heating arrangement.

6. Insulate Your Roof and Walls

Approximately half of the heat wasted in a standard home leaks through the roof and the walls. Insulating your attic is easy to do and you may even make the insulation by yourself. In case you now have loft insulation monitor its thickness and if needed add a second layer to draw it up to the prescribed 270mm. Insulating the cavities of your wall could preserve up to £120 every year. Installation takes simply about 2 hours for a general 3 bedroom home and can be arranged from the outside.

7. Dodge the draughts

Do away with wasted heat and draughts by setting up an easy-to-fix and an affordable brush or PVC fastener on your outside doors. Place draught-proof wraps on letterboxes & key holes as well. Draughts likewise get in into gaps in floorboards & skirting boards; halt this by permeating these gaps using a sealant or beading.

8. Underfloor Heating with Natural Stone

Underfloor heating with natural stone is not a particularly new idea, though some salesmen may want you to think so. The enterprising Romans are known to have devised a form of early underfloor heating for the natural stone and tiled flooring of their houses.

Today’s underfloor heating methods are broadly similar in purpose, though technology has, of course, moved on. The efficiency of modern underfloor heating systems is naturally far ahead of the relatively crude Roman invention.

Natural stone is a natural choice for underfloor heating. It does, of course, take a while for the heat to seep through after the system is initiated as the stone is slow to warm up. But once it gets going it stays as hot as you need it to be for as long as you need it. No more painful tiptoeing because of the cold floors during winter seasons; underfloor heating using natural stone happens to be a richness to be enjoyed.

Underfloor heating possesses many benefits over the many conventional radiant heating or even charged air heating. Radiant heating from a relatively small unit tends to be directional and takes time to warm a room thoroughly, while convection heating is great for producing a hot ceiling, but usually, there’s no one up there to appreciate it.

Underfloor warming, particularly at the moment is the most picked natural stone floor covering that heats a house more regularly and completely. It’s a natural pick for anyone who despises cold feet and cold winters.

Heating either a room or an entire house from beneath the floor has different benefits from the position of view of frequency, noise & cost. When correctly created the heat is spread evenly from each part of your floor, hence producing an equally heated room. There’re no irritating fan noises, turning on and off on frequent intervals, and the charge of running an underfloor-heating-system may be amazing.

When it comes to heating your home there are plenty of alternatives that can save you money and help you become more energy efficient in the long run. Just be sure to choose one that suits you and meets your needs.

It is important to note that the installation of heating equipment and water supply should be done by a professional, otherwise there is a great chance of failure in the first years of operation. For example, before purchasing a water pump you should consult a plumber about the technical possibility of installing similar systems in your home.

Sustainable Agriculture: Perspectives for Jordan Valley

agriculture-palestineSustainable agriculture development is one of the most important pillars of the EcoPeace Middle East’s Jordan Valley Master Plan as it provides livelihood and prosperity for all the people in the valley. The strategic agricultural objective for the study area is improving water use and irrigation efficiencies and economic outputs per unit of water used, and meanwhile stabilize, or even reduce the total water demands for the agricultural sector in the Jordan Valley. This will require adequate tariff policies on water used for irrigation, including enforcement, to stimulate more efficient use of water through for instance greenhouse drip irrigation. These are challenges specifically relevant for Jordan and Palestine.

Greenhouses are a very effective manner to improve water efficiencies and economic outputs in the agricultural sector, using greenhouses reduce the production related risks, provide for better quality crops and provide wider options for crop diversification. Finally, evapotranspiration from greenhouses is substantially less than from open field agriculture (and it does not cause soil salinity). However, greenhouses decrease open spaces, with negative visual impacts to rural landscapes and to wildlife corridors. Hence greenhouse development needs to be carefully planned and many farmers would require adequate and reliable micro-credits in order to invest in greenhouses.

Drip irrigation is another effective manner to improve water efficiencies in the open fields. The challenge is to set up sustainable drip irrigation systems in the Jordan Valley, including appropriate operations and maintenance and monitoring systems. This requires also financial facilities for farmers to invest, standardization of designs and manufacturing and provision of technical support services.

A related challenge is to maximize the reuse of treated wastewater, efficient use of pesticides and fertilizers, introduction or expansion of growing high yield crops, and improving extension services and post harvesting support to the farmers to enable them to create higher economic returns.

Pollution and mismanagement has severely damaged the Jordan River

Pollution and mismanagement has severely damaged the Jordan River

Another major challenge is to address the negative environmental impacts associated with the fish farms. These farms consume substantial amounts of water, due to high evaporation rates, which may be as much as 1-2 meter of water per year. In addition the ponds are flushed once or twice per year, releasing water into the Jordan River, which is polluted with excrements from the fishes, and anti-biotic medications that have to be added to the fish ponds. Due to the evaporation, the effluent is usually brackish as well. Consequently, discharging this wastewater into the environment has substantial impacts to surface water and groundwater quality.

Mitigating these impacts require investments in wastewater treatment facilities, and converting the process to a closed system. Without resolving these issues the future of this industry in the valley must be in doubt, despite any ecological benefits that the fish farms present for bird migration and associated tourism related to bird watching. The master plan sees the need to ensure that those communities relying currently on the fish ponds as their main source of income enjoy stability and that they be supported in the effort to move to closed systems.

A related challenge will be to strengthen the Extension Services for the farmers in the Jordan Valley. These services might be provided through the existing water user associations. In terms of rural economics, an important challenge is to improve the post-harvesting and marketing potentials of the farmers in the Jordan Valley, including setting up product organizations, better information about markets (nationally and internationally) and related product requirements and creating better access to export markets, with particular focus on eco-friendly and sustainable production techniques, regional labeling and fair-trade related markets.

Note: This is the third article in our special series on ‘Regional Integrated NGO Master Plan for the Jordan Valley.

Agricultural Scenario in MENA

Agriculture_MENAAgriculture plays an important role in the economies of most of the countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The contribution of the agricultural sector to the overall economy varies significantly among countries in the region, ranging from about 3.2 percent in Saudi Arabia to 13.4 percent in Egypt.  Large scale irrigation is expanding, enabling intensive production of high value cash and export crops, including fruits, vegetables, cereals, and sugar.


Egypt is the 14th biggest rice producer in the world and the 8th biggest cotton producer in the world. Egypt produced about 5.67 million tons of rice and 635,000 tons of cotton in 2011. The area of cotton crop cultivation accounts for about 5% of the cultivated area in Egypt. The total amount of crop residues is about 16 million tons of dry matter per year. Cotton residues represent about 9% of the total amount of residues. These are materials comprising mainly cotton stalks, which present a disposal problem.

Saudi Arabia

Although the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is widely thought of as a desert, it has regions where the climate has favored agriculture. By implementing major irrigation projects and adopting large scale mechanization, Saudi Arabia has made great progress in developing agricultural sector.

The Kingdom has achieved self-sufficiency in the production of wheat, eggs, and milk, among other commodities, though it still imports the bulk of its food needs. Wheat is the primary cultivated grain, followed by sorghum and barley. Dates, melons, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash are also important crops.

Mediterranean Region

Despite the fact that MENA is the most water-scarce and dry region worldwide, many countries across the region, especially those around the Mediterranean Sea, are highly dependent on agriculture.  For example, the Oum Er Rbia River basin contains half of Morocco’s public irrigated agriculture and produces 60 percent of its sugar beets, 40 percent of its olives, and 40 percent of its milk.

Tunisia is the world’s biggest producer of olive oil

Agricultural output is central to the Tunisian economy. Major crops are cereals and olive oil, with almost half of all the cultivated land sown with cereals and another third planted. Tunisia is one of the world’s biggest producers and exporters of olive oil, and it exports dates and citrus fruits that are grown mostly in the northern parts of the country.

Agriculture in Lebanon is the third most important sector in the country after the tertiary and industrial sectors. It contributes nearly 7% to GDP and employs around 15% of the active population. Main crops include cereals (mainly wheat and barley), fruits and vegetables, olives, grapes, and tobacco, along with sheep and goat herding.

Water Awareness in Qatar: A Survey

Qatar is one of the world’s most water-scarce countries in the world. But the continuous expansion of fossil fuel-led desalination technology and associated water infrastructure evaded the shortages and led to continuous access to safe and clean water to all the citizens and residents. In recent years, Qatar witnessed the growing household water consumption adding stress to the economy, infrastructure, and the environment. New measures were proposed to curb the demand through increasing water tariffs and recycling domestic wastewater for semi-productive use. However, these measures have not reduced the domestic consumption of water. Conserving water is one of the strategic areas for Qatar for its natural sustainability.

Water Awareness Survey

The water awareness survey tested the knowledge of public about Qatar’s groundwater and freshwater resources. Only a very small share of the public is aware of water resources in Qatar. The survey finds just one-in-four (27%) knows the current state of groundwater aquifers in Qatar, whereas nearly half (48%) of the public is unaware. A notable share (61%) of the public do not know about the freshwater reserve capacity and storage in Qatar.

The survey finds that more than one-third (36%) of public say bathing (shower) is where most of the day-to-day water is consumed. Followed by 26% say toilet and one-in-five (21%) marked washing clothes and utensils (19%), respectively. However, there is no sizeable difference in ranking when it comes to gardening, drinking and washing the car, all rank equally. Whereas cooking (7%) and cleaning homes (6%) are the least water-consumed activities.

There is a slight variation in terms of usage of water for different socioeconomic groups. Qataris’ water consumption in the garden is highest compared to non-Qataris (29% versus 15%) and common among higher income non-Qataris. Also, over one-fourth (28%) of the Qatari public marked car washing as a major water consumer compared to non-Qataris (12%). Bigger homes, higher income and lavish lifestyle drives water consumption.

The survey finds that a large number of people already engaged in water conservation activities, but most of them that are convenient such as loading their washing machine and dishwater fully. Roughly half (49%) of public say it is likely (including very likely) to install a greywater recycling system. Older generations are more likely to consider installing greywater recycling system in their homes than younger groups.

There was a general perception that people are reluctant to use treated wastewater for agriculture or landscaping or non-consumptive use. The common concerns are a health risk, religious and cultural reasons. However, there is popular support for reusing treated wastewater.

A sizeable majority (61%) of public say they would consider using treated wastewater (from kitchen and washing machine) for toilet flushing. A fewer than 10% say it is unlikely or they would not do. Men and women broadly share same views. Some 12% of Qatari men say it is unlikely and 13% of Qatari women say they would not do. However, more than half of Qatari men and women expressed a favourable opinion of using well-treated wastewater from kitchen, washing machine for toilet flushing.

Key factors for water conservation in Qatar

Roughly one-in-six (57%) people say they would consider reusing best quality treated water from bathtubs for landscaping. A sizeable opinion gap exists among and between subgroups. Women are more supportive of this idea than men, 63% of women say it is likely in comparison with only 52% of men. Both Qataris and non-Qataris express favourable views of using treated wastewater for landscaping (58% vs 56%).

What would encourage people to conserve water effectively? Some options are more preferable than others. The most preferred option is installing a water meter and notifying their monthly consumption to their mobiles (80% likely), information about water scarcity and conservation options (76% likely) and putting a limit on the water use at free or low cost (73%). Whereas the responses are divided for increasing the water tariffs and faith-based encouragement. Nearly one-in-four people said it is unlikely that increasing water tariffs will influence water conservation. One in five people said faith-based values would not influence to conserve water.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Gene Editing Technologies

The use of biotechnology to genetically modify living organisms has garnered worldwide attention, as the application of biotechnology is linked to critical health, environmental, and commercial issues. One of the life sciences categories is molecular biology, which approaches the genetic information stored in DNA from a novel perspective.

Gene editing is a technique that aims to extract specific genes carrying desirable traits from an organism (human, plant, animal, or microbe) and artificially attach them to the genes of another organism to transfer that desired trait to the receiving organism. Biotechnology differs from traditional hybridization in that it transfers genes at the molecular level between different species using methods that do not occur in nature. Commercial GMOs are most common in the following products: tomatoes, potatoes, corn, cotton, rabbits, fish, cows, and birds.


Life sciences advanced dramatically during the twentieth century, including the fields of molecular biology and genetic modification. It all began in 1935 when Russian scientist Belozersky succeeded in isolating pure DNA for the first time. Later, in 1973, biochemists Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen started the genetic modification revolution by transferring DNA from one bacterium to another and creating the first hybrid DNA (Recombinant DNA) in history. Boyer and Cohen’s success represented an advancement over Paul Berg’s original techniques developed in 1972.

Later, in 1975, at the Asilomar Conference, a group of biologists met with lawyers and physicians to discuss the potential biohazards of gene-editing technology and make recommendations to ensure the safe use of modified DNA. A timeline of the most significant events in the history of GM products provided below:

The FAO has recognized that GM products have potential benefits, including:

  1. Reduce the use of pesticides.
  2. Increase food production.
  3. Increase the nutritional value of food.
  4. Possess therapeutic and pharmacological benefits.

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) negatively affect both human health and the environment. For instance, a genetic mutation with unforeseeable consequences could have an irreversible negative impact on the ecological balance. The following are the most significant scientifically proven and unintended environmental risks:

  1. Genetic pollution (interbreeding): This occurs when the natural genetic material of wild species contaminated with genetically engineered material via horizontal gene transfer (HGT). This type of pollution is impossible to eliminate, affects the entire food chain, and contributes to biodiversity loss; additionally, HGT may have the following potential consequences:
  • Contamination of the native microbial community genetic material with the transgenes of GM plants
  • Health and Environmental Effects: These include the emergence of a new disease, pest, or weed, as well as increased pathogenicity.
  • Unpredictable and unintended consequences, such as modifying the recipient organism’s ecological niche or ecological potential.
  • Super-weeds: HGT of pesticide-resistant genes from GM plants to wild weeds, resulting in super-weeds that grow fast and resist pesticides, which consequently leads to an increasing in the use of herbicides to eliminate them, increasing farmer costs, and endangering the ecosystem.
  1. Effects on non-target insects: Various proteinase inhibitors have been shown to have harm worker honeybee performance and behavior.
  2. GM species threaten wild species: GM organisms can grow two times faster and tens of times larger than natural species, giving them a competitive advantage in obtaining natural resources.
  3. Deforestation: some “Super-trees” can produce chemicals that kill natural insects and their surroundings, except for GM super-trees. Furthermore, no studies have been conducted to demonstrate that GM forests are safe for forest ecosystems.
  4. Endangering fertile lands: It is discovered, for example, that GM Klebsiella planticola bacteria were used to convert plant wastes into fertilizer, depleted natural soil nitrogen, and produce ethanol. Even after these microbes’ activity was inhibited, the pollution remained in the soil for eight months.
  5. Loss of genetic purity: Scientists predict that the rapid growth of GM foods will result in a loss of purity in seeds within the next 50 years or less.


The controversial use of biotechnologies to produce GM foods that have infiltrated the global market has raised many ethical, social, and religious concerns, particularly those related to consumer dilemmas. Although these products are still considered safe, scientists admit that there are gaps in knowledge regarding long-term health, economic, and environmental risks.


Furthermore, genetically modified foods may have significant unintended consequences. As a result, some steps must be taken, the most important of which are as follows:

  1. Biosafety: The assessment, monitoring, and management of potential risks associated with genetically modified (GM) products.
  2. Legislation: There is an urgent need to enact laws governing transparency, the right of consumers, and the right of the state to obtain complete information about these products.
  3. Consumer rights protection: According to the UN, the consumers have a basic right to know the type of food they consume, its safety, and its method of production, which leads us to the Label.
  4. Product labeling enables consumers to practice their moral, religious, personal, or health preferences, as knowing the ingredients of a product is the best guide for consumers to buy or not buy it. Muslims and Jews, for example, do not consume pork, whereas Hindus do not consume beef.
  5. Public Awareness: There is an urgent need to develop educational materials based on objective scientific evidence. The source of information must also be considered because it will influence the information presented to officials and consumers. As a result, biologists have a responsibility to their community to educate consumers and legislators on the alleged benefits of genetic engineering, as well as the risks and ethical quandaries that it presents, in collaboration with various media channels.

النفايات الصلبة في قطاع غزة

لم تكن التحذيرات التي أطلقها منسق الشئون الإنسانية  بالأمم المتحدة "ماكسويل جيلارد" بالأمر المفاجئ أو الغريب على أكثر من مليون و نصف غزّي يسكنون في تلك البقعة من العالم. هذه التحذيرات بنيت على دراسة تابعة للأمم المتحدة صدرت في شهر أغسطس 2012 و أشارت إلى أن قطاع غزة لن يكون "ملائماً للحياة" بحلول عام 2020. فقطاع غزة يعاني من مشكلات كثيرة منذ أكثر من عقد من الزمان مع بدء الانتفاضة الثانية عام 2001 و ما تلاه من حصار خانق بعد فوز حركة المقاومة الإسلامية حماس في الانتخابات التشريعية عام 2006.

في أيامنا هذه و مع وصول أول سفينة فضائية لكوكب المريخ، ما زال قطاع غزة يعاني الكثير من المشاكل البيئية بسبب الوضع السياسي، الاجتماعي، الاقتصادي، التنظيمي ، و التقني السائد في مدن القطاع. خلال الأسطر القادمة، سأصطحبكم لكي نلقي الضوء على إحدى المشاكل التي نعيشها منذ عقود من الزمان. و قبل البدء أريد أن أوضح بأني لا أملك العصا السحرية لتغيير الحال بين عشية و ضحاها و لست بالدبلوماسي لأقوم بإلقاء التهم على جهة معينة أو فرد بعينه ولكن المقصد هو إلقاء الضوء على هذه القضية عسى أن تصل رسالتي كمواطن لأصحاب القرار.

يعاني قطاع غزة من مشكلة متفاقمة في ادارة النفايات الصلبة، نتيجة لوصول مكبات النفايات إلى الحد الاستيعابي الأقصى، و غياب الاهتمام من قبل الجهات المعنية على العمل لحل الأزمة. ففي عام 2010، قدرت وزارة التخطيط كمية النفايات التي نتجت من قطاع غزة ب 1300 طن/يومياً على أن تتضاعف هذه الكمية لتصل إلى 2350 طن/يومياً بعد عشرين عاماً. فهذه الأرقام، مصحوبة بتصريحات السيد "ماكسويل جيلارد" بأن عدد السكان في قطاع غزة سيزيد إلى 2.1 مليون في عام 2020، جعلت من الأهمية أن أتطرق لهذا الموضوع و نطرحه على الطاولة للنقاش. فالمشكلة كبيرة  و أسبابها عديدة و لكن و من باب الانصاف يجدر القول أن إدارة المخلفات الصلبة قد شهدت تحسنا ملحوظا في السنوات الأخيرة بفضل المشاريع الدولية التي نفذت في هذا المجال و الشعور بخطورة ما وصل إليه الحال في مناطق القطاع المختلفة.

أسباب وجود هذه المشكلة

و في بداية الحديث عن حلول قد تساعد على التخفيف من هذه المشكلة المتفاقمة، يجدر بنا أن ندرس الأسباب التي أحدثت هذه القضية . فمن خلال البحث و التدقيق، توصلت إلى أن الأسباب هي كالتالي:

أولاً: عدم كفاءة النظام الحالي بسبب غياب الدراسات التفصيلية و عدم وجود الرؤية الموحدة بين الجهات المعنية بإدارة الملف. فعلي سبيل المثال، قانون البيئة رقم (7) لعام 1999 غير مطبق حتى الآن مما يفقد الجهات المختصة السلطة و القوة لفرض سيطرتها من أجل تحسين الوضع العام.

ثانياً: الزيادة المفرطة في عدد السكان في القطاع مصحوباً بزيادة كميات المخلفات و عدم وجود الأماكن المناسبة لطمر المخلفات بطرق سليمة.

ثالثاً: عدم إدراك عامة الشعب بحساسية الموضوع و ضرورة التعاون مع الجهات المختصة لحل الأزمة.  مما سبق، يمكن أن نستنتج الآلية التي أرى أنها قد تساعد على أن تغير الحال الحالي.

أولى هذه الخطوات هي توفر سياسة و رؤية موحدة  ما بين كل الجهات الحكومية المعنية في هذا الشأن بالإضافة إلى البلديات من أجل وضع خطة شاملة تعمل على تحسين الوضع العام لنظام إدارة النفايات الصلبة في قطاع غزة.

هذا المبدأ لابد أن يقوم أساساً على نموذج 3R الأكثر اتباعاً في أيامنا هذه و يشمل ثلاث مقترحات لإدارة الأزمة بطريقة صحيحة و هي (تقليل كمية النفايات الناتجة Reduce ، إعادة استخدام Reuse، إعادة التدوير Recycle) و فيما يلي توضيح لهذه الخطوات:

أولا: تقليل النفايات Reduce

بالغالب تزيد كمية النفايات الناتجة من أي مجتمع بزيادة عدد أفراده. فخلال السنوات الماضية، شهدت الكميات الناتجة ارتفاعاً ملحوظاً دون إدراك عامة الشعب لخطورة الأزمة. و لهذا وجب علينا أن نركز على هذه القضية و نعمل على تغيير ما بأنفس الناس و دعوتهم أن يكونوا على قدر المسئولية و أن يقوموا بدورهم في هذا الملف عن طريق العمل على تقليل المخلفات الصادرة من منازلهم. كما أنه يجب على البلديات إعداد برامج خاصة لإدارة النفايات الصلبة للقطاع التجاري وفرض قيود على أصحاب الأعمال للتقليل من كميات المخلفات الناتجة من أنشطتهم التجارية.

ثانيا: إعادة الاستخدام Reuse

إعادة استخدام المخلفات ليس حل لمشكلة المخلفات و حسب، بل إنه من الأمور التي قد تدفع العجلة الاقتصادية إلى الأمام  من خلال تقليص ميزانية شراء المواد الخام لبعض الصناعات,  و زيادة رأس المال لصناعات الأخرى. فمن خلال هذه الطريقة، يمكن لأصحاب الصناعات بيع كل ما يزيد عن أنشطتهم التجارية لجهات أخرى و جني دخل إضافي للمؤسسة التجارية.

و كمثال آخر، يمكن لهذا المبدأ أن يستخدم كأداة للعديد من المؤسسات غير الربحية عن طريق بيع ما يتبرع به المواطنون من أدوات ليسوا بحاجة لها فيما يعرف بمحلات " الأدوات المستعملة"  و لكن النظرة المجتمعية لهذه الفكرة سلبية و غير مرحب بها لاعتبارات اجتماعية و لكن يجدر الإشارة إلى فوائد هذا النوع من المشاريع و منها:

  • زيادة نسبة المواد المعاد استخدامها بين المواطنين ( أثاث، كتب، أدوات كهربائية).
  • زيادة الدخل المالي لهذه المؤسسات مما يزيد من أنشطتها الميدانية للمواطنين.
  • تغيير بعض العادات السلوكية بين المواطنين و تشجيع الاندماج و التعاون بين كافة أفراد المجتمع.

ثالثا: إعادة التدوير Recycle  

أشارت دراسات إلى أن نسبة إعادة التدوير في قطاع غزه 4.2 % لعام 2002 بمعدل 9 طن/يومياً يتم إعادة تدويرها بمبادرة فردية لبعض الصناعات المحلية. ترجع النسبة الضئيلة هذه إلى عدة عوامل منها:

 أولاً: غياب الدعم الحكومي لمشاريع إعادة التدوير.

ثانياً: عدم اهتمام عامة الشعب لهذه المشاريع و تقدير القيمة الاقتصادية لها. ففي حقيقة الأمر، و نتيجة لزيادة أسعار المواد الخام في الأسواق العالمية، فقد زادت أسعار بعض الأنواع من المخلفات لتصل إلى أكثر من 100دولار/ طن      ( فعلى سبيل المثال: سعر طن البلاستيك PET  250-300   دولار/طن، و سعر الورق المقوى (كرتون) يتراوح بين 240-260  دولار/طن)

و من هنا تنبع ضرورة الاهتمام بهذا النوع من المشاريع من أجل دفع العجلة الاقتصادية للقطاع. و من ناحية عملية يمكن أن يتم البدء بهذه المشاريع بإدارة عليا من البلديات و لكن عن طريق انشاء عدد من الشركات و خصخصتها من أجل تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية و البيئية في آن واحد. 

في الختام و من خلال التحليل السابق يتضح أن قضية إدارة النفايات الصلبة تتطلب خطوة  مشتركة بين الدولة و الشعب عن طريق وضع أهداف واضحة و محددة المعالم و من ثم العمل على النهوض بالوضع البيئي في قطاع غزة.

Will Fully Electric Cars Survive in Rural Areas?

Electric cars are predicted to account for 81% of all the EVs sold by 2030. This is about 25.3 million cars which is far beyond their counterparts – PHEVs. With a third of all these EVs expected to find their ways to the remote areas and even permanently be assigned for use in such areas, shall they survive?

Driving the newest Ford Everest model- All-New Jazz 1.5 Luxe Hybrid ECVT down the dusty paths in your rural area may is good. It adapts to every region as it uses a motor to charge its battery. But thinking of Volkswagen e-Up for your next trip may not be a good idea.


With the UK having already drafted a law that’s likely to see a ban on new sales for petrol and diesel cars by 2035, are they prepared to counter the challenge in rural areas? And like many other countries in Europe, how will the fully electric cars survive in rural areas?

Undeniably, urban centres are always the pioneers of most technologies. Equally, they usually get the lion’s share in all goodies. This is likened to the number of electric car charging stations in the urban centres versus the rural areas.

Countries like the US, Iceland, UK, Denmark, Norway and Sweden have the most electric vehicles on their roads. The US currently has over 100,000 electric car charging outlets with California alone having 32,000. China is leading in the number of electric charging stations. But like the other nations, the charging outlets and charging stations are concentrated in the big cities.

A research conducted by Technavio projects the electric vehicle charger market growth rate for the period 2020 – 2025 to be at a CAGR of 29%. China is taking the lead with Europe and North America trailing behind.

electric car charging market

On the positive note, a more rapid growth is being witnessed in the residential segment which comprises of multi-dwelling buildings, homes and office buildings. This mean more electric vehicle chargers are going to be installed in rural. Penetration of EVs in the rural areas where travel distances are shorter is likely to grow at a higher rate than anticipated.

Most countries with large uptake on EVs have already laid down massive public electric charging infrastructure. If they adopt the Chinese infrastructural system, ideologies and offer incentives to investors, every EV owner will be covered.

Not many nations are thinking of robust electric charging infrastructure covering both rural and urban centres as the only way to attract a considerable uptake on EVs. It’s this factor that hinders many potential customers living in rural from buying one.


This scenario may change sooner than is expected if charging stations are installed in new buildings and charger points in busy streets and car parks as directed by the UK government.

With companies like Charge My Street taking the charging challenge to the villages by installing charging units on village halls and market centres, electric car enthusiasts are a happy lot. Again, as individuals and companies like Chargepoint continue to install electric charging stations in cottages and houses in remote areas, fully electric cars are likely to survive in rural areas.

And with countries supporting the use of electric vehicles due to their eco-friendliness and efficiency, we are likely to see the same happening to the charging infrastructures. The process may be slow in the remote villages for a short while.

But as the policies and regulations to end the sale of diesel and petrol cars approaches and competition among the electric vehicle charging station companies races up, charging points will definitely increase in the local villages.

Climate Change Impacts in MENA

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is known for being one of the hottest places on Earth, and highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. In an IPCC special report on regional climate change, models projected that average temperatures in the region will increase by 1-2˚C by 2030-2050. Decision makers and citizens in all 21 countries realize that they are faced with an immediate need to reshape energy, agriculture, water and environmental policy to adapt to changing climate conditions.

Steep Rise in Temperature

Satellite data provided by Climate Engine from 1979 to present shows the mean max (average maximum) temperatures throughout the region ranged from 25˚C in the winter to 35˚C in the summer, and temperatures from 1900-96 increased by 0.7˚C for the whole region.

MENA is getting so hot that even in the most conservative IPCC warming scenarios climate change may cause extreme heat to spread across more of the land for longer periods of time, making some regions unlivable and reducing growing areas for agriculture.

Cities will feel an increasing heat island effect and most capital cities in the Middle East could face four months of exceedingly hot days every year. Rising temperatures will put intense pressure on crops and already scarce water resources, potentially increasing migration and the risk of conflict.

These rising temperatures will increase the occurrence of extreme weather events. The Maghreb has been subject to droughts, while Cyclone Phet, the second strongest on record, hit Oman in June, 2010, killing 44 and causing $700 million in damages.

The following paragraphs explores the immediate and potential sectoral impacts of climate change on the environment, energy, agriculture, water, and social well-being in MENA as reported by the World Bank.


Vegetation models project the impacts may be greater in the semi-arid lands of the region than in the arid lands, especially in composition and distribution of vegetation types. Management options, such as better stock management and more integrated agro-ecosystems, could improve land conditions and counteract pressures arising from climate change.


MENA countries have some of the highest wind and solar energy potentials in the world. Exploiting the tremendous renewable energy potential would strongly help Arab countries, enabling them to decrease the vulnerability of their existing energy systems.

Using wind and solar energy will also increase electricity production, which is important as demand in the majority of the countries is expected to increase steeply in coming decades due to demographic and economic development as well as to the increasing need for space cooling as temperatures rise.


Land degradation problems and limited water supplies constrain present agricultural productivity and threaten the food security of some countries. Impacts in a 2 °C world include annual water discharge, already critically low, is projected to drop by another 15–45% (75% in a 4 °C world) and unusual heat extremes projected to affect local food production. As a consequence, deteriorating rural livelihoods will continue to contribute to migration flows, often to urban areas.

Though there are few projections of the impacts of climate change on food and fiber production for the region, studies also projected increases of some crops. Implementation of more flexible risk-management strategies along with the use of a wider variety of domestic animals, game ranching, and multiple production systems-would provide greater food security to the region.


The Middle East and North Africa is the most water stressed region in the world. Water shortages have already been described as a crisis in many countries of this predominantly arid region, and are unlikely to be reduced and may be exacerbated by climate change. In a region with the lowest freshwater endowment in the world, it is estimated that 80-100 million people will be exposed to water stress by 2025, as groundwater is used up faster than changing precipitation patterns can replenish it.

MENA is world’s most stressed region

The region could be heavily challenged by both rising food and water demand given its projected increase in population that may double by 2070. As a result of severe and sustained pressure on resources, further social unrest is likely in the already unstable political environment that currently characterizes parts of the region.

The combination of rapid population growth and urbanization will put increased pressure on already scarce natural water resources. With rainfall projected to decline by 20 to 40% in a 2°C hotter world, and up to 60% in a 4°C world, the region’s capacity to provide water to its people and economies will be harshly tested.

Rapid development is threatening some water supplies through salinization and pollution, and expanding populations are increasing the demand for water. Adaptation strategies might include more efficient organization of water supply, treatment, and delivery systems for urban areas and, in arid Asia, increased use of groundwater.

Measures to conserve or reuse water already have been implemented in some countries; such strategies may overcome some shortages, especially if they are adopted widely throughout the region. Changes in cropping practices and improved irrigation practices could reduce water usage significantly in some countries.

Social Well-being

Human health in the region is variable, reflecting the economies of the countries. Some countries, where poverty is high, have high infant mortality rates and low life expectancy. The impacts of climate change are likely to be detrimental to the health of the population, mainly through heat stress and possible increases in vector-borne and waterborne diseases. Decreases in water availability and food production (especially if there is a shortage of water for irrigation) would lead to indirect impacts on human health associated with nutritional and hygiene issues.


MENA has been witnessing extreme weather events in recent years

In certain areas, where drought-parched grounds are unable to absorb rains, flash floods can make roads impassable, preventing students from reaching schools. The floods of June 2009 in Yemen are an example of this. Disruptions to electricity, a potential side effect, can force schools to suspend activity, while in extreme cases, severe weather can actually damage infrastructure. While the cumulative effect of these disturbances on students’ education performance is not well known, it is certain that interruptions in attendance can only have detrimental consequences for learning outcomes.

Over the longer term, it is expected that climate change, along with other confounding factors such as the high poverty rate in the region, will combine to create environmental degradation, a subsequent deterioration in livelihoods, and put pressure on populations to migrate. Research suggests that in all instances such effects are likely to disproportionately affect children, their well-being and care, and their ability to participate in good quality, equitable education.


Climate change is a serious threat and leaders have not hesitated to take action. Adaptation strategies being implemented by countries in MENA are likely to provide some significant “win-win” opportunities for the conservation of resources, as well as offset the impacts of climate change.

An efficient and effective environmental governance framework is essential for more productive and measurable interaction amongst various stakeholders and across key sectors. National, regional and international linkages within targeted sectors are essential to coordinate climate action in MENA. Proactive involvement of public and private sectors, civil society organizations as well as research and academia in climate change mitigation is also a crucial issue.