المبنى الأخضر في الأردن – نافذة جديدة على البيئة

في  دول العالم المتقدم , أصبح الحوار الذي ينافس السياسة و القضايا المجتمعية هو البيئة . أصبحت البيئة محط أنظار الجميع الان بعد سنين طوال من السعي وراء التكنولوجيا و التطور و إهمالها بشكل ملحوظ . إن مفهوم البيئة لم يعد مقتصرا على النظافة و توفير المياه فحسب , بل أصبحت الدول و القارات تتنافس في مجال انتاج الطاقة النظيفة ( طاقة الرياح , الشمسية , الطاقة المائية , طاقة الحرارة الأرضية , طاقة المد و الجزر و طاقة الكتل الحرارية ) وذلك بعد الجزم بإمكانيتها في  تأمين طاقة يمكن الإعتماد عليها في شتى الميادين و بشكل رئيسي بدلا من الطاقة النفطية التي تعتبر طاقة قابلة للنفاذ السريع .

في بداية الأمر انحصر تطبيق المشاريع الخاصة في مجال توليد الطاقة النظيفة و اعتماد مبدأ ” المباني الخضراء ”  في الدول المتقدمة فقط , كأوروبا و أمريكا الشمالية حيث الإمكانيات و المساحة الواسعة و تقبلهم لهذه الفكرة بشكل سريع , نظرا للوعي و الثقافة الجيدة في تلك المنطقة  .

ما هو المبنى الأخضر

المبني الأخضر هو المبنى الذي يراعي الاعتبارات البيئية في كل مرحلة من مراحل البناء، وهي التصميم، التنفيذ، التشغيل والصيانة، والاعتبارات الرئيسية التي تراعي تصميم الفراغات وكفاءة الطاقة والمياه، وكفاءة استخدام الموارد، وجودة البيئة الداخلية للمبنى، وأثر المبنى ككل على البيئة.الفرق الرئيسي بين المباني الخضراء والمباني التقليدية هو مفهوم التكامل، حيث يقوم فريق متعدد التخصصات من المتخصصين في البناء بالعمل معا منذ مرحلة ما قبل التصميم إلى مرحلة ما بعد السكن لتحسين خواص الإستدامة البيئية للمبنى وتحسين الأداء والتوفير في التكاليف.

الأبنية الخضراء في الأردن

بالحديث عن مفهوم المبنى الأخضر  في الأردن , فإن انتشاره لم يكن ذو رواج كبير و لكنه بدأ يلقى اهتماما منذ الاربع سنين الماضية . وفكرة أن تقنع المواطن و المؤسسات الحكومية و الخاصة بفوائد المبنى الأخضر كانت من المستحيلات في بداية الأمر .

مفهوم المبنى الأخضر يحتاج للدعم كي يشعر الجميع بأهميته حيث أنه سيقدم فوائداً مالية و بيئية للأفراد الأردنيين , و منها :

الفوائد الإقتصادية

البناء الأخضر سوف  يحفز صناعة حديثة في الأردن لمواد وتكنولوجيات  جديدة تلزم في عمليات  البناء. مما قد يوفر فرص عمل جديدة و يحسن هذه الصناعة في الأردن لما لها من أهمية في المستقبل . من المرجح ارتفاع أسعار النفط مستقبلا . فبالتالي ستساعد الابنية الخضراء  على الحد من استهلاكه و تقليص التكاليف المتعلقة بالكهرباء و الوقود .

الفوائد البيئية

ترتيب المملكة هو الحادي عشر من حيث أفقر البلدان في مصادر المياه لذلك فإن فائدة وجود مبان  خضراء سيوفر الكثير من ناحية المياه و شحها العام . المورد الشمسي في المملكة ضخم  حيث انها تتمتع ب333 يوما شمسياً أي ما يعادل 8 ساعات مشمسة في اليوم الواحد من السنة, و بالتالي فإن أنظمة التسخين الشمسية التي تستعمل في المباني الخضراء ستكون ناجحة و فعالة  .رفع كفاءة استخدام الطاقة في المباني من خلال اختيار مواد وأساليب العزل الأنسب .

كيف نعزز فكرة البناء الأخضر في الأردن ؟

تعزيز الوعي حول بناء مجتمع أخضر و أهميته للفرد و المجتمع .

فرض قوانين رسمية تعنى بأمور البناء الخاصة للمباني الخضراء .

تطوير القدرات و الإمكانيات التي من شأنها دعم مشاريع المباني الخضراء في الأردن , أي المساعدة في توفير المواد الخام و المساحات و ما إلى ذلك من السبل التي تعزز تمكين فكرة المبنى الأخضر بسهولة في الأردن .

التحديات التي تواجه الأبنية الخضراء في الأردن

هناك العديد من مهندسي البناء و المعماريين في الأردن ليس لديهم خبرة و معلومات كافية حول كيفية بناء و تصميم أبنية خضراء .

المواطنون قد لا يقتنعون بأن البناء الأخضر قد يساهم في توفير المياه و الكهرباء فلن يغامروا ببنائه .

المواطنون قد لا يفضلون التصاميم المحصورة للأبنية الخضراء من ناحية ترتيب الغرف و الاماكن .

في الأردن ليس هناك صناعة قوية لمواد البناء الخاصة بالمباني الخضراء , وفي حال الحاجة لها يتم استيرادها لكن بأسعار باهظة جدا .

وضع الأردن البيئي الان 

الأردن حاله كحال أي دولة تقع في منطقة الشرق الأوسط , ما زال موضوع الإهتمام بقضايا البيئة بالنسبة لمجتمعه أمر رفاهي لا يسمن و لا يغني من جوع , لكن مع تقارب العوالم و اتساع دائرة التواصل , تحركت مجموعات بيئية عدة قاموا بتطوير  انفسهم من هواة و متطوعين غير منظمين إلى منظمات و جمعيات و مجالس بيئية تسعى جادة لتطوير الوضع في الأردن . اصبح هناك جمعيات و منظمات تعنى بالبيئة الاردنية و بشكل جدي , و هناك مشاريع تقام على ارض الواقع كمشروع الخلايا الشمسية و مشاريع توفير المياه في شتى مناطق المملكة و لكن بتفاعل بطيء من المجتمع المحلي .

*في 11/اكتوبر/2009 تم إعلان أول جمعية مهنية غير ربحية غير حكومية تعنى و بشكل متخصص بمفهوم الأبنية الخضراء في الأردن وهي المجلس الأردني للأبنية الخضراء Jordan GBC  , و يضم المجلس مجموعة من المهندسين و الباحثين المهتمين بمجال البيئة المستدامة و الطاقة المتجددة و ترسيخ و تطبيق فكرة المبنى الأخضر بشكل جدي في الأردن , كما  تضم بعضويتها شركات وخبراء من مختلف الأعمال والتخصصات المرتبطة بتصميم المباني وتزويدها وإنشاءها في الأردن .

 و بصدد العمل على مشاريع توسيع هذه الفكرة , كان نشاط الجمعية واضحا فقد  وقع المجلس الاردني للأبنية الخضراء ومشروع الوكالة الأمريكية للإنماء الدولي اتفاقية منحة تنفيذ برنامج يهدف الى رفع كفاءة استخدام الطاقة من خلال تشجيع مالكي ومطوري الأبنية الجديدة على إدخال تطبيقات عملية وأساسية عند التصميم والتنفيذ. أما الخطوة الأقوى في تطوير هذا المفهوم كانت في نهاية عام 2013 حيث انضم المجلس الأعلى للابنية الخضراء إلى التحالف العالمي الجديد للمدارس الخضراء، ليصبح عضوا مؤسسا  في الائتلاف، والتي تعمل على توجيه المدارس والمجتمعات المحلية إلى تغيير جذري في طريقة تربية الطلاب على المفاهيم والمبادئ الخضراء.

كما قام هذا المجلس بالتنسيق مع وزارة التربية و التعليم الاردنية بعقد دورات تثقيفية و توعوية حول مفهوم المدارس الخضراء .ربما تعتبر خطوات الأردن نحو تطوير بيئي ملحوظ  بطيئة و منهكة , و لو تحدثنا بشكل خاص عن مفهوم ” المبنى الأخضر ” فإن الأمر قد يزداد صعوبة و تحديات , لكن بما ان هناك جمعيات و مؤسسات و أفراد يسعون لتطوير الوضع البيئي فهناك نافذة جديدة سوف تفتح للأجيال القادمة تطل على مستقبل أردني جديد  مخضرّ .

What are the Advantages of Solar Lighting?

Large companies and homeowners alike enjoy the many benefits that only solar lighting can provide. Solar lights are ideal for areas that are off-the-grid, where energy is costly or if the company is looking to showcase their eco-friendly approach to energy. Installing solar lighting is considered one of the most cost effective projects to date as they do not require trenched grid power and the actual costs of installation are minimal.


There are many ways to take advantage of solar lighting solutions. Some are as small or simple as a singular LED bulb or a solar lantern, while others are more advanced needing a battery and integrated panel. These lights are generally employed to light driveways or even 150′ spaces with floodlights. Solar is the best option when power is not available in a location or too costly to install. Using solar lights also eliminates concerns around a power surge.

Of course, there are numerous advantages for choosing solar lighting over traditional methods.

1. Great Way To Go Green!

Solar power is the number one source of renewable energy; therefore, solar lighting is a great way to transition to going green. It takes absolutely nothing from grid power and is naturally produced. The LED lighting uses a battery that charges up on solar power during the day, and at night it dips into the power supply to illuminate the desired area. This is a process that repeats daily without using any other form of energy.

2. Cost Effective Installation

Installation is considered low cost, in any case, lower than trenching grid power. There is no underground running conduit to the light poles like you would see with traditional power, however, poles, albeit much taller, are still employed in a safe manner.

Installation is safe and not as difficult as it is considered low voltage power and the only wiring is located at the top of the poles. In some instances, it may carry across to nearby poles. Standard electric trenching is rife with difficulties, but that isn’t something experienced with solar power installation.

3. Virtually No Maintenance

The greatest thing about solar lighting is that it’s virtually maintenance free. This is especially the case as LED bulbs last for 20 years or more. If properly installed, the system’s batteries will need some maintenance only every 5-7 years.


Visually checking and cleaning the glass grid is also recommended to prolong its lifespan along with checking the light fixtures themselves. Most other components can last 30 years or more without any maintenance whatsoever.

4. No Energy Bills

The most convincing aspect of solar power is the ability to reduce energy bills to zero. Though a commercial system can cost a lot of money upfront, the savings by utilizing solar power will pay back dividends on this investment. In addition, commercial solar energy systems also receive significant monetary incentives to make the switch to solar energy.

If you care about the environment and wish to reduce your footprint, solar lighting is a great option! It works just as well as traditional power while cutting your energy bills down to zero and providing a constant stream of LED lighting. Whether you have an expansive backyard or a large area in need of illumination, there are a wide range of solar lights to meet your requirements.

Do you have other alternatives you like for your lighting needs? Just let us know as we’d love to hear from you.

4 Factors On How You Can Select The Best Health Insurance

Having health insurance coverage is non-negotiable in a post-Covid world. The rising cost of healthcare is a reality that we can’t ignore anymore and health coverage is essentially a safeguard to ensure that we have access to the best of medical care at all times, no matter the cost.

The best health insurance policies are designed to offer you more than basic health coverage and give you access to much more in terms of overall benefits at an affordable premium.

In this article, we will look at a few pointers that should help you select the best health coverage and also help you understand why it’s crucial to get insured if you haven’t already.

How You Can Select Best Health Insurance

1. Check Premium Vs Benefits

No matter which health insurance you opt for, you will need to pay premiums to keep the policy active. A lower premium doesn’t make a policy good or bad; it’s the benefits you get for that premium is that you should watch out for.

The best health insurance policy will offer you additional benefits like access to both futuristic medical procedures as well as traditional alternative medicine.

Along with that, you should also check if your policy offers you any additional addons like a reduced waiting period, coverage for pre-existing diseases, etc. Always buy the policy with the highest benefits not the one with the lowest premium.

2. Network of Hospitals

Pay close attention to the hospitals the insurance company has ties with, and choose an insurer who has the best hospitals on the list.

Also, do check if the best nearby hospitals are included within the insurer’s hospital network as in the event of an emergency, it’s important to get the best medical care within the shortest period.

The network of hospitals on an insurer’s list is of vital significance, so make sure that you are paying close attention.

3. List of Inclusions

Your insurance policy won’t cover everything; however, it’s best to choose one that does offer extensive coverage such as donor charges, cost of consumables, domiciliary treatment, Ayush Treatment, Robotic surgery, coverage for pre-existing diseases, etc.

The list of inclusions varies across different insurance service providers; therefore, ideally, you should go through the policy document carefully to see if what you need is covered or not.

4. Addons

Addons are additional benefits that an insurance policy offers such as a lump sum payout in case of a critical disease or condition. Critical diseases generally take a longer time to resolve and require multiple procedures, medicines, and diagnostics, etc. followed by periods of rest that can keep you out of work for an extended period.

What Is A Healthcare Reimbursement Plan

The lumpsum amount paid out by the insurance company can help you meet the day-to-day expenses of your household and take care of the additional expenses incurred on the treatment so that you don’t have to dig into your finances.

Similarly, there might be other additional add-ons offered by your insurer at an additional cost; however, for that cost, the benefits that are on offer are much greater. So, it’s best to opt-in for the ones that you think are most beneficial for you, after all, it’s better to be safe than sorry, and being prepared for any kind of uncertainty is a smart move.

If you are looking for comprehensive health insurance coverage, Medicare Nationwide has a few of the best health insurance plans with unmatched benefits like access to the best medical institutes in the country; coverage for robotic surgeries and alternative medicine like Ayush; daily cash allowance; completely cashless hospitalization process with 30 days of pre-hospitalization and 60 days of post-hospitalization coverage including medicines, doctor’s fee, and diagnostic charges.

Don’t delay getting a health insurance plan as the sooner you begin the lower the premium and the greater the coverage would be.

Therefore, it’s always advisable to enroll early on in life so that you are covered and prepared for any uncertainties that life might throw your way.

It’s the only way to ensure the well-being of your family’s health as well as your financial health. So, get insured today!

Essentials for Every Pathology Lab

Pathology is a specialized area of medicine that is concerned with the origins and causes of disease. If you are considering opening up a pathology lab, you will need the right equipment. Without high-quality medical machinery, you risk getting inaccurate and unreliable results.

Error-ridden results can be detrimental in a pathology lab. It could lead to the wrong diagnosis and, therefore, the wrong treatments being administered.

Of course, you’ll also need a great team of staff, but that’s a subject for another article! Here, we’re going to the key pieces of equipment that you’ll need for your pathology lab.

essential equipment for pathology lab

1. Freezers

When you’ve got multiple samples to process and analyze, you’ll need somewhere to store them.

Any pathologist will know that controlling the temperature of samples is essential to maintaining their quality. That’s why you’ll need at least one large controlled rate freezer.

Most freezers have pre-set temperatures, which ensures you can store your samples at the optimal temperature. This will maintain cell culture viability so you can get accurate, reliable results.

2. Microscopes

If there’s one piece of equipment that every pathology lab needs, it’s a microscope. In fact, most labs will need several microscopes to check multiple samples at once.

Microscopes are necessary to enlarge tiny cell or tissue samples so that you can analyze them in more detail. You’ll be able to spot any abnormalities in tissue cell structure or the presence of bacteria in a blood sample.

Without microscopes, it would be almost impossible to detect some diseases and illnesses. Make sure to invest in at least two or three microscopes that can magnify to a high level.

3. Centrifuges

If you need to separate the various components of blood in a sample, a centrifuge is exactly what you’ll be using. It’s a sophisticated piece of machinery that separates your sample according to density, making it possible for you to analyze a small section of the cells and tissues.

There are different types of centrifugal machines that you can get. The best one for your pathology lab will depend on your specific needs.

4. Incubators and Water Baths

Just like you have got your freezers to keep your cell and tissue samples cool, you will also need something to keep them warm.

Incubators and water baths are used to heat your samples to the optimal temperatures for cell health and growth. They can also be used to heat flammable chemicals prior to using them.

Your incubators are essential to maintain or speed up the growth of your samples. If your cell cultures aren’t kept at the perfect temperature, you risk the cells dying or the sample being unusable and ending up in the medical waste bin.

Incubators and water baths can be set to a specific temperature and humidity to provide the environmental conditions for your sample to grow. Often, growing a cell sample is necessary for its testing and analysis.

Both incubators and water baths come in varying sizes and styles. Make sure to find an option that is large enough to meet the demands of your pathology lab.

سوسة النخيل الاحمر : التهديد الحقيقي لشجر النخيل في الشرق الاوسط

التهديد الحقيقي في الوقت الحاضر لشجر المخيل هو بسبب سوسة النخيل . هذا المخلوق موطنه اساسا من جنوب اسيا , ولكنه نشر اجنحته عبر العالم . تستطيع ان تدمر هذة السوسة بساتين النخيل , او زيت النخيل او جوز الهند , خلال ال30 سنة الاخيرة استطاعت هذة السوسة و التي احيانا يطلق عليها سوسة التمر من اختراق 60 دولة وقد وصلت الى الشرق الاوسط , شمال افريقيا , وجنوب اوروبا عبر الكاريبي .

طوارئ في الشرق الاوسط 

بدات هذة السوسة في الظهور في السعودية و الامارات في منتصف الثمانينات , اليوم مزارع شجر النخيل في جنوب غرب السعودية اصبحت مصابه , في نهاية التسعينات وجدت هذة السوسة في الاردن و اسرائيل و السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية .

سوسة النخيل الاحمر لدية إصابة عنيفة لاكثر من 40 نوع من النخيل , إنها مدمرة على الاقتصاديين المحلي و العالمي وتسبب خسائر في ملايين الدنانير سنويا , مزارعي النخيل في هذة المنطقة يقدر الجدية في المشكله .

تحدي  للكشف

سوسة النخيل ليس من السهل تحديدها في المزارع , انثى السوسة تبيض 300 بيضة داخل جذع النخله , تفقص البيض بعد 2-5 ايام , لذلك , عندما تكون في مرحلة اليرقه , تفتح جحور اخرى في جذع النخيل , هذة السوسة تاكل و تدمر النخله من الداخل , مرحلة اليرقات حوالي 55 يوم و بعدها تنتقل الى المرحلة الانتقالية , السوسة البالغه تظهر بعد 2-3 اسابيع , لذلك دورة الحياة حوالي 4 اشهر .

بسبب ان مراحل تطور السوسة تتم خلال الجذع يصبح من الصعب اكتشافها , عندما يتم اكتشافها يكون متأخر كثيرا .وتكون النخلة ضعيفة و تصبح بنية اللون .

الضعف هو نتيجة الفجوات التي بداخل الجذع , ويصبح ما داخل النخلة عبارة عن مادة لزجه (عصيده ) وتكون هناك رائحه سيئة مثل اسهال طفل صغير .

نظام محاصرة 

كيف استطاعت المزارع اكتشاف وجود هذة الحشرات داخل النخيل ؟ انه سؤال ممتع , كما تستطيع الكلاب ان تشم الروائح الكريهه ,العمال الموسميين الجيدين مع خبرة و دقة في السمع يستطيعوا ان يسمعوا القضم داخل الجذع . عندما يتم اكتشاف ذلك فانه يتم قطع المقطع , ووضع بقية الأشجار في الحجز لحين أن يتم تعقيمها في المبيدات الحشرية , يستطيعوا ان يضعوا كمائن مخصبة في المبيدات الحشريه . لالتقاط السوسة الناضجه .

الطرق الحالية لالتقاط السوسة , تتضمن مصائد فيرمونات , البخاخ الكيميائي و الذي يتضمن ايضا الاوراق ,ويتم حقن الجذوع . السيطرة البيلوجية مثل البكتيريا , الفطريات و الديدان الخيطية لا تستطيع التصرف بعدوانية بشكل كاف ضد عدوانية السوسة . غزو السوسة تحتاج الى معالجة عنيفة و طويله باستخدام السموم الكيماوية لهزيمة هذا الغازي القوي.

التجاهل ليس نعمه

كما ان هناك انواع لديها اشكالية , الناس غير مدركين لإمكانيات التهديد لصناعة الزراعه , في جنوب اسيا , هذة السوسة من الاطعمه الشهية ,لذلك الناس بذلوا جهود كبيرة لاستيراد السوسة عبر الحدود , قوانين قطع الحدود موجوده لكن من  خلال المسافرين الذين ينقلون اشجار نخيل صغيرة كزينه و لا يعلموا ان هناك اصابة في هذة الاشجار . كما تم تقديم العديد من الانواع , تنمو في بيئة جديدة و تتكاثر بسرعه .

جنوب كاليفورنيا لديهم ممارسة كبيرة للتأثير المدمر لسوسة النخيل الاحمر . وحيث ان الجو عبر العالم زادت رطوبته حول العالم , اصبح اكثر ملائمه لاجتياح الاصناف .

وقت للفعل

المجتمع الدولي و الفاو يقومون بتقديم استراتيجيات لتحديد استيراد شجر النخيل بناءا على حجمها , المقترح الحالي هو حظر استيراد أي نخيل , انها اكبر من قطرها من 6سم من الدول التي تعاني من المرض , ولكن تعزيز التشريعات و التعامل مع العدوى تحتاج التمويل و طرق ماهرة في الزراعه و دوائر الجمارك .

ترجمةالمهندسة رنا الحجايا

حاصله على الماجستير في هندسة مصادر المياه و البيئة ,و حاصله على الدبلوم المتخصص في العمل الاجتماعي للاجئين و المهاجرين من الجامعه الالمانية . مواليد الكرك عام 1977  وهي من المهتمين في المشاريع البيئية و خاصه مشاريع المياه , سبق ان عملت كرئيسة بلدية لدورتين و هي من الناشطات في المجال السياسي و البيئي , لها العديد من المقالات السياسية و الاجتماعية . و عملت كمستشارة لتنمية المجتمع المحلي و البيئة و كعضو ناشط في العديد من الجمعيات الخيرية.

5 Ways to Conserve the Environment From Your Home

The environment has numerous benefits that it offers to us which is the reason as to why it needs to be well conserved. There are a lot of measures that one can take to help in environmental conservation. However, it is a task that begins from our own homes. We have a lot of pollutants in our homes and we can prevent these from going into the environment through simple acts. Below are 5 simple tips to conserve the environment from home:

1. Minimizing wastage of food

Food waste causes a lot of environmental pollution. Statistics have proven that a significant percentage of food gets wasted every day around the globe. Wasted food is thrown away into landfills where it emits emit methane gas, a highly potent greenhouse gas, which causes climate change.

We can ensure that we reduce the level of methane gas that goes into the atmosphere by managing our consumption of food by preparing food that is just enough.

food waste disposal

2. Installing bins

Bins also help to ensure that you do not litter unnecessarily, thus ensuring that the environment is kept clean. There are various places where one can purchase affordable bins that they can use in their home. Jack Martin from Backyard Bins (https://www.backyardbins.com.au/) advises clients that when planning to declutter, one should go through their possessions and select the items that they most often use and separate them from the items they do not use. They should then take to storage the possessions that are still valuable and throw out the possessions that are not valuable. These can be put in bins and recycled or put to better use.


What makes this company stand out is the fact that they aim at recycling waste and thus helping to reduce environmental pollution. Their bins come in varying sizes where you can choose the size that will be perfect to suit your needs. Their bins can be used to collect garbage not only from your home but also from your garden thus making it more convenient.

3. Recycling and reusing

You can also go an extra mile in caring for the environment by recycling. There are various items in a home that you can use more than once so as to reduce your domestic waste. Some of these include plastic containers and plastic bags.

Disposing these off after using them once is a hazard to the environment as plastic is not biodegradable. You can also use the services of a bin and rubbish collection company that recycle the waste that they collect from households.

4. Getting into gardening

There is usually a lot of space in our homes that is left bare and unused. However, we can turn such spaces outside our houses to little and manageable gardens. Having a garden gives a reflection of green around us.

A green look in our surroundings give us the feel of being more responsible of our environment. Having a garden will give you additional waste in your household and you can dispose of this waste by having bins that will cater for both your household needs and your garden needs.

5. Using better cleaning methods

When you are cleaning your household, there are cleaning ingredients that you can use that can be hazardous to our surrounding. These include bleach, soaps and other cleaning agents that contain toxic substances that can cause harm to human health if they are deposited to the environment.

How COVID-19 Improved Building Cleanliness

Instead of using strong and harmful cleaning agents, one can decide to make their own soap using substances that are more environmental friendly. One can also carry out research to find out the varieties of cleaning agents available that are environmentally friendly.

6. Limit shopping

It is enjoyable to go on a shopping spree every now and then. However, carrying out excessive shopping can be a cause for environmental pollution. When you shop a lot of products for your household, it means that you increase your household waste due to the packaging tins and papers that you have to throw away.

Having a lot of shopping will also lead to wastage as you will not have the zeal to reduce food wastage. When people carry out excessive shopping, it also leads to an increase in production levels. Overproduction causes pollution as it means that the industries have a lot of waste to dispose off. The resources that are also used to make these products will also be depleted.


The environment is the source of everything that we require in our daily life starting from our food, to our clothes and to the paper that we write on. For this reason we should practice daily habits from our homes that will help us to conserve the environment. Each of the above methods will take little effort to practice. All that these methods need is a little discipline and also the passion to protect one’s surroundings.

الحس البيئي – البعد النفسي والروحي

الحس البيئي كمفهوم كان محط حوار جمعني عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي مع الخبير العماني في الشأن البيئي المهندس يحيى البلوشي، ووجدت ان ذلك يدخل ضمن واقع مؤثرات العلاقة التي تربط الانسان مع المحيط البيئي ما دفعني الى اعتبار ان الحس البيئي يتمثل في منظومة المشاعر والاحاسيس النفسية والروحية والقيم والمفاهيم المرتبطة بالعلاقة الانسانية مع البيئات الطبيعية والمحيط البيئي للانسان وتلك العلاقة والارتباط الوجداني يترك اثره المباشر والفعلي في تكون قيم السلوك الرشيد والمسؤولية الاخلاقية للفرد والمجتمع في تبني ثقافة العلاقة الموزونة والنهج الواعي في تنظيم العلاقة السليمة مع النظم البيئية وصونها من مختلف اشكال التلويث والتدمير وبناء ثقافة مجتمعية تساهم في تحقيق إستدامة معالم النظام البيئي.

المحفز الفعلي في تكوين الحس البيئي للفرد والجماعة يتمثل في القيمة المادية والمعيشية والروحية للبيئات الطبيعية كمصدر للحياة واستدامة البقاء، وأيضا في عنصر الخطر الذي تتسببه الممارسات غير الرشيدة وتدمير نظم البيئات الطبيعية المصدر الحيوي لحياة وبقاء الانسان، وانعدام المسؤولية الاخلاقية في العلاقة مع نظافة المحيط البيئي وتلويث محيطه الحيوي والتسبب في الاخلال بالامن البيئي للانسان.

الأثر الفعلي لذلك الواقع يمكن ان نلمسه في سياق قراءة الاحداث المرتبطة بواقع العلاقة مع معالم النظام البيئي، وتتجسد تلك الاحداث في جوانب العلاقة غير المسؤولة وغير الاخلاقية مع نظم البيئات الطبيعية والمحيط البيئي للانسان المتمثلة في استخدام البيئة في العمليات الحربية والقاء النفايات في البيئات الطبيعية وإغراق وطمر النفايات الخطيرة في أراضي ومياه الدول، وتنفيذ الانشطة التنموية غير المدروسة والتسبب في تدمير معالم البيئات الطبيعية وتلويث المحيط البيئي بالمخلفات والغلاف الجوي بالانبعاثات الخطيرة-

وكذلك المواقف الملموسة للانسان التي تجسد مشاعره وأحاسيسه في تفعيل المواقف الإيجابية التي تدفع باتجاه تجنيب النظام البيئي خطر تدهوره، وذللك الواقع يندرج ضمن معادلة ردات الفعل الانساني في قمع الانشطة المدمرة للبيئة وبناء المقومات القانونية والادارية والفنية والرقابية كادوات مهمة في تنظيم العلاقة مع معالم البيئات الطبيعية وصون إستدامة النظام البيئي.

هنا يمكن القول ان الخطر الذي يهدد مصالح الانسان يؤدي الى ردت الفعل وتلك هي المشاعر الانسانية التي تجسد واقع الحس البيئي، وان ما توصلت اليه البشرية من تفاهمات وتحديد المعايير الدولية في شأن تنظيم العلاقة مع النظام البيئي وبناء القواعد القانونية والادارية والرقابية كأدوات ردع للمخالفات والتجاوزات في العلاقة مع البيئة وفرض المسار السليم في تنظيم العلاقة المتبادلة بين الانسان والنظم البيئية لصون حياة الانسان وإستدامة بقائه على البسيطة تمثل تجسيدا فعليا لمضمون وجوهر الحس البيئي.

الامن الغذائي في الشرق الاوسط

food-security-arabعلى الرغم من حقيقة ان منطقه الشرق الاوسط تنعم بميراث جغرافي غني بالنفط و الغاز والمعادن الا انها تعاني في الوقت نفسه من شح في المياه ومناطق قاحله تأخذ حيزا كبيرا من مشاكلها الديموغرافيه و الاجتماعية والاقتصاديه. فمن الصعب أن تنمو المحاصيل في منطقة الشرق الاوسط بسبب نقص المياه ومحدوديه الاراضي الصالحة للزراعه. و من الجدير بالذكر ان المنطقه  معرضه بشده للتقلبات في الاسواق الدوليه  وذلك بسبب اعتمادها الكبير على الحبوب المستورده و المواد الغذائيه.

وفقا لتقرير صدر عام 2009 من قبل البنك الدولي, ومنظمه الامم المتحدة للغذاء والزراعه (الفاو) و الصندوق الدولي للتنميه الغذائيه فأن  ” الدول العربيه من اكبر مستوردي الحبوب في العالم. معظم الاستيراد  اي على الاقل 50% من الغذاء تستهلك من قبلهم”.  في الماضي القريب اعتادت بلدان مثل مصر, سوريا او العراق ان تكون مخزن الحبوب وصومعته  ولكن قطاع الزراعه في تلك البلدان عانى بسبب سوء اداره الحكومات,وفرض الاسعار  وقله الاستثمارات. و في الحقيقة, فان كافة الدول العربيه تعد مستورد رئيسي للحبوب.

تواجه دول الشرق المتوسط ارتفاع الاسعار في اسواق الغذاء العالميه. ويعزى ذلك الى المنافسه  على المنتجات الغذائيه نفسها (الطحين, الذره, فول الصويا,البروتين الحيواني, الخ…) من مناطق اخرى في العالم وخاصه اسيا, حيث ترتفع مستويات الدخل ويزداد  الطلب على غذاء اكثر وافضل. وبالطبع فأن ارتفاع اسعار الغذاء ادى الى زياده عدد الفقراء المدقعين  ملايين في دول الشرق الاوسط الاقل ثراء.

و لجعل الامور اسوأ بشأن مشكلة  الامدادت الغذائية, فان الاسواق العالميه شهدت اضطرابات شديده في السنوات القليله الماضيه من عواصف , وفيضانات و جفاف من روسيا الى الارجنتين الى استراليا. هذه الظواهر الطبيعيه مزقت نسيج  اليات السوق العالميه التي ترتكز عليها  التجاره الدوليه للغذاء . حيث ان اسعار المواد الغذائيه الاساسيه اصبحت في مستويات خطيره تقترب او تتجاوز ذروتها عام 2008.

من كل دول الشرق المتوسط  التي  تعاني من ازمه الغذاء الحاليه  تعد اليمن الاسوا شكلا.  يقول تقرير برنامج الامم المتحده للغذاء العالمي ان سبعه ملايين يمني من اصل واحد وعشرين مليون هو ” جائع فعلا” , مما يجعل اليمن واحدا من الاحد عشر بلدا في العالم  الاكثر انعداما للامن الغذائي .

يجري ضخ المياه الجوفيه بما يتجاوز معدل التغذية, و اضحت المياه الجوفيه الاعمق تستنزف  ونتيجه لذلك  فان منسوب المياه الجوفيه يهبط بمعدل 2 متر سنويا, ومع هبوط منسوب المياه فان محصول الحبوب تقلص بنسبه  الثلث في الاربعين سنه الماضيه في حين واصل الطلب على الغذاء في الارتفاع. وكنتيجه لذلك , فان اليمن  تستورد ما يزيد عن 80 % من محاصيلها .

عدد قليل من المزارع في المملكه العربيه السعوديه لا تروى, حيث ان  معظمها يعتمد على الابار الجوفيه.  وتعتبر مياه البحر المحلاه المستخدمه  لسد احتياجات المدن السعوديه من المياه ذات كلفه عاليه لتستخدم في عمليه الري. وقد ادى انعدام الامن الغذائي  المتزايد في السعوديه الى شراء او استئجار اراضي في بلدانٍ مختلفة, بما فيها افقر البلدان واكثرها جوعا كاثيوبيا و السودان.

في حقيقة الامر فان السعوديه تخطط لانتاج الغذاء لها بالاعتماد على اراضي ومياه الدول الاخرى وذلك لمواجهه زياده الطلب على الغذاء مع ارتفاع الكثافة السكانيه لديها. لسوء الحظ  فان نقل الاراضي الزراعيه  من زراعة الكفاف الى تصدير المحاصيل ادى الى مزيدٍ من نقص الغذاء. و من خلال محاولتها لضمان امنها الغذائي من خلال سيطرتها  للعقود الزراعيه  فان الدول الغنيه بذلك تخلق نقص جديدا  في الغذاء في اجزاء اخرى في العالم.   

نظرا لانخفاض تدفق نهر الفرات و دجله , فان المحاصيل الزراعية السوريه و العراقيه تضررت بشده . ونظرا لعدم ضمان ماقد يحصل في المستقبل بشأن امدادت النهر من المياه فان المزارعين في كلا  البلدين بدءوا بحفر الابار و ضخ المياه للري.

ستكون الدول العربيه من اكبر المستورديين للغذاء , وبالتالي ينبغي عليها تحسيين موانئها  و اماكن التخزين و اداره مخاطر الاستيراد.

 لقد تراجع محصول سوريا من الحبوب بما نسبته الخمس منذ  ذروته في عام 2001 حيث بلغ 7 ملايين طن. و في العراق تراجع ايضا محصول الحبوب الربع منذ بلغ ذروته 4.5 مليون طن في عام 2002. الاردن و مع 6 ملايين نسمه  فانها في وضع لا تحسد عليه زراعيا فمنذ اربعين عاما او اكثر كانت تنتج 300,000 طن من الحبوب سنويا , اليوم فانها تنتج 60,000 طن مما يستوجب استيراد ما يزيد عن 90% من احتياجاتها للحبوب.

مع تزايد نسبة السكان وزياده الضغط على موارد المياه  , يتوجب  على الحكومات اتخاذ الاجراءات العاجله   لمنع ازمه الغذاء التي تلوح في الافق. فقد كشف تقرير حديث  للبنك الدولي قصور كبير في العديد من موانئ الدول العربيه  وطرق تخزينها للحبوب  مقارنة مع غيرها من مستوردي الحبوب مثل هولندا و كوريا الجنوبيه.

مرافق الموانئ , بطئ خدمة  الجمارك و عمليه النقل غير الفعاله من الميناء الى الصوامع كلها عوامل تسهم في تدهور الوضع الغذائي. ستكون الدول العربيه من اكبر المستورديين للغذاء , وبالتالي ينبغي عليها تحسيين موانئها  و اماكن التخزين و اداره مخاطر الاستيراد.


سلام عبدالكريم عبابنه

مهندسه مدنية في شركة المسار المتحده للمقاولاتمهتمه في مجال البيئه و الطاقة المتجدده

Deep Oceans and Biodiversity

Seventy per cent of the Earth’s surface is covered by the oceans. Its coral reefs are its rainforests and they teem with life, from minute plankton at the bottom of the food chain to giant whales, the largest animals that have ever lived. The biodiversity of the oceans is greater than that found on land and estimated to be between 50–80 per cent of the total. This rich marine biodiversity is suffering the same fate as its land-based cousins. Oceans play a major part in maintaining the CO2 balance, but like terrestrial ecosystems they suffer when this balance is disrupted.

Global warming is now creating this imbalance, as about 35 per cent of anthropogenic CO2 dissolves in the sea, which is more than it can cope with. This is causing the seas to become more acidic and is one more reason for the bleaching of coral reefs, causing the marine life that depends on them to be threatened.

Bleaching of Coral Reefs

Coral flourishes in optimum conditions in a symbiotic relationship with the algae that live in them and when these conditions are threatened by temperature changes and pollutants the coral turns completely white and dies off. At a local level there is a concern about poor fishermen threatening coral reefs with dynamite fishing, but even when this is hopefully dealt with the wider industrial-scale destruction of the coral reefs will continue.

The Great Barrier Reef, described as Australia’s natural wonder, is in mortal danger. Bleaching caused by climate change has killed almost a quarter of its coral this year and many scientists believe it could be too late for the rest. A survey of the reefs of the Maldives Islands in the Indian Ocean ‘found bleaching on a devastating scale.’ The survey found 60 to 90 per cent bleaching in some sites.

What can we do about this? As usual in these matters the finger always points to those of us who think we just sit at home causing no harm to anything or anyone. These events may occur in ocean habitats far away from where we live but the inter-connectedness of the natural world, and us to it, holds each one of us responsible for its welfare. And as The Nature Conservancy points out, ‘You don’t have to be a scientist to have a positive impact on coral reefs’.

Of the ten easy steps it proposes to protect coral reefs, six we can accomplish ourselves. They are conserving water, reducing pollution, putting a stop to the use of chemical fertilizer in our gardens and vegetable patches, disposing of waste sensibly and planting a tree. The tree connection should be obvious by now: the carbon the trees absorb would otherwise have found its way into the ocean.

Menace of Industrial Fishing

Industrial fishing methods now threaten existing fish stocks and it is estimated that there are enough trawlers to fish three planets the size of the Earth. Factory ships circle the globe, fishing with nets that stretch for forty kilometres. They not only do immense damage, as they scoop up everything from the sea bed, but they also deprive local fishermen of their birthright.

The catch is then cherry-picked for the most saleable items and the rest is thrown back into the sea, either dead or dying. Much of these dead discards are juvenile fish that cannot be sold and get dumped with little or no thought given to stock replenishment. Treating young fish like this leaves little scope for future fishing and future generations.

Tuna and cod are so overfished that they are now reaching non-recovery levels. According to the UN, 75 per cent of the world’s fish stocks have been depleted to non-commercial levels. One of the consequences of this type of mindless predatory fishing is that it doesn’t leave much for the small fishermen, who have relied for generations on local catches for their protein. The poor suffer once more at the grasping hands of the rich and powerful.

West African nations have some of the richest fishing grounds in the world; yet, their food security is under threat. European and Asian fishing fleets have moved into West African waters over the past thirty years after depleting their own fish stocks. Sub-Saharan Africa is now the only region on Earth where per capita fish consumption is actually falling, partly because foreign fishing fleets have removed so much fish. The same is true for the Indian Ocean fisherman of East Africa, and in this instance when the fish ran out, they turned to piracy.

The Scourge of Deforestation

One doesn’t have to be a gardener to know that when a plant or weed is pulled out of the ground a ball of soil attached to its roots comes with it. Magnify this a few million times and one gets an idea of what happens to the soil when a huge area of forest is clear cut or torched. The soil at the base of the trees is not just disturbed but totally destabilized. When the rains arrive, as they always do, the trees are no longer there to protect the soil and a whole ecosystem – that has taken millennia to form – is washed away.

This loosened soil then finds its way to the rivers and lakes and chokes them with nutrient-rich silt that kills the fish local people have relied on for their food supplies, and in extreme cases can divert rivers from their original course. Wooded slopes that are deforested can also be the cause of mudslides, which can bury whole villages and are now occurring with increasing frequency.

Vanishing Mangroves

Mangroves are coastal forests found in the tropics and sub-tropics and are part of coastal ecosystems. They thrive in saline environments and are a protection against coastal erosion. They are also a protection against storms, and although no data is yet available it has been proposed that much of the damage caused by the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 could have been prevented had the mangroves in the coastal zones remained intact. About 35 per cent to 40 per cent of mangroves have been lost in the past thirty years. Nothing is free from commercial exploitation: 28 per cent of mangroves, amounting to 1,344,000 acres (544,000 hectares) was lost to shrimp farming in this period.61

The Iraqi Marshes atrocity shows us the consequences of using nature as a weapon. Generically known as wetlands, marshes and swamps are natural ecosystems that teem with life. These wetlands are losing their biodiversity as are the forests. Wetlands host indigenous bird species and provide resting places for millions of migratory birds. For example, waterfowl migration from Alaska and Northern Canada to southern wintering grounds have been reduced by more than half from 145 million to 64 million mainly due to human encroachment.

Note: The excerpt has been published from Fazlun Khalid’s latest book Signs On The Earth: Islam, Modernity And The Climate Crisis, published by Kube Publishing. The book can be purchased through the Amazon website.

How To Extend Your Car Tires’ Lifespan?

Every driver wants to extend the life of their car tires so that they can save up a huge amount of money. Besides implementing driving practices and maintenance as well as buying high quality tires like the selection of bfgoodrich tires for sale, you can apply some tips to preserve the tires.

This article will show you 5 great ways to help your car tires last longer. But before that, let’s see how long each type of tire can last.

ways to help your car tires last longer

How long can tires last?

1. Winter tires

The lifespan of winter tires is different from the others. As its name can say it all, these tires cannot be used popularly as it is only suitable for the cold weather and season. Drivers mainly use them when it is snow and icy.

Normally, you should use winter tires that can last for about four cold seasons. Yet, to keep the tires last longer, you should take care of them carefully. If not, the tires’ lives will be shortened, and you must waste more money on the new ones.

2. All-terrain tires

With appropriate care and maintenance, the all-terrain tires can go for nearly 40,000 miles. This is a normal number as this type of tire must travel through more tear and wear than the other ones.

3. All-season tires

According to statistics, the all-season tires can go with you well from 50,000 to 70,000 miles within good care. It is equal to three years using for an average American with mileage habits.

Tips to make your car tires last longer

1. Check the tread wear frequently

It is advised to check the tire treads regularly to notice some problems relating to uneven wear. You may find the wear on the tier’s edge, feathering, distortion, or cupping. Obviously, if you can find out these problems quickly, you will have more opportunities to correct them and prolong the lifespan.

There is one tip to check the tread is using a penny, which you may hear many times before. It 100% works so you should have a try. Another way to check is to run your hand over the tire tread and feel it. Finally, the easiest way is to spot issues by visual inspection.

Besides, to prevent the tire tread from wearing faster, you should avoid potholes. Also, you ought to check the wheel alignment and address holes and leaks as quickly as possible. Remember that the earlier you catch the problem, the sooner the bad wear can be fixed.

2. Track the tire pressure

If you want to avoid tire wear, you should maintain the pressure specified by the manufacturer. It is very important to vehicle performance. There will be psi numbers placed on the side door and you will find it helpful.

The uneven tire wear can be caused by running too low or too high pressure. For instance, if the pressure is low, the tire’s shoulders will have to carry a huge amount of the carload. As a result, your vehicle experiences more wear.

By contrast, in case the pressure becomes too high, the tire’s center part will experience accelerated wear. Another problem is premature tire end. This has resulted from the uneven tread wear, and it seems to be the primary cause.

Besides, seasonal changes such as ambient temperatures also have an impact on tire pressure. Specifically, the pressure can decrease considerably with regular sub-freezing temperatures.

Hence, it is better to check your tire pressure monthly when temperature swings and the seasons change. Make sure to have some adjustments if needed.

3. Inflate tires appropriately

The best way to take care of your tires is by keeping them inflated properly. Your vehicle brake, handling, and steering will be affected and compromised by the low tire pressure. Besides, the tire sidewalls are also changed by this problem and flex excessively then.

Specifically, it can generate heat and increase tire wear. More than that, it accelerates fuel consumption and reduces the low rolling resistance of the tires.

By contrast, overinflated tires may make your vehicle’s tread wear more quickly, especially the center part. Although it is not taken as seriously as the underinflation, it is still one of the reasons making your tires wear out rapidly.


It is recommended to inspect your tire pressure and keep it from 30 to 35. These numbers are considered normal PSI. In case your tires are out of this range, you should check your vehicle’s manual and find out whether they are under or over-inflated.

Also, make sure there are valve stem caps on your tires so that they can help to prolong the tire’s lifespan. One more issue if you drive frequently but have no valve stem caps is that dirt, debris, and water can be stuck in the tire, causing hydroplaning. From then, the interior part of the tire can be premature aged.

4. Notice the road conditions

Being conscious of the road hazards is a must as it helps your tires roll for a longer time. When choosing a route to go, you should opt for well-maintained roads instead of poorly ones.

In addition, if you must pass through the working zone or construction zone, it is better to take a scenic route.

5. Drive so carefully

Indeed, careful driving habit keeps your tires stay in a good shape on the roughest roads.

It is unnecessary to drive at high speed as it might wreak havoc on your car tires. Each tire has a different speed rating. Obviously, it is not a good idea when you exceed this recommended speed.

Braking suddenly or accelerating quickly just make your tires be worn down quickly. Also, mindless driving over curbs, debris, or potholes is not encouraged. Briefly, your driving practices have a huge impact on the tires’ lifespan.

Thus, to keep it last longer, you should drive smart, carefully, and alert.


As you can see above, there are 5 great ways to help your car tires last longer. All outlined tips are good for any driver. Hopefully, you find these tips helpful and have a happy driving experience with these practices.

Environmental Benefits of Tire Recycling

It is estimated that there are more than a billion passenger vehicles in the world. Imagine the number of tires that will be eventually disposed of. In the United States alone, an estimated 300 million tires are discarded every year. Where do you think those tires would end up?

With the size, volume, and inherent durability of tires getting rid of them is no walk in the park. Fortunately, tire recycling has made substantial improvements in the past several years thanks to innovative technologies.

The next time you are to replace your car tires, make it a point to recycle them. Those tires may be used as a planter in your yard. If you can’t think of a way to recycle tires, you can take them to a local tire retailer or contact your city’s waste management office.


Tire recycling has been beneficial to the environment in more ways than one. Among the many environmental benefits of this process are:

Conserve landfill space

Because of their round and hollow shape, tires can take up significant space in landfills. According to Popular Mechanics, around 11 percent of old tires are dumped into landfills where it would take hundreds of years for the rubber to decompose. And because of their size, tires can easily fill up an infinite resource like landfill space.

With tire recycling, landfill space can be conserved. Big and bulky tires are eliminated, leaving more space in landfills for things that cannot be easily recycled.

Additionally, the elimination of tires in landfills can prevent water pollution. It is said that tires can take up to 75 percent of the airspace in landfills. The void space in tires holds large amounts of methane gas which causes the rubber to bubble to the surface. This can damage the landfill liners designed to prevent contaminants from causing pollution to local surface and groundwater.

Prevent diseases caused by pests

Discarded old tires left in backyards, empty lots, and riverbeds are not only an ugly sight; these also serve as homes to rodents and insects that can carry diseases.

Like most unused structures such as unused vehicles, old tires make good homes for rodents. Tires give warmth to rats and mice, so you should not be surprised to realize that the old tires you left in your backyard could be where those household pests are nesting in. Rats also use a tower of tires to take a path into homes where they can ravage for food.

Rodents carry numerous diseases that can be passed on to humans. Rodent urine, for instance, can cause leptospirosis or Weil’s disease. This ailment can bring about symptoms such as life-threatening meningitis, kidney failure, and liver damage. Salmonellosis is another disease that can be passed on to humans by rodents, particularly when a person gets in contact with droppings or feces of rats or mice. Other ailments that may be passed on from rodents to humans are rat-bite fever and Rickettsial diseases.

Insects, particularly mosquitoes, can also breed in old tires. There are three main reasons why mosquitoes breed in old tires. One, unused tires can easily be filled with water which can be a good breeding ground for female mosquitoes. Moreover, tires can become filled with leaves that mosquitoes can feed on.

It should be noted that both female and male mosquitoes eat plant matter like plant leaves for energy. Female mosquitoes, meanwhile, suck blood for breeding purposes.

Finally, tires are thick enough to provide insulation and protection for the eggs of mosquitoes. It is not surprising, therefore, that those insects love to breed in old tires. Mosquitoes are notorious, too, for carrying countless diseases. From Dengue fever to Zika to Yellow Fever to Malaria, the list of mosquito-borne diseases is long.

With tire recycling, you can prevent old tires from becoming homes to rodents and mosquitoes and consequently, eliminate the risks of those pests from spreading various diseases.

Prevent pollution caused by tire fires

Old tires sitting in empty lots are also prone to fires. Accidents, arson, or lightning, among others, can cause these tires to catch fire.

Tire fires have two types, both of which have damaging effects on the environment. The first type, slow-burning fire or pyrolysis, results to smoke carrying toxic materials. The second type is a fast-burning fire which contains harmful elements like sulfur dioxide and Carmon dioxide.

Putting off tire fire is no easy task. Allowing tires to burn themselves out means letting substantial amounts of smoke, soot, and toxic gasses to damage the environment. Smothering the fire with dirt but this can also cause the tires to smolder underground for many years. Using a combination of water and foaming agent may put the fire out but this may contaminate groundwater.

Recycling tires, in short, will mean that fewer tires in the world end up as fire hazards.

Create new products

Tire recycling can also turn scrap tires into useful products such as crumb rubber and tire-derived fuel. On the industrial side, tire-derived fuel is a by-product of tire recycling that releases few harmful emissions. Compared to normal fuel from coal, tire-derived fuel is more energy efficient. It is used in cement kilns and paper mills as a supplemental fuel. It can improve boiler efficiency, lower production costs, and reduce air emissions.

Other industries also extract and reuse materials from old tires such as steel and nylon. Recycled steel produced by tire recycling plants is brought and reused by steelworks firms. Nylon, meanwhile, is used as noise insulation in industrial plants.

There are other useful products created from scrap tires. Old tires can be reused into rubberized asphalt which offers more skid resistance compared to normal paving materials. DIY crafters, on the other hand, reused old tires into garden planters, outdoor furniture, and home playground equipment.

Also Read: Advancements in Tire Shredding Technology


Indeed, our society has found different ways to recycle one of the toughest everyday materials today. Tires don’t have to end up in landfills because there are many ways to recycle and reuse them. Recycling tires is good for our environment.

So, the next time you are to replace your car tires, make it a point to recycle them. Those tires may be used as a planter in your yard. If you can’t think of a way to recycle tires, you can take them to a local tire retailer or contact your city’s waste management office.

The Impact of IoT on Sustainable Development

The Internet of Things (IoT) is currently trending with its ever expanding eco-system of digital sensors, appliances and wearable smart devices. Like other sectors, the role of IoT in sustainable development and environment protection will be crucial in the coming years.

Environmental degradation is occurring all over the world. Land degradation, deforestation and desertification pose a growing threat to food security and water availability. Widespread loss of biological diversity is undermining the productive capacity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This reduces access to essential environmental goods and services, including vital ecological processes such as water purification, nutrient cycling, control of pollution and soil erosion. Environmental degradation exacerbates the frequency and impact of droughts, floods, forest fires and other natural hazards.

Let us explore how IoT is making a positive impact on sustainable development across different sectors.


1. Water Management

IoT enables understanding of changes in water quality of a particular reservoir. The connection of different sensors and monitoring systems help in providing the water level and flood warnings as well as foresee other disasters such as earthquakes and potential landslides in prone areas, assisting the civilians and authorities to take drastic action on such issues.

2. Agriculture

Smart and adaptive irrigation and agriculture systems in which the soil water content and nutrients are continuously tracked and appropriate actions are taken on the reported deficiency or damage are also gaining huge popularity among the farming communities.

3. Wildlife

IoT also allow real time detection of animals. In case of any disease outbreaks, it will be useful for control, survey and prevention of such scenarios.  For this, the livestock would be fitted with special chips (RFID) and readers would for placed in the designated monitoring spots.

Applications like eBird helps the scientists in keeping tracks of birds as well as their habits and migration patterns. Systems that triggers alert on uncontrolled deforestation and potential wildfires can also help the respective authorities to protect and maintain the forests and its inhabitants.

4. Marine Organisms

Overfishing and over- exploitation of aquatic diversity is endangering high-value species like salmon and cod. ThisFish, an internet tracking network in association with local bodies help to trace back the fish to the fisherman who caught it and the location through GPS readings and toll data. In this way bad fishing behaviors can be detected and stopped.

FishPal provides reports on the type and quantity of fishes caught on a daily and monthly that can be checked by the fisheries department and also informs suspicious fishing activities.

5. Buildings

Those who dismissed smart home technology as unrealistic playthings for lazy youngsters are increasingly finding it hard to resist the charms of IoT-powered smart home devices. These devices will become hugely popular in the coming years as they become highly intuitive and innovative, extending to not just home automation comfort but also home security and the safety of your family. That is the kind of home sustainability that will keep the power consumption in check and make optimal use of renewable energy.

Even smart workplaces with Green Design are contributing highly towards energy conservation. With maximum use of daylight, rainwater capture, smart cooling and ventilation systems, solar power etc ensure maximum efficiency in power use and full utilization to renewable sources.

6. Waste Management

One of the major issues faced in the urban areas is the inefficient waste management. Improper disposal of waste can cause various health hazards and affect the surrounding air and water. The machine-to-machine or machine-to-man (M2M) systems can be established for a much intelligent division and disposal of waste. The trash cans or the dumpsters can have built-in sensors to measure the amount of trash. Once the trash is full, the signal transceiver sends a message to the central command centre via internet or satellite with the GPS location and the IP address.

Use of such Industrial IoT solutions and devices for waste management helps in determining the best time to collect the wastes and figuring out better routes for the collection trucks handling the potential waste build up scenario in cities.

IoT-based waste management systems are getting traction worldwide

Such smart waste management systems can also help in identifying the different types of waste, such as domestic or commercial, and dividing them based on their degrading ability and processes. This would help in proper disposal for all kind of waste causing less environmental issues and keep track of the ever-growing issue of e-waste management.

7. Wastewater

SeWatch, a wastewater and sewerage wireless monitoring system provides a system-wide reporting solution for combined sewer overflow and sanitary sewer overflow discharge or overflow. Water level sensors for sewer system manholes relay information to an application running on a PC or server which alerts on computer screen or via SMS about manhole overflow and spill-over.

A Shining Example

China has come up with a “Sensing China” strategy. It is an environmental protection and overall industrial pollution control system featuring real-time data perception, resource concentration and sharing, system integration as well as effective supervision and decision-making that established to improve the environment and prevent environmental accidents.

The specific tasks include intelligent sensors and automatic monitoring devices, wireless monitoring for pollution treatment, water quality data monitoring, air monitoring system, and regional ecological monitoring.


Connected devices promise to be the major drivers of change within the coming few years. With higher demands for this technology from both public and private sector for better energy distribution, accurate business forecasts, the fruits of Green IT and an answer to many of the environment challenges faced by the region, the overall production gains is expected to shoot up.

Of course, new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, will emerge making IoT more intuitive and user friendly, but largely, manufacturers will have to work harder at securing their connected devices as the risk to data will also increase. Amid all of these trends and predictions, the future ahead is definitely a promising one and certainly worth looking forward to.